<br /> � . . = _ - - . . ` . " : -
<br /> , , F '-
<br /> . . . , . . . � .
<br /> • ':
<br /> . ; � . ��m ������ , � ��.
<br /> ' � s 16.Bomrrwer's Copy. Bomuwer s6all be giveo one conformed oopy of the Note and of thu Seauity Inst�ument . :
<br /> � 17.Trans[�of the�eoperty os a Benereaal Intrrest in Soe�rower. If all or any part of the Prope�.y or an�int�est ia it u � �
<br /> � sold or transf�ed(or if a beneficial mterest in Bormwer is sotd or traasfe�red and Bocrow�u aot a naaual�son�wa�wat ; . . .
<br /> � Tj Leader's prior wriuen conseait.Lender may,at its o�tion,zecl�ae immediate paymeat in fuI!of a1D sums secured by th�s Secr�it�r � ;�. � ,
<br /> . -- - : instc�meat Hawev�.thi�opsian shatt sot iye ex�by L�nd�ff eaatise rs px�tu'biud 6y fedaal Iaar as of the datc a�itsrc �.. ----�=-
<br /> ; SeavitY InsP�umenL
<br /> ' �y if Leader e�c�^.s�s c[�is option,L�tcd�shall give Boaowa aatice of acceiaation."I�e noti�sl�all pmvide a period a€noc tr�ss . ' '. . �
<br /> , ;� than 30 days fie���e the aot�e�s delivered or maLed wnthin which Bormwer musc pay atl svms s�ecu�ed by tivs Security . .
<br /> , ,� Ins�t If Bo�^�w,er ia�s to pay these swns prieF tnth�e�aadon of this periad.Lender may aswge any remednes p�miai.� . ::c�..
<br /> `- � by t�s 5ec�rity Fnc�+^�°�-r wildteuE�Pt�t�StieL' . $�# Brnm�rer. • . ' ;- ,
<br /> 18.Borrnwer's L�t to Reu�a4e.'''9t°�rer ca�hain conditions. Borcower sdalt bave tAe rigfii tn ha�c
<br /> �tfum.e�eat of this Sec�ui4y..I�:.�e�at�time prior w tke eadier of: (a) 5 days(or sutD odser period as � � •
<br />• applirable 1aw may specify for ne�staten►eut)Befoce sate of the pmgecty puts�ant w any paarer of sate oonra�ed ia tlus SecuritS' f . , .
<br /> Insmunea�or(b)eatry of a jud�rtent enfor�cg shis Set�uiry rna,�„� '[�ose caaditeaas are that Horcower:(a)PaYs l.euder a!1 f '� .
<br /> - s�uas wtuch the�aoWd be dne under this Seauity Instnu�aeat and the Note as it tw acceleration had oocur�d:@)ci:res any [. �
<br />" � defauIt of any other coveaaat�or agrermmt�{c)pays all eapa�ses incutred in enforcmg this Securiry Im�rumen4 including,but �: '
<br /> not lunited tn.ieasonabte attomeys'f�aad(d�talc�s sucb actioA as Lender may rcas�unably nx�uire t+o a�cure that ihe lia�of this ,
<br /> Scx�uiiy Insuumen� Lender's dg6ts in the PtapeRy and Borrawer's obligatl4a tn pay the sums socured by this Sccutity , ,
<br /> � ' U�suument s6ai1 cantinnue uac6angeQ Upon reinstatranent by Bomowe�.this Security [nstrumcnt anfl the obfi�a�ons secured � ' . . .
<br /> ' d a e b y s G a B mmain f i il t y e f t'e c t i v e a s S n o a o c e l e i a t i o n�a d a c c u r r e d.H o w e v e r.t A i s a g d t t n r e i n s t a r e s h a A n o t a p p i y i n t h e c a s e o f , . , .- .
<br /> ascetaation vnder para�aph 17. , ,
<br /> I9 Sale o!1l�ote;C6ange o!Laan Serv�Cer. 'Ifte IVoie or a parrial intetest in t hc Natc (tng e t her wi t h t his S e a u i ry .
<br /> � . Insuume�t)rtray be soW one or mor�times without prior nnace to Barmwe,r.A sale may resutt ia a change w the entity(&nown �•
<br /> � as tde"Loan Servi�ihat collcxts monthly due undea the Note and this Security Imsonuaeat Theae also may�e one or . : °. �
<br /> � moce ebmiges of the Laaa Serncer tn a sale of the 1Vote.tf there is a ci�ange of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be � , �
<br /> � given writtcn notice of Ihe ch�ge in asxordance wah parapapb 14 aisuve and apQlicable 1aw.The notice will state the nac�e and . .
<br /> � . add�of the neat Loaa Servicer and We address to whuh pay+nentv shautd be made.'Phe aotice wiU aLso contain any other � . - ... :-- -
<br /> infarmaiion cequaed by applica6le law.
<br /> mat
<br /> ?A.I�aZardoosSu6stances. Borrower shall not cause or pennit ihe presence. use, disposal. stnrage,or mlease of any � . '�
<br /> - � �iazardous Substances an or iu the Rope�tyr.Borrower shaU nat do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecang t6e Avperty , • `, � `
<br /> er �.
<br /> tbat is in violation of an Envimnmental Law.'l4ce two seatences shall not apply m the ce.usc.or storage on the � ' ;:''
<br /> � ��.�:
<br />- Pmperty of small qu�u'es of Ha�daos Substaa�agre�eially�ecagnized ta�e appmpziate ro naamal revdemtial uses .':.i'�,.
<br /> - , ,-, and w mamteaance of the Prop�rr[y_ ; `� .-.
<br /> [
<br /> . . . Bonower straU promptly give Lender wriusa notice cff a�y investiga8on,claim,d�nd, lawsuit or other aar�by any . : . .:, ,_
<br /> � •.�'t gavcmmenml or regal�uoryagena7►or private g�iavolvs�t�e Ptoperty and any H�ardous Substaar�e ra�Envaor:�la1 Iaw . . .;.`: ,� �
<br /> _ . ; .:� of whis6 Ba�cower h�s a�al&aowtedge.tf�er�,or�s ao'nt'ced by aay govemmentai or��uC�y aL�aray,tbai any _ _... ., ' ` •,, "
<br /> removal ar other re�se�tion of any Ha�ardnus Smb�ance a'.�'e�ting the Pmgerty is necescary,Banow�a s�pram�y take all :,,-•.
<br /> �? � '� nece�ary�edial ac�oag in accardance with Fnvaoament�II Law. _. . '.< ..
<br /> . As used ro th�paragtapb Z0, "Hardtdous Subsrances"are those substartces defined as toxic or h�r�rdous su� by �
<br /> Eavinnnmeatal Law and the follawing sabstauces: gaso7�c, lsemseae, oihar f)ammable or toxic ge,tmleum pm�ras. to�uc `,`':;�r
<br /> -; . pesticcides and herb�.vo}erile salvents.mat�ials contai�ing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,ac►d radioactive materials.As usecl in ��.�'� '�,-';�_;
<br /> 1
<br /> � • tbis paragrdph?A,'�onmcntel Iaw"means fedearal iaws�d Iaws of dte jurisdiction whe.re the Prapetty is locatetl Idtat te�ate • �•,': •'�t`�:
<br /> ;�� to h�Itb,safely ar em�onmental prot�ction. .- -- `� ;"
<br /> �' ,.... •- • t`_''i;
<br /> +� � '�r ., NS�N•UN�ORM COVEN�S.Bmrowec and Le�td��cr covenant and agnee as folIn�s: ` .i �
<br /> '��` � Zi.Acceteratinn;l�emedIea Leader sQ�all give a��ce m Borrower prior to accelerasian fuIIawmg Bormwer's��eacD of . �v-:
<br /> . • any wvenant or agreement in tWs S¢c�rsOry I�si�sent (bat not prtas to acceteration ua4'er p�ragrayb 17 u�less .'�� .
<br /> ` � ' appl�Ca6te law pmvtdea oWerwise).T6e notioY�sy�'y:(a)t6e default;(b)the acbion reqa�l tro care the defaWt;(c) . ' :� t::'
<br /> ._5 � . s dat�mat less than 30 d�ys trom tQee date t�aoti�e is glven to Bosrowes,Dy whlc6 the defaaui ma�t 6e�sr�;aa�(d) ; �
<br />--; � � • t�t taiiure to wre the dePautt on or befare We da�s,��ed in the nottce may resWt in accelera3ion oi the st�secured .
<br /> '�' ' � � r by this Secm�tty Instrument and sate o!t6e��crsy T6e noEtce s6a0 tarther inform Borrowe�oi the rtg�t bri ceiastate ' ,; :• .� �`::: �
<br />''r �� aft¢r aaeeieraatinn aa�D the right io brtng a oc�m4 adion to assert the nan�ststence ot a defi�IIa as any ot�er detense of ". .
<br /> � :�... � .
<br /> .:{� ' � :•� �osrawer W acceleration and sala If the defa�t's not cnred on or betore tLe date specified in tLe noticry I.eader,at�ts . �" = '
<br /> ' � ..� optioa,may reqaire immediate paytaent in faa ot all su�s secured by t6Ls Sc�curttq ImstQament wtthoat fw7het demand �, '' �'..�
<br /> su
<br /> �. �� • aad anay invotce the power of sa7e aad any other rea�permiued Dy appUcable l9w Lender shall 6e en�to coIIect ����v;i,�r•...'
<br /> . aEi expenses tnc�rred In pmrsn3ng the rem�prosa�t in this paragrapb Zl, g �.:�'ti;:u : :< ,
<br /> c indadm ,bu4 not limited tv,reasonabte - �
<br /> '�- . :;�� a�meys't¢es and casts of title;videece. : • •�
<br /> { � . : .�s IP tAe power of saie is invokea. Trus3e¢s� r�nrd a nottce of defanit in eacb coo�nty dn�ic6 aapr part of the ,
<br /> , , .r� �,�estq Lv iorsted aad shall mail ooples ot s�b ne�ae in t@e manaer prescrlDed by applicab4e taax t��orrmm�a and to the � .. . . .
<br /> = r� �er�peranns pressriLed by appttra6te Iaw A��td�e ts�as required by AppUcabie taw,Trastee sbafl g'sve p�'b�c nolice af ,
<br /> .�'} s�fe t,�the persons and ia t6e manner pres��bed by ap�liqble iaw.Tnistee,without dema�d oa E�srowe�,sbaU sell the ' '
<br /> ' '► '� Frope�y at pub)fc aactlan to the hip,6est�3��s at the time and place aad under t6e tertms des�?red in We nottce of sale :
<br /> ,��•; Form 3040 9190 -
<br /> � �. ..
<br /> ':�� ��BR�N�(9?�21.ot P�po8o19 innM�s: ..
<br /> . . .�
<br /> � . .
<br /> . . 1 ,
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