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�Q��013�� <br />residence for at least one year after the dete of occupancy, unless Lender othorwise agreea in wriUng, which consent <br />shaEl not be unreasonably withhsld, or unless extenuatlng circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's c�ntrot. � <br />7. PreservaNan, Malrrtenance ar�d Protection of the Properiy; Inspectlons. Barrower shaU not destroy, damage or <br />impalr the Property, aAow the Froperty to deteriorate or �mmit waste on tlie Prapsrty. VYhsther or not Borrower [s <br />resfding in the Praperly, Borrower sha� maintahi the Property ln order to prevent the Property from deteriora�rtg or <br />decre�ing in vafue due bo ifs condtdor►. Uniess" ft(s determined pursuant to SecNon 5 that repair or restoration is not <br />ecanomkally feasit�le, Borrowar shall promptly re�ir the Property N damaged to avo3d further detertoration or dartraga. <br />If insuranc� or cor►demnatlon proceeds are paid tn connectfon wlth damage to, or the takh►g of, tlie Property, Borrower <br />sheU be responslble for repeiring or restoring the Property only ff Lender has released proc�eds for such puiposes. <br />Le�xler may diabur� proceads for the repalrs and re.storation in a single paymerd or in a serles af pragr+�a payments as <br />the wark fe completed. If the Insu�ance or condernneNan proceads are not sufficlent to rapair � reslore the Prope�ty. <br />Bonawer is rrot relleved of Borrowers obAgadon for the completion of su� repair or rastoratfon. <br />Ler►der w 9ts agent may make reasanable entries ugon and inapecUons of the Property If it has reasormbte cause, <br />Lendsr may inspect the interior of the lmproverirents on fhe Property. Lende� shaA give Borrower notice at the time of <br />or priar to such an interior inspectlon specliying such rsasonable cause. � <br />8. 8arrowers Loan Applicatlon. Borrower shaq be in default ff, dudng the Loan applit�8on process. Borrower a <br />any persons or entlUes acttng et the dhecdon of Borrower or with Borrowers kr�vledge or oonsent gave materlaliy <br />falss, misleading, or Inaccurate informatlon or stetements to Lendar (or failed to provide Lender wNh material <br />iMormatton) in connecUon with the Loan. Material represeritafions include, but are riot Gmited to, represerrtadons <br />r,onceming Bomower's ocxupancy of the Properly es Borrower's principal resider�. <br />8. Proteatlon of Lender's Irrterest in the Property and RlgFds Under thie Securtty lnstnrmenf. If (a) Borrawer fails <br />to perform the c�venants and agreamerrts crontalrred In thfs Sec�rfty Insltument, (b) thare is a Esgal pra�edh�g that <br />might significanfly affect Lender`s krrterest In the Property and/or �tghts under thEs Secur(ty Instrumerit (such as a <br />proceedtng fn baniwptcy, probate, far condemnatlon or forfeiture, for enEorcement of e Ilen which may attain priorfty <br />over this Security InsG'ttmerrt �r ta er�force laws or regutatlons}, �(c) Borrower has abandoned the Properiy, then <br />Lender may do and pay for whatev� Is reasonabte or approprlate to protec� Lenders interest in the Property and rights <br />under th� Secyrriy Iristrumerrt, tncluding protecting andtor assessing fhe value of tha Property, and securing endlor <br />repairtng the Praperty. Lendei's aatlans can ]nclude, but ere not limited to: (a) pay�ng any sums secured by a Ilen whtch <br />has priority over ti�is Securify tnstrumerd; (b) appearing In coar� end (c) payfig reasonable attameys' feas to protect its <br />tMerest In ihs Property and/or rights under this Security lnstrumerrt, indud'mg its sec�red posidon in a bankruptcy <br />proc�eeding. Se�ring the Properiy indudes, but is no# Gmited to. entering the Property to make repalrs, d�ange tocks, <br />replacs or board up doors and windouvs, drain water from pipes, eliminate bu1l�ng or other code violations ar dangerous <br />condltlons, and have utBities tumed on or otf. Althaugh Lender may take acflan under thts Section 8, Lender does not <br />hava to do so and ie not under arry duty or obllgetlon to do so. It Is agreed that Ler�der inaurs na IiabNty for rrot taking <br />any or aU actions eutiwrized under this Section 9. <br />Any amourrts disburssd by Lender under thEs Sedion 9 sha[I became sddldor�al debt of Borrower securad by thls <br />Security Inshumant. These amourMs shall bear IMerest at the Nofe rate from the date of disbursement end shall be <br />payable, with such intersst, upon noUc� from Lendar to Borrow�er requesUnB paYn►ent. <br />If this Security I�Lvment is on a leasehold, Borrower shall compty wtth all the provfslone of tl1e lease. If Borrower <br />ac��nres fee tlUe to the Property, the leasehotd and the fee title shaq not merge unless Le�er agrees to the mergar [n <br />wrldrig. <br />t0. Mortgage I�urance. If Lender requfred Mortgaga insurancs as a conditton of makfng the Loan. Borrower shaQ <br />pay ihe premlurns requfrsd to maintain the Mortgage Insurance tn effect. If, for any ceason, the MoRgage Insurance <br />coverape required by Lender ceases to be avaAa6le from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such fnsurance <br />and Borrower was requlred to make separately desEgnated paymerds toward t►'ie premiums for Martgage Insurence, <br />Borrower shail pay the premiums requi� to obtaln coverage substantla[fy equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance <br />previausly fn effeCt, at a cost substarrtlatly squh�alerrt to the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage InsUrence previously in <br />effect, from an altemate mortgage ins�uer seleGed by Lender. If substarrtlally equivalent Mortgage Insurancs c�verage <br />is not available, Borcower shaA cflntlnue to pay to Lerrcler ti�e amouM of the separate[y deslgnated payments that were <br />due when the irnsurance covere� ceased to be in effect Lender wQl accapt, use and retaEn tfiese PaYments as a <br />non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of M�tgage Irisurance. Such I�s reserve shaQ be nan-refunda6fe, noiwithstanding <br />tfie fact that �e Loen is uldmately paid in full, and Lender sNall not be requlr� to pay Borrower any interest or eamfigs <br />on such loss reservs. Ler�er can no longer require loss reserve paymer�ts if Mortgege Insurance coverage (in the <br />amourrt ar�d for the period that Lender requlres) provtded by an ir�surer selected by Lertder agsin bec�mes avatlab�e� �s <br />obtained, and Lender requires separately designated payments taward the premfums Eor Mortgage Insurance. If Lendar <br />required Mortgage Instaanc� as a oa�kion of maktng the Loan end Borrower was requfr� to make ssparately <br />d�ignated payments toward the prem[ums for AAortgage Insurence. Botrower shall pay the premfums require�l to <br />maintain MoRgege Uisurar�ce ln, or to provide a non-reflttidabls loss reserve, urrEil Lender's requiremert for <br />Mortgage Insurance ends In accordanc:e with any written agreemenf between Borrower and Ler+der providfig br suah <br />termination or urrti! terminatlon fs requtred by Applicable Law. Nothing In thfs Ssctlon 10 affects Borrower's obligation <br />to pay trrterest et the rate provtded in ihe Note. <br />Mortgage lnsuren� reimburs� Lernier (or ern+ entily that purc�ases the Note} for certain losses ft mey )nwr if <br />Barower does noi repay the Loan es agreed. Borror+rer is not a party to the Mortgege Insurance. <br />lUtartgage Insurers eaaluate their t�tel risk on all such itisurancs tn torce fiom tlme to Ume, and may anter lnto <br />agreements with other parties that share or modif�+ their risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are on tem►s aird <br />NEBRASKA-S(ngle FarMy-Fenrde MaelFreddie AAac UNIFORAA IN3TRUMENT � Form 30Z8 i/01 <br />Pege 5 of 70 ' <br />