. - •t � •-
<br /> , ......�� . � tJ �, �
<br /> - _�` .. . . , ....... ._..�.. ' .' . .. . ._ -,...'cs..:x--='-. . _ - �
<br /> - 1. ' - . .� � .. .' �. .' ,r.
<br /> � ' `. j in connectioR with condemnaation or other taSdng of the Pmperty or paA thareot,or tor coo've�yar►ce�1ie+TOTOOnd�n►nafion• �
<br /> �} n
<br /> ' • � � i Lender shali be erstitied at its option to oommence.aRpear 1n and prosecxite m rts own name any acdon w Proceedings,and sha11 atsO _
<br /> � � be ertrided to make any oomAromise or setttement in connection with such taking or damage.In tha eyeni any portion ot tAe Properry is t ,
<br /> ' . 1 sc Yaken or damag8d.Lendsr shaU have the option in its sote and ahsolute discreUon.to aDAty ali such prooeeds. a�ter deducUng '
<br /> , •. � theretrom afl oests and expenses incurred ay it in oonnection witn such Praceeds.upon any indebtedriess secured hereby and in such , .
<br /> order as Lender may detertnine.or W appiy all such Prooaeds.after sucb deducGOns,to the restoratian of the Property upon such con�
<br /> � ditions as tender may determ(ne.Any apptication ot Proceeds w indeGtedness&ha1�not extend or postpone the due data of any pay- :
<br /> ` � ments under U�e Note,or cure any detaul!thereunder or hereunder.My unappGed tunds shall Ce paid to Trustor.
<br /> • ' , �3 6,p&�tonnanee�y LBrtder.Upon the ooairtence of an Evem ot Detauit hereunder,or�f arry act�s taken or tegal proceeding ,
<br /> - commenoed which materiatly aTiects L-enders inter83t in the Fkoperry.Lender may in its own discretion,Dut vdthout obligatlan to do so.
<br /> ' and without notice to or demand upon Tnutor and without releasing Truswr from any obliga�on,do any act which TrusLOt has agread
<br /> - but faited to do and may aiso do any other act it deems necessary to proted the security hereof.Trusror shall,immediateiy upan �.��
<br /> _ demand therefor by Lender.pay to Lender ail oosts and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in oonnection writh U�s e�cer- , �
<br /> � cise by Lender of ihe foregoing rigMs.together with interest thereon at the dafault rate provided in the i�tote.wtuch shail be adds0 to -- -
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby Lender shail not incur any fiability berause oi anything it may do or omii to do hareunder. � � .
<br /> 9.Ha�dous Maessiats.Tmstor shall keep the Pmpercy in compliance with aii applicabte iaws,oNinanees and regulations
<br /> . relating to industrial hygiene or environmental prote�ion(co!lactively reterred to herein as'Environmenta!Laws"�•Tn�tcr shaA keeA ` ��
<br /> � the Properry iree trom ali substanoes deemed to be hara[dous or toxic under any Enviranmentai Laws{ocUsGivety relerrad to herein �. � � __
<br /> � as'Hazar�dous Mateaats").Trustor hereby warrants and repceserrts to Lender that there are no Hazantous Nt�orials on ar under the . �.6; .,:.
<br /> Propeny.Trostor hereby agrees to indemnity and hotd hartntess L.ender,its�iretxors,officers.emptoyees and ageNS.and anY suoces-
<br /> :; . ' � sors t o L en de rs m t e r e s t.i r o m a n d a g a i r�s t a n y a n d a U d a i m s.d a m a g e s.l o s s e s a n d l i a b i t i t i e s a ri s n g i n o o n n e c C s on witA tha presenae. `.r,'
<br /> use,disposal or transport ot any Hazardous Materiats on,under,from or about ttta PropeRy.THE FOAEQdIN(3 WARRAPiTtES AND
<br /> . •• `.,`'-.�`•,�� 10.Asstgnm�nta o4 6tesits.Tnutor heseby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a security Interest in.ati Present tuwre and u `. :� -4-... ;:
<br /> :. .��r. �...� � .
<br /> � ""��; : after arising rents.Issues and pmfits ot the PropeRy;pravided that Trustor shafl,until the axurrence of an Event ot Oefaui�hereunder, • , �
<br /> ����5�� have the right tn coUsct and retain such rerts.issues and profits as they become due and le.Upon the oxurrence of an Event of �- _
<br /> , :� ;=: 4. PaYab , .,
<br /> ' `'`�'`�' Detautt,Lender.�s-.�y,e'�ther in person or by agent,with or without brirt�n.�any action or proceedin�,ar by a receiver appointed by a -..
<br /> �; ;
<br /> ..;.:i{�',,4.�, . � `'
<br /> _ z=••=;.. to the adequaay►of ifs security,enter upon a�t��ossession of the Properry,or any part thereot,in its ovm f' �. ;
<br /> .. . ...�,,s;>,. coud and wi��gacd .
<br /> • � '���`• name or in t�e name ot the Tnutee.and do arry acts�vhich it deer:s��sarS►or dssirabie to presenre ffie vatue,marketability►or
<br /> • c�s�biiity of the Properiy.or any parl thereof or inierest��ia.or to increase the income thereimm or protect the security hereof and, . •
<br /> . s` :` �fi±�or without tatcing possession of the Property.sue far ar�5�erwise coitect the renL�,issues and profrts thereaE.indud'ing those past . �. .�r .
<br /> ' `� � � due anA unpaid bf►�otit�ltn9 tenants to maEce payments to Lender.Lender maY apPly�ts.issues end pcafits.!e�oasis and expens- ;:�� •:
<br /> ,..y�i,
<br /> J � . _��ri.
<br /> - �,. , :':;�;;, es oi operation and ooltecGOn induding aitomey's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in�o�der as Lender may deter- . �.��,�
<br /> ec' .,�
<br /> � �r�;�;� mine.Ths e n t e r ing u p o n an d t a k i n g p o s s e s s i o n o f t h e P ro p e R y.t h e o o l t e d i o n o t s u c h re�,i s s�s a n d p r o fi t s,a n d i he a p plicaUon ;;,���Fk���.
<br /> ' � tliereof as atocesatd shall nat cure or waive any defauB or notice oi defauit hereunder or invalidate any ad done in response to such '�`��::���•��%
<br /> • � ,�� {` detautt or pursuant to such nptice of detault and,notwiUistanding the continuance in possessian ot the properry or the ooltection. �:.:�:�;r;-'•!�T:<
<br /> : ':�•�r:�;� rece[pt and appGcation of rents.issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entit[ed to exer�ise eve ri t rovided br in an ot ttie �;`��•�: (-�
<br /> ry 9h P Y ..i,.•".r....
<br /> �� ���•`''�H�� Loan Instrumenis or by taw upon oocurrence of any Event of Oefautt,induding wiihout limitation the rrhi W exercise Ure power of safe. � �.�`.:%::'.�'�?�%,�;
<br /> .i . i,.•...•.-.
<br /> � ,�•:�'` Furthe�.Lenders rtghts artd remedies under tfiis paragraRh sfiall be a:.�."atn►e with,and in no wa�s 3�tion on,Lenders righb and , :p���;u_.
<br /> ri ' . '.`.��% � remedies under any assignment of leases and renfs rec�:7�against'�r�PropeRy.Lender,Trustee a-�i the receivsr shall be liable to ' ?";�"'t""
<br /> ��.F:,�:a"
<br />...�; . " :, �vnt only for those rents aduafty received . ��;k,:
<br /> :G• 11.Events o4 Defaufi.The tollawing shaU consti^1_�ar Event of Detault under Sttis Deed of TrosC ;�:�:;. :` ;;;�'�
<br /> `� � ' (a)Fa(tuce Uo pay any instal(ment of pdncipal or�nterest of any other sum se�.:Ed hereby when due: `�•��-:..<<_:
<br /> k ' --�7 ' (b)A breach of or defauR under arry provision oontained in tha Note.this Deed of Tnist,��,�af the Laan ir�struments.or any . �_'_�
<br /> ;,,.;, '.,':%z.•:;.�'
<br /> •{• � ••;.�. ' other lien or encumbrance upon the Property: . •+
<br /> . �" ' (c)A writ of execution or a�ment or any similar process shall be entered against T�S�r which shall become a lien on ��.�{-
<br /> .,', . ..
<br /> .�` ;�.;:., � the PropeRy or any port;�rhereol or interest therein; �,. .�. .7;
<br /> yy.
<br /> '7't:-., °
<br /> ; i;,1r ' :, � (�There shall be f:.�5y ar against Trustor or Borrower an action undet any present or future tederal,state or other statute. :��.• .
<br /> ? . •.':'.. , • ,, taw or regutatton retaUng to bankn�ptcy,insoivency o�other relief for debtors;or thare shall�e appointed any trustee,receiver or '`�r;.,,_
<br /> ,,;.,�; i
<br /> �.� � .i;�z:r..
<br /> � •�•�.,:;,:. � IlquidaWr of Tnistor or 6orrower or of all or any part ot the Property.or the rents,issues or pr�::>thereof,or Trusior or Borrawer .'' n�-:
<br /> '.. 'k',t ,, o '�:•,i:w;-'.,
<br /> ,<<,,. shati m..fce any general assignment tor the beneflt of cteditors; -�`!�'i°'��
<br /> • , (a)Ttie sate,transfer,lease,a�:gnment,convayance or tuMer encumbrance of all or any paA of or any interest In the , , •����j�`
<br /> -` • . Properiy,either voluntarity or invol�:r.a:���.withae�t the express wriiten oonsent of Lender,pravided that Tyvstor shail be perm(t- �,:� „ _
<br /> �_� . � • - ted to execute a tease ot the Property that dazs xc oontain an opUon to pur�hase and the term ot wtti��ass nM exceed one 'rs;; . �� :!���"
<br /> '`-�� year, `�i' ,;�.:
<br /> � •..�;-` � (�Abandonment of the PropeAy;ar , . ''a;�'
<br /> '� ,.�� . ,�;'.ri
<br /> p �,� ';:,;�; (g)I}Tnistor ia not an indiviw.�a;.the issuance,sa1e,transter,assignment,convayance o►encumbranoe of more than(if a :,,,�„
<br /> • �`�r '` corporatio�)a totai of percent of its issued and outstanding stoc[c or(i}a pa.r�e�shlp)a total of per- ��'.�'x�
<br /> �``���' : ' '� ' . � r� cent of paRnership interests,or pf a limited Iiabiiity company)a totat of percent of the limited tiahiliry oompa- - . � :`.��. 'l
<br /> ���, .: . . ., . ';'.
<br /> ';�:. . • • � ny iniecests orvo�ng rlghts during the pertod this Oeed of Trust remains a lien cr:eha properiy. .
<br /> � • .�';',•;•�' 12.RemadlAS;AcceleraUon Upon Delault in the event of any Event of 0etault Lender may,without noUce exoept as required � �1;�+;;,
<br /> ; q:?,: 4 ;�Yi�-.h„
<br /> ,..,:;j by law,declaro all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payaL�.�and the same shall there�beoome due and payable with- �,. ,:�,��,s,;
<br /> .,t. � � out any presenUnen�domand.protest or notice o!any k1nd.Thereaft���der may: •:;�r�t;
<br /> ��, . • �� (a)Oemand that Trustee exerclse the PO4YER OF SALE�.°aated herein,and Trustee shall thereafie►cause Trustofs inter- ; ;,,
<br /> ��•���.;:., est in the Properry to be sotd and the proceeds ta�+e distributed,atl in the manner provided in the Neb�g�ust�eeds Ac�
<br /> '���•'�%' ' (b)Exerdse any and att tights provlded tor in any o1 t�e Loan instruments ot by Iaw upon oC�urtorsae of any Event of , - ., ,
<br /> :�::° ;�: .
<br /> •.tt'�. : ' - Defaut�and �••'�1�•
<br />;?.�_€a • ;;r..� (c)Cflmmence an actian to fo�^�.se thia Deed of Trust as a moRgage,appolnt a receive�.or specificalty enforce ar�01 the . ��•�.-�
<br /> °' :'i� covenanta hereof. ` ,
<br /> �;`��:;: No remedy herein confeRed upon or reso:.c�3 to Tnistoe or Lender is intended to be exctusive of ar.ry other remedy herein,in the Loan �"��' �
<br /> -.�• • , �.',•,-.:
<br />,:,;�,:;:;` . Instruments or by law proviCed or perm.�C,but each shal!ba cumulaUve,shai!be in addiUon to every other remedy ghren hereunder. • •
<br /> •��i':•. � • ln the Loan tnsVUments o���v or herea'�axisting at lav+or in equiry or by s2atute,and may be exercised concurrentty,IndependenUy ,
<br /> •� ot saccesively.
<br /> . 13.'�r�Tho Trustee may resi�at any Uma without r�c�.and Lender may at any ti�r.:e and without cause appoint a sua ,
<br /> cesso�or s�ssitut�Tn�stee.Trustee shwl nof be Uable to any parc,�,�.r�uding without limitatlon Lr-..c�3er.Borrovrer,Trustor or arry pur- . ,
<br /> _ • � � • chaser o!the Properly,tor any loss or damage unless dus to reckfess or witlful misconducK,and str�.L not be required to take ar.f acUon
<br /> '�''� ' ' ' in connecdon wlth thg eniorcement o1 this Oeed of Tru���nfess indemnifled,in writin�,tor af!ce5s,compensation or e�enses wl�ich .
<br /> _ � • � may be assaclatsd therewith.In addiUon,Trustee m2y Cecome a purchaser at a►ry sate ot the PropeRy(judicial or under the power of ••. .
<br /> sale granted herelny;postpone the sale of all or any poNon of the Property,as provided by law;cr sell the Property as a whote.or in _
<br /> - separate paroets or lots at Trustee's discreUon.
<br /> � � • 14.Fees and�xp�nses.In the event Tnutee selts the Properiy by exerclse of power of 4a!�,Trustee sAall be entiUed to appty � �
<br />-- � . any saie proceeds flrst to payment ot atl costs and expenses o!exerdsing power o}sale,including ai1 Trustee's tees.and Lender's and
<br /> - Trustee's attamey's tees, actually incurred to extent permitted�y appilcabte law.tn the event Borrower or Trustor exerdses any right • •
<br /> • � provided by law to cure an Event o1 Detault.Lender shail be ermtted to reoover irorta Trustor atl oosts and e�enses actualiy incurred as .
<br /> � a resutt o1 Trustora detault,incfuding without Iimitallon a41 Trustee's and attomay�s fees,to the extent permitted by appticabfe law.
<br /> :.•::�.
<br /> ��• 15. Future Advances.Upon reques�ot Borcower,Lender may,at its option,make addiUonal and tuture advanoes and read-
<br />':��''�— . _�::__:-._....._r vanc+es to 8nrrower.Such aAvances and readvances,with interest thereon,shatl be secured by this C)eed ot Trust At no Ume sha11 tfie
<br />_ i . .
<br /> � , .
<br /> . � • - - -— - --. . _. _.._._..�
<br /> . , ...... _. _ . . . , . . .
<br /> . . . _ . ... ,
<br /> ... . . . . . . .. .
<br /> ,, .___._ _ _
<br /> _�
<br /> .. . ` --- , _ . es _ s - _ . +�ra.�aerm"'�"�,..__.
<br />