. - . . _�
<br /> �- . --- -�--_ _..._ - . - i .
<br /> . , . .
<br /> � � . . .. � <.- - � . . ...-- ---� - .- .
<br /> � . g7'@ �0���� �. .
<br />- . � payments may no longer be reqaired at the option of l.eade�r.if mortgage iasu:ance coveiage(�the amount aud for the period ; �
<br /> tLat L.euder requa�es)Pmvided by an insarer a�ppmved by Ixnder again be�omes ava�able and is obtained.Bcysrowel shall pay the .
<br /> � -.-- pre�ums requimd to mainrain iaortgage insurance ff+effect.or tn provide a[oss reserve.untii�req�e�►eat far mar�gc -- -- .
<br /> '. insutanse euds in accosdance aith auy�vritten agreement betwee�Borrower and i.ender or applrc�e law- � _.
<br /> , , • . 9.Inspedinu. Lc�der or iu ageut may m2Ice reasonable enuies upon and i�gections of the Property.Leader shall give -
<br />,�,S
<br /> ; . Boimwer noiice ai the lnne of or prior to an inspaction specifYing reasonable cause for the iaspection .
<br /> �, -= • 10.Co�mation The proceeds of any award ar daim Eec a�ages,direct ar co�equentutl,in wnteeainn wilt��; �.<.', .- Y..
<br /> ' condP*•,,,�'m.��ta�ng of any pazt of the Property,or for��=:Y:�x m lieu of condemns�un,are hercby a�signws� 1'-` �.•`-�='=`
<br /> _ 1�;�" r`.s��::::
<br /> � � She11 bC�"dt3�.?�:.w�'13BT. • '- �. ,
<br /> ��.��.� In t�x�r°.,�•a�a total�ng of the Ptoperty.tue ptoceeds shall be appli�ta thQ sums seciued by this Secauity Instrume�e. .n<`; ,
<br />" �� whe�ther az��-rS�1Ine.wiW any eacess paid w Bafrrower.Ir�the eveat of a partial taldng of the Propearty m whidi the fa'u maiket
<br />.�j�:�-' . -
<br />.'�;.. ' value of die Pta�ty immediately before ihe taking is equal to or greater than tLe amount of ths sums secaued by tbis Security i
<br /> �`. � � Tnsaunaeat im�tetY before the tatdng,�mless Bomnwes and Lendes othelwise agree in writing,the sums soaured by this [ ,
<br /> j; Sec�ri�Y Inst�ument sha116e reduced by the amaunt of the pmceeds raultiplied by the following frsaron:(a)the total amouat of �
<br />_.a,
<br /> -a' � the sums secur�d immediatety befoie the taking.divided bY(b)the fa�mazket val�e of the Propecty immediately before the � .
<br /> ; ' � taking.My baiance shall be paid to Borcower.In the eveatt of a parti�al taking of the Pmpeny in which the fair market vatuc of thc r `_ •
<br /> <.. , a 1 � °� .
<br /> #: Proparty immediatety befor�e thc taking is tess than Ihe�noant of the sums secured immediatcly 6efare thc taking.unless � • ..
<br /> '�� Boirower and Lender otherwise agree in wridn$or unless appiirable law athelwise provides.the pracccds sha11 bc apDlied w the t ,
<br /> ' , ' sums saurcd by thi4 Security Inswment whether or not thc swns are then due. i
<br /> - ' If the Pra�saty is abandoned by Bormwcr.or i[.atter nosice by l.ender ro Borrower ihat thc condemnor offas tn make an ; �
<br /> '�`� � . awaM or sepie e ctaim fur damagcs.Borrower faii4 tn respand m Lmder within 30 days sfter thc datc�hc rtoticc is givcn.t.atder [� ��
<br /> 't` is authorized to callect artd apply We proceeds.ai its option,either to renoraiion or repair of the Propetty or to tne sums socuned f . - --
<br /> = by tbis Security Instnsmen6 whether or nat then due. � � •,•
<br /> �.; . llalesg Lercder and Bmruwer otherwise agcee in writin8,anY aPPlication of proceeds w principal shall not extr,nd or postpone ; .,'�.
<br /> - tha dae date of the mant�lY PaYmenta ceferred w a�pacag�ayhs 1 and 2 or change the anaauat of such payme�nt�. ' .••• ,�:,;� '
<br /> li.Bosravrer T+1at Reieased;Forbearance By I.esd1¢r No�a Waiver. Extension of We tuae far paym�at or m�cation , -, •_ ��".
<br /> :�`" . of ama�atioa of the sums seaued by thi4 Seauity Instrumeut grannsed by Lender w any successor in int�of Boimwer shail , : r., .
<br /> ; . nat opaate to retease the liab�7ity of the original Borruwer or Bo�vrds suocessors in mterest Lender shall not be reqnisod to i�., '.:
<br /> '"�'`.t . ' cammenoe pmceed'a�gs agaiust nnY suocessor in interest or refnse to�d dme for paymeat or atherwise modify ama:tizaufla of , ^ .:;��.
<br /> `:��� . the sums sec�aed by tiris S�auiiY Ins�unent by reason of any dea�r�rade by the original Barmwer or Bosroa�'s succe�s�s _ ;:�';.:.:
<br />-• � in interesl.Any farbearaace hY Lender in exeaci.sing any right or reaaedy shall nai be a waiver of or preclade the eaercise of a.�-} . . ';�••��
<br /> ' � right or reffiedy. ''`
<br /> -.::-� ' IZ:Su�is aad Assigns Ba�d;doint an�Several Liabilitf,Eo�ignera The cove�ans and agre�e�ts of � �- � � .. .:.,,.,:'.
<br /> �
<br /> ',:zi , .
<br /> Sec�iry Inss¢�neat shall bind aad benefit the sacc�.ssoas aad assi�s of Lzndea and Borrower, subject to ihe p�visia��d'a � ' � :,�!:
<br /> �=�`�. . � �,,�ph 17. Borrower's covc�ts and a�ts shall be joint and several. My Borrower who co-signc tdis Seaa.�idy -- --�--
<br />� .i�h. • � . - � _
<br />;-;,;.��. L�eLC Q�t dces not exeeute the Not� (a)is co-�cg this Seetuity Inswment oniy w mongage,gran3 and concey�thai
<br /> �'.; . . . B�s�er's�^�r�est in fhe Yropeaty uader the tenns of this Secur�ty Instrument N)is not personalty obligaud to�y the� . •
<br />:'';':' �aed�t�u Security Insbumen�anm(c)agrees that Lender a.cIl�ury mha Boirower may agree to entend,modifY,f�mr . � � ��,_,
<br /> ..=;`,;�, � . ...i make any as�.-sadations whh reprd w the t�rns of tLis Security IIn�n�t or the horc arithout that Bomnwea's consens ' .
<br /> �''A`�. 13.Loan C�a�ges IIff the loan sec�ued by this Sea�rity Instn,.-�rent is sub;�ect w a taw whieh sets maximum loan c��, ' -
<br />.�:;fs,, .. . . . .
<br /> ����, � �- and that 1aw is fmalty�gteted so that Ihe inteaest or ott�er loan ci�arges coltecx�l oc tfl be co]tecxed in conneaian with tte la� ,.. _ . ,
<br />�''�i � exceed the g�eaaniued lims�.then:(a)any�sacb loan�1�ga sha11 be�'luoed by the ar.iount necessary tn reduce the charge�a:he �: . .
<br /> = '�f; . ; permittcd P�:and(b)any sums aJ�eadY coltected from Borrower a{;�:di exceeded pcamitted��viU be refunded to Botrou�ar. •�
<br /> `y - ' �..,:t L�dea�a-�choose w make this refund iry redacing�.e principaI owed uad�r the Note a��r ma�ng a d�t pay�r�t w (_.-....�`.�:. :.:::'
<br /> i'.�.:�`. .. �. �oemwer.If a refund reduces PrinciFal,the rednca���s�1 be treated as a Partial PI�Dayment without anY P�N�ent ctrarge
<br /> `, --•—
<br /> �
<br /> -',..; • ' : �der tDe Note. '� . .
<br /> ° , . . 14.Nstt�s. Any aoticc w Borrower provided far in this Seasiiy Instrument shall be given by deliveaa�g it or by mx;.�g it ,
<br /> .. by firsi cia�s�ail iuitess applicable taw ieq�ures use of another method.The notice shall be d'uected w the Propaty Ad�ss su ..
<br /> . any oi4i�a�.�ess Borrower designates by nodce w Ler�der.My notice to L�nder shail be given by fust class mail w Lem��'s -,
<br /> �:�,.:s �. 2ddress staied hae�or a•.ry otha address Lender designatrs by notisc w Botrowa. Any notice provided for in this Searrr�y •
<br /> ' � Irstr�una►t shaU be deemed to I�ave been given to Botrower or Lender when given as provldcd in this paragraph. .
<br /> ,�:.,,�,1 !S.G��saning Law;Sgverability. 7his Seciuiry Insuument shaU be gov�ncd by federal I�w and the law o� � � � �
<br /> � ° �� , j�risdicue� �which the Ploperty is located.In the event U.xe���rovicion or etause of t�S�uriry Inswment or tre:�or,: `�
<br /> + �� i csnntliqs with applicable law,such wnflict shall not affect aa9�ymvisions of this Securiry Ins�ament or the Notc which�a,�e
<br /> r� �� given eKect wid�out tha canflicting provislon.To tf�is e6d the provisions of this 5ecurity Insbrument and the Na��e declared w
<br /> �?`- '.
<br /> �::�a.� 6e sevec8bte. .
<br /> 'A.
<br /> _' ^J�
<br /> ;:;,� Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ��r.;_�.. . � .
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