<br />�y, and Community Assoc�adon Ciue.s. Fees� and Assessments, tf any. To the extent thet tltese items are Escrow
<br />Items. Boirower shap �y them in the manner provlded In Seatton 3.
<br />Borrower shaU promptiy discharge any fien which Mas pNorfty over this Security InsWment unless Borrower. (a)
<br />agrees in writing to the paymant of the ot►Itgetion aecured by the Ifen in a mar►ner acceptable to Lender, but only so long
<br />� Borrower ls pertorming such agreement (b) contesis ihe Ilen In g�d faith by, or defends against enforcemeM of the
<br />Ren In, legal proceedhigs wfitch in Lenders opWon oparate to prevent the e�orcemant of the Uen whlle thase
<br />pr�eedings are pending, but only urrtll sucr► proceed[ngs are concluded; or (c} secxrr� from the halder of the lien an
<br />agreemeM satEsfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Sscurity lnstrumeM. If Lender determines 'that enY part
<br />of the Property is subjec4 to a lien whlch can attaln prtority over thls Secxuity Instrumerit, Lendar may give Borrower e
<br />rwtice iderrtffying the 11en. Wlthln 90 deys of the date on which that notics is given, Borrower sha� saflafy ihe Gen or
<br />teke one or more of the aatlons set forth above in fh(s Sectlon 4.
<br />Lender mey requfre Barrowar to pay a one-Ume charge far a real estate tex verffir.ation andlor reporting servicre
<br />used by Lender fn connecHon wr�th this Loan.
<br />5. Properly Ins�uarnrn:e.. Bortawer shatl ka8p tha (mprovements now exisflng or hereafter erected on the Property
<br />insured against toss by flre, hazards ir►cluded wfthin the term "extended coverage," and any other hazards includtng, but
<br />rmt lim(ted to, earthquakes and ftaods, far wh3ch Lender requires irtsuranc�. This �sutance st�l be malntainad 'm the
<br />amounts (Including deducUble tevets} and for the periatfs that Lender requfres. Whet Lender r�uires pursuant bo the
<br />prec:eding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insuranc� shaA be
<br />chosen by Sorrower subJect to Lenders right to disapprove Borrowet's chotce, which right shaU not be exerdsed
<br />unreasona6ly. Lender may require Borrower b� pay, In connection with �fs Loan, eRiter. (a) a one-time charge fo� flood
<br />mne determination, oertiftcatioa and trackfig services; or (b) e or�e-Ume aF�arge for ftood mne determination and
<br />certiftcatfon servic�s and subsequent diarpes each time ramappings or s3rNlar changes acxur which rses�ably might
<br />affect such determinaUon or esrdflcaUon. Barrower shall also be responsible for tha paymerst ot any fees Imposed by
<br />tF�a Federal Emergst►cy Managemerrt Agency in canneclton wfth the reWew of any flood zone detennlnaUon resukhtg
<br />from an objecf[on by Barrowar.
<br />If Bortower iaps to maEntain any of the «�vvereges descrlbed above. Lender may ol�tain Ir�aurence c�verage, et
<br />Lende�s optlon and Borrowers experrss. Lender is under no abGgadon to purchase any perticular lype or amount of
<br />coverage. Therefore, suoh coverage shetl covar Lender, but mlght or might not protect Borrower, Bwrower's equity In
<br />the Property, ar the coMents of the Properiy, egainst eny risk, hazarti ar iiabflfiy and m[ght provide greater w leaser
<br />c�verage than rroes prevtousty In ef�t. Borrower aoknowledges that �e c:ost of the [r�sursnce coverege so abtained
<br />rtUght signific�ntly eucsed the cost of insurance that Sorrawer �uld have abtained. Any amounts d�ursed by Lender
<br />under this Seclion 5 shall become addit#onal debt of Borrower secUred by this Sec�rfty �nstrumerrt. These amotmts
<br />shall bear [nteresf at tlie Note rate from the date of d'isbursement and shall be payable, with such fnterest, upon rwticg
<br />irom Lender to Bflrrower requesdng payment
<br />AII insurance potid� requfred by Lender and renearals of such policies sFraD 6e sub)ed to Lendei"s right to
<br />disapprove such poAdes, shaA tnclude a standard martgaga clause, and shaA �rne Lender as mortgagee and/or as an
<br />additional lass payee. Lender sha0 have the rigM to hold tha poGcaes and renewal certHicates. lf LerMer requires,
<br />Borrower shall promptly glve to Lsnder ap raceipts of paid premlums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form
<br />of InsurenCe coveraga, not otherwise requEred by Lender, Por damaee to, or deshucUon of, the Property, such policy
<br />shaU [ndude a stenderd mortgage clause and shap name Lender as mortgagee andlar as an addidonai Ioss payee.
<br />In the event of lass, Borrower sha� glve prompt noUce to tha Erisurance carrlar and t.ender. Lender mey make
<br />proof of loss if not made prompUy by Sorrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherarise agres in wrltlng, any insurance
<br />proceeds, whether or nof the undedy'mg inswance vuas requlred by Lender, shall be appGed to restoration or repatr of
<br />fhe Property, ff ths restoration or repair is economicaAy feaslbis and Lende�s security is not lesserted. During such
<br />repair and restaretlon p�edod, Lender shall heve the right to hold suah lnsurance proceeds uMil Lender has had an
<br />opportunfty to lnspect such Property to ensure the work hae been complat� to Lender's satlafection, provided that
<br />such btspec@on shaq be tmdertaken prompUy. Lender may disburs� pro�eds for the repatts and restoratlon fn a stngle
<br />�yment or !n a Be�fes of Rrogr�s payments as the work fs completed. Un(ese an agreement � made in wriUng or
<br />Appl(cable Law requlres EMerest to be pafd on such inaurance p�ds, Lender shatl not be required to �y Borrower
<br />ertiy interest � eamtngs an such proceeds. Fe� for putr�ic adJustars, or other third parti�, re�ined by Borrower shall
<br />not be paid out of the insur�ence proceeds and shap ba the sole obligatlon of Borrawer. If the restoraflon or repair Is rrot
<br />ecorromicelly feasible or Lenders securfty would be lessaned, the i�surarn� proc�eds shali be applEed to the sums
<br />secured by this Security lnstrumerft, wfiether � rrot then due, with the excess, !i any, paid to Borrower. Such
<br />fnsurarn� proce8ds shs0 be appAed in the order provided for in Sectlon 2.
<br />if Barrowrer abandons the Property, Lender may flle, nsgoUate and settie any avaAable fnsurance daim and related
<br />matters. Ii Borrower does not respond within 30 � to a notice from Lender that the insurarn� carrier has offered to
<br />settle a clalm, then Lender may rregotiate and settle lhe cNaim The 30-day period wUl begin vahen the r►otice is given.
<br />In elther event, or if Lender acquires #he Property under Secdon 22 � othervvise. 6arnnwer hereby essigns to Lender (a)
<br />Borrower's rigMs to any (nsuran� proce�s in en amount not ta exceed the amounts un�id under the Ncte or this
<br />Security Instrument, ar�d (b) arry othar of Borrower's rights {other Uian the rigM to any refund of uneamed premlums
<br />�id by Borrower) under all Insivarn� �Iiclea c�veting the Properly. hreadar es such dghts are app4qble to the
<br />coverage of the Propsrty. Leruier may use the insurarroe procaeds etther to repair af restore the Property or to pay
<br />amounts unpaid under the Note or this Securfty Instrumerrt, whether or not Shen due.
<br />8. Ocwpancy. Borrower s}iall accupy, estabtissh, end uae the Pmperty as Borrowar's princlpal r�idance withtn 80
<br />days after the executlon of this SecuriFy Insirument and shall coMlnue to occupy the Properiy. as BorrowePs prindpal
<br />NEBRASKA-Single FamDy-Fannie Mae/FreddIe IIAac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101
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