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��I� - -- <br /> --.-� -- --- . - - -_- - <br /> - - , . � <br /> . . . .. _r. . � • _ ,.-• _ <br /> `t` _ . . ' - . <br /> . . . . - �;�.-�_-- _ _ --- <br />.. . . . ,. � . � � � � - - � . - - . . . _ .. .F . ,. _ .. <br />�� . � � - . . . • � . . r• , � ' . . .. . - � 4 , ,.. �. � � .__ ,:.--=_ .. . � � �,�.�, • ;5~, . <br /> � - , : � - ... -- .. .- , . . . , . - � 97� ��3�i � . � . : <br /> ;,� .�.� � : ` � � � . <br /> 5. !laaard or Property Insurancc. Hottat`�Shatl kcxp thc impf���'rmrnts noa r.r►st�ng ur tirrraf'ihcs-ekerd�n <br /> � „ thr 1'rc�prrt� insund aga►nst It�i�'hf`h l.ndrr�rryuirr�e n�.irsn e.hfhi�m�r nne ehall br ma�nta nrd�in thr am���n�t; ' ,- '" ` <br /> m�ludcng fluods ur fluoJing. <br /> xn3 fur the pcnuda that Ixnd�r reyual not hc unr�+-�mah��r'�Ihhcld.lf H�rr��t cr fa!s t��ma»ua�n,a�erd�C ISC.�I'fIF�C(� � <br /> ,ub�rrt tu Lrndet's appru�'al�►�hnh.h ; <br /> • ahu�r. Lrnder l.rndCr's��ption.��htain a��rragc tu rr��tcYt l.rndrr's o►ghr.:m thr!'�oprrt} in accurda�cr L�ith ; <br /> _ ` ' peragr'aph�. �( . <br /> � dU �nsuranrc p��licies and rrnr«•als sha"i� and rrnc�als. If I�rndCr taluirrs.`Rottca�rrashall ptnmptgCgiar tu , . . <br /> ` ' — l.rnder shall ha�•r thC right to hold the Fx 1 __ <br /> - � � l,endcr all rex:eipu ot paid premiums ana rmakealr mf nf t�`ss if n rt madr pr�i�i�(ttl�b}CHo mt rr.0�'rumpt nnticr to thc � . _ <br /> ` � insurancr�:amrt and Lcnder.LcndCr m } p • _ <br /> L�nless I_endrr and BotronCr ooh�ion ur� sir is cx:�nomi aliy fc�siblC�andSl-et►det s s�x.'u it}'�i no�t lcssCnrd t�f thc ' <br /> � � uf thC Property'damaSed•if the rest ra P cvould be lessened.the insusance proc�ds shall be ; <br />- ` �;i restoration or repair is not economicallp frasible ar Lendrr s security �d�go�Aer.lf , •• <br /> _ , ..� applied to the sums secured by this Se�:urity Instrument,whethec or not then due,nith any exee�P 4• . <br /> , `. . <br /> �i Bononer abandons the Property.or does not answer�cithin 30 day To nc�f�a�maj use the pr�aceeds to�1 h° . � `' . <br /> •• '�� uffered to settle a claim.then Lcnde�' ma3• collect the insurance p enod�vill _ '. <br /> � sums secured by this Security Inscrument,whether or not then due.The 30'day p ,��r;:`��.•Y <br /> � rastore the Propercy or to pa} <br /> , , bcgin n hrn the not�ce is gi�'en• .. <br /> l'nless Ixndei'and Borcvwcr othCrnisc agrec in writing,an}�appli�t�and 2 or�S�he amoulnt of thea a m�� <br /> � , '._ poscpone t he d u e d a t e o f t h e m o n t h l y p a y ments refen'r.d to in p-�P�P � <br /> � , "..�Y. If under paragraph 21 the Pmperts is ri a r��i h y a cyu d ti��}�il�p a s s t glxnd r to the e!Rent o he s ums s�ured by . <br /> � • resu l ti n g f r o m d a m a g e t o t h e P r a p e r t y p <br /> ' µ this Securit}�Instrument immediately pnor to thc acquisition. ltcation: <br /> C:r�T11��" b.Qccupancy.Preservatia�.�laintenance and Pratection of tbe Propecty; Borro«er's Loan App � G _ + . , <br /> :;5,,,`���t.., � �:-;,.� ;•. .�. <br /> • Leaseholds.Borco�er shallS�apy. I�bu���in nd shallP onpt nue w occupy the Propaerry as Barro�►'er's principal ��4 <br /> , �'. .7 � ' <br /> • after the execution of thss �Y '�: ` <br /> � .:��4 ,,��.�. <br /> � ., ' . residence for at leasc one year aftet 1�e t nuating circumstances exasc wh h re b�o d1Borrower s contr 1 Borro aer ` ` : <br /> °"'� , . not be unreasanably nithheld,or un ,, <br />,;�;a. . . .. `_:� <br /> � ' shall not destcoy,damage or impair the Progercy.allow the Property to dcteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. � — <br /> :f.�c��,��- <br />�f'�• '`•�• � $orconer shall be in default if any forfeiture action or proce�ding. «hether ci�'il or thgl en craeatecl ydthiS '�1:`..l•� :;' <br /> ,�,,�. . , or otherwise materially impa rov i ded in '�`'� ` <br />_°`t;' . , gaod faith judgmer.t�ou l d resu l t i n f o r f e iture of the Yropertp <br /> `. ,< <br /> ,� , . . .;• 5ecurity InstrumenT u� Lender 5 securitj interesc• Bon•oner may cure such a default an d reinsta t e, as P ` � ; <br /> - , ' - aragraph 18. by r�w-�ng the action or proce�ding to be dismissdd n ithor other materia! m�irment of he lien. .,;.t'�:�::. <br /> '`j� ` determination.precludes farieiture of the Borrower s interest in the Prop�Y �' <br /> .';,ir'�s,;,�.B,��.'• <br /> ` ,,� ,:�" ,. .` created by this Securitp lnstsument�ate�rlaly'f als e o ry i n a c c u r at B nf r mation�or�atatCments to�Lender (or failed to �, i,l ,�l)���F+ <br /> �; .t;�:` � the loan application process. g 8 r:`•tl�f�? .;Y <br />:._;+,. . ". <br /> c of the Pro as a principal residence.If this Security . �����. <br />--- �, provide Lender with anp material information)in connectian cvith the loan evidenced by the Note.includm , ut no t �.� ,�xtl',;; <br />_�;.r .�. limited to.rePre�ntations conceming$ono�ver's occupau Y P�Y y,r r 9� <br /> �;:i• ' -.�Y�' Insttument is oa a leasehold,Borrower shall�m ot mer e un �Lender agree.s to the merB�'ln writinguires fee title to '�.�.�` ,f r •`, <br /> � the Pro�ercy.the leasehold and the feE title shali n g ' �"" <br /> If Borrower fails to perform the covenants aad agreements ��.� <br /> ` • � 7. i'rotection of Lendes's Rightsin ths Property. ' i �� <br />�,`-' ' containc3 in this Seeurity Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rig4►ts in the ' <br /> -= • Pro rt (such as a ptoceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for �n�°�jl�the elu of the Property and I.enders ` .�. .;''���',.,' <br /> � y for Nhate��er is neussary pt .'., `�._- <br /> - ' , c,�.:;, regulations),then I-�nde*may do and pay •. :,�� <br /> � ' rights in the Property. 1,ender s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioritp over this ,' . '. <br /> ' r,:.;:,'` � : . (}�, . <br /> �? ' ` ' Sect:ri t 5}n s t s'u m e n t•8 P P e�ri n g tII COUrt,pa ying reasonable attorneys fees and entering on the Property to maY.e repairs. : -� <br /> .,-� i'.. �c4if[ T!:'.. <br />' ' • . �1tT.��;.�t 1.ender may take acti o n u nder this paragraph 7.I.endet does no t ha ve t o d o s o. <br /> . .`_� .���:�,.f�, -- <br /> � �� '•�' :�ny amoonts dis burs e d by L e n d e r u n d e r t h i s p a r a g n a ph 7 shall becomr additional debt of Sorrower s e cu red by this ' f>;i�;�; :• „ <br />_ - �" !: tira;urity Ins tr u m e n t.l%nless Borra�r•er and l.ender agnz to other terms of payment.n n o t i c f r o m Lxndr to Horro�� � •1 <br /> : �� . •�t` :. <br />_ � from the date of disbursCment at the�ote rate and shall be pa�able,with interast.upo _,, � <br /> . .. . requesting payment. . .. •.,:. :' ,,: <br />.',��, . • ' 8. Aiortgage lnsurance. If L.ender required mortgsg�insurance as a condition of making the laan secured by this • � `�` <br /> the remiums s�aquired to maintain the mottgage insuranc�in effect.lf,for any 1.`,...s�,�:;�•' ' <br /> ' Security Instrument,Borcower shall pay P ���<' <br /> :.,;.,,�,.. , <br />- �� - reason,the mortgage insurance coverage reyuirrd by [.ender lapses or ceases�n�8 ce{ire iausly n effect,a a cost • ,.:".j'#�,.�I�' ` <br /> -_ � ��_ . premiums required to obtain coverage subsv3ntially equivalent to thC morcgag P .. � <br />_.,�. ,'. :.°.,iy,•,_• ' substantially equi�•alent to the cost to AOffAA'Cf O� EI1C mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an alternate , � ..�. ' <br /> _:`. • mo r t g a g e i n s u r e r a p p r o�•e d b y l x nder, lf substantiaily eyuivalent mortgage insutance co��eraga is not available, • , U ±, <br />,�A.� � ` �`•a,,tr�;;c��. <br />,,.-�:� • . Bucroir•er shaU pay to I,ender cach month a si►m cyual to one t«e l ft h o f t he year ly m o r t g a g e i n s u r a n v�p r e m i u m b e i n g ,; '�f <br /> .. p a i d b y B o t r o w er when the insura eU fV mortgagee nsurance�l.o s se r e sef rv e t P a y t nd e n t s �m a Y n ot�i n ger be tt e qu fed. � <br /> . paymenu as a loss reserve m 1 .. . <br /> ' " � form 302 90 • � <br /> � Oi9�3 0�e In�t�ets: . <br /> -- i �-6H(NEl�9eoaio, . <br /> . �i � • <br />:,:�.�. , . � .. - . . ------ : .. <br /> " �_.�. . .._.._�_... .- .. , - , • . . . . • . . <br /> ..,�� ' � � ' . . � . <br /> . , . .. . <br /> �.._ . . . - - <br /> . <br />_ _ . —__ �.. --- , . , . . . .., . -�- --...--- --•----�--- -.. . ._.__ .. . .._. ._..---� - <br /> . � �• . � � <br />.. ,�i - . . . . . •. - . , . <br />. �r _ . . . . - . <br /> • • _.__—._ � •Tt � 1 f[S 9 s r"�=�- <br />