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<br /> F • _
<br /> � - � . ,
<br /> � �j ���D��� ' '. : .. �
<br /> � �!°U�CS..S ��ETT 8Ild BOIIORiCC OI�l�SP. b'^ fg ClI�t�II$. 3n 8�QS. Y"l"'�""' Qf ji3��APIIt$, $1C111�$ U1iNC4.t !
<br /> � , _
<br /> ' thereoa,for any injnry to or decrease ia the vatne of the Property zeceived by Bo:rower will be usc�co cestore the Property or � ..
<br /> applied w the paym�t of snmt sew�d by this Seauity Insm�ment, a+het�r ar not then due. with auy excess paid to .
<br /> Borrower. Unless Leader and Borrower othenvise agcee in writing,aaY aPPiicarion of proceeds w principal sball not extead , ,
<br /> or postpone tlte due date of the moathty paym�tts referced to ia Paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the amoimts of the payments. ,
<br /> � Bormwer agcees that in the ev�t aa awazd,Payment or]udgment incindes�o�s�on for bodt i6jmy or d�e in the :
<br /> value of the Praperty and oomPensatian for aay other Injary or toss,the total amoimt of such awazd,payment or jadgment
<br /> shall be deeaaed vompensation with iespect co the Pcageity and Horrower hereby wnsents to Latder's intecvearioa into an}+
<br /> � Pmceedings regard�nS��P�Y•
<br />. , 9. Loan Applicatloa Process.Somnwer shall be in defaWt�mder this Secarity Instrumenc.ff Homuwer,dnring the to� : .
<br /> � application pmcess,gave materlally false or inaccu�ate information or state�eats co Lender(or fa7ed on grovIde I.ender with i . .
<br /> ,� any material infoimation directiy b�ring on Leadec's d�isien to excend cr�it eo�oaawer), ita car►�ECtion with the laan . .,
<br /> evide¢oad by the Note. , • .
<br /> S. I�mRecLton of�ade�s�Cs Em C�¢�g�rdg.If�aa�wer fa�s to�serfo�tt�e�ants aad agceen¢emts c�ntaiaed .;,:.:,. :_
<br /> ���ty Tnctrumcmt R£tFt�LS 8�Cg3!Qia�g tl�t�Si�C3�uY 2��K IRIIdeL"S LL�1LR�IIk�E��E21tS/(SI1C4a a.4 ' � _,,�;1,:._
<br />` �iu$�,���.f�i o¢�de.m�e�tsn;� fOtfeiWc�os io�for.�e L�ts ot�o1LS),t1[�T�/��may du�tud c f;. '`i:��'�;-
<br />_ t '�:�. ":�z
<br />- , a , �� IIr�tc�'e��y ('-;' a' ;'; ;{'��:�-.
<br />`���. gag��cs n�c�aig to pas�t dte va,.���t�Prapert�aa�t E�'�r.�'us �D�Y• ;..�.• .<<;<•::,;b.:.
<br /> a�t�e�..L`s���y ��dsis�:r„vr�r�t, a�w•a�.� '�•'..' ; <<
<br /> '' � �:. �CI�X3i���:4���1�. �±xrr� �PP� `fE`'_'::,-i;`.tr.
<br /> ,-;::.,; .`. I',��•,��,i:. ���f��,I�
<br /> - '! . ,,;"; �� �g�{�,�.��: ,.���C!J 1II*...Y�8L�1HI•5 cJr�L'ffi.t53II�.�JUy:11$11 I.E�'1!'C. ID��1�1$E ACt3[�& 4r � � ' ``1 +;'. ,
<br /> ,t��: t< <�,�1; uII�tiY�.l�'�..If�c�kes a�:f�'-�'�!a Gis?.�.�lle ri�.�Tl.af f�t�C ri Qa�tr��E�e3ar`S rr.�kts �� � � o t: � ���{r� .
<br /> S r v 1d.1� � �� ri ' ��''tr•IF�
<br /> t ��,
<br /> �jir" iIICZFIQ6 t�C Yi�li CID Q�f�IL��31�'�3�I���-�1LSpEC�IODS,CL@�J]:T.�.c.'���FLF�"�t�I1L G6�.�'1� , � � rEx�'.
<br /> FI F y,�
<br /> �•`' �[Uj11I1I011$Qt��E�L71'�II���Y� I���y..)�'��n/�f,��}SICt+:IRY{.
<br /> �- r , - � .�-'� � r r n�e -
<br /> Aay amo�dis�iursed irg Leader ec¢d���azagzaph 8 shall become additiaaat d�lit af HQ�r��t�.��� ` �;��t;��'�;
<br />_ . ., Sepuity Insuumen�Unless Bormwer and Lender ag�rae w other teims of payme�t,these amounts shall�a�:r�ter�sc fin�tiie � . a�.y,u,,'
<br /> � .. � date of disbmxemeat at the Note iate and shall be psgable,with int�est,uPon demaad of Lender. � .�;:%;:-'��<<�';`
<br /> r, ..
<br /> . . 9. Mortgage Iasaeaao� If Leader requjred mortgage in4tttance as a oondit£on of making the ioan secuced by this � . .:,,
<br /> Secarlty Iasaument, Bomoarer shall pay the p:emdums required w maintaia the insurance ia effect�ndl sach dme ag the , � '��-
<br /> . � , reqnirement for the i�aurance temiinates ia accardance witb Bomuwec's and Lender's wrlttea a�eement or appl�cable taw. ; . '-�` `
<br /> 10. Iaspest[on.Lendet ma3+make or cause w be made reasonable eatrtes upoa and inspect�ons of the Property.Pmvided � . �-,:,' _":
<br /> �. that I.ender sbaU g[ve Borrower noaice prior to any such laapxtYon sPecti�n�ieasonabte cause thetefor a9 related to Lender's � . .� .:� �
<br /> interest ia the Property. • ��.
<br /> - . . 11. Candetnns�tt�r�.'[he proceeds of aay award or cla#m for damages. dh�ect or oonsequential,In oonaect�oa with aay ! � '� ' •:�.,
<br /> condemnatIon or other cakiag of the Pmperty.or part theieoY.ar for conveyauce ia lleu of condemaadon,are hereby asgigned ��`�
<br /> ;�,.�.
<br /> �,-��.;..
<br /> , and shaU be paid w Lender.sabje�t to the terms of aay mortgage,deed of trust ar othet sec�uiry agrcemeat with a lien which �- --�� . -�-:i
<br /> � has priorlty over this Securiry lnsuument. Y:.�-'.`
<br /> : In the event of a totul takiag of the Pm�erty.the pmoeeds sball be applIed to the sums securod by this Seauiry ;:�.s��`;.
<br /> :�,!;.'•.•
<br /> Instru�,whether or not then due.witL any excess paid to Bonower. la th�eveat of a patNal taldmg of the Proptrty in �_'::� :''•,.;_„.,,.
<br /> wlucb tb:fair market vatne of tho Propeny Immedlately beton t4r�taking is eqnal to or gceater thaa the amount of the sums ,-f?i���.�;
<br /> '; � • secureG try thfs Seruriry Instiuuxaa�ately before the taking.un�es�Bosmwet aad 1Rndat oih�zwlse agtee in wridng.tbe , l,�,fr,.;°.:
<br /> ?. sa�ms soaued by tbis Security lnsaar�eas sball be ieduced by the amo�t o!the proceeds mnit�pliod by the foltowing fraction: . � :.�;.r1;;�'�'
<br /> � (a)the wtal amount ot the sams senu¢d�ty before the takin�,dividod by(b)ihe fair markct valne of the Fmperty ; ''`r. .°
<br /> . ,,
<br /> � immediately before the takiag. Aay balaace s�a11 be Qaid to Borrower. In the event of a pardal taking of the Property in . . �.�:;,-,:.4,:
<br /> . �� whicfi the fair marlcet value of the Property immaliately before the taking is leas t� the amount of the sams seciued � � �.:;;�''.�i�":�;.
<br /> immediately befoie the taking,wnless Borrower and I.ender othesallse ag�ee�wiiting or�mless licabte Iaw otheraiise ' ''1:,:.
<br /> . � I ,�:.j�;�:`� ..
<br /> pmvides.the pmoeeds shall be applled to the sums secared by t1�is Security Insuument whether or not the snms ate tben d�ae. � .,,:,�r...,
<br /> � If tne Progerty is abandoned by Bomawer,or if, aftes noflce by Lender to Bomawer that Qee ooademnor o�'ers to �
<br /> � make an awaid or settle a claim for damages,Bortower fails to respond to Lender wlthia 30 days aRer ihe date th�e notlte is � � �
<br /> •�s � given,l,ender is anthori�ed to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restotation or repa�r o9 the Aropetty or ; , . , . . ,
<br /> the srsms secaced isy this Socnrlty InsoNment,whether or aot then due. � . � . '
<br /> ? Un2ess L�ender sud Borrower otherarise agree 9n writiag,anY appllcation of proceeQs to p:incipa�s�aU not eatend or � .
<br />. `. postpaue the due dase oP tue manthSY Dayment�referred to ln ParagrapLs 1 ar�2 oa change s�e amouat oY sucb paymenta. .. .
<br /> "y 1E. &:essr�war IYcE IILePc�sed;�'c��aace B�l.ender Not�Watve�Auepta�ce of PiarHal Payffi�nt.Extension of We ,
<br /> �� � dme for payment or modif�catioa o4 amortiratioa of the sums sea�ed Ay tbis Seauiry lastcumeae granted by Leades to � ,
<br /> �,� Bosawer or any successor in incerrse og Borrower sLall not operate to release. �n any manner, the liabiliry of the orlginal �
<br /> - � � � NEBRASKA DEED OF T[iUST�9�on Or�ginal - Record � , �
<br /> � MOd34NE P�bp17 00888I3472 . ' -
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