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<br /> f �. Haiard ar Propert� Itvurancr. &,rruwrr ,h:sll krcp th� imprrnrnient. nu« eri,t�ng ur hiRai C r cc �,n the . • .
<br /> ' _ � Pru�rrty in,und:tgain.t k�.+bp firr. h;uarJ. inrluJ��l ��ithin [he term "extend�Yi r�ner:u:e" ::nd:�m ather h:uani.. including - ! ,,
<br /> - _ < � �lu�nf,ur tl�xxiing. ti�r��i�i�ii[.�titdrr��.{uis.�:n.ar.ce�x. Th�t swurnnce�h;ill br msintaincvi in thr:�a�unt�:�nti for!he�+eric��
<br /> . + that L.rnJer require..The ir►sursnce�3m�v pn,tiding thr ia.urancr,h:ill hr chu.en h� Burru��rr.ut���ti�t tu Ixnder'.appnnul _�;L �'
<br /> . •� «hrch +hult n�1t he unrw.,unahl� ait6hrlJ. U Burro���r t:►il. tu maintain cu�rrr��r d���rib�d abu�e_ Lrnder nusy. at Lxnder'+
<br /> �' • _;�, upri��n ohtaia wveragr tu prutcrt Ixnd�r'.nghi.in thr ProQert} in a�curJ:srtce���ith p�ar.�graph 7. ; ,
<br /> ��`-�. �"Y;�.� AU imuranrr policiey :u�d rent�val. ,h:tii br a��eptahlr to Lcn��r and �ha!! inrlueie a+tandard mc�Mgage dau�e. Lender F = _ _ __
<br /> � ;.� ,ha11 hare the right to hold the pulicies and rene�vals.!f Lender reyuires.&�rrawer,hall pmmptly give.to I.erdes a!1 reccipts of `
<br /> - �� paid premiums and mne�cal notir�.In the event of bti+.Bormu�er�twll gice prampt notire to the in,urteruY catrier and Lensier. F
<br /> ' , ,i;' ' L.ender may mal:e pmof of lusc if nat made pn�mptl}•by Borro��er. �; , - :•,_:,:�.' � ,'
<br /> -:;i. . � Unless[.ender and Borrower othenvi�agree in�sriting.insurance proceeds shall be applied u�re�,toraiior,or ec�air uf the „ • -,,;:;;�,,J_;..•.i._ :,,
<br /> , � prnperty damaged.if the restoration or repair is econumicalh fc�.�ihle and Ixnder's security is not leasened:If the restoration oT � ' ;
<br /> .�•:.:;,�
<br /> � � f repair iti not cxonomir.�lly feasible or Lender'++ecurih ���ou[��e l�wc� rL•e insurance proceeds��;.f be applied to the sums �,,,r;:.-. !:`�-:
<br /> �� ' t secured hy this Security inmument. whether atr not then de:e_ R�ith �r� �ti�s paid to Borrower. [f Sorrower abandons the . "`°.�F_
<br /> -` } Pmperty.ar does not answer�vithin 30 dati�s a autice frum�.;r�er::�•as�!�:=surance c3rrier has off�:tu[a settie a claim. then �•,,�'. -` :.
<br /> , } ': I �<�:_
<br /> ':' •'.� L.ender may collect the insuran�-e�r�ccxds. L.�nder m:e} [��:.r w procee..� ia repair��+r restore the Property or to pay �ums � F` ` : �;
<br /> i'�' • � secund by this Security Instrum�s.titi hether��c r_,:t then dze.�:e 30-day periai will l+�:�when the notice is given. �:�.r�,;�.��. • ;
<br /> ' • U n t e s s L e n d e r a n d B o r r o w e r o t h e r w i�e �_--e e in writin g. an y a p pLL..:�on of p�viceeds to principal shaU not extend or ,y. � -: '. „y� .�:=.
<br /> ,4 '. � . postpone the dae date of the►uonthly paymenn referred to in paragra��s > �.n�! '- cv change[he amoant of the p3}ments. [.f . _ �,;>.':-,�;-
<br /> . '` . under paragraph 21 the Propem is acquired by Lendec. Ber,:��wer's right:��a,.y i^s�!-:��policies and proceeds c�fJir,Q fi-C- ;,:;.,g-" • : `.
<br />-t. ' %..`�;; : : ;, �._�.
<br /> �- damage to the Property prior to the acquisitian shall pass tv�.:�c�er ta the extent ef t�.�;u,:s secured by this Sec�r:� lr��trument ; �
<br /> :, • . _ :-)'t�'x,,...._ .:'. �
<br /> � immediately prior to the acquisition. � ;:'_-=,_.� __
<br /> �: ;"� 6.Oocnpdns�.Preservation.l4taintenance aud Protection of the Psogerty;BorroKer's Loan Applleatton;Leaseholds. . "
<br /> s..-, ,:
<br /> ` Borrower shall occvpy.establish,and use the Property as Borrower s pri*:�..-�al residence within sixty days after the executian of z�. �..,.
<br /> . �.'� this Se�.•urity Instrument and shaQ rnntinue to occupy the Property a+BeT��wer's principal residence for at least one year after •.� '�; :"
<br /> � ^ � � the date of occupancy, unless I.ender athenvise agrees in writing,w t uc h consenE s h a l! no t be unreaso�b l y w i t h h e l d.o r u n l e s s :��'� .��•�:'��;
<br /> . . ,�f..
<br /> ' . extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrawer's contml. Borrower �!s=.`i not desiroy. damage or impair the �_`�i�:�':.. ,�,,
<br /> �,�;. , : , _ � Property, allow tDte Property to deteriorate. ar commit waste on the �:a�erty. Borr;.�..r shall be is►default if any forfeiture . . > �.
<br /> " •r: action or proceedi�,whether civil ar criminal.is begun tiiat in[.end�s.€�.�ud fais.�_�::�.nent ca:.f•�result in forfeiture af the �`��,` '�
<br /> a•:�,. ' Property or athenxise materially impair the lien.-reated b}`:.:s Securit��cb':,ument c:-�i�er's secsrity interect.Eorrower ma� �.; '.. - ,:. �
<br /> . cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragr�a��.?�..by causing the action o:;��aceeding to be dismissed with a ruling • _`��`
<br /> that, in Lender's good faith determination. precludes fu�:::ure of the Borrower's interest in the Property or o�'�ec material •• �`-;,
<br /> • '' . impairmem of the lien crrated by this Security instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shaq also be in default if �:, '-
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application praceac.gave mnterially false or inaccurat�informntion or statements ta Lender(or failed '°'-���
<br /> ��:e�- ° to provide Lender with any material infom�ation)im m�nection with the laan evidenced by the Note.including.but not limited , • ,.',. "=,��'�'.
<br /> � ' ta.representations wnceming Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security InstnJ�aent is an a • :°;:, � `��!"''
<br /> �; �„(.,.,r'; •.•�,: ;
<br /> � • leatiehold. Borrower shall comply with all the pmvisions af the leace. If Borrower acquires fee title to the C'cc+�erty, the ��.'�-•"�-�
<br /> ��' leasehold and the fee title shaU not merge unless Lender agrees to the mcrger in writing_ . :���� � ' =�
<br /> �: .�:..•
<br /> '` " � . • 7.Protect6�a of Lender's Rights in the�nroperty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemenu contained i^ . . ` j r `
<br />-��ii - . . • �Si�a•
<br />_ ' this Securiry Instrarment. ar�'�°.re is a legal�-aeeeding that may significantly affect Lender s rights in the Property(such as� . . • ;''`
<br />-•,.f pracePding in bankruptcy.pa-+b�:, for con�:.ation c:`:�-feiture or to enforce laws or regulations>,then l.ender s-�ay da ar.d � . ' � �'":
<br /> ��. �. . pay for whatever is necessary cu protect the+•.z'ee as;V��:aperty and Lender's right� in the Property. Lender s a:.tiQns may =i
<br /> � inciude paying �.m sums secured by a tirc ��ch has p:iority over thic Security lnstrument, appearing in court, paying �-: � :. � �i`;
<br /> . ::.�r,
<br /> - �— � reasanable attorrrz;s'fees and PnrPring�n�t-.;�operty m make repairs.Although Lender may take artion under this paragrap[� � � •:-
<br /> _ •�ts;::.
<br /> • l.l.ender daes ccTr Lsve to do so. . . °;`�t;"
<br />- � . � � Any amounts disbarsed by Lender under this paragrapfi 7 xhaq become additional debt af Borrower secured by this
<br /> � , ' � . Security lnstrument. Unless Berrower and Lender agree to ather terms of payment,these amounu shall bear interest from the .
<br /> ' date of disbursement at the^icte rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Ler.der to Borrawer requesting • .
<br /> �`;,= .. payment. .. .
<br /> �.�� ' 8.Mortg�b��nsurance.If Lender requ:r,�i r�n.,t?gage insurance as a condition of making the laan secured by this Security ` �z�" . �
<br /> ' • Instrument. Borraaer shall pay the premiums requirrd to maintain the mongage ins:�rance in effect. If. for any reaaon, the ' �` " � '
<br />-r ., .. �
<br />`:�;'.} mortgage insurance coverage requited by I.ender lapses vr ceases ta be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to � . .
<br /> .�;:� � obtain coverage suhstantially eyuivalent to the mortgage insarance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> .,.� . ' cost to Borrou� �:7'the mortgage insuran�ae rn:viously in effect, fram an altemate mortgage insur�r approved by Lender. If ,
<br /> � ' substantially ec{ur��.'.nt mortgage insurana::a.�,_yage is not available,G.c�cr er shall pay to I.ender�ch month a sum equal to • � -•.
<br /> - one-twelRh of the yearly mnrt��insura-.ce.~,remium being paid by f���r.;•xxr when tf�s insurance coveragc lapsed or ceased to , ' ..
<br /> -�?�i be in effect.Lender will acc�r, a,�and retain these paymer.�.y as a loss re5erve in lieas of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve • •
<br />;_:�9�- Fortn 3028 9190 . .
<br />--- Pago 3 of 8 � ,
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