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<br /> � � � � 9?- �t������ � .: ; � .
<br /> � Tt)GETHER�1�7TH all thr imprrnement.noa•or hereafter erected on the pruprrt�,end atl �.�Knsrnt.. appun�n;incr..anJ � ; .
<br /> � tiewrr. n�,a .sr I�crwflrr a pan of thr pmpern�. AU replacement, and add�tu,n. •hall al.�� hc cu�rr�tif hy thi, Scrur�tY
<br /> - ,--- •- tttitiljfll�iit.��Z cst ShC SitR=Oltic t�refrrtc�}!��in thi��•unh In.trumcnt a.thr"Pro�+�m." '� __ ;-
<br />_ . '- � Bf)RROIYEiR CA!'E�vANTS that&irn�Ner i.IaK•full� xnul uf ihe e.tatr henb} rum�r}cti1 3nd ha.Ih�nght a,gnmt xnd �. , .
<br /> ' a�m�e� the F'ropem ;�nd that the Pruprn} �. unenrumberrd. excrpt ti�r rnrumbranre. uf rc�:ord. &�rraaer ��arrant. and aiU
<br /> _- -- i =_ � defcnd gearralh the title tu thr Prupeny aga�mt all�laim.,anJ demanJ,.,ubject tu:�m �nrumhranre.�,i rer��ni. -• . _ .� , `
<br /> THIS SECt`RFTI' 1\STRL'R1£!�T rombir�e.unili�rm co��enanl.ti�r nntiunal u.c and non-unitiirm ra�rn;uu. �+nh litttited _
<br />-- ° � �•ariations by jun,dicti�m to comtitute a unifinm,e�urit}�mswment corering re:il proprm. � `���''.'''��
<br /> _ � l•NIFOR4�f COVEAIAI�TS. B��rn�w�eranJ Lenderco�enant and:igree:s�ti�fluN.: `�, � �
<br /> l. Pa3meni of Principal and lntemst: Prepa��tnent and Late Char�es. Bomxrer ,hnll promptly pa� �tihen due the
<br />.z- , principai of and interest un the debt evidenced b}the N��te and an}prepayment:ind late chargeti due und�v the Nate. _
<br />- 2. �'runds for Taxes and It�urance. Sub}c�t to applicable la�►•or to a written�+:si�•tr by Lender. Bormu'er �hafl pay to
<br />�= : ' I,ender on the da}•monthly paymenis an due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Fund,"►for:la��•r,arly taxes , �;r,.
<br /> _� . ..;.:z;=;�:-:r:; .:t��:
<br /> .,;.;:;. , � and:u�smenu ahich may anain prioritp uver this Security Instrument as a lien on the Propeny: Ib)yeaziv lea�ehold payments "'�`�, '
<br /> �<:�,�_:_< ; : � Pe > ) Y ) P P Y P S' Y P .
<br /> :c :c:� } or round rents.m the Pm rt•,if an•:Ic1 e�eri•harard or ru ert insurance remiw�u:id1 earl tTond iruurance remiums. .°
<br /> :t f . , if any:le)yearly mongage in�urance prenuums. if any�:aiW if)any sums payable by Borru�cer to Lender. in acrnrdance�vith , _i�- �,:.
<br /> >;<. the prorisians of paragrsph 8,in leeu of the payment of mortgage imurance premiums. These items are ralled"Escrow ltems." ;:t::.
<br /> ��`• [.ender may, ac any time. collect and huld Funds in an amount not to eaceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally " ,' ;�'� ,.':
<br /> �� . ' retated mo►tgate loan may rcyuire t'or&irrower's escrow account under the federal Rwl Fstate Settlement Pracedures Act of � . ;:,Y r, := ,
<br /> 197�a,amendeci from time to time. t3 U.S.C. Srx-tion 2601 cr srq. ("R E S P A"1.un less anot her !aw t ha t a pp li e s t o t h e F u n d s , _
<br /> " , . :.`'r �ets a lesser amount. If so, l.ender r[�y. at an}• t�me. cctlleci and hold Funiis in an amount not to�aceed the lesser amount. � '�%- .
<br />-_= Lender may estimate ehe amount of Fund;due on the basis of current ciata and reasonabte estimates of expendimres of future .__:... .. _ _.
<br />-�" � Escmw items ur othenvise in a�rurdaeice w�ith applicable law. ' • . . -
<br />�'-� � The Funds shall be held in az institution whose deposits are im-Ean:: bv a fc:decai ageney, inswmentality. or entity ,�;2- �
<br /> .��. ` .; lincluding Ixnder,if l.ender iti suc's�:n institution)or in an}•Federal Hom:[..oas�Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the �`r,•.,:.•;: ''.�;
<br /> "'F ' � ' Escro►v Uems. L.ender ma not ch��e Bormwer far hatdin an�a I in t�rr�unds,annuall anal zin the esccow account.or
<br /> � y 8 PPY � Y Y g -_�:'�:��.
<br /> .1 • • ; verifying the E.,crow Items.unlps Lender p�ay,Br.crower interest on the Funds and applicable law permi�c Lender to make sucn
<br /> z ::� a charge_ However.Lender may re�;aire Borroue.t�pay a on�::me charge far an independent real estate tax reporting service �� ``
<br /> tSa ` � t used by Lender in connection with chis loan. unles� appltca�;� !aw provides otheru ix. Unless an agreement is *.aafe or `'•��.:���"f'�:�.:.
<br /> �: • ' �'' applicaY+le law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be*equired to pay Borrower aay inter�t or earnings on�"a��rcmds. ;; � ;4�; ;
<br /> �r� � , Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,ho��•ever,that interest shall be paid an the Funds. Lender shall give to BLr'+�wer. ._ 4�+ :, 'i_ :
<br />`�'f without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds. showing creciits and d�DiLS ta the Funds and the purpose far whieh each ` ''�`'�y�:;�
<br />��,,��. . . ..;�.�.-� " .;' � � `'cl n .it: :
<br /> debit to the fiunds wa�made.The Funds are pte�ged as additional security for at sums secured by this Securiry Instrumeat. :,;:�,��.,,
<br /> �• "' ,fi��r•..:k�.''_
<br /> �;; • , '��:y;;��� If ehe Funds held by l.ender exceed the amaursts permitted m be held 6} a�licable la��.,Lender shnll acwunt co L'a�*7rower - _ r�:V••�;���.:
<br />, i-.� ,.�;;� , ; f, for the e�cess Funds in accordance with the n:quirements of appticable la�v. �t rhe ama:uis uf the Funds held by I.en�te at any ;:.{. ;.�'.'''•
<br /> �� ' : ' time is not sufficient to pay the Escro�v Items when due.l.ender may so notin IIc:arower in writing,and,in sitch ca5e Borrower
<br /> . � ��':
<br /> ° shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency_ Borros�:�shall make up the deficiemcy in na mare than � ,. `.�'"'��.
<br /> •'��. • � tuehe monthly payments,at Lender'�sole discretion. �` � =•• :��_
<br /> " • � '' t��n payment in full of all sums sccured by this Secunty Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Bnrr;+n�:r.any � : �;��_.:,";:;.:%
<br /> n � �. Fun��h:.�d by l.ender.If,under paragrapfi 2l.I.ender shall acquire ar seU the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisitiar.ur satn . _
<br /> ;'�; . of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquiition or sale as a credit againsi the sums sec�:ed by •
<br />',�;;:, ; . .;: •�: this Security Instrume�t. .
<br /> � • 3.Appl[catton af Pa�ments.Unles.ti appli�le law pravides otherwi�e,afl paymenty received by Lertder under paragrap?�s
<br /> . 1 and 2 ,hall be appli°d: first,to W�:y prepayment charges due under the Note: second,to amounu payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> r_;. . ,; �
<br /> ��Y;r; third,to interest due: fo�rth.[o pr:�.::pal due:and latit,to any late chargcs due under the���te. •`,r;;s,��'�.��:,:
<br /> �. " 4.Charges:Lir�c.Botroa�es�hall pay all taxes,atisessments,charges. fnes and impositions attributable to the Property �=�:il�,��'�`"[__
<br />�.•�.� ,.. �`..!1 which may attain priority aver this Security Instrument, and lea�ehold pzr��ms ot ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay ; �"+' '
<br /> . ,� � . 4� these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in tita�cnanner. Borrnwer shall pay them on time directly �.; • ��:�'.�
<br /> . . to the person owed payment. Bornr.u�er shall promptly fumish to l.ender all nvticcs of am�ants to be paid under this�tar..graph. �,.:;'; •���
<br /> �;„�` �. . � ,� lf Borrower makes these payment�uirecdy.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lcnder-a:ec3�t�evidencing the paymem�. . " •
<br /> ' -:' • • Hprrower ahall promptly di,charge any lie�which has priority aver this Security lnscr,:rnent unless Borrawer:Ia,�grees in ;::�,.
<br /> ;Y j, � �' :��; writing to the payment of the obligatian securrci 6�•the lien in a manner aoo�::�ta ta i.xixier:(b)contests in goo d fait h t he lien ��: �
<br /> .�;; � � ` ' by. or defends against enforcement of the lie:, c:►. legal prac.eedings w•hi�a cn tho Lcndcr's opinion operate to prevent the . , .
<br /> }.:�: :•,�:,, ,
<br /> , ,, ,:.,.)_;•., .• , enforcemem of the lien:or fcl xeccrc�fmm ihe halder of the tien an agn:ement t,atisfa.:���ry to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br />:_..�a ���;,:;;.,�, this Secvriry Instrument. If Lende�de:ermin�that uny part uf ihe Prn�srty is subject en a�ien which may attain pR,s�ity over �:. ' • '
<br /> P�
<br /> t';�, ' '�� this Security lnstrument, Lender may give Borra�+��e�r a notic�:dcntifying tho lien. &�rrow�er tihall sati�fy the licn or rake one or ;�� •
<br /> -.�;s, more of the actions sec forth above wilhin 10 du�s�S the giving af nmi�x.
<br /> � � � Form 8028 9190 � .
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