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<br /> ' _ ' t� . a//�� " �'c.
<br /> � � ���V� f.tli
<br /> . � ; amount o!the ind8btedness secured by this Oeed ot Tnut,not inctuding sums advanoed to pmtect�the sscuriry of this Deed oi ; , -
<br /> . Ttust.�ed the origIrtal pnnapal amour�t stated herein,or$ � . ,whtchever is greater- ��;`� -- —�- -
<br /> .. _. 16.6�tlet1@OU8 PrOVisluns. . ��..°`
<br /> � - (a)Barrocver t�ioi Reteased.Excension c1 tt►e time for payment or modification of amofization o!ths sums secured by thls . • ,. ,
<br /> � �. Oeed of 7cust grar►ted by lender to aTry suooessor in interest of Borrower sf�ali not opera�to retease,in arry manner,the IiabTo- � • .
<br /> . . � ry nf the odginal Bortcwer and Barmwers successors in iMerest Lender shali not be requtred to comrt►ence prooeedings _
<br /> . , against sud�successor or retuse to extend time tor payraent or otherwise modify amortimtion ot the sums secured by this
<br /> Oeed of Trust by reason of arry demands made Dy the original Bormvrer and Bortowefs suooessors in interest-
<br /> � - .- -- (py Lendsr's Po�rers.Without aftectin9 the tlabiliry M any►ather person liabie for ths P�=�anY��on hecein men- �.=--{;::--=_-
<br /> � � tioned,and without affecting the tien ar charge ot this Qeed of Tnut upon arry portion of the Property not then or theretotore
<br /> � � � released as securitY tor the full amount of all unpaid obfgations,Lender may,from tims ta time and without notice(�release '� �� - > �
<br /> - � ' any persan so liabte.li�extend the mawrily or aitar any of the terms o!any such obi:gations. w grant other indulgences,('iv) . - ;
<br /> - � � � retease or canvey,ar cause to be reteased or reconveyed at any time ai Lender's aption any parcal,portion or a!1 of the •
<br /> ... —�-- P�oparty,(v1 talce or relsase any other or addrtionat security or reconveyerl at any time at Lende�s option any pamel,portion or _ _
<br /> � . • a1!o}the Praperty.(+n)taSce or retease arry other or a�litional securiry tor any obligation hecein mentianed,or(�'�rt►ake oompo- .
<br /> ' � _ sitions of other arrangemenis with de0tors in relation thereto. • •
<br /> • . (c)Forbearanee by len�er MoE a 6SIEh�e►Ar►y forbearanae bY Lender in exen:ising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- :�;
<br /> ` � envise afforded by applicabte taw,shaq not be a viran►er ot or predude the exer�ise ot any such dght or rernedy_The procure- . -
<br /> • . mer►t of insurance or ths payment u!taxea or olher tiens or charges by Lender sha11 not be a waiver or Lenders dght to aaceler- __ _� �
<br />_ ais the maturity of the irtdebtedness secuted by thfs Deed of Trost ._V,�.. �.
<br /> (c�8acsessot5►and dssfigns�aemd:Jatitt snd Ssveral Liehiltts{:Ca�iBtana.The c�venants and agreements hern.In can- � � t Nk�, ,
<br /> - � Y a i n e d s h a l l b i n d a n d t h e d g h t s h e r e u nder shatt inure to.the r e s peativa successots�mt assigrts of Lender and TnLStor_All .,,��,�t�, :-:.
<br /> . , . � • ��` cavenanLS and agreements ot Tn�stor shatl be joint and sevaral.The raptions and hea�ur3s o!the paragraphs o€this Daed af . ,�;�',�F;.`:�
<br /> • � Tn�st are for carnenience on(y and are not to be used to irtterpret or define the provisions hereoi. t F;, �
<br /> � � • (e)Reguest for lVott�es.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice o!detautt hareuc�c-x-ar�a copy of any notice • .
<br /> of sale hereunder be mailed to eacl►patty to this Deed ot Trwt at the address set torth�ove ir,�r sa-�ner pre�ibed by �, , :� .{ , . '.;..;
<br /> , -` a�opficabte taw.Except tor any otner notice required under appticable taw to be given in acsc'�er manner,a�sy no�p��ed br ; s<` �:
<br /> '` in this Deed of Trust shall be gtven by ma"uing such not�ce by oertified ma�7 addressed ic���othar�a�s,at���a�.s set t �.;E��'�, �
<br /> � ��� '; fmth above.My cwtice provided tor in this Deed of Trust st�l be effectiva upon m a�r a j�s�e m2.�aesi �eareIn.�f � • ' '
<br /> 9� ;:t���t�
<br /> ` ' - TnisWr is more�r�..�one person,notice sent to the address sei torth above shall be no��'�a11 such�ns. , ! ;,,�
<br /> . - sW . • ;,
<br />- ' '=:�. {�tns�o�I�der may make or cause to be made reasonabte enuies upon and inspedions of tha Property.Provided �.• ;,���•s:` -..,:_:
<br /> - .'�. , ;-.- tfiat Len�er sha9'c�vc�Trustor no6ce prior to any such inspecHon spectitying reasona�Ie�ase thereTor retated to Lender's Uner- .;• ;�.��;�,�:,�-.�.♦-
<br /> e
<br /> " est in the ProperC�_ P � '`���.',r ° �
<br /> � �� (g)Recomieysnee.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Oeed of Tnut,Len�shall request Trustee to reconvey the ';`�lr
<br /> �t��� Property and shaSl surrender this Oeed of Trust and a0 noies evidencing indebte��s secured by this Oeed ot Trust to t � �
<br /> � � ��_� Tnistee.Tnistee shall recamrey the Prop2rty,aethoui warranty and wiMout charge to the person legalty entitled t�ereto.Tnistor r ' , .• �
<br /> �. ° . ...` shalt pay a1t costs or�ecordaiion.it arry. t � ";rR
<br /> (h)Personal Property;Securiry Agreement As additional security tor the payment of the Note,Tnistor hereby grants �... .';...�r _r:�
<br /> "' � Lender under the[Hebraska UnHortn Commer�ial Code a security interest in all faWres,equlpment,and oU�er person2'.propeKy ;::.•`. ':=''::'.;�
<br /> -- - . � used(n connecdon with the real estate ar improvements lacated thereon.and not otheerefise dedared or deemed to�a paR at •r,;:,'''. ,', .�,,;�`-`;<
<br /> �; ' � .; �i the reaf estate secured hereby.This insbument shall be ws�suued as a Security Agr�esnent under said Cade,and fAe Lender ! :.: . �.
<br /> � shall have all itre rights and remedies of a secured party under sa�d Ga�e in add[tion to the righLS and reme�es ucMer U�ts �, S: ':�
<br /> . U
<br />- . paragraph sha:t ba cumulatnre with.and in no way a limita�an on,Lerc�e's a��a�ed rem�es under any other securiry agree- ;�� �
<br /> €. ,�,�,":'•
<br /> . � � ment signed by Borrawer or Trustor. ' �
<br /> • � �� (�Uens and EncumDr^.�eas.Tnistor hereby warrants and represens that tteQ:�ds na detault under the provisions of any iy ' t `: ��
<br /> ' mo R g a g e.deed of duat,lease cr purchase oontract descnbin all or any pact of tne�Pr�riy,or other oontract.instrument or {< < ,r ;�s':
<br /> ' , �s 9 f� �.:y{t.,
<br /> h_'�.:�:;��rr r t,.r
<br />.';r- ' agreement constttuting a lie:e or encumbrance against alI or any part a!t he P c opar:}�i�,7e c tr v e ty.'Ue n s 7,e x l s d n g a s o t t h s ... . ,. ,,:��=
<br /> _.. date of thls Oee�af Trust.and that an and�atl existin Uens remain unmadifled exce t as disctosed t�Lender in Trustors writ ;•s:":_.�:*`��f�'
<br /> ? y g P 'f���'�"�,--.,;;s;r:�a.;,...
<br /> � r :4 ten disctusure�t liens and encumbrances provided tor herein.Trus:�7 shall time l y pertorm all of Trustot's obligatlons, 3�"•:'� •�•.`Y�. �t:
<br /> .�::
<br /> .. covenants,reprasentatians and warrantles under any and all exisUng and iuWre Uena.shall promptty torward to Lender copfes ,.-�?;,',
<br /> �• '� of all noBces of defaWt sent in oonnection with any and a1!exisUng or tuture Uens,and shall not w�thout Lendets pdor written • •..� ;��•
<br /> ,; .; i ,;.
<br /> �3 � : °,�, cortsent In eny manner mod'rfy the provtsions ot or allow any t�..ture advanoes under any existing or tuture Ilens. `,,::" ' •. ; .�:
<br />�s° � � �� ��Appllcattona ot Paymenta Untess otherwise requi,-e3 by taw.sums pald to Lender hereunder,induding without imita �'��
<br /> �:� . t`r' 'r�r
<br /> '; . , , tlon paymenis ot principal and interest,insurance proceeds.condemnation prooeeds and rents and profits,shall be apPlied by .. 4
<br /> mna
<br /> :�� , � � Lender to the 2�^eounts due and owfng irom Tnistor and borcower ia sun.�oNer as Lender in its sole dlscretlon de8ras desir- ',,,::�':`
<br /> � ' abfe. � :,...
<br /> y �. , � (k)Severaar"�ity.If any provlsio»of thfs Oeed oi Trust connicb rr��"�cable taw or is dectared invafid or othervvlse unen-
<br /> r�ec2able,such conflict or imratidity shall not affect the a"Cr:�provlsions at this Dee�cv�Tmst or the Note whlch can be en ��� �'=`
<br /> °��'���?'' ` L ePfect without the wnflictln pravisfon,and to thls end the pravisions oi this Deed of 4c.r�t and Me Note are deciared W be�sav `,1�G�, �
<br /> � •br.,� ., . ___
<br /> ; •'•:�,i'�• ,�:.� erable. 9 '-rdRt`�:�',;,;•.:
<br /> �'' � '��� (1�Terms.The terms'Trusto�'and'�orrowe�'shall include both singular and plurat,and wl�en the Trustor and Bortrnver are •�� ��F,�if f�
<br /> t��d's. .,.�:
<br /> � '�v the same persun(s),those tertns as used in this Oeed ot Trust shall be interchangeabte. ,
<br /> � �4 (mj Goveming Law.This Oeed of Tn�st shall be govemed by the faws of the State o!Nebraslra. • � T•
<br /> __ . ,. . ;
<br /> •-;��.�C- � , 1 . � ..
<br /> -'�' � �15,�. � . . • ..
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<br /> .�� � . .
<br /> . 'S�,�. . . •�i'>•.'' .
<br />'��^. ��. � � Trustor has exocuted 4his Deed ot Trust as of the dala wriiten aDove. �� �
<br /> ;! (..� ,
<br />-'_�: ,;;. , . ,' �' �J t, . .. . � .
<br />-��s�,' . � Trustor Tntstor .
<br /> , Dale L 8cres . NuaDand . ,.
<br />- � �.� �,:���r� P � (�r- U . ..
<br /> • . • � 7ina N 9orer . ttife Trustor Tn�stor .. .
<br /> ..;..
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<br /> • � . � � .
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