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<br />_-`f.0 � • . . .. � . � �, .. . ` . ' _ a _ . - . , . . : , ' 1 _ . . . _ ... . ' .. ' . �. � .
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<br /> �' _ ���t,};{'}�f;K �1llil all rhr impru�rments n��ti� ur hrrraftrr rrcY•trd �m thr pru�,rrt� ��id all rasrments. •
<br /> `� � . ;,ppurcrnanr��.�nd fi�t►►res n�►a��n c�rraftcr a pan of thr pr��pert}. all replarrmrnts and sdditiuns yhaU al�►hr r�+�crcxi : ,
<br /> ? ' ' h} this ti�urity Instrumrnt.:111�►f thr forcguing is refercrd t��in this Sec;unty Instrumrnt aG thr"k'ruprrt?." � , ,
<br /> " ` ' j HO(tIt(y�1'1:R l'O�'fi\�\�i'S that H�►nourr i�la��Eully seisc�!uf thc estetr hrreh� conce�cei and has thc rrght tu . <�•�
<br /> i grant end com�rJ thr 1'�uprrt�"nnd tfeat ihr N�upert� is uncncumh�.-�ed, e�rept for cntumAranres uf rexurd. t�urrourr
<br /> �' ,j w•arrznts and«ill defrnd grncrall}�thr tittr to t hr f'n>pert)again s t a l l c t a i r n s a n d d e m a n d s,s u b j e x t u i a n y e n c u m b r a nccs _ ___ ___
<br />'�%f. ' � uP murd. ; ` ,• . .
<br /> ;".;: '� �I11S S��'t"itlTl� I\5"I'itl'�tl:ti I c<�mbin�uniform co��cnants for natiuna! usc and non-uniform cot rnants�.ith F
<br />'-:,� . . • � limited�•ariatiuns by jurisdiction to constitutea unifnrm security inscnimrnt co�•ering rrdl property�.
<br /> � l'`IFOR�1('O�H�;����5.Horri�aer and Ixndrr ro�enant and agr�e as follons a ti�hm du�
<br /> gr
<br /> �,� . 1.Payment of Principal and Interest:Prepa��ment and�.ate Charges.Horrower shall promptly�p y ��"' :: '":�'.:-
<br /> ;4.• � ,.
<br /> � � the principal of and intrrest on the debt e�idenced hy the\atc and any prcpa3'mrnt and latr chargCS dur une3cr thc�otn.
<br />,`�y�� � ` •:j 2. Funds for Taxes aud Insurance. Subje�c to applicablr lan or to a written naiver b) I.cndrr. Burrounr shaU ,
<br />..�,:!' : ! paJ tu l.ettdcr on thr da}� monthly pa}ments atc due undcr thr\ote.until thc�utc is paid in full.a siim ("Funds'} f��r. .
<br /> �ti�= - .. �� (a)}rarl}' cases and assessmenu which ma} attain priarity o�-er this Sexurity lnstrument as a lien on thr k'rupert�: lb)
<br /> :.�'. , }rarl� lc�sehold pay'ments or ground rents on thc PropCrt}.if any; (c) }'rar11� hazard or propert}� insuranrr prCrt►iums; e`: .,;
<br />�•'�' • � ' (d)}-early flaad insunnce premiums,if an�:(e)yeariy�mortgage insurance prert►iums,if any�:and(f)an�'sums payablc
<br /> , �. ":; ' i_-.
<br /> 5._t;F < ` ; by Borronet to Ixnder,in accordance«ith the pro�•isions of paragraph S,in lieu of thC payment of mortgage insuranre
<br /> r��,;. , , , ��' premiums.These items are called"Fs�ron Items." I,rnder ma}•,at an}� timr,c:ollcct and hold Fun�s in an amount not ;
<br /> i¢ • -'� w c�cCed the ma�imum amount a lendrr for a fecicrall}� related mortgagr loan may reyuire for Borrower s escron '' ti.� ;�' -
<br /> ��' - � � acc�unt under the fcderal Raal Fstate SettlCment Yrocedurrs :�ct of 1974 as amended fmm time to t�mc, 12 (;.S.C. .�` f " � ,
<br /> _:>;;• . �
<br /> ' ,; . • - Section�Ol et seq. ("R�Y���•unless anothrr la�c that applies to thC Funds sets a lrsser amount.If so, Lender may. • _
<br />'�=?_� .� at an�� time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to Csce�d thC lesser amount.Lender may estimate the amount of
<br /> � �� � . Funds due on the bas�is of corrent data and reasonable estimatea of expenditures of future Fscro� I�ems or othernise in `
<br /> � 1' ���� � ar,cotdance with applicable lan. .' _.:.,
<br /> �-`�F '� • '����'�-r; The Funds shall be held in an institution wbose deposiu are insured by a federal agenc}�.::.��mentality,or cntity � �.
<br /> .,• f '::::.:s.: _ :'4�'. :_
<br /> `�';•.''"" (including Lender,if Lender is surh an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Banl:.Lender shall apply the Funds to ;.�.,..
<br /> ,t.;: :: �.F•_�,
<br /> t:f���..�
<br /> F-.`.k . • `��::-:�' ��� •� pay� the EscroN Items.lxnder may not charge Borrowrr for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the '_ `
<br /> , .,,,;. ..:.�•., ..
<br />-•;::'� . '•'� ' • a escrow account,or verifying the Fscrow Ite�s,unless I.xnder pays Borro�vCr interest on the F�nds and applicable law ���•=�
<br /> ;,;�°T . '' ,"� �•: ,r permits Lender to make such a charge. I-��Fea�et, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an ,:: u .�..i
<br /> ,i.�: � "-.f�..
<br /> • .! ' '� independent teal estate tas seporting service.�sad bp Lendrr in wnnection with this loan,unless applicable law provides �.
<br /> . .�°.':, . .
<br /> • '' othc�ise. Unless an agreement is made or applicablr:zfi:-Wuires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to ::�;�4' .•
<br /> �.;�.`s ; pay �orrower any intete��t or ea:�nings on the Funds.Bo:-�ner and L,ender may agree in Nriting,however,thatinterest
<br /> >4,' ; � shall be paid on the Funds. Len�r:shall gi��r to Borro��r.Rithout charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing
<br /> ��`' � ' �� �� ', credits and debits to the Funds and thc purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as ��,;:
<br /> ��..'- .�_ . �' `:l-: i�. additional security for all sums secured by th�s Securit}Instrument. ��'�'�"
<br /> � � ''<"`�.� �� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be heid bp applicable law.Lender shall account to .. .`='•;
<br /> • ..,,-:• . . . ,
<br /> �� ,:;;;';.�:s $orrocver for the excess Funds in accordance�vith the requiremCnts of applicablr laa. If the amount of the Funds held �
<br /> .,','.:f- '. -r.::: �
<br /> by�Ixnder at any time is not su��cient to pap the Fscroa Items when due. I.Cndrr:nay so notifs Rorcower in writing,
<br /> ; �>,� � . • . and,in such case Borrower shall pay�to Lc�eder thc amount nr,�:essacy to make up the deficir^.c.-; Borcower shaU makc .
<br /> !�' �� • • up the deficiency in no more than twel�•e r.;ont'�ly payments,at L.Cnde�s sule discretion.
<br /> � �� L•pon paymer.t in full af all sums sec�r�by this Security Instrument.Lender shall promptly r�fund to Borrocver � :.� '?��
<br /> ,��`,j� ,�;:�,, `�•,� an}� Fuads held by Lender. If, under ara a h 21, Lender shaU acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior w the , �:-
<br /> P Sf P �.�r. .,';:F. ,
<br /> �.,,'!. ;,.:,_::• ,,y;,,.
<br /> �d�•r. � � ...;,.-r.:.;' - acquis:tson or sate of thr Prape.-�y.shali apply any Fec.-acLs held by Lender at the time of acqu�stt�on or sale as a credi� f„�;;y.`�;r.,
<br /> �" � ''''" against the sums secured by tE:is Scxurity Instrument. ��<<;'? '-
<br /> � '••. �;. . '5��:'��"•.
<br /> 's�3:.; : ; 3. Application of Payments. L'nless applicable lac�• pravides otheresise,all payments received by Ixnder under ,.; ,.,, :.
<br /> :�t,,�E . � ;�`� ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall he applied:first,to any prepayment chatges due under the Note:secona,to amounts payable �- ;' �
<br /> �';� ,>> r'�;,,
<br /> �'��'� • ` under paragraph 2:third,to interest dur;fourth.ta princirral due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ,; .�.,'{...,.:�.•;
<br /> .�_, . : ,
<br /> ��.,: � • ': � 4. Charges: Liens. $os-��ser shall pay all taxes. assessmenu, charges,fines and impositions attributable to the ...;f�;��,_�
<br /> `''��'�"' Prop�rty Nhich may attain p=�:rity over this Securizg- Gnstniment, and leasehold payments or ground rCnu, if any. �:�:,a:; ;�
<br /> , . ,_t;. .
<br /> . . �.� ...� 5 ��
<br /> ,� :' Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner pro�'ided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrorver -,�,;'.'_>: :
<br /> ' shall pay them on time directiy to the person owr,ci payment.liorroc�er shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of
<br /> �z;� `:.' � � amounts to be paid under this paragaph.Tf Horro�ver makes thrse payments directly.Borrower shaU promptly fumish
<br /> ':�::�.; • ' to Lxnder receipts evideneing t�e payments. , . .
<br /> ,�v;� Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bonower: (a) :.
<br /> ; ,,,.r ,,. .
<br /> ;,Y�.; .. � agrees in writing to the payment oP the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabla to Lender (b)contests in .�.t,�•.,,.
<br /> ..:• i , . good faith the lien by,or defends against�nforcement of the lien in, legal procr,edings which in the I.ender's opinion - � ;
<br /> � ',�` , operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or (c)secur�from the holder of thd tien an agreement satisfacwry to . ;
<br /> :�. ]xnder subordinating the lien to this Se�:urity Instriiment.If Ixnder determines that any part of the Yropetty is subject
<br /> ; , t�a lien tchich may attain priority over this Security lnstrument,l.ender may give Borrowrr a notice identifying the
<br /> �' ., ': lien. B��rmwer shall satisf}•thc liCn��r take one ur more of thr actinns set farth above within 10 days�f the gi�•ing of '
<br />.A; ��-�: " III)UCC. ' � '
<br /> �'.il:-�,.� - .. ' .
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