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<br /> . . . • _L ..._ -_ _, .'. .. .__ . . .._. . ..._. . .. :
<br /> ''�..1. _.."'""' '_ _ _'_ _'.. - ' ���� i1F����/(/ ".. .. ..
<br /> � ��• � payments may no langer be required.at the��ption af Lende�.if moct},:a�e in+usuicr coverage�in thr amoune�nd far the period •
<br /> ' , .� that Ixnder reyuire.�providai by an insurcr approve�!by i.eruter again ber��m��,a�ail3ble:in.i i.u6tained. 8urn�wer+hap pay , ' '� ' '
<br /> ---=—� c he pra�iiuuu r c y u i re d t a t n s i a G s i n a t c►rt g�e irKt►r.tnce in effect.or tu pmvidr a las..re.tien•r.untit the reyairement tiu martgage 4
<br /> ` in5urance cr.Js in accord�►�r«ith any�vritten agreement betw�een B��rn�Ker:uid ixnder or spplicable laa�• f'
<br /> , . 9. Inspection. Lender ur it,agent may make rea.wnable enuies upon:irtd inspectiam of the Prupeny. L.cnder.h;Jl gi�•e ..
<br /> � Borroa•er notice at the time of ur prior to an in�pertian,pecifying reacon:ible cautie fnr the impectian.
<br />. - _=-'�=_'-�- 18.Candemnatian. The prrneed.,of any award or claim for damagea. direct ur can.eyuential. in coml�Kii�n with any -- - - • --- -
<br /> . '' ` � candemnation or other t3king of any p:u'c ��f the Praperty,or f��r��onvcy:uu�e in lieu uf cor.eicmnatiun. :ue herebY ass��ncci and :�t,
<br /> `.y shall be paid ta Lee►der. . " " ;
<br /> ! In the event af a cotal taking of the Praperty.the pmcecxls shall be applied to die su�r��secured 6y this Security Instmment. , .
<br /> ' whether or not then due, with any excess paid ta Borm�ver. In the ever�t of a partial taking af ttce Property in which thr fair � F� ..:
<br /> -• � :,� market value af the Pmperty immediately before the taking is eyuul w or grertcr thun the amount of die sums secumd by this , �.� �y�St�.��,�;Y,
<br /> . . � Security instruntent immedia[ely befnce the taking.uniess Bormwer sutd Lertder othenvix agree it�writitt�. tlte aums secuced by .
<br /> . . � i this 5e�.�ursty Lnsm►ment shall be reduced by the amount of the pmceeds multiplird by the foituwing frsctiun: (a) the total ,`, `:=.
<br /> amuunt�f the sums�ecured immed�ately before the taking. divi�.'d b�' tb) the fair mnrl:et vat�of Ghr Property immed�a�e�Y
<br />- , � ':.: L before the taking. My balance �hall be paid to Borrower_ In the�ent of a panial taking af tite PrcFerty in which.tfi� £tir Y:�'.,�.:��_ ��;
<br /> --'=;�;; ' - market value of the Property immediately before tfie taking is Icss thun the amount uf the��um+s..�.'ured immed'eateiy EePar��te �"�;•,4.�
<br /> ' T licable law otheEwise ra�ides.the pmcea�s s6alt " � =';.-
<br /> _ ':'� taking,unless Borrower and Lender othenvise a�ree in writin�.ar w�t�s app' P
<br /> '"r`"` ' be applied to the wms sec�red by this Security Insuument whether ar rtot the sums are then due.
<br /> -r.:.. � , •.- .� .'
<br /> ".� ����`f. � If th:Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aFer noace by[xnder to Borrower thac�ie condemnor offers to ma�se an
<br />- -::�.`�.,;r-r.•• �' award es s�sale a ciaim far damages. Borrower fails to res�ond te [.ender within 30 days:.�ter the date [he notice is g-;tien. �, : .
<br /> �•"-"'X'. ' PP Y P or to the sams � r..:. _.
<br /> . �j.,,r:;� ` :-.� [.ender is authorized to collece and a 1 the roceeds.at it+option.either to restoration or rc�{s_ir of the Property -- .--:��-l.;:,_
<br /> � secured by this Securnty�.'utrument,whether or not then due.
<br />- ` • ,�.,t Unless L.ender a� Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of praceeds to prirtcipal shat! not extend ot .',;�:.
<br /> • � r p o s t p o n e t h e d u e d ate of the monthf y pa ymenu refeaed to in parag�aphs I and 2 or change[he amount of such payments. i� .�
<br /> ap
<br /> '"�'��,�. ;: 11.Bor�'ower l�ot Reteased:Furbearanee By Lender Noi a Waiver.Extensian of the time for payment or mo di f c a t i o n ("��,�4 i
<br /> r .�,»� � • r ,
<br /> �. ��; %:•� of amortiradon of the sams secured by this Security Instrument gant e d by L,e n d e r t o a n y s u c c e s s o r i n i n t e r e s t o f B o r ro w e r s h a 1 1
<br /> - ,: s:.. not operate to release dxe liability of the original Borrow•er or 8arrower's successors in interest. l.ender shall not be reyuired to , .a. �._.
<br />�`;:.� � '�' ;..."•;,�'s.r commence proceed'►n�r�uinst anY successor in acv:��.or refuse to extend ti�.for payment or other�cis�modify amortizatian i .�*;•:.
<br /> ,��s <i;r af,the sums secuted Fy �'his Setvrity instrumes�t �� r�son of any demana aadc by the original Br�.i�--rr�er or Borrower s i , ::
<br /> � •._'t. •,. ' �• ..:- � .
<br />�•`�� �� �'^;r�:<'; ' suceessors in interest. A�+forbearance by Lendes ra exerci��ir¢ar.y right or remedy shall not be a w:�cr�er of or preclude the .
<br /> '"�',' � exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> « 12. Successo�s�d Assigns Bound; JoIffi a.�d 5everal Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this f� ;
<br /> " Secwiry Insttument s[ieif bind and benefit the suc�sars and assigns af Lender and Borrower, .ubject tu thc provisions of ,,,,;
<br /> ,..,.f,��-
<br /> , � � � paragraph 17. Borro�:.r's covenants and agreemenu sha11 be}oint and several. Any Borrower whu ecrsi�ns this Security .::�
<br /> .'.�., ` �+.�_�:
<br /> ,� � Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that ;�.
<br /> ' Barrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument:Ib)is not personally obligated ta pay the sums • • '
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument:and Ic)agrees that Lender and any other Barrower may agree to extend,mndify,forbear or " ,_.;;_�;'
<br /> . .' . make any accommadat'sons with regard to the ter�n���f this Security In�wment or the Note without that Borrower's consent. �,E :'
<br /> • . 13.l.oan Charga.s.If the loan secured by����� S�x:urity instrument is subject to a law which seu mFisimum luan charges. ��-
<br /> ,+I � ' and that law is finally interpreted w that the ir,t��.s or other,uan charges collected or to be collected in connectian with the _ �'�
<br /> . .�,: . .
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits.tl�a-- �a)an}'�3i i�-a.�c:�zr�=�ttall be reduced by t6�a.-naunt necessary to reduce the charge �. ,
<br /> . � . . : .. _, to the permitted limit:and(b>any s.::�s alreadti �*1{.�ed from l�orrower whicb exceeded�+rrmicted limits will be refunded to `.';%�S{��';;��_:°'
<br /> '-- ` .�' Borrower. Lender may choose to make this rera.��.f. try reducing the principal owe� u:sl3rr the ;��te ar by making a direct � ' l_
<br /> ;
<br /> y_' ��'':�% payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces pn�,�fs'11. the reduction wiil '1 treated as a partial pr��yment without any , � . ...;,,� •
<br /> • ' , � ; prepaym.�nt charge under the Note. .- : _ _
<br /> � � '��� Il�.?ivlices.Any notice to Burr+�u•er provided for in this Security lnstrument sha:l L��ven by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> t
<br /> _ ... -•- it by first c�ass mail unless applieal=l�:aw reqe:res use of another method.The notice sft�:i be directed to the Property Address . .
<br /> - • ` or any other address Borrower d��i3nates by r.�:i:ce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> . .'' l.ender's address state�Ferein or ar.y other a�d..^4-�s Lender desig�ates by aoicce to Borrower. Any no�nce provided for in this
<br /> . Security tnstrument shafl be�eea'.e�f e�have beea given to Botrower or Lendes when given as provided in ihis paragraph.
<br />'.`:•,• • . . 15.Governing i.aw; S��c.rilrility. Tbis Security Instrument shall be goveme� mti• fodetnl law and the [�«- af the
<br /> =,j • . jurisdiction in which the Property �s located. In[he event that any proviaion or clause ut�this Security Instrument or u i Vote
<br /> '�' • • eonflicts with applicable law..uch wnflict sha11 not affect other provisions of this Security instrument or the Note wh2�1 can be
<br /> � • given effect without the conflicting provision. Tn thic end the pmvisions of this Security lnstn�me.*nz an3!h:Nate are declzred
<br /> -,� • to be severable.
<br />:�_•;,: � 16.Borro�er's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note an3 of thi�5acurity Instrum=a►t. � � ,
<br />- . ' ) Form 30z9 9/90 . .
<br />.. � . � . �,� �a90 4 of 6 . - �. .
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