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<br /> � at the «ption uf l.endCr, if mortgagr insurancr <<n�rragr (in thr amuunt and fc�r the prriod thac Lendrr reyuires) . � •
<br /> . i ' pro�'idcd h} an insurer approvctil b}•I,rnder again bcY:omes acailablr and is obtainrd.Hotrot�cr shaU pa) thr prctniums , ,
<br /> � • .� reyuirec! tu maintain mortgage insurancr �n effect, nr to prot•�dr a ios5 rrsrn'r, until the reyuiremcKtt for murtgage
<br /> insurance nnds in accordancr«ith an}�ti�ritten agrerment hrrn�een Bono�tier and I.encier or applicahle laa. ; �
<br /> • � 9. Inspection.Lendet or its agent ma}�makr rcasonable rntrirs upon and inspections of thr E'roperty.l.rridrt shall f� _. . c
<br /> , gier Borro��er notiee at tAr timr of or prior to an inspc�:tie�n spcxif}•ing rrasonahir�-ause for thr inspc�:tion. �
<br /> - ___•,r•` 10_ Cundemnatiun.Thc proceeds of any a«ard or claim for damagrs,dinn.-c or��onsr.yuential,in�onnextion t�ith
<br /> any� condemnation or other taking of an� part of thr Proprrt},or for cun��e}�ence in licu af�c►ciemnation,arr hrreby �; .. , _ �. _ _
<br />_, assigned and shall be paid to I.ender. •
<br /> ` In the event of a total taking of the Propere}, the praceeds shall be applied to the sums se�:ured by this Scxurit}
<br /> Instrument.�heiher ar not then due,ccith anp excess paid to Borro«er.In the event of a partial taking of the Property in __
<br /> � uhich the fair market value of the Praperts imtnedistely befor+r the taking is equal w or gteater than the amount of the . '
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the taking,unless Botrotver and LCnder othern'ise agree ; ,
<br /> . in«riting,the sums sr,�:ured by-this Securit}�Instrument shall be reciuced bg the amount of the pra:cwds multiplicd by' ,
<br /> _ , thC follo«•ing fraction: (a)the_�:,zl amount of the sums securcd immediately befare thr taking,di�•ided by (b)the fair
<br /> • � market valuc of thC Praperty �'r:'iediately before the taking. Any balancr shall be paid to Borrot�er. In thr ecent of a ,
<br /> _ ' pattiat taking of thC Propercy in which the�:r markrt��alue of the Propertp imcnediately t�fare the taking is less than ;_� ,
<br /> the amount of the sums secured immedia:eti before the taking,unless Borroner and Lender otAertivisc agree in�riting ,``;, �.
<br /> -. ; �:•
<br /> or uatess appli�"aTele lacr othanvise proci��, the proceeds shall be appEied to thc sums securexi by this 5e�:uritp _ :_-,_.._.�
<br /> Instn:snent whctfiter or not thr sums arr then duc. ��� �
<br /> , ". [f the Ptoperty is abandonrd by Borcower,ar if,afcer notice bf Lender to Bon'atirer that the condentnor offe�s to _4•�.�._,�:
<br /> • • � tttake an anard or settle a claim for damages. Borrowcr fails to respattd to Lender Nithin 30 days after the date the _ ;-
<br /> �. ` notice is given,Lender is authorized to collec�as►d apply the p�oceeds.at its option,aither to restoration or repair of the i . ": -`_;.��
<br /> , ' �• Property ot to the sums secured by this Seruriry Instrument,n hethec ot�ot then due.
<br /> � . L'nless l.ender and BorrovfCr othernise agree in n citing,any�apptication of proceebs tn p7ncipal shall not extend or ;:,;
<br /> ' hs 1 �.3 2 or chan e the amount of sueh
<br /> � "��� poscpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in patagrap S '� ` , j:,F s>
<br /> Pay ments. r r� .
<br /> ., �.
<br /> 1 1. Borrocver tio t Re lea s e d: F o r b e a r a n c e B y- L e n d e r V a e a a a i v e r. E x t e n s ion of the time for payment or �`.:,;�` �-
<br /> . ' � � madification of amortization of thc sums s�ured by this Sr,e;urity Instrument granted by I.Cnder to any successor in -_ i, x�
<br /> � . , interest of Borro�vec shali not operate to release thc liabiliTy.of the otiginal Borrower or Honower s successors in _;. : .�, ...,
<br /> � ',j i�¢enst.Lender shall not be reyuired to commen�:e prace�dings against anq successor in interest or refuse to extend � , •� ;
<br /> t • �<,� ` �
<br /> ' �� " `;'.=� time for payment or othersvise modifp amanization of the sums secured by this Secority Inscrument b}reason of anp �;�.t,,, .�..` .,.,•� .�'
<br /> ;` , • . demand made by the original Borrower or Borcower's successors in interest.Any forbearanee by Lender in esercising �'°`� -.: ',
<br /> •.�:� .'-,,
<br /> ; � any right or remeds shall not be a woiver of or preclude th�eserc►se of any right or remedy. . . :. �,; -.;,;`.,
<br /> • , .. ,�:� 12.Success�YS t�nd Assigna Bound•Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers.The corenants and ageemenis =_ "
<br /> n
<br /> of this Security Issscrument shall bind and benefit the succe�ors and assigns of Lender and Bonotiver,subject to the ' ; ;.;��. ..� � y�;`;
<br /> - provisions of paragraph 17.Bnrrawer s covenants and agr�emesnts shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs r�; ',,'
<br /> � � �; this Sxurity Instrument but dors not execute the \ote: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, S�,xE�.,c �^ �_
<br /> •� ' . ` grant and convey that Borrowrrs interest in the Property under the terms of this Securit} Instrument; (b) is not ,�, � a,- =
<br />;.� • , personallp obligated to pa�� the sums sccured by this Security Instrument:and (c) agre�.s that Lender and any other � , ,,,y
<br /> -� ' '�,�:�" Borruwer may agree to extend,modif�,forbear or make an)'accommodations with r�gard t�the terms of this Security ::r: ': .,;_�
<br /> ` �"'' (nsuument or the I4ote without that Borrocver's consent. . �1''� �
<br /> '. %;4';.'.:.• . r.�'',;;` 83. Loan Chasges. If the loan secured by this 5ecurity Instrumentis subject to a taw which sets maximum loan �. <<, � ...
<br /> .., .,..-
<br /> ..t� " • . � � charges, snd that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coltected in �' :�,�,:�,: "'�''�..
<br /> � `�° connection nith the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a) ant such loan charge shaU be reduced b3 the amoura -7�"°r°
<br /> - `��' necassar}' to reduce the charge to the permitted limit: and (b) a.�y sums already collected fram Borrower which ', �. . � _
<br /> "''. ' • � `� exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Aorrower. l.cnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the .. �.�-_
<br /> '.' principal owed under tAe Note or by making a direct payment to Horrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction ;,�,::; ;�,:.:.
<br /> , ' wi11 be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Vote. {,�; _ .
<br /> ��,� •. .� ',;� 14. Notices.any noUce to Bono�rer provided for in this Security lnstsument shall be given by delivering it or by _-_-
<br /> ' � mailing it by firat class mail unless appliu-able la�v requires use of anather method.The notice shall be directed to the. � r .:�.,;
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designat�s by notice to l.cnder.�ny notice w Lender shaU be given by _ .� _;t.,
<br /> ` � f'sr,:.class mail tn I,ender s address stated herein or any ��thCr addr�s l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any .;,,� : ..,, . ,
<br /> � n��;x provided for in this Security Instrument shall he drxmed co ha�•e been given to Borrower or I,ender when g,iven •-`;;�•i ' • .
<br /> ..�; . � as prv�•ided i�this paragraph. . .���:.� . .
<br />':';':;� � , I5. God¢scaing 1.atv:5everability.This Security�lnstrument�`�all be governed by federal law and the law of the .
<br /> ••�':,� �'�;'� jucisdietion in u-3►ich the Ytoperty is located.In the event that any Qro�ision or clause of this Security Instrument ot the ..
<br /> .�:� • \otr conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pravisions of this Security Instrument or the Note • ,
<br />' ;,'�„ ' � � � ichich can be given effect without the wnflicting provision.To thia end thc pro�isions of this Ser,urity Instrument and ,, . . :
<br /> . the Note are declared to be severable. , ,.�,:
<br /> :`,,: . . .
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