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<br /> . � 97m �� � ` �
<br />- p � �a full of all sums secused bY this Saurity lasuumem.Iread��s�1 P;'a�3���to Boaower anY - _�— --.
<br /> . P PaY�� or sell the P�apetty.Leader.prior w the scquisition or ..
<br /> Funds hdd by Lcndec. If.undu FatagraPh 18,ixudet shaU acqui�e �on or sale as a credit againsc ttte sums �.
<br /> � saie of the Prope►tY, shali aPPIY�Y�unds hetd by Leuder at the time of ficqui�i� � .
<br /> sec.u�ed by this Secwtity!���--"*- .
<br /> 3. E+igplicatioa oY P�ymeu�.A11 paymr�ts of pstncipal and iataesc re�eived by Leader shall be applied as pmvided in - -- - ,
<br /> ` �he Note. If Borrower owes Leader anY lase d�ar8es.os other fees or tharSea('other charges�2.they wiil be payabte upon • .
<br /> demand af Lemder.Unless PmW'bited by law.the applica�Ion of Payments ma7'ba aff�by the imposit�oa of oiher c$atges. , .
<br /> � Therefoie,Pa3+meats of other chazges, avhe�Paid to Leader in addision to the monthlY P�Y��or sepa.rate�y, will be .
<br /> i thac Leuder maY aPP�Y�Y PaY�t�� ` ' --, .
<br /> appiied in a manner at the absolute discc+etioa of the I.ender. Bozrower agrees le�mda ParagcaPb 2. � � .
<br /> ,` under parag�phs 1 and 2.either fust w amuimts payable undet PazagrapL 1,os firsc to amouuts payab ; . ; ,.
<br />=s`: 4. Peior 1Ku�S�and Deeds o!t ZYus�t�a�g�Ideav.Bortower shall perFonn all of Bormwer's obligations uader � .
<br /> with a liea►whicL has prioritY over tLia Securlty Insaum�t.if a�Y• ` � .''''�` •:
<br />_ any mortgdge,deed of uusi or other seca�itg ag�emeat or cause to be all taaes.assessmeats and :
<br /> = . inclu Boaower's ooveaant�m make gaYments wh�st dv�Sorrower sball pay P� f � _ -.
<br /> � �ues aad i�asitioas att�'Ta�ualtIe eo the 1FcopertY which maY a�a F�'0�Y over this Se�rlty�`*�e11 and ; �
<br /> other charges, 'Ta� eC � �.`
<br /> _ '.� �rs �aay. ta�tev�ed ` ��.
<br /> - leas�hold pay�rffis er gca�d ► s0e eatiee amaunt af any ugon this S�►
<br /> `°� , : �• �ora�wer s�tall aE�o p�,6efoae aIte sa�e��me deliaqae�. j �: �.
<br /> %� � t.r�tmmenc�a m�E�e��tess�ed�Y- f
<br /> • � �� pn�ura�nt,�on tFte�¢a�f IIr�tder uader�Evs S�Y �,����,p�aa ti�e �� I �
<br /> �'r ,- ,. ` .., !,'.� � 7.emf'toii��Q�.�i't'�.dLti.i�. r�.�c'�"�`C�,,,�,p,���[�WQ�.��a� 3S�° �L�,�s t . � )��t t����(' �
<br /> .'� ' ' � .,�,.�� �...�.-� GIIG�W�Y+`^"�y-� 1L41V4L.�.�sc ��� �
<br /> �:; ;, �ti�f'�N'�P.�LIIt�i`� —�.' � -
<br /> I�tl1���1L����IIII�.il��f�,5.`,�ZQ33►� �'',,5!�
<br /> �. tlr�f�ce�IL[�e dtnsas.��'T3�mwei snbjecx ta ag�����LT�� �, `.'
<br /> :`;�,, �� � , . ` �..•_
<br /> . � ias�raur��L���� ��f�saintain the oov�xge� �� •i
<br /> '��: ��u3.i�tLUr-��aali aat 6e aurc�2:aaaUl�wi�iih�d.Lf tis�IIaizv ��� .� : ''.
<br /> I� `f: � :� "` � Qi1�111 CQQEC8�8 A1�JLZSff�7"Ti$ff��ILS I7I(�31.-°�f�f�I�:LTL�' '(Y��LI�' � I �y� r ._�•
<br /> �_ i; p..., � �5�11S Q�S�fII+' ,�.,I,,,� 1�8IIS8 111 f8V8I Og 2II�1�. r [ �K�
<br /> . � . [r i r' li;;�; t0�'Q� .�.°jT31.��151��3 fii�a+�+��
<br /> ��,;� , and rene�vaIs ti��shall be in a fa�.� �"� -
<br /> %'.�:j.,';. ;,;�'��'�' a form aaeptaUl�ur.Lender.IRnder sUaiT li��tiie right to ttold the gBlSr.i�:��saal�t���l��lustrument• If u►Y � �: �
<br /> �j 13VCt i�8 $E� �i f} .
<br /> �, .";�: mortgage�deed of uast ar other sea�sity agr�eement with a Uen whidi Uas gtiausY� . , . :�;�:.��.;t<
<br /> ;�:,'„,... ...
<br /> �f. �.� .� insuiance Pmc�eds are made paYable to Bomnwer,Borrower shall PmmPV7►PaY�amouats co I.ender.incdudtng,wlthout . , ;,;ti,;;
<br /> . � :; .:59;�;��::.s;
<br /> '� limitation.the endos�ement w I+euder of mry pmceeds made by check or other dcaR. ;.::"t;,,...�.•�
<br /> . Unless L�der and Bosrawer othecwise agree in writing,insurence Pmceods shall be applled to restoradon or�pair " .';. ... ...; ..
<br /> daaoaged. if the:eswration or repait is economically feasibld be 1 eued.s ths e�iasurance p s�eds sh�11� : >''
<br /> _'. ' of the PcnpertY �': .:.,
<br /> '; restoratPon ot repait is aat ecoaomicaUy feasib2e or Lender's secnrlry ' , .:;'
<br /> ,, app1ied w the sums s�cared bY tbis Seauiry Insaument,whether or noi then dae.witb auy excess yaid to Borraw�r. - ".. ,..:._
<br /> Ualess Lcader and Borrower athecwise agtee ia writ3ag,anY apPlication of procer,ds to psiatlpal abaU not exund or .-.-f_'>`,
<br /> �a, . postpone the due ltaie of the monWY PaYments refe�red w in Paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amounts of�he paymeats. If �_ :.;,. '� �.
<br /> under Pa:agraph 18 the Property ls acquired by Lender.Borrower's right w any iasurance pollctes and prcceeds resultin�
<br /> , � from damage to the PropertY Prior w the acqutsitton shall pass to Lender to the exunt of the sams secureA iay this Seauity
<br /> '{s . Instrumeat immediatety prior w tbe a¢quisitlon. ,_
<br /> , disbursemenc os appli�aticn oY finsuraace pxoce�s eLa11 :."�. '•
<br /> ,r. The provisions o�thiv paragapb 5 wnceming the payment, . �
<br /> � .. �, a FDiY��I►�P=�s covering the Property whether or not(i)Leader is a named insur�d,(ii)the Pp�l�CY c.ontains a ,
<br /> °� ' mortga�e claase or(�l���4�B o s r o w e s w m a i n t a i n t h e i n s u r a a c e. B o a o w e r a i u horizes and directv aay insurei ' �.°�
<br /> . to list Lender a5 a tass pa7►ee aa aaY PaYmeot of insurance pmceeds upoa lender's noricc w insurer of Lender's interest in the :
<br /> - , iasvrance g�aceEds• ': � .�`
<br /> ''�:'i: . � ia the eve�of 2oss.Bormwer suall give promyrt e4tice to c��i^�sunnce canier and Lender. Leader may mal�e Dmof
<br /> � : � of Ioss if not made yro�aPdl►hY Botrower. .
<br /> , � If the PropettY is abandoned�y�ower,ar if BorrowEr faiEs to respo�d w Lender within 30 days fmm the date .. .
<br /> F notice is mailod by Leuder to Borcoa��z�eaz the insurance carrier offecs to setde a claim for insurancc beaefits. Lender is ' .. .
<br /> '- , v the ins�uance Proceeds as 1.endet's option either t��estoration or repair of the PtoDertY or u� � .
<br /> `�'. ' � authorjzed to coltect aad appiy . ' .
<br />,�.�;; the sums secured bY th9s Sec�ity Instrument. � .
<br /> 6. Preservatlon and Mainteasuce of PropertY;I.essehoicls;C�adn��;�:a�1P'Yauae��Tnit Yfeveiopffieafs.Bomsm�xr
<br /> .�, . .. sha11 the�roperty ia goad repair aud shall not commit nor ge�e waste.i�Pairment or detertaration of the Propetz'�• , ,. .
<br /> �I;`,t Bomnae�r sball aot do a�thing affecdng the ProPe�Y�Is in vio�on of any laa. osdinance or govemmeat regulatboss ' ,
<br /> . ' applfcable to a msid�tial property,aad Hon+uwer sball cumply alth the pmvlsions of any lease ii this Seruiity Instaument i� � .
<br /> I'�� o n a l e a s e hoid. IY thls Seauity insuument is an a w�it in a condominium or a pinnaed nnit development. Bwi+m�ver shall
<br /> • er t h e d e c l a r s don or cov e n a n t s c r e a s i n g a r g o v e m i n g t h e c o n d o m i n i u m m r p l a n n e d '�. ,., .
<br /> perfoim sU of Bomower s ablizgatlons und �
<br /> �±'� . �mit development,the by-laws and regutadons of the condominium or plaaned unic development.aad oonsdtuent dncumeats.
<br /> ���': � � . ' NFBAASiw oEID oP TRUST 4mon origiaal - aecora 0088813472 i ��
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