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<br /> �',s ,``i�` �sents�all of which sbaII!te a�ae�rt��.�=�a a part of t�h.�ropetly covered by t�is S�s�y�G�.��3. All of tPr� �s � ,`•�' t Yr 4,s :
<br /> r��. ��ft,�. �e c,alZed i�e r4 ' "J1� ,i=
<br /> 5�biag,together with srn�gcagertY tc':�s l��estate '�C c�is Secusity dusocument is cff a Ta�is,��k � ,. �.,
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<br /> - . ��-:.�� � sud the aty, �i�e J?t� ;s�, aca:�e � d:as�aasY� %,;�;:f�;., l:c:,�rnF���..�:
<br /> `F '' �iS}R�TS 8Q(1 COVCO21lTS E$2[�'�'C�i LV['�'ldl.� '�d�.'��I'�?.4Y[�'r UZ i�`IL'�IOQCl���� \�13.1. ,,,.'r�� !71Y+r:��_
<br /> 721� `
<br /> � c�mbrances of r000rd.l�+uau�r fiirther�,��oovemm�ts as follawa: „ ". `
<br /> . � when due the pr}nc3 al and lntem�c indebtedness ' ''' _�`•. '.
<br /> � i. Paymeat of Prindpal and Interest.Bormwer shall pmmptlY paY p ,:,.�.•�;-
<br /> �` { a nd all other c h a r ges evIdenced by the Note. B o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y w I�c n d e r � `:,�`�,:�..
<br /> :`�s . � Z. F�d4 for Texes aad Insarance.If requ�ed bY laader•and subject t o app l i c a b 2 e l a w. � ,::f':,
<br /> {�: S on the day monthlY Payments are due under the Note,unt�the Note is paid ta fWl,a sam('F»ads')for.{a)Yearly taxes aad � — .�>�.�t�t
<br /> assessments wbich may ausia prioriry over this Securiey Iaauvment as a 1Ien on the Property:(b)Year1Y teasrhold payments or j , •.:..�„r.
<br /> ��'` > ' grouad reuts on the Property.if an5►:(c)Yeuly I�a�d or pmperty insurance premiumg:<�Y Y -��J ";
<br /> earl Aood insuranrepremiums. •r..:�.
<br /> :�;-' if any: and(e)Yearly mortgage insuraace preminms.if aay. These items are called'Sscrow ltems." Lender may, az any t; �: `
<br /> :% . . tune.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceEd the maximum amrnmt a leadec for a federalty selazed mortgage loaa :''.''_
<br /> • may require for Bormwer's esctow aecount under the feQeral Real Estate Sea2ement Prooedunes Act of 1974,as a�eaded from ; . . '��:.::
<br /> . time w tIme.12 U.S.C.Se�ioa 2601 et seq.('ItESPAh.ualess aaother Isw t2tat ay�li�to the Fuada sets alesser amoune. If 4 . , , :�•;---.-�
<br /> �:y� so.Lender may.at azry time.collect aad hold Funds in an amount not to excad t$e Ieaser amo�mt. Lea der may estimate t he , , ;;
<br /> f amount of Funds dae on the basis of aureat data and re�onable estimates of expeaditures of fhture Fscrow Items or othecwLse i _ ,`':,;,:
<br /> �� { in accordan�e a+ith appllcable 1aw. . �,::;'
<br />'f��';� 'j 1 aoortcv,inatwnentalitv.or en6 -
<br /> �.;., . 'ihe Fnnds shall be held in aa instimtlon wt�ose deQosits are insaied hy a fedes� „ _ . �Y , : .
<br />�� ;;
<br />._::'.: �� Cmcluding l.eader,if Ixudec is surh an�nsdtution)or in atry Fedeial Home Loan Bauk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay t . ., :.
<br /> + the Fscrow Items. lender maY not charge Bormwer for holding and aPPh�B the F�md9, a�ually analyzing the escrow -.
<br /> � a000unt,or verifying the Escmw Items.anless Leader pays Bonvwer inteiest oa tlie Fuads aad applicable law peimita l.ender � � �;. .
<br /> � to maY�s¢c�a cbarge. However.La¢dea maY require Boztower to yay a one-time charge for an lndependent real esqte ta�c � ' . `,:;?�';:
<br /> � reporiing ser�:ce used by lxnder ia coanec�on with this loan,untess appltcable law psovtde�otheiwise. Unless an agceement C . .' �:,
<br /> ��� is made or appllcable 1aw requires iaterest to be paid,Ecnder shall not be zequired to pay Bomower at►y inte�est or eamings an ; ,
<br />� ` tt4e Fuads. Bom�wer aad 3euder may�ree�n writiu�,however.that interest shall be paid oa the Funds. I,eader shall give ! � _ .
<br /> � to Borrower,without char�e,an anaual accauntu�af+9�e Funds.showing credits and debits to tlte Funds aad the purpose for ^
<br /> -;� :.' ��� wluch each debit to the Funds wag made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security � ' • ;:`:�;`�:�;:
<br /> `•'.,,.s ., . ,
<br />. . .,1• ! ��. - � , .
<br /> >��: ' If the Funds heldt�y Lender exceed We ama�uts pezmitted to be held by applicabie law. I.eader shnll accaunt to �
<br /> Boaotiver for the excess �lmds iu accordance�vith the re�luimments of applicable law. If the amo�mt of th�Funds held by .i
<br /> _ � Lender az any time is not sufficient to Day the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so nadfjr Bomower in ariting.and. in k
<br /> : � such case Bormwer shall pay to l.ender the amount necessary► to make up the deflctency. Botmwet ahall make up the ,
<br /> � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments.at Leader's sole discretion. � - .
<br /> F
<br />- NEeHASISA DEED OP TRU9T�9�ouOriginal - Record �`
<br /> .� �, M003-2P�E v.Qe z oi� 0088913472 � �
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