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<br /> ;. . _ � "- 18.Forec�asure Pracednre.I[Lender requiIres immedlate Qayment in full undes p�rm�raph 9.Lender may . .
<br /> , iovoke the power af sale and any other retatedles peratitte8 by applicabte taw.Leader s6a1162 eatftted to co@ed : �- �� : � -
<br /> - afi expeaces incnnesi in pu�sutng the remedies nnder tWs ParagraPA t8. inctudtng. but aot Umit� to. s �� � . .
<br /> -. . i reasonabte attomeys'fees and costs oi titte evidence. ' � .
<br />_ � IP the pu�es oY sate is iavoked.Tr�utee shall recard a nottcc of defautt in each cauniy in whIcb any part of � :•
<br />- the property is lacated and s6a11 mail wples of sucb aotfce i»the manaer pr�ed by applicabte taw w ,
<br /> .. � Bormwet and to the ather persflns pmscribed by aPP1lc�able law. APter the time�by appfic�hte►aw. � '
<br /> E: Trastee shal!give pnbl�c r�otice of saie to the peisons aad iu the manner pre�ribed by appllcable[�w.Tncstee, •
<br /> • � witifout d�and on Borrovrer,shaD sell ttte Ptope�r4y at public suciton to the highest btdder at the ttme aQd � '
<br /> plare aad ander We terms designated in the notice ot sate ia one or more parceLs and in any m�der Trastee
<br /> ' `� detenmiaes.lYostee may p�one sate of alf or any par�cei of the Pmperty 6Y Pnblic anaonno�ent at the tune ' ',^r,
<br /> ' and ptace of any prevEously scheduied sate.Lend�or tts dcsign¢e may pur�6ase the R+nperty at any sa[c. • :
<br /> � If the Lender's irt�st in t6is Secarity Iastrument is held by the Seccetary and the Seae2ary reqtiires _ .� ` ` -� .
<br /> .. ', .F.� . '.
<br />`�. _ � ; .� immedtate paym�4 in fnU �ndcr Pa�agesp5 9, the SeQ+etary may ineoke t6e noi{juditial power oQ sate . :s,. :
<br /> ..•.� ,� pmvIded in the Sing�e FaasUy 16Sortgage Foreclasure Ad of 2994("Ad'�(iZ U.S.C.3751 et seq.)bY reqactitiag ` �;:.��' =`_.:�_
<br /> � foreclasare oommLssfoas�c�gnat�uada-We Act 6n comm�ce foreetaavre and to sell the Property as
<br /> ,� pmvid e d in t he Aci. N o t h i n g i n t he p r e c e d i n g s e n t�ce�a ll d e p r d ve t t te S e c r e t a r y o f a n y r i g h t s o t h e r w L s e .�L �
<br />`�• � � available w a Leader uader this Plaragraph 18 or applt�abte law. r�`
<br /> a
<br /> Upon receipi of pa9m�t of the price 6Id,Tr�tee�aU deliver to the pmzhaser Tr�tsYee's deed conveytog '� ��
<br /> :�'{. • � �� tite Pro . The rec[taLq in the Trastee's dced s�all Qe prima facie evidence of We trutb of We s4at�e� �.. � n_,'�`•:�.:r
<br /> P�Y
<br /> 't made therein.Tt�t�shall apply the prnceEds of the�e 3n the fouowing order:(a)w all rnsts sad exp�ses¢p ,. -� � `
<br /> �t ' exerctdng the power o!sat�and the sale.iaclud[ng the paynteat of We Trustce's fees ac,tuelly incarred.aot to ��- :�' ��
<br /> • ¢�¢� '70 of the�Indpal amomat of the rcote at the time of the deelaiation of default, '��4�'`�
<br /> .�•s� • and reasonabte suomeys'f¢es as permitted by Iaw.N)to all smns secar�d by t�ls Secar6ty Ias4►vmw�t;and(c) �`�`�'<' .'
<br /> 2 • ,i;.:.'':r auy excess to ffie peison os peasons legaUy eatitled to it. -� �, , � -
<br /> 11 ''�} j;t.. , . .� �'' { `i;.
<br />:,.� : 19.Reconvey�nce.Upon payment of a?1 sums secured by this 3earxi.ty Instnunent.Lender shall zequest Ttustee .. ..:
<br /> to recouvey the Progerry and shall surreu�r�is Security Instr�me�au�all aotes evidencing debt secured By this :.«
<br /> �_�;. ' . Securiry Instniment [o Tn►stee. Trustee sha�:: ieconvey We Propeny without warranry and wilhout charge to the
<br />'�� � � pezson or persons legally enritted to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. - .��`:
<br />,.•,4� • ?A.3ubs4itute Tru�tee. Lender, at its opuon. may from time to time iemove Tnutee and appoint a successor ' �a-�,'�
<br /> -`-}r�. �:_
<br /> .:t � � trustce to any Tnutee appointed hereunder by an ir�strument recorded in the wunty in whish this Serauity Iasuument . ...,,.�.,;
<br />_� � .� . • is zecorded.Without conveyance of the Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to atl the dde.power and duaes =
<br /> .f ';`�;;., confemed upon Tn�stee herein and by applicable law. • • .. :
<br /> ` ; ; .,. �
<br /> �; ? .,;,.;•' . •
<br /> St;;;`,:`� . ., `, .
<br />_ ' `':;�,�,;;.;�,�:{ . 21.Request ior Notic�. Bomuwer requests thaz wpies of the notices of defaWt a-,d sale be sent to Botraarer's : �
<br />-- . � '� ' addmss which is the Progerty Address. • . .. .
<br /> , ,. ,• ,
<br />_- • . • �,� . . �' .'''` -
<br />_ 22.Rtders to thLs Sec�GCgr Anstnuac�i.If one vr c�zre riders are execu[ed by Borrower and recorded togr�iner . _
<br /> ns
<br /> . . -�� �vi�this Security Instrument, rrUee cove�ts of eac� �i rider shall be incorporated into and shall amea� and ' �
<br /> � suY.plement the wvenaats and agrer-.,.�nts ef rL•is Secvrity Inswment as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security � . � ' �
<br /> � - Irstrument.[Check applicable box(esb�. . ' ,
<br /> `'� . :-•,.'.•. . � Coadominium Rider 0 Growi�g Equity Rider � Other ISFeci$'] � .•.' .
<br /> . ,; '. !,. .
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