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�a��o���� <br />scheduled due date, then Ler�der need not pay irrterest on unappIIed funds. Lender may hold sud� uneppllsd funds urrtlt <br />Barrower makes payment to bring tha Loan current ff Borraw+er does rrot do so within'a raasonebls peri�l of tlme, <br />Lender shaA eitiiar apply such funds or rehim them to Borrower. If nat applietl ea�lier, such funds witi be app�ed to the <br />outstanding principal balancs cmdar the Note Immedtetelq prior to foredosure. No offset or daim whtch Borrower might <br />hava now or fn the future agffinst Lender shaU refieve Barrawar from makfng paymenb due under the Note and this <br />Securit�+ lruhumerrt or performing the covenants and agreements aeaued by thfs Sscurtty Ir�trumer�t <br />2 Application of Paymerrts or Pr�esds. Exoept as otherwise d��ed [n this Section 2, e0 paymerds aa�pted <br />and appGed by Lender shall be eppiled in ihe foqowir►g order of priority: (a) fnterest due under d�e Note; (b) principal due <br />vnder the Nate; {a) amounts due under Secdon 3. Su�h payments shaA be applied to ear,h Pedotlfc Payment in the <br />order !n whfch tt became due. Any remaining amourrts shall be appGad first to late chargee, second to any other <br />amotmts due ur►der th� Sscur[ty Instrume�rt, and then to reduc� the �lnc�al balance af the Note. � <br />I� Lernier rerslv� a paymeM trom Borrower Tor a"delfiquent Periodic Payment which includ� a suFfident amount <br />to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied-to the depnquent payment and the Iate charge. If more than <br />orre Pedodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply eny paymerrt received irom Borrower to the repeyment of the <br />Periadic Paymenffi if, and to the extent that, each payment can be pald in full. To the extent that arry excess extsts <br />after the peyment is appQed to the Pull payment af ane or more Periodic Paymenffi, such excess may be eppQed. to any <br />late aharg� due. Volor�ry prepaymants sheEl be appAed flrst to any prepeyment charg� and then ae described In the <br />Mote. . . <br />My appllcation of payments, insuranc•s proceeds, or Mlscc�111eneous Proc�s to pr(ncfpat due under the Note shall <br />not e�ctand or postpone the due date, ar change the amount, of the Periodic Payrrrersts. <br />3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower ahatl pay to Lender on tha day P�riodEc Payments are due under the Note, <br />until the Note 1s paid in iull, a sum (fhe °Funds•) to provlde for payment of amounts due for. (a) taxes and assassments <br />and other ttems which can attaln priority ovar ihfs Security Instrument as a lien ��mbrar►ce on the Aroperty; (b) <br />leaseho[d payments ar ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) pramiums for eny end eti Ir�suranoe requlr� 6y Ler�der <br />under Section 6; and (� Mortgage Ensurance premiums, if any, or eny sums payabte by Barrower to Lender fn lieu of the <br />payment of Mortgage Insurancs premfu� in accardance with th� provisions of Sedlon 1Q. Theas items are caUed <br />"Esc;�ow ltems " At artglriation or et any. Ume durtng the term of the Loan, Lender may raquire that Communily <br />Assoaation Dues, Pees, and Assessmetrts, Ef any, be escrowed tsy Borrower, and such dues, fees and as�ssments <br />shaU be an Escxow Item. Borrower shap prompUy fumish to Lender aa notices of amourtts to be pald urtder thfs Se�lon. <br />Borrawer shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow ltems unless Lender wafves BorrowePs obAgatlon to pay the Funds for <br />arry � all Es�aw Items. Lender may waive Borrowers obligation to (�y to Lender Fu�s for any or all Escrow Ikems at <br />arry time. Any such waNer may or►!y ba In wrltlng. In the evert of such waiver, Boriower shall pay direcdy, when and <br />where payabte, the emourns due far any Escrow Items for whlch peymarrt of Fcmds has been waived by Lerttier and, if <br />Lender requires, shap fumish to Lender receip�s evidsndng suoh payment wfthln such tlme period as Lender may <br />raqui�e. BorrowePs obligation to make such payments and to provitfe receipts shall for eA purposes be deemed to be a <br />covenant and agreem�t wntahted in this Security Instrumerrt, as the phrass °covenar►t and agreement' is used in <br />Secfion 9. If Borrower Is obRgaEed to pay Esarow items dlrectly, pursuant to a wraiver, end Borroarer faAs to pay fhe <br />amourrt due tor an Escrow lfem, Lsndar may exerdse ris rights under Sedion 9 and pay such amount and Borrower <br />shap then be obligated under Se�4ion 9 to re�y to Lender any such amourst. Lender may revolce the waiver as to anY <br />� all Es.c.row Items at any time by a noUce given In acxordance with Saction 15 and, upon. such reva�tion, Borrower <br />shall pay to Ler�er al! Funds, and in such amounts, that are then requlred under this SecHon 3. <br />Lernier may, at any time, collect ar�d hold Funds in an amount (ay sufficierrt ta permit Lender bo apply the Funds at <br />the tlme �ec�Rfled under RESPA, and (b) not to ex�ed the maximum amaunt a Isnder ca� require under RESPA. Lerrcler• <br />shalE esdn►ate the amount ot Funds due on the trasls af currerrt data and reasonable estimates of expenci'ihires of future <br />Esuow Items or otherurlse In ac�ordance with Appllcable Lew. <br />The Funds shall be held tn an Ins6tufion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, lnshumantaliiy, or entity <br />{including Lender, If Lender !s an institudnn whase deposits are so (�ured) or in any Federai Home Loan 9ank. Lender <br />shall apply the Funds to pay tha Escrow Items no fater than fhe time specified �mder RESPA._ Lende�' shell not char9e <br />Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analy�ng the escrow account, w verifying the Escraw Itecns, <br />uNess Lernier �ys Borrawer interest on fhe Funds and Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unlesa <br />an agreement is made In writing � AppAcable Law requltes interest to be paid an the Funds, Lender shap rrot be <br />�ulred to pay Borrowe� any interest or eamiRgs ari the Funds. Borrower and Lender c�n agr� in writing, however, <br />that Interest shafl be patd on tha Fw�ds. Lender ahatl give to Borrower, withoui charge, an annusl acc�unEfng of the <br />Fands as requir�i by RESPA <br />lf there is a surptus of Funds heid in escrow, as deflned under RESPA, Lendw shall accour►t to Borrower for the <br />excess funds In accorden� wfth I�SPA. If there Is a shortaga �f Funds held fn escrow, as defined under RE3PA, <br />Lender shap notify BoROwre� as requlred by RESPA, and Borrower sFrell pay to L�nder fhe amount neoessary to rtmke up <br />the shdrta{3e in accor�dance with RESPA, but tn no more then 12 morrthly payments. If thsre is a deficlency of Funds <br />held In escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall noti(y Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shap pay to <br />Lender the amoient neosssary to make up the defldens.g+ in acwrdance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 monthly <br />payments. <br />Upon paymerit In full of all sums sscured by this Securfty Instrument, Lender shatl prompUY reiund to Borruwer any <br />Funds held by Lender. <br />4. Charges; Lte�. Bartower shall pay aA taxes. assessmerits, cherges. hnes, and fm�Hons attrlbutabla to the <br />Pr�periy which can aiUatn prlorlty over this Secuu�Ity Instrument, leasehold payments w ground renks on tha Property, ff <br />NEBRASKA-Single FamUy-Fanale ARaelFraddie AAac UNIFORM INSTRUMEI4T Form 3028 1/01 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />