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:I�4��. • • ',--...r--,-+�'---,•--•.....r. ��.. ... .•i!'�'�,.J mi'�._.___ <br /> �—�- <br /> ..e-.+�a..•+�.wa+r..�.-.:t - iy�rtli�f� <br /> c...•"�� .��� * ... .���, �.'.5:.��.n <br /> ..t r .:��3���' �` �q� ���'r��r � •- <br /> 'Hif`�a.!u'. a)1 .. T'�..f' �.�.. "_`,='�'TTT`�� '_ .����i X4 . — <br /> -—__—___ _ —��..wLAT.�.�ix�^:vrc•r.v--— ���__-_. <br /> � f ry , • <br /> 27. CO[.L6CT'[ANCOBirJ. To���sent �`�w.(inMOr �eeef a py Le►xkr'e rcuon+blo �tca�nd cosa. inclu4inQ. but not Ilmited to. . <br /> �n empbYee ot�lRnJety whkh xro�IneurreQ�by�l.c��er in�cotleetiry��ny�un�unt��Que�or enfarefny �(ny ri�hthor rermedy�under �thl��Deed�of'f�ruu. . � <br /> whether or not tult i�brou{ht, Includir�. but rwt Ilmlted w,�i1 tee� �nd cosn iaumd on�p{x�1, in banktuptcy. md (or pou jud�ment wikctbn <br /> �ctione. <br /> 3t. MR'riALRBL6ASE. Lender m�y rclax ity Inkrcs� in a pnnion af�he Property by execuUny w��d recordin� one or mon PAnf�l I�ed of <br /> Reconvey�nce wi0ia�t dfectln� its interest in the «mdnlry portbn of�he Proptrry Nothto� he�e.n thnil be deemed to ebila�te Lendsr to«kau <br /> rny of iu Inkreu In t!K PropenY (exce{x u requlrcd under P�rajnph 31),nor xtull l.encicr tx obliyued ¢o releau my pRn ol Ox Y'roixrry If(Jnntor <br /> i�in dehult under thii Deed o!Tru�i, 'I'he Ikn�nd acurity Inaercst crcued Ey dia Ucod ot Tniu remitn In effect with rcapec� ¢o u:u portbn ot tha <br /> property,��defintd In tha Deed of Trmt.Uut I�not Ihe eubject ot th{i or any P�rtlll C)eed of Reconvaymca. <br /> 1!, MOI)IRCATIONAND WAIVSM.The moAifiatbn or w�iver cf�ny oY OnnWr'� [N>Il�atbn� or l.ender'�ri�hu undar thl�Deu1 uf T�ust mut� be <br /> conainod in�wridn�tI�nv1 Ay Lender. I.ender tn�ypc rfam eny ot Hocrow�r'�ur(7nMor'�Oblll�tbn�, del�y ur f�ll to excrclso Eny of iu rishu o� <br /> �ceept p�ymenn from(ir�nror or anyont odxr �h+�n annur wiUaut cnusinj a wdver ot�hose Obl�{�cbnx or ri�hu. Awaiver on ono oca�bn duiil <br /> not constitute �wtiver on tny other ceca�bn. GmNUr'a Obl(gocbos wxk:r �Iilc D:�cl of Tnist sh111 rt���effec!ed if I,erwier imend�. compromlue. <br /> exclunRe�, t�il�a exe�ciso, hn�xiin or rckauf �ny of tha Obli�4tbns beton4t�y to any Unntor, Bormwcr cr thlyd paty or my of its rf{hp y�lnst <br /> �ny Or�ntor, Borrower ar thlydp�ny or my of the f'roperq� Lxnder's f�lturo to In�ist up�n u�ict pe�tomunce of My of the Ob1iB�tbns �}ull net be <br /> deemeA a wdvice,uW Lender�hall have Ux right u�ny tfine thcre�Au�o in�lst upon sukt pertomunca• <br /> 3p. SllB,Qil'Rfl'E TRUSA'66. In ca�e of the dad�. Irubility,relUul to�ct or tbsenco of�he Trwtee trom �he ttau whero the Property fe IaatGd or in <br /> cau ihe haMer ot the Obll{�dons eh�ll dalro for�ny reuon [o rcmove tho T�vstee or ony wbstiau uuska na tnestee hereunder and to�ppoint � <br /> new wsoee in hle pl�ce and stnd, d:o holder ot the Oblignbns I�hercby annted Poi!power to�ppofnt in wriQns�cubsdtute uusta for uW T�uueo. <br /> �nd the subulwae uuaee s}ull, when �ppolnted, become successor to�tU�Igha ot'trmtee hCrcunder �nd ihe sime shafl become vested in him for <br /> the pu�pose��ad ob}ecH of thls Deod of Trust with dl the power.ducka�nd obtig�tbn�herein confemod on dk'I'�usae. <br /> 31. SUCC&S90RS MiD ASS7GN9. Thls Deed of Trust dull be binding upon md inurc w the berRfit ot 6n►nror �nd Lsnder And �helr respudvc <br /> eucceuocs.�ssl=ru.uusaes,rccciven,�dmfnistraton.petson�l rcprexmadves.Iee�eea md devixes. <br /> 32. NO'I�CBS. 8xcept as othervvise rcguircd by I�w,any noticc or odxr communkation to be prov{ded under d�l� Iked oiTrust shall be in writing <br /> od �e,x n d�e p.nk, pt tde addretses detcabod in tdu Deed of Trust or wch other�dd:es� as the pa�tks m�y desi�nato In wddng from time to <br /> nme. Any such notice su given .�nd senc hy firse class mail,posuge prcpaiJ, tiliall t+e Jccmcd givtn ihe carller of thrce (3)Aays ufter wch nodce is <br /> sent or wixn recelved by the penon to wliom wch notke Is bcing given. <br /> 33. S�VpJtAfII,C[Y.Wt�enever poufbk, each pcovisbn of�hi�Deed o!Trust�lull Aa inarpreted so as to be tffxtfve ud valid under �pplVa�ble <br /> salc law. If any provi�ion of thf� Deed of Tcust vb1�t�R ihe I�w or is unenforcuble, the rcst of thte Deed.:.f 11'uu sha11 continue to be valid�nd <br /> enforceabic. <br /> 34, Alrl,[CASLBI.AW,Th(s Desd of Ttust shUl be aovemod by iho kws of thc ateu wlxre tbe PmpetiY i>iowtttl• Unicss t(saitable lax�prorid!s <br /> odu�wi�e,Onnoor conxnts a the judxliction and venue of anr coutt akcted by Lender,in i�s cole diure[kn,loawa in ilut srate. <br /> 3S, NO TtQRDPAA7'Y[tIGH7'S.No penun iy or stutl be�thind•puty benefici�ry of�ny provisbn ot�his Iked otlYust. Allpcovisba� ot tlda DeeQ of <br /> Trust in Favor of Lender ue intended wicty for the 6enefi[of Lender. ancl no thirJ puty shall be ennded to uarme or expect ihat Lender will w�fve or <br /> cansenf lo�he modifxation ot�ny provisiun ot this Deed oF Ttuu,in Lender's sok�1Sscttaon. <br /> 3f. lfW.S6RVATIONOFL1AdIid'MNDPRII01tY'!'Y.Widiwt�ifectins the linbiliry otAorrower, (irukor, aeny guuxnoor ottho Obtl��tions. orany <br /> other person (except �peraon exprcssty �elensed In wndng)for 11x paymem ar.d perfomw�ce of the ObllgasEons, and without iffrcHna the righu of <br /> I.encler wid�rcspect to any Property not ex�prcssly rcleued in wrlP.n�.�nd w i'�out impairin8 in any wsy ihe priority of�hB Deed ot Tiust aver the <br /> inarest ot anypc raon aequircd or first evidencod hy rcco�ding wbsequent ro the recoidin� of thi�Dcod ot Ttuu Lender mty. either beforo or�Mr <br /> dK maturity of�e Oblig�tions, ud wi�hout notice or wnxent: releue �ny person ti�ble for �yment or pedortnance of sll or any p�tt of dx <br /> Obit�{ations; rtuka tny Rgaement dte�ing the tetm� of payment or pertomunce of all or�ny pin of d� Obll��tbns; exercise or rcfrnin fmm <br /> exercism� or wiive my ri{ht or rcmody Uwt Lender m�y tu+ve under this Dad oP Trusr, �ccept �ddiaonal ucuriry of my kirtd tor�ny ot the: <br /> Abli[�dons: or rckue or oiherwisa dpl with�ny rcQ or persond Pr�ope���xesu,`�M��r� evidence d�iewraif w�hrve co ue�need�to�Il o <br /> �ny lnoercst of u�y cumr�e in the Prope�rj shxU be damed, bY�cqu ns <br /> �ny ach�cdon�by LeMer. <br /> �Z. �.o,.,�,e,�Nr,,,,v_. �T�.��vo�.,� .�,f �,..�nm�.nce In full of all of Ibe Ob1lAtdoru. l.onder will exxuu and dtliver to Granmr daso documente <br /> tk�t rn�y be rcqu{eed W mieax this�ot'Cm�t of record. Cmmtor ehail be responsibk w p�y any costa of rccorduvn. <br /> 33. CONS[R�'C[iON LOAN. � Th1s Deed of Tnist I�a comwcdon morg�e mvkr lhe UnHortn CanmereW Code,to aecurc an obli�ubn <br /> incunnd for dre consauction of tn improvenwat on lud,Inctudin� dx acquIsieion co:a of tand. 'Rds Deed of�Yuu securw �comwctbn ban.uwl <br /> it wfil be aJiject w�he armf of a consaucdon !an�rament becween (i�r',o� �or��Y���m����a �wbJect w dw lke�o�� <br /> for ux in the consaucdon, Aevelopnent, or opartion ot dro Propecty. <br /> Occd of Tnrst. <br /> 3!, WAIYLr1tOF HOMESI'EAD AND 07HER 6XEMP!'[ONS.Onntor hercby w�ives dl hanestud and other exem�xiom In the Properc/ oo whkh <br /> Gruxor would otl�etwise be entitkd under ony applk.�bk law. <br /> 40, MIl9CVLI.AN60U3.Grnnoor�nd Lendcr�[ee Uut dme is ot tfie essence. Gnntor waives prcscnan�nt, demmd for p�yment, nake ot diahonor <br /> and proKxt except ae roqulrc4 by I�w. Allrefercncef to Gnnror In thfi Dad of Tntu sh�ll inctuda ul persoN si�nins bebw. Ifthero if morc dtin wx <br /> Gtuttor. thefr 061i�pdon� ehall be Juint�nd aevenl. 'ilds Dstd of T�uu rcprutnu dK compkto Integn�al undersund'uy behvan Gnruor aod <br /> Lendt�petninft�a the tertm�nd conditiom i►ereoP. <br /> 11. JUIRY77WLWAIVSA.LSND6RANDGRANDDRI�REDYWAIVFANY1tIGH7'1'O'IRIALBYJURYINANYClVII.ACfIaNAR1S[NGOVI'Ol►. <br /> OA!{A9ED 11fUN.11IIS DE6D O/7'RU31'. <br /> u. �narrtcxr,u.�eMS: <br /> Un+nror�chwwlodgea Nai dranwr hu rcad.understinds, and�grces to tNe um�s and son�llaons of this Deod ot7tust,and�eknowtod�e� recoipt ot <br /> an exat copy of umc. <br /> Dioed the a'��� d�y uf KwY. 1997J _, <br /> aw��N,t�oR: tta�k L Callahaa caeN�nn: ![ich�lLw M Callahaa <br /> _ /�/%��i/t ����rGIl..II.F� �l. <br /> � , , ��,��(. <br /> _ = a ---- c • • �w a an <br /> ORAN'Y1�K: OMNTOR: <br /> = ORANTOR: ORANTOR: <br /> pRANTOR: ORAN'f�OR: <br />�-- I PNI3111) �'4amAUai inAndryK�.Inc.iII+�Ar9�1 1l001 VJl 7t9D A{t�M S <br /> �.,_ .. ._------ - ....___ __ <br /> '�__'"__".' "" M,luq� —.__ _". _. ..___.. <br />