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--� �:� . .. :,;"" <br /> ' �';���i <br /> n•, erN� , .__'" ." ,.t-.hY�A.S:`.'_:� <br /> .. • c... � , . . . ' ,.ra,.�'tiLld.yz.a.F�R° :'r. �. ..yr.,wa...ur.. ._�.�'3.�-1YJ_. <br /> � . <br /> . � �...._..�.i_._..• -. ---___ -- — —_-- — <br /> � � .-4\ l . .. .. .... .. . . . .. . . .. ... _ . . '�a�'�ki�.^!"—;-°—�' .. . ._—_ . .. -'" " .. <br />__�`__����� • � � � T D <br /> ;`n.' . � r . � m �^ ,• o ` 'r <br />�J�:;�� ` • . , n � � ;� x , . . �� . <br /> _ x � ' <br /> . m cn �, . . <br /> ° •• ' n :r. � � � � _. <br /> :� _ <br /> " � '� r_. n y � u., <br /> --{ <br /> pty�� :� 1 � � rn � - <br />. . . 4" � � � ^ _R,_ <br /> t - <br /> � .�� ��� ���ruR�v �� W �° ��: � = <br />•��..,•�',;,'� (� -:- �.; �� M = <br />_J� .. _ ���`�l_OP�' ; �{•�. � r �: W r,► � <br />�s-� on aa ru�t Co�►pany ; �� i--� � co = <br />= 20 BdN�bb Roadranoh � � v y � <br /> -�"°-''?� Orand I�laad, !Ja 68803 co N --� •� <br /> , .r <br /> '�"'' ' DEEA OI'TRUST <br /> ,��.i� __._._--- — -- ��s <br /> _,��.;� -—-et�xac�►w�i -— ����� -----------��e�►H�aR \ <br />='-:-^Y'�>" Kark L Callahan ��Itark L Callahan. HuObaad �ad 1fil� T 4 � 1 G <br /> ������ Riah�ll• ![ Callahan Ittich�ll• li Callahaa, Huaband aad WiE• I <br />_°�� � � <br /> •�-r�x�ra+� <br /> �"��� <br />�'�.3=.:,.•3. <br /> �s��aebc� <br />-'�"�``� 507 1Canawdy Dr �� 507 Xenn�dy Dr ��� <br />--�""�`°' t3rand i�land, 2�i 68803 <br />_ _=�� Ciraad I�iwnd, Ns 68803 <br /> ' YTiI[Mf10[iYNO. 1DRNI7lTCAT�CNMO 7LLii7fON[N0. f0iNT1F1CAtN�NN(1. <br /> (300) 3es-1361 5009051f�1 (308) 384-1369 5089051�4 <br /> -_-'"-'"� '�'RUS�:IIaioa Haak i Tru�t Co. <br /> ___ 40U8 2�I K�bb Rd, Oraad i�land, N� 68803 <br /> "- In considentlon of the lo�n ar oUxr crodit accommoAation hercinafter specified md any Nturc dvinca or futuro Obli�atlont, as deflned, <br /> -- ..,�.Nti tS�: �'�.fler ti .n��� ^r �M�rn�n ..�.� �,. .,,.��. M..g�,.t��' ust^�t^� � �S�r o^_^,� sr� yy��lC V.^�'.��^.:l;::. xt; :�4pt :sz.' <br /> _— vPfiwency et wrkh uo hereDy acknowl ged. Gr�nror Aerob irtevocably herg�tin�. sells, tnnstero, nts, con•eys e a:s' s to 'Itnxue, hi� <br /> succassort��nd usl�ns,In ws�tor ��oa 8aak ]►nd �ru�t �ampattsr Oraad I�laa�Araac��, 1�00 �irbb Road, <br /> - --- Oran� i�land. Iis 68802 ("Lender'), d�e <br /> benetYckry under this Deod ot Trust,with power of s�ie and �ight of tatry ud posseubn aU ot Onnoor'� preunt u�d fUturo estuo. riahG dtlo and <br /> inoeKU ie ud w the rcal property de�cribed in Schedule A which is atuched ro this Deed of Truu uid [ncorponoed hemin by�hl�rr.fe.rence, toaoth�r <br /> — wid�dl pnxM ud fi�turo improvements �nd fixares;ill angible penonel Property. including. widiout limihtlon. dl machinery, equipmt�t. buikttnd <br /> —� rtuteriat�, �nd 6oads ot every nuuro (e:acludiry hausehofd goods} now or dereafDer Ioc�tM on or used tn connectbn wirh the rcal rm{xrry, whelhes <br /> or not �Kxed to the tznd; all pr[vikge�, herodiumenu. md �ppunennnce�, inctudina all Qevelopment righa usociated w'rth [he rcal pro�xtty, <br /> whedur prerlously or wbxqutotly tnnsferral ro tbe rcal property from aher rcal property or now or here�fter ausceptibk of tru�ifcr fmm thlc real <br /> pmperty to other �ea! Droperty; ali least�. licenses ud od�er �grcements: all rcna. iswa and profits: �11 w�ter, wetl,dilch. mservnir and minrn►I <br /> ri�Aa and �rocks pertxinin� W the rcsl property (curtwlarively 'Ptoperty'?:ro havc and ro hoW the Property �nd ihe riPhts lum�y gramod for Qw u�e <br /> ud beneft oil4us�ee,hts wcttswro md assigns,until pyrtknt in NII of dt ObUg�tlons secured hercby. <br /> Morcover, ln Nnher cunsideradon, Gru�tor does, for Granwr and Gruuor's Ixfrs, reprcsenadvos, successots, a� assi;ns, hcrchy expressty <br /> wurnt,coverunt,md�grce with I.ender�nd Trusue and d�eir sucecssors and tssigns�s tollows: <br /> • 1. OdLI(iA'rtONS.Thl�Deed of'[tust sb�ll secure ihe p�yment ux! pertomunce of tll prcsent �nd Naue ir►debtodness. Ii�biiides, obil�aclons uxl <br /> coven►nd of Borrower or Gnntor(cumulatively'Qbli�acbns')to I.�nder purswne to: <br /> � thu Iked of Ttust�nd the folbwii romi noks�nd�aolher y_reements: � ____ ���T <br /> , ._.,...�,,,A..'1t ..._ fRrD�tE.IMrr ;A[vlUt��O'MDA'YL bA�,'� ; NUM� NpM81;R ,., ' _ <br /> . �IX�17 $9,043.q0y 05/19/97 05/1S/00 40175 kh 155290 <br /> � � � <br /> �. L <br /> (D �I�fio xr prexnt ar fl�are w tan�greements with Lender th�t re er specl-�ly to th s Dad of Trust(e .her execWal or tlie eAme or <br /> diK�mk p�rpo�e� Um tAe[ore=o(t� : <br /> (o) any juuanty ot oNi��tions of odur p�rtie�given to Lender now or hereafter executed that rcfero to�his Deed of Trust; <br /> (d) 10turc�dvmces, whether oblig�rory or option+i, ro the sxnw entent �s If made contemporu�tously wit�the execudon of this L'�ssl of'lYuu. <br /> m�e or extended to or on belult oP anntor or Aonower. Grtntor�grces thu if one ot the ODligatbns is�Ihx of crcdf[, �he Iten of ehic llo�d of <br /> __ 74uu slull con8mie unHl p�yment In PoIl of dl debt ciuo under 1he Iina nohvithsandiqq the f�ct that from tinx to Nme (iwt bt[oro termin�don of <br /> - . the Iine)no bal�nce nuy bo outsanding. At no dmo �haU dm Ikn of ehis Deod ot TnuG noc inciuding sums �dv�ncal to protect thc sesuriry of <br /> - ��� tAb Deed of T�ust,exceod S 18.000.00 ;4� _ <br />_ (e)all amendmenu,cxansionf,anewale,moditkations,rcplacements or subsatuHons to any of the forcgoing. <br />- �'���! As used in tNls Pangnph l,the termf Gmntor atA Borrower shall includc and dso man nny Granror or 6arro�ti�er if morc thsn one. -` <br /> m__ "� 2. RBPlt1�NTA'RONS,WARRANILESANDCOVBNAMS.Gnntor rcpreunn, wunnq uid covenana ro Lcnd�r that: o„ <br />_=;_-�;-�==�, (�) (ir�nror has fee simpk mirkeMbie ride io t1x Property end sAatl miintain the i'mperty frce of nll liens, security intercsc:, encumbrances at�tt -� <br /> ��----- cltims eaupt tor this Aeal ot Ttust rnd dax descHbed in SchMule B,whict� is�mched to thi� Iked ot'Cmst and incotpontod Aercin by <br /> - -""`"�°" '� rcfeaa+ce,whkh Cirmtor ron ro ud rform In�rirnel rtnnner, <br /> y-��^�vtiv.��; � WY P� Y <br /> _ -qx-+�� (h) Graour i�in comp0�nce in�Q tespects with all eppilahk fedenl, aax u�d local I�we md rcguletfon�, inclucting. wiihout tirolation. Uase <br /> -==-.r�„r + reittLog oo 'Nturdous M�kri�fs,' �s deflned IKrcin, and odrcr e�vlronmennl miners (rhe 'EnvirorarKnui IAW9'),�nd neiifier �he kdenl <br /> _ �"��_ i Sovutnkne �qr the snro wherc tha Property is loutri nor�uy uNxr govommentnl or quui gov�mmental enHty has fited a Ikn on the Property. — <br />= nor erc �herc nny govemnxncll. J�idicfal or�dministrativc �cNOns with rcsptct to envirunmenui matten pcnding, or to the best of the ama�or's <br /> - �-�� {uwwledaa. threimued. Nhkh lnvotvc�Ge ProOtrtv, Neither Gnntor thc best of Granmr's IuwwledIIa mv o�r mnv has uced. oror�re� -- <br />,,4 " . rciased, dlsclurqM, storcd, or dlspoxd oi mp Haurdous MateNals as detned hectin. In connecNon with the Property or trmsported any fr+ <br />_==r�. 4�•, , Huardow M�terlale to or trom the PropertX Gru¢or stnU not commit or{xrmit such actions to be qkrn in the fuNrc. Thc term Hv.�Mous ��-- <br /> = Mtterialt'shall mun �ny subsmxe, materW, or wast� whkh is o�txcomts rcgultted by any govemmcnnl nuthority inc(uding, but not limfted � <br />=` '�• '��`"' to: (i)�xmoleum: Op fri�bte or nonfri�ble asDestor, (iip polycAlorinued biplxnyls: (iv)those subsnncts, matcriils or wuta desiqruted �s a <br /> y���_�.?.''- 'hvardous subsnnce' punuane ro Secticin 3tf of the Cle�n Water Act or listed pursu�nt to Section 307 ot the Cian Water Act or nny <br /> �nKndmems or�eplacements ro theu snturcs; (v)tiwse subsnnces, muerials orµ•astcs dcfinod as� "hutrclous waste' pursumt ro Section <br /> `b:�,� � ` IOG4 of the Resourc�e Conurvatbn �nd Recorery Act or�ny unerelmen�v or rcpi�cemrnn to�hu sntute; �nd (vi)those si�bsnnses, m�ieri�ls or <br />=:�;'� " ' wutes defined u �'hazaroous subsnnce' pursutnt to Seccion 101 of�he ComprcAensivc Emfronnxnal Responsa Cumpens�tion and Li�bility <br />__ � , Act,or any anxndmenu or rcpluements [o�hit sntute or my o►Ixr smflar suce or kderet st�twe, mle,rcguluion or urdln�nco now ur herciRer <br /> �•- .,.�, in eftect. Orantor slull not Icase or pemiit rAe suDlnse ot 4he Propeny ro�te�unt or suMenant whux npemam may rcsult in conruninuion of <br /> :a•� i tAe['rop!ny wUh Hazanl�ws Mrtcri�ls m roxic substances; <br />";,�,,R,,_�• . ie) All�pplicable I�ws�nd regulttions, including,witAout limlqtion, the Americans with IDisabilitics Act.42 U.S.C.Section 12101 et seq. (ond all <br />;• �;,Y• reaul�tion� promulpAted Ihereunder) �M all coning and AuNdit� I�ws and rcguiuions rclitin�t ro the Nropcny I+y vinuc uf my fedenl, su�c or <br /> } " ��r munkfpat �uthodry wfth jurisdktbn urer the Property, presenUy �rc �nd s1�il be observttl o�d complkrf wuh In nIl m�tetitl rcspecu, mJ ail <br />: ''r��'.c.�v�' ` rlsht�, Ikenses, pertnia, �mf anifiutee of occupm:y prn;ludiry bus not Ivnited w tunii�g variances, speci�t eacepiiom fur nuix:onfumiing uses, <br /> �nd final InspecUnn �pyrov�l�), wAether tomponry or pemnnent, whkh arc m�tcri�l ro the usc amf ixwpaxy uf the Propetty, prcxndy arc a�x1 <br /> � sh�il tx uD�alned,prcurvnt ind,where nccesury,renew�cd; <br /> 1 V�I fll'!'I.nn���un YK�:`KtY'K1.IR II I�V61 IPUOl9J17rii) I•.�jc 1 m f <br /> � <br />