<br />(J) °Community Assocfation Dues, Fees, and Assessmenta" means all dues, fees, assessmer�ts and oth� c.�r9es fhat
<br />ere fr�osed on B�rrower or the Properly by a oondomfiium assopafion, homeovmers assodation or �ImAer
<br />orgenizatian.
<br />°qectronic Funde Trensfe�" means arry transfer oi funds, other then a trensacUon originated by check, dFaft, or
<br />s1�mDar paper instru�nent, which is inl�ated through an e�ctronic tettnlnal, telephonic instntment, computer, or magne4c
<br />tape so as ta arder, instruot, or authortza a financial insdtutton to deblt or credit an ac�unt Such term includes, but is
<br />'not lim(ted to, point-o��le #ransfers, automated teller machlne transadlons, trensfers initlsted by telephorre, wire
<br />transfers, and automated dseringhawse transfers.
<br />(L) "Escrow Items° means those items that are des�ib� ln Sectlon 3.
<br />(l� °AAiscellaneous Proceeds" mear�s arry �mpensetion, aetflement, awerd of damag�, or proc�eds paid by any thlyd
<br />�rty (other than Insuran� procaeds paid under the c�cverages described in SecUon 5j for. (� damage to, � destructlon
<br />of, ihe Property; (h� condemnation or other faldng of eJl or any �rt of the Properly; {II� crorweyance �n Ileu of
<br />�ndemnation; or (lv} misPepresantetions of, or omissions as ro, fhe value andlor conditlon of the Property.
<br />(Id) °Nlortgage Insuranc:e" means insurancs protecting Lender agwnst the nonpayment of, or detauit on, the Loan.
<br />(O} °Periodie Paynierit° means the regular[y scheduled amount due for (i} priqcipal and [nterest under ti�e Note, plus (i')i
<br />any amounts �usder Section 3 of this Security lnatrumerrt.
<br />(P) "RESPA" means the Real f_state Setttemer�t Procedurea Act (12 U.S.C. § 2601 et s�.) and its implementing
<br />reguletion, Regulatton X(24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from tima to time, cr any addldonal or
<br />euccassor IegislaUan or regulatlon thet govsms the same subJect matter. As used In thEs 8ecurfty lnstrument, "RESPA°
<br />refers to atl requlremants arni resbicttons that are lmposed in regard to a"federally related mortgage foan° even if the
<br />Loart does nof quailty as a"federally related mortgage I�n"• undar RESPA.
<br />(Q) "Sucrsss� In interest of Borrowee" mear�s any party that has takan Utle to the PropeAy, wheiher or not that party
<br />has assumed Borrowers obligations under the Note andlor this SecurfEy Inshumerrt.
<br />Thts SecurUy Instrument secures to Lender p} the repayment pf Uie Loan, and all rer►ewals, exter�siams and
<br />modiflcations af the Note; and (6) the pafformance of Borrower's covenants end agreements urnier this Security
<br />I�mer�t and tEte Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grarrts arid c�nveys to Trustee, in tn�t, wlth power of
<br />sals, the foltowing descrtbad property located In the County of HALL:
<br />Real Properry tex ldentiflcation number is 400385473. .
<br />whlch currently hes the add� of 308 RENEE ROAD, DONIPHAN, Nebrastca �832 (°Property Address°):
<br />TOGE'T1�IER WITH all the Emprovemenfs now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easem�ts,
<br />appurtenances, end flxt�res now or hereafter a pert of the property. A11 replacemerrts and additlons shall also be
<br />wvered by this Set�rity Instrumern. All of the foregoing Is referred to in this Security Instrumert as the °Proaerty.
<br />BORRQWER COVENANTS that Barrawer is lawfully seis� of the estate hereby conveyed and has the rf9ht to
<br />grant and convey the Property and that fhe Property is unencumbered, except far encumbr�ces of rec�rd. Borrower
<br />warranb and wdll defend generally the tiUe to the Property against a11 ciaims and d�nands, subject to any
<br />encumbrances of rec�d.
<br />7HIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines urtiform covenarrts for nadonal use and non-uniform covenerrts with
<br />I1mRed variatlons by jurisdicHon to constitute a unlform security insttument covsring real properly.
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowar and Lend�r cavena� end agrae as foUows:
<br />7. Paymern of Pdndpal, Inte►�est, Eserow Itertts, PrepaymerK Gherg¢s, and Late Charges. BoTrowrer shatl �y
<br />wh�n due the princ3pal of, and interesf on, the debt evidenced by the Plote and any prepaymsnt charges and late
<br />changes due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuent to SecUon 3. Paymenb due
<br />under the Note and this Security lnstrumeM sha0 be mada in U.S. currency. Howev�r, N any check ar other instrument
<br />recehred by Lendsr es payment imder the (Vote or thia Security Instrument is retumed to Lendsr unpald, Lerttler may
<br />require that any or eU subsequent paymants due under the Note and thts Security I�ment be made in mie or mare of
<br />the following farms, as soleCted by Lender. (a) cash; (b� money order, (c) certitfed check, bank check, treasurer's c�ack
<br />or c�shier's check, provlded any such check is drawn upon an fmstitutlon whase deposits are insuretl by a federal
<br />agency, Instrumente6iy, or entity; or {d) ElectroMc Funds TrensFer.
<br />Payments are desmed recc:eived by Lender when received at the locatfan design�ted in the Nota or at suc� othar
<br />locs8on as mey be designated by Lender ln axardance wlth Uie notice provfalons in Section 15. Lendar may retum
<br />any payr�nt or �rtlal payment if the payrtierrt or �ctiet paymer�t,a are Ir�sufficferrt to bring the Loan currer�t. Lender
<br />may accept a� paymerrt or pardal paymert InsuffldeM to bring the Loan currerrt, without +Matver of any rights
<br />hereunder or prejudice to its Mghts to refuse such payment or �rtial payments in the future, but Lender la not obUgated
<br />bo apply suc�i peym�ts at the tlme such paymente are axapted. It' each PeriodiC Payment is eppGed as oY its
<br />NEBRASKA-Stngle Family-Fa�mie MaelFreddie Mac UN[FORM IN$TRUMEfJT Form 3028 1/09
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