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<br /> al�andoned Property. Borrower shall also b��default if rrower� during the loan application process, gave � . '
<br /> mazerially false or inaccvrate infom►ation or statements to Leuder(or failed to provide Lender with any material `
<br /> _ ,---r- infatmation) ia ooanectioa with the loan evideaced by the Note, including� but no[ limited to, representations `���
<br /> r1Z���.,, .
<br />_ - ' ooncerning Borrower's oocupancy of the Pro principal resideace. If this Security L�saument is on a �'' �:<-, ��. :
<br /> : PertY as a J_,�`�,
<br /> • . leasehold,Borrower shall comp}y with the pmvisious of the lease. if Borrower acquires fee title to the Property.thc .-:�� u� `
<br /> � leasehold and fee title shaU not be mer ed wtless Leader �`�':i���fi' `
<br /> g agnees to the merger in wriring. 4.,.�,,, „
<br />_ _ • 6.Condemnatlon.'fhe pmceeds of any awatd or claim for damages,direct ar consequencial,in coanectioa wiih ���•4- . �
<br /> ° any oondemnatiou or other taking of a�r pan of the Property, or for conveyance in place of candemnation, at�e '��:; �, ',�.
<br />-," ; hereby assigued and shaU be paid w I.ender to thc extent of the fnll amn�mt of the indebtedness that remaix�s u�tpaid ,a��' • ` '
<br />-�;. '•°: u�tder the Note and this -
<br />:;�. Seca�rity Insptunem. l.ender shall apply such pmceeds te the redustion of the ieuiebtedness ��' :
<br /> - � under the Note and ttris Sec�uity Iasmiment� ficst to any deliaquent amounts applied in the order provided in . :' �
<br /> .`�j h 3.and then to a ent of �Y:�:� � � --.
<br /> :� . . , F�B�P PreP Ym P�nP�-�ry aPPlicxtioa af ehe pmoeals to the principa!shail not cxtend or . � ;.. °
<br /> ' . . postpone t6e due date of the monUily paymeo[s. whtcb ate referred to in paragcaph 2,or change the amount of such Y, -.�.
<br />'�: • payments. Any eacess proceeds over an azno�mt required to pay a11 outstanding indebtedness under the Ive�:asd this ` "`� �
<br /> m �>�
<br /> ' ' Security I�uument shall be paid to the cntity tegatty entided thereto. �` .�' `
<br /> :� ' 7. Charges to �orrower aad Protection of I.�der's Rights ta tiie Ptoperty. Borrower shaIl pay all
<br /> q � ovemmental or munici al �
<br /> � . . g P �P�. fuees and impositions that are�t inchided itt paragraph 2. Bormwer shaU pay • . - . .. _
<br /> % these obligadons oa t�me directty to the entiry which is uwed the payment. If failure to pay woutd adversely affect
<br /> 2 � Ixuder's interest in tlie Pio u n Ixuder,s � ' `;
<br /> . Per�Y. Po request Bormwer shall pmmptly fumish to I.ettBeff receipts � .
<br />.;'� , evidencing these paymeats. ` ��;�, .
<br /> � If Borrower fails[o make these paymeats or the payments ieqnired by paragraph 2.or fails to perform arry other �''.,�;::_
<br />��'' ° . ° coveaaau and ag[cements contained in this Security Instrumant.or there is a legal P���S��Y signi6cantly - .'• ,,i.`�•
<br /> _ � ; affect I.eader's rigbts in the Property(such as a proceeding in bankiupuy, for condemnuion or to enforce taws or , � � `` `: �`
<br /> �t regulations), then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Praperty and Lender's .�r��.•... ��
<br />_ s , righu in the Property.including paymeut of taxes.dazazd insurance aud other items mentloned in paragtapb 2. � '
<br /> Any amovnts disbwsetf by Lender under this paragraph shall become aa addirional ct�bt of Borrower and be t •: : .
<br /> I_�f . � __
<br />:"'; secured by this Security Instrument. These amovnu shall bear interest from the date of clisbarsemeut, at ttte Note � • .
<br /> •� ,. � rate,and at the opdon of Ixnder.shall be immediately due and payable. • ' �
<br /> Fi Bornuwer shall ra tl dis P �Y ty • ` � `� �
<br /> � P mP Y ���y lien efiich has riori over this Secud Instrumeac euiless Borrower: ' '`.=:
<br /> ;r, �? . � :.�..;,'s.. (a) agrees in wriang to the payment of the ob�ig�son secured by the lien ia a manner acceptable to I,epder, (b) :. ,'r,;';�':
<br />:•;.;; � :..,,��, ., wntests Ia good faith the lien by, or defeads against enfosrement of the tien ia, legal proceedings which in [he _..- ,-..-�',•.;�:•:.
<br /> `�? . 5t Lender's opinion operace to prevemu s6e enforcement of the liea; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an . �'
<br /> .. :�.:;'�r . . . `�
<br />_-,,: ,� ,: agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the liea to this Securiry Insuument,lf I.ender determines that any part
<br />; �;,;�.:�� of the Property is sublect to a lien which may attain priority over this Secutity Insauiuent. Lender may give �'� =�•�
<br /> ., .,:,::..
<br />`•r�';'�''�� ' Borrowar a notice id�+ing the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth � • ��' f -
<br /> above within 10 da of�he � ' � '`:�:j'''
<br /> :;� � ys 4h giving of notice. ., �
<br />" ': , '•�" S.�aa�3.ender coltect fa�r�d chu es authorized b the Secretary. .
<br />:'t:. :�';'F;f �Y g Y �
<br /> _,, . r'.:� 9.�c�rds Ima�sseleratioa c�HDebt. -
<br />:' •? (a)QeYan�¢. fir�t�er may,except as litttit�ed by regWations issued by the Secretary.in the case of payment ' �-,�-'�`�'
<br />'�:;; defaulu.req--,�;:c�immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security iastrument if: ��
<br /> .�.4. `r
<br />�_'� . (i)Borrower defaults by failing[o pay in fuU any monthly payment required by Wis Sec�uiry Insuument . .. ' .
<br /> -�°�� • prior to or on the due datc of the ne�ct monthly payment.or . �
<br /> .� (ii)Bomnwer defaults by failing.for a period of thirty days.to perform any other obligations wntained . :_ . .
<br /> in this Se�-,rty instrument.
<br /> (b)Sale Wt�Uts+�i Ct�edit Approval.Lender shall, if permitted by applicable law(including Section 341(d)
<br /> of the Gam-S.. Gem�ain Depository Institutions Act of I982. 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and wlth the prior
<br /> ^ � , . '''.� • •
<br /> ,�,, . ' .��_;.:�, , approval of the Secretary.require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instnunent . � ' �
<br />._T ; I':`� `. - ' ' .
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