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'� .�,,...:.: - <br /> , . <br /> .., :�.. , <br /> „ ., <br /> � �` • • ' . ,ti� ;.:i:� '4'� <br /> , �l <br /> ., - ..-... � .:. ... _ . .. .. .- .. .. . . .. - . . .•- . _ .. <br /> . . .. .. ...._ ........ . . . - .� -_ :.- <br /> _ � �.,�� <br /> - �i „ � , • • � o._-- <br /> s.. 9?— lo�� �, �x�� <br /> , � (d) anntor hrs th¢ ri8!U anA is uly ruthorized ta o�ccute onct perfum� fis Ohlig�huns u�xicr �his L7ecJ uf'1'nast rncl thrsc a�tlnnc dii not rr�1 �r,.�,�__ <br /> xhall twt conilict with Ihe pmvislons nf nny s�otute. regulatlon, a N inence, nde uf I�w. conirnct nr nther wgrecment whlrh mw y he hlndin g on� _ <br /> Unntor st eny tim�: . <br /> (el No wetton or pmceeding ie ur shrll he penJing ur�h�amixd which mfght m�:rridly af(cc�ihe Nroperty:mxl . _ <br /> � Itl l7txnwr has nut vioLud nrrJ shWll nut vfolrtt i�ny stytute, rtpulafl:ro, ordin�nce, ruk uf luw,cuntracl nr ah�:r ngreeme�n �includin�, hut nnt <br /> , i Iimite� to,thosn goveming H�z�rdous Materiris) which mi�h� mrteri�Ily �tfeci the Pro{Kny ur L.cnAet'a righia ur intares� in ihr Nruperry� pureuent <br /> , ro iMs Denl ot Trust. <br /> . 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST. 4ranror represenn and w�rrants thnt �htre arc no prior dceds oP Irust u(fceung anp psn uf ihe Pruperq� vkcc+y+1 as set <br /> � forth on Schedule 8 uncheJ ro this Deed of Tiust,which Onnror ngna to My axl {xrfurm in a dnxly m�nnrr. If Ware uc xny pnur du2cU� 0�IN51 <br /> .. '� then Onnror agrces tc pay dl amonn�s owed, enci perform �11 ohlig�tkns requircd, under wch deede oP trust wnd ihn IMtehtednrsv seciuod ihr,neby :"�'•� <br /> and Nrther a�rccs ih�t a clefncit under nny prior Aeed of irust Fhail he N (IlfAUI� under �hts DccJ nf'frusi aixl atnd! cmitic Lomicr w ull ri;,�htt and <br /> , • '�.�.� renxdies contained hercin or[n�he Obtlgations ro which Lmwer would be entided�n th.event of any mher Atfwule. <br /> 1. 7'RANSFERS OF TIiE PROPEFi7'1'OR RENEF[CIAI.INTEREbTS!N GRANTORS OR BORROWP.RS. In tho cYcnt OI�F7IC. CUO��oyr��me, lease. '=y�� <br /> `--�"•_ <br /> � contr�ct for deed or rransfer to any person of�Il or any pin of�he reil propeny deurihcd in Sched�de A,or unq Intcres� tNrroln, ur of:�ll or my .• �N_-__ <br /> �.+r+W . <br /> � beneficial imtrcst in Borrower or Grantor (if Bonowcr or Granror is not a natunl {x►son ar�ercc�ns Mn u a curyroraunn. I�mitetl IiFlhllltp company. ,,--�:�1'3 <br /> �vrmership, aust, or o�her Iegal endry), L.ender m�y, at its option, decl�rc �he ouu�anding principxl h�l�nco oP dm OhlignUons plur, x�:enmd h�tercse -- <br /> thercon immediately due and payable. AtLernier's rcquest, aramor arBorrower,as tlia casc m�y hc,shnll fumi���u completc s�aiemmn aetnng furth <br /> all of irs stockholders,members,or pardxrs,as oppropriate,and the extcnt of iheir rcspecdve ox�ntrship interests. "�p� <br /> � � i S. ASSiGNMGNT QD1F REN7'S. In considendon of the ObHgations which are securcd by this DceJ of'Prus6 Granmr ahsolutely ns;ipns tc�l.e��der ail �.� <br /> R� ' GmntoPs esate, ��,nt r.Ue,intercs[, claim and demind now owned or heresfter xcquired in ail eais[ing end funirc ICPSCS of che Pruperty i:uu;luJing �=`_ <br /> � extensions, rene��ai� and subleases), all aqreements for use and occupancy af thc Property (oll such Iws:s and egrceuicnis whr.thr.r wri►nm or onl. <br /> {�,- nre hereafter refnrred ro as the 'Leases"),and alt gwnnties of Iesues' perfortnAnce under the l.caus, rogethcr with the immallRiu end cnr.rinuing <br /> right ro collect and rcceive all of the rents, ineome, receipcs, rcvenues, issues, profita and o�her income of any nnmre now or hem9Rar duo (inr.luding <br /> �' :� any income of any naturc wming due during any rcdempdon pttiod) under the Leases or from or orising out c,f die Proprny, inGluAinD sniaimum <br /> rcnA. aJJitinn:�l rcm.. percenwgo rcnn. parkin� u� cummon nren mainicmmcc c„n�dbutlnnc. tn nnd In.i�r,mr.� cnntrihuti��us. dr.ficic,+cy rcnr�. <br /> - � , liquxl�eecl d,unages following defauit in any I.eau, all procads p�yable undet any palicy of insurance ca�erfog ioss of ronu� nir,utiang from _ <br />-. . untecunnbility crosed by desaucdon or dunaQe to the Property.�U proceeds p�ysble u a rcsult af�lessea's enercise of�n opdnn to pui+ctuse the <br /> Propenyr, dl proceeds derived from ihe tertniru[ion or rc�cction of any Lease in o b�nkNptcy or other insolvency procecding. AnA ell pmceeds Gum <br /> - ; ony dghts ond cla{ms of any {cind which Gnntor may have ngainst any lcssee under the l.easea or any occupsnts of the Prope►ty (nll of thr�►x�ve �rc � <br /> hccufter collecdvely rcferred to as the "Rents'). This essignment is subject to the right,power and �u�horiry given to the L.e�xier ta colluet ind �ppIy <br /> . the Rents. This rssignment ie rccorda! in nccordince with �pplicable snte IAw: the lien creatod by this assi;�nment is intoi�locl [o Uo specif�c, _ <br /> • „ perfected, and choate upon the rccording of this Deed of Trust,all xs provided by npplicable state law as amendcd from dmo tn Nmr.. As long u <br /> th:re is no default undcr the Obligatioas or this Deed of Trust,Lcndcr g�ants Grantur e revouble license to colluct all Runts finm dm Lc�acs whcn <br /> - • � Suc tnd ro use such proceeds in Grantot s business opendom. Howcver, L.ender m�y at�ny timc rcquirc Gnnror to de� all Rie�vi into �n <br /> - aceounc maintained by Grantor or Lender nt L.ender's instimtivn. Upon defiut[ in the payment of,or in the performnncc of,a�p of dir. QDll��tlons. <br /> Lcnder may at its oprion take posscssion of the Property anA have, hold. manlge, lesu and opera�e the Propc�ty on ternis nnA fur a per.'�od of tune ' <br />�, [hat Lender deems propea Lender m�y procced to coll:ct u� receiv: nil Renu from the property, and Lender shall have full pn�vur ro m�ke <br />- ,�i� alteradons, rennradons, rcpairs or replacemencs to the Pro{�arty as Lendar mny deem proper. Lender mAy �pply aU Rents In I.enAur's solu discrction <br /> �;. � j to paymrnc of the Obiigadons or to the payment of the cost of wch �Itersuwns, renovadons, rcpairs and rcplacemnr,rs nnd nny expenros IncWent to � <br />� talcmg and retnining possession of�he Progeny periodically and the man�gement und opendon of the Propeny. Lcnder mwy keel� tl�n Pro�xrry - <br />_-1:,;, properly insured nnd may discharge any aaes, charges, clainu, aaussments and other liens which may MCCNU. TIIG G(j1011f0 and cast of these <br />�,,.�:. ac6ons may Ce paid from tUe itenu rccelved, and Qny unpaid amounn shill bc edded io the princip�i of the Obli�adans. 'fhese amnunm, rogether -- <br />=z . i'.,.-. with other coscs,shall bccome pan of the Obli�ation�sccured by th�3 Deed of Trust. <br /> _- ���r-1_��� • 6. LEASEfi AtVD OTFIER AGREEMEN7'S. Grantor shall not nke or fail io t�ke any rcdon which may caus: ar permU ttm toanim�aon or ihc <br /> °�-•'%�'�:t�;.;��`� wid�holding af any pryment in connecdon wi[h any I.ease pertaining to the Property. !n oau�uon, e;nntor, wntwut l�enrter'a pnar wrinun cnn.scn�, siuii <br />_4�;�;�,;,r��;t;� nor. (t) wllect tny monles payable under eny l.ease morc thin one munth m�dvance; (b)modify any Lsasa: (c)assign ar allotiv a lien, securiry <br /> �.•}-:,:,��. intercst or other encumbnnce to be ptaced upon Grantor's rights, tltle and Intercst in md ro any Leasc or�he �mounts pAyabla thr.iuunder: or(d) <br /> �,�_ terminuo or cancel any Leau except for the nonpayroene of any curn cr oUxr materiil breach by the other parp� �hearo. If�:�mntnr meeives �t any <br /> ="""��:w�` dme any written communicaY�on asurttng a default by Gnntor under a I.ease or purporting to[erminate or cancel nny Lessc:, Gmmur sliell promptly <br />__._--,��K foneud a wpy of such communicadon (and eny subsequent communicuions rel�dng thereto) to Lendcr. AU such Lt�ses AA[I lI1Q umwnn due to <br /> -_=,' Granror thereunder arc hereby assigned to Lender ns oddidoiul ucuriry for the Obiigatians. <br /> --^=:,':+,�r�O,, 7. COL7.P.C."I'IONOFiNDEBT�;ONESS FROMTfIIRDPARTY.I.ender shall be endtled to notify or rcquirc Gr�nror to nodfy nny�hitd peity (includina, <br />���iC4}�;r but iwt limited to, lesucs, licenues, govemmenal auchorioes and i�uurance companies) to pay Lcndcr any hxlr.Medness or obllDudon owing to <br /> �yr�,;y= ;:•� Gnnror with respect to the Propeny (cumutadvely 'Iedebadr.ess') wlxcher or not a defwlt exists under chis T)eed of Tntst. Grnntar�;ull diligenJy <br /> ,,,;,,��_,,,;,. colle:t the lndebtaliwss owing to Gnntor fr�m►hesc thicd parries unril the giving uf such notificarinn. In the even[ �hrt Grontor porressey or ncelvcs <br /> -" �--�--'� possession of ony insuumen�s or other rcmittances with rcs�ct to ths Indebtedness followictg the giving of such nnNficadon or if't1�o Uisdvraents ar <br />�'-"`-�r;..5.�:' other rcmittances consatute tho prcp�yment af�ny Indebttdnes+ ar�he payment of any insurance or condemntrinn proceeds. Grnntor sluil huld <br />�A�.�� such inswments and other rcmittances in wst for Lender upnn irom its other propercy, cndorse �he inswmmts end othsr ronditum:es to Lender. <br /> -�-_��:';�:'', and immediately provfde Lender with posussion of the lnswments ond other remittances. I.ender shatl be entidad, but not reqnirrl, ro collect (Dy <br /> "':� legd proceeding� or otherwise), extend the ume for payment, compromise, exclvnge or rele�se any obl1y�ur or collnteral, or othtnx)!e settle �r.y of <br /> —"�_;"���, the Indebkdness whether ar not an Bvent of Default exists under this Derd of'frust. Lcnder s6a11 nut lx liable ro Grantor fur any �cdon, rrror, <br /> --�;�34�' mistake, omiuion ordelay partAining to tl�c ac6ons described inthis puagflph ornny damages resulting therefrom. Notwithsqn:finy d�e forc�oing, <br />_"-"'-;�.�� nothing hercin shdl auu Lcnder to Oe dcemod a mengageedn-pus.ession. <br /> -- <br />