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<br /> ' OEED OF TRUSY WfYa�fl9'fUFS�BAD�/.A{�CES , . �
<br /> TfitS DEED OF TRU3T,is made as of the 1 bt n �y of nav. ��g 77 ,by and among=.. ; _ .
<br /> Dale L Borer 8. Tina M Borer , husband ana ra.te \C � _ t'' ���:
<br /> v►s rrustor, �
<br /> 7224 W 18�h �t urand Islan�! Ne 68803-2405 . . .
<br /> � whase rt►af'Gng address is (herein'Tn�.sto�',whether one or mare). , .
<br /> • theTrustee Five Foints Bancc, a Yebraska Corporation - .
<br /> F.O. Box 15d7 Grand Islan.d. NE 68@02 • � ��,,�-.. .
<br /> wh�e maHing address is (herein'Tnistee'�,and , _
<br /> � Five Points Banic
<br />- � ' theBenefraary. : • - .-- -�
<br /> 2�15 ti. Broaddell 6rattd Ieland. HE. 68802-15�7 '
<br /> Hfhose maiGng address is (herein'Lende�. �.
<br /> Lale L Borer -�� . ' '. '
<br /> - FOR VALUABLE CONS�DERATION,inctuding Lenders estension af credit idertnfied herein to • '� � •�`
<br /> • t:.,�:
<br /> = 1i Tirta il Borer - � = r�-:y�
<br /> (her+ein'Borrower,'whether acse or more)and the Uust herein creatad.the receipt •; ,--��'...
<br /> ' ot which is hereby aciawwledged,TnisWr hereby imavocably grants.trans(ers.ocmreys and assigns W Tn�.�4 TRUST,WRH • :: ' �t.
<br /> . POWER OF SALE,tor the benefit and security ot L�ert�s ander and subject W the terms and conditlons herei�set brth,the real � ' ��'.' '�
<br /> . �.
<br /> - p��d��10�Yi`�Y-FIVE FEET e45� �c= LOT EZt;HT tbr. AHD THE YlESTERLY SIxTEEN � �• `�'' '
<br /> � .'.` FEET t�b� OF LOT NIHE t9►. TN BLOG!s OHE �1►. IN NESTERNQFF'S FIkS7' Si1BDIVISIOt� - � -`' '� �J
<br />... '... ' .. ` . . �� .r,
<br />.l,� • t ' ' -.
<br /> To ether wiU�all b improvements,foctures,streets,alte passagew� casemenis,ri hts,pmrite s and ur0enanoes � '' �, -i%-`
<br /> 9 �•� YS. 3� � 9 8e aDP },.,., `; �::, ,.._.r•,
<br /> :`� . " located ihereon or in ar.ywise pertaining theroto,and the renb,issues and profits,.�versions and remainders thareot,and such per- �: ...,p,;a;:�>.•�.',-:,
<br /> • sonal pra�ercy t�at is attached to the improvements so as to oonstitute a fixture.indadirtg,but not timfted to,heafing and cooting equip- ` .�����';%�`:,�%°;���•;=
<br /> men�and figeit►er with the homestead or marital inferests.if any,which interests a.-e hereby released and wafired;all of�vhich,irtclud- �� '' ` �<
<br /> ing repiacertseMs and 2�'Rions thereto.is hereby dectared to be a part of the�eal c-�ie secured by the lien oi thLs Deed of Tnist and . ` �" '�•�•�.
<br /> ' ali of the focegoing be���terred to he�ein as the'Proy�t��'. _ � �� ���'
<br />� This Dec-+�af Trust st�all secure(a)the payment oi 4.*�prinupal sum and Irterc-5t evidenced by a promissory note or credt agree- • • �'-`'-V';
<br /> ,_ me�t dated Hav 16th 199� ,having a maturity date of P1av �Sth 2000 . : ,_. :{�:
<br /> ' '. :�, tn the original principal amount of$ �•00a.00 .and acry and all R�f,ca�ons.extensions and�ertewats �.," <. •
<br /> !'���. ;� ihereof or there2o and any and a11 future advances an��r¢a�wances to 8orrower(ar�,�}r of them if more than one)hereunde�pursuant ' ' ., ' �
<br /> • ' to orte or more promissory notes or credit agreemen�y*��ein calted'Note�;(�}�e�zyment ot other sums advanced by Lertder to .; - :" -
<br /> ' protect the secudry ot the Note:(c)the pertonnance af�+alvenar�a�d agreemc:�:�¢i'7rustor set forth herein;and(�atl present and ,: , . , �+.. .
<br /> -'� tuture indebtedness and obiigations of BoROwer(or any of them it�a�a than one)ta tender wheLher dlrect.indirecl.absotute or oonUn- . • •'
<br /> � gant and whether a�ising by note,guaranty,oveNraft or otherwise_t�2 Note.this Deed of Trust and any and atl other documents that �' , . .�•'
<br /> secure the Note or�therwl.se executed in conrrection thereuv u's, ��ding wiNout limitation guarantees,secudry agreements and � - � � ;
<br /> ' � assignments of Ieases ar�d rents,shall be reterred to herein as t��e"L.aan Instrumenfs. ' � � , . .
<br /> r . , Tn�s.xr covenants and agrees with Lender as fotto�ns:
<br /> ���� . .;.r,� : 1. Pa�ent o!Indebtednesa All indebtedness secured herc��shatl be paEfl when due. � .
<br /> - • � 2. Tit4�.Trustor ls the owner of tfie Property,has the right 2r�r�2�,.�thority to convey the Prc„er.y,and wa:r,�nts that the lien creat- , ;�'�_�.•
<br /> ' . ed hereby is a flrst and pdor lien on the PropeRy,except for iiens and encumbranoes sef forth u�Truster in�ritlng and detivered to � .�..;;�:.°'�. .
<br /> =;'.� �,�,�;:'. � Lender betore execution of thls Deed of Trus�and thts execWon and detivary oi t�is Oeed ef Trust does nat notate any cantract or • - • '.
<br /> • other obltgaUon to which Trustm is subject. . .
<br /> 3.Ta:ee,Asssssmente.To pay betore de8nquency all texes,speclal ass�-c�-�and 2Ji other charges against the Property • . ,
<br /> � ' now or hereafter levied.
<br /> .- 4.[�su►anc0.To keep the Properiy lnsuted against damage by fire,hazards inctuded wrthin the term'extended covetage'.and �
<br /> �,5'�, , such h2�.!�Qs as Lender may require,in amounis and with compartic,s acceptable to Lender,nammg Lender as an additlortal�amed •
<br /> ,;.�:; . , InsureC,w:th toss payabte to the Lender.In case ot loss under such�olicies,the�ender is autfio�ized to adjust,oollect and compro- �
<br /> ' rrise,a!ctalms thereunder artd shatl have the opUon ot applying all or part of the�rtsurartce proceeds(i)to any indebtedness secured �
<br /> � , he;c�y artd in such order as Lender may determine.(ii)to the Trustor ta�e used for the repair or restoraUon of the Property or(lii)for
<br /> ��;,ti,•.;�, � arsy o�:cr�c:rpose or object satistactory to Lender wlthout aNecUng tha Iten o!this Oeed of Trust tor the tu11 amount secured hereby
<br /> ' � befare sudi payment ever took place.Amr applicaUons of proceeds to indebtedness shall not eutend or pos�one the due date of any
<br /> �°=� , •� payments under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder. .
<br /> � 5.Escrotiv.Upon written demand by Lender.Trustee sha�l pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may deslgnate,sufildent .
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the following(i)all taxes.assessments and other charges agalnst • �
<br /> • , the Property,(ii)the premiums on the propeRy insu►ance required hereunder,(iit)the premiums on any mortgage insuranCe required by .
<br />,._:�r. , lender. �
<br /> - 6.Malntenance,Repal►e end Compliance witb Lavis.Trustor sAall keep Me PropeRy in gaod conditlon and repair. shall
<br />= iJ prompUy repalr,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shatl not commit or permN any waste or detedora- { •
<br /> I tion o!the Property;shall not�emove,demolisb or subsffintially altar any of the improvements on the Properry:shall not commit,suffer � �
<br /> ; � or permit arry act to be done in or upon the Property in violaUon of any law.ordinance.or regutation:and shall pay and promptty dis� �
<br /> ��' � charge at Trustor's cost and er.perese all liens,encumbrances and charges levied,imposed or aooessed against the Property or any •
<br /> .: i. � PaA thereof. (
<br /> . - -- + 7.Esss�a!�a3ss.l.c:uir.r ts hurcby as^.tgaad a!!comAEnsasiosa.arrards.darriag�.ans!othsu RaYmenl�or re11e!(lierels►altsr � . ---.-----....
<br /> �
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