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<br /> � or a beneficial intemst in a tnut owning all or part of the Properry.is sold �
<br /> :�' _, (i)AU or part of the PropertY. ; .
<br /> '' .— . .} or othera+ise transferred lather than by devisc or desceml.and ; -- - -�- --
<br /> = t is not occupied by the purchaser or gtantee as his ot her principal residence. or the � . ' , .
<br /> (ii)The Property but his ar her credit ha, noi been approved in i
<br />'' � punhaser or gantee does so occupy the PropertY �
<br />:Y� : . . :E a�oraaaoe with the requicewenu of[he s�etary. � . .�
<br /> �� . . i (c)No Waiver. If cin�umstances oc��would pemiic Lender to requir�e immediate payment in full.bnt " .
<br />�'' . � t x n d e r does not r e quire such paymenu.Lender does not waive its rights with respect co subsequent�en�t ` �
<br /> '•� � ons of HlJD Secr�arY. In many ci�umstances r e g u lations issu e d b y t h e S e c c e t a r y .
<br /> f� . 1 �t� RegWatI ment defanits.to cequire immediate payment in fu11 aud foreclose if noi ,
<br /> -' a i.ender's rights. in the case of PaY
<br /> ; � : paid.Tdis Secvrity Innstrnment does not authorize accelezauon or foreclosure if not permitted bY regulauons
<br /> '' of the SecretarY-
<br /> ;• � (c)Mortgage Not I�vred.Borcower agrees that if this Securiry[nsuume�u and the No[e aze not determined . : _
<br /> ;3 . � to be eligi'ble for insurance under tbe National Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof. Lender �' '
<br /> ��� � • ent in full of all sums secured by this Security Iastrumem. A � . . ..: -
<br /> , � , , maY- az its option. require immediate paYm
<br />= wr�a stazeraent of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days fmm the date hereof. E ,
<br /> :; e aen
<br /> '�'' �. . declining to ins�ue this Securiry insu+�me� � � Note. shall 6e deemed conclusive pmof of sach , , . .
<br /> ,� • .. uu y Lender when tAe - -
<br /> -,; �;;: '� ineligibiliry. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this option ma not be ex�ercised bY mmium to the
<br /> �'` -.� �'`��,`� .:� unavailab i liry o f i n s u r a n c e is sotel y due m Leader's failure to remit a mort e insurance p
<br /> ' . ' . �.`�� SecretuY- unmediate a ent in full ;
<br /> .`. 10.Reinstatemeat• Bonower has a right to be�einstated if Lender das requiced� P Ym . + '
<br /> t+� ,nre� 71�u ri&hc aPPlies _.. �,---�=
<br /> � ' ` � ':� �ecause of Borrower's failure to pay an rmo�mt due under[he Note or this Securiry ' ,,�,
<br /> �en after foreclosure proceedings aze inscituted. To mia4tate the Security Instrument. Bormaaer shall tender in a
<br />"�;'; +�. j` i�p sum all amounts required to bring Borrower s arxonnt cvrn�nt inclading, to the extent drey are obligarions of `�_�,
<br /> : • E �onower uuder this Securiry Insuument,foreclosum o�s and reasonable and customary attorae}-s'fees an+d expenses ' - -i.,�
<br /> ;,{;: .,'-.;;. .. Insuument aad . _ .; , _
<br /> ';;, :��`�� • .�_'; properiy�iated with the fore�losure proceedin8- UPon reinstatement by 8orrower,this 5�ea�rsity .
<br /> +;i• ,��:. the obligacions that it secures sha11 remain in effecA as if Len� had not required imm�dra� PaYme°t in full.
<br /> � :..
<br /> '�'' `s��"��� Eiowever. Lender is not required to permit reinstatement if: (i) Lender has accePted ninst�p�°t ��T �e '.,.' :
<br /> .�.,;���<�::,"'. within two yeazs immediateiy preceding the c�mmencenaent of a current ;�'.r:;.:
<br /> •.�� •.� oommencement of foiecios�e pruc�din&g .
<br /> ..� . • �•#. far�losure pmceedin8, Cu) reiastatement will preclede fa�S�sure on differenc grouads ia the fature. or (iii) . . . _.;/'.
<br /> . , �.`� reinstatemeat wiU adversely affea the udodty of[he lieu cr�by this SeauitS►1nSUUment- _';�_��_.�`
<br /> � ' �� 11.Borrower Noi Reteased; Fo�esrance By Leader Not a Waiver. Factension of ttte time of payment or " ± '�-: ;
<br /> modification of amortization of the awas serured bX tius Securiry Instniment granted by I.��PS w any successar in . . .
<br /> •. . .;;.:
<br /> ;��, ��� iaterest of Borrower shall not operate to release r?�z tiability of the original Boaower or u�.sawer's successor in <•: •.;._
<br /> � �. :�teres[.l.ender shall no�be required to wmmence proceedinSs agams�anY sucoessnr m�:�ss os refcse�extend . .��::;,.:;:
<br /> ;�`i . time for�y�t or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by tbis Securiry[usz'�t bY r�."�°f any � , :^.�
<br />,•.:' • demand aa:;a 3�y tt�e ori�aal BorroR�oT Borrower's successors�incerest.Any forbearauce To4 F ender in exencising , ..'�•.
<br /> �_.� • . , : ���,. .
<br />`'.'`;.:,:.; ,, aay right a�s�e-^._.�dy s:22].t s:�t be a wa:�er of or preclude the exer�e of any right or remedy. :: . :
<br /> , , s. _ The cavenaau and agreements ?
<br /> �.� 1Z.�c�o�a��.s3gns Bound:Joint and Seve�al Liabiirtf:Co-S�s• 1,,;,, �. .;-_
<br /> 3 � � of this Securiry 1as�sl shall bind and benefit the successo�s and assigns o�fu�der and Bortower,subject to the , � , : :
<br /> fu
<br /> :.••' �� � f. provisioas c' PaiagraPb 9(b). Bonower's covenants an d a g n e m e n t s s h a i l b e j c::.t a n d s e v e r a l. An y Borrower who ' �r��;� ,..r�,,
<br /> ' `�'' lnspvment but does not execuce[he Note: (a)is co-signing t his�e�.'i.'y lnstnuaent only co . ,:`_:,
<br /> �:� co-signs t:sss SecuritY uader the terms of this S�s:rity lnstrument:(b) ., ,�..::.;�;_�
<br />- •• �:`f' mortgage, grant and convey that Berr��er's interest in the Property .
<br /> • �, is not personally obligated to e tende modif7+.f�or�beai orhlma]ce�anY accom�m°d n°dwith gard t tthLe tdectcs�this ., .
<br /> �•'�� other Borrower may agree . . .
<br /> �,-;:, • . �'. Se�uiry grsuument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. ' ,. �
<br /> , . � .,.•
<br /> � �
<br /> _�4:.��� , . , , .� .
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