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<br /> � = - 13.Nni�ces.Any norice to Borrower provided for in this Secunry Instrumeat shali e given by delivering it or � - - -
<br /> ` by mailiag it by first class mail nnless applicable taw requires nse of another method.The notice shall be directed to . •
<br /> . , the Property Addras or any ottter address Borrower desiguates by norice w Lender.Any notice to Leader shali be . , °
<br /> ' � . • � given by first class ma�to Lender's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by norice to Borrower. s _ �
<br /> � Any notice pmvided for in this Securiry Instmment shall he deemed to have 6een given to Borrower or Lender when ' � ,,-
<br /> . • giveu as provided"m this paragraph. i ' '.
<br /> .� 14.Coverning Law;Severabllity.This Security Instrument shall be govemed by Federal law and che law of E .
<br /> the jwisdiction in wtuch the Property is Iocated. In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Instr�ment • � - �
<br /> �"'�� or the Note conflicu with applicable law.such oonflict shall not affed other pmvisions of this Security Instniment or ,�< <.�
<br /> the Note which can be given effect wiWout the oonflicting pr+ovision. To this end the provisions of tI�is Sec�uity � �
<br /> t l n s t r u m e nt an d t he I Vote are dec t a r e d to be sev e r a b le. ` , •° '�`'`
<br /> � I 15. Borrower's Copy. Borrowsr shall be given one as�frormed copy of the Note aud of this Security � �. �..
<br /> ?.....:..:
<br /> . Inswment. :. -
<br /> �.:;;;` .
<br /> 16. NaTardo¢s�eitsstauces. Borrower shall aat cause or permit the presence,we,disposal,storage,or Eelease �., • . ;,:,�
<br /> . . , of any Sa7ardous Sub�t�ces on or in the Propeny. Boaower shall aot do, nor altow anyoae etse to d�:,�¢?�thing i.��:� = .. : .�:,�
<br /> _ • • a ff e c t i n g t h e P m p e rt y t fi a t i s i n v i o t a r i o n o f a n y E n v i r o A m e n t a l L a w. T h e p r e c e d i n g t w o s�o e s s h a l t�c�*ti I y t u � :;.:r��
<br /> • _ _ the preseuce. use. or storage o� �iie Property of smaU q�ti�es of Hazazdous Subst�scas that aze ��ru `�,��,f�``
<br /> ieco to be ro riate to ne.�sr�resideutial uses and to m � .��a.+ perty, � p`
<br /> � �P P �*_.�ce of the Pro � , •'6� `'
<br /> � Borrower shall m tl ve Lender written notice of an 3mesti ation,claim,demand,lawsuit or er3tec�c� `�
<br /> P � Y� Y g f-:.. 5.��;':=��!
<br />- . - .. hy any governmental ar regslatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha7ardous Subs[aex or !:�';.�- ';':.;;%i'�''°
<br /> . Environmeatal Law of�iiiz6 Berrower hu actual knowledge. Lf L�oirower leams.or is noufied hY an}r governmec�T • ,�
<br /> . or regWatory authority,chaz aay mmoval or other remediation aF an}r Haiasdous Substances affecxing the Propeny��. � . �;:��� ;�
<br /> � �:. necessary.Borrower sl�il�zompdy take aU necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Lzs_ • � . ';,{.
<br /> �°�. �.� As used in this paragraph 16. "Hazardous �asbs[ances" are those substances defined ac toaic ¢r�.-�o-� iF°'r=`�-�-�._ :�;'`:�;:;:.
<br /> . substances by Euvinonmental Law and the folIaa�; substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammat�T.e�r toxic ` .•..'< �
<br /> � petroleum praducu,toxic pesticides and herbicide�.:vlatile solvenu,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, ,k�.;•:
<br /> Kr{n�.��,
<br /> , �;;.'s and radioaaive materials. As use�r.rs rhis paragraph 16, "Eaci.n*smental Law'means fede¢aI laws and laws of the � .. • ,��'�f�''`'�
<br /> ' °'���' urisdiaifla where the Pro �s ta�that rclate to health,� or euvironmental rotecri3:n. E r _: `•#�`�'���
<br /> � .1 P�Y� �' P !� _�. _ :�,;,f:,x
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<br /> NON-UNffORM COVENANTS_Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foltows: ', . ' •,
<br /> 17.Assignmeat of Renis. Borrower unwnditionaUy assig�s and transfers to l.ender all the rents and revenues
<br /> • �`-'•"`: of the Property.Borrower authorizes ixnder or Lender's agents to collect the reau and reveaues and hereby directs �� °` =
<br /> ,. . ,
<br /> �;, . . lr��-,,�:. each tenant of the Property to pay the rents ta I.ender or Lender's agents. However, prior to Ixnder's notice to '•�'���
<br /> • . -},;.: Borrower of Borrower's breach of any covenan[o�r agreement in the Sesvrity lnstrument,Borrower sLall wtlect and � •
<br /> ��' �� receive all renu and revenues of the Property as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Borrower.This ass��a�ent of �:+t;i��.� . .
<br /> ,,,,.: . . . .
<br /> � ' ` rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assigament for additional security only. �'�;'s1'�=:�`.:�..-;�:�.::'•
<br /> I;,• • ;;15;�- ... • •� �',"
<br /> , If l.ender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (a)all rents received by Eoaower shall be held by Bocrower as �,�-.:,,:+'.���r:
<br /> .;•. s..�
<br /> ,'�;%`" m�stee for benefit of Lender only.to be applied to the sums secured by the Security lnstrument:(b)Lender shall be '��-�t���'��f�;�
<br /> '� entitted to coltect and receive all of the rents of the Property:and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay al! renu ��"�•;� •
<br />'�` due and unpaid to I.ender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. :, � • � �
<br /> u�'�. . Borrower has not executed an nor assi
<br /> , y p ' gnment of the renu and hac not and will not perform any act that would -.
<br /> ' prevent Lender from eaercising its r3hts under this paragraph 17. � • .. _ ..
<br /> �� �• . Lender shall not be uired��ezrer u on.take control of or maintain the Pro ` �' ��
<br /> . req p perty before or after giving notice :.;,;i;�,,. .
<br /> . of brea:h to Borrower. However, C.cf:der or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. ;,;>..�; ' '�:�;•:��,L...
<br /> M a��_`cation of rents shall not cure or waive an default or invalidate ';, .� . ' • .�`'v} .
<br /> �� Y ,�.• y acry other right or remedy of L�ader. This
<br /> ,:', assign.^ent of renu of the Propeny shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security tnstrument is pa�ira fuil. � ' ��' .
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