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<br /> . .., . . . . - - f w.'r+• . . . - ......
<br /> . y � �
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<br /> � ' . ' � �! �����i� i ` .
<br /> b
<br /> � ' � 5.Na7ard or Propc�y lasurance. Haaower shafl keep the im�rovanents now cxisting on c�reai'tcr erested on t6e Roperty . `'�
<br /> � insuce�i again.ct toss by Gr�,h�easds inctuded within ttte tecm "euteaded covcrage' and any orhea h�ards.inctading ftoods or t �
<br /> � : ftooding,far which Le�d^.���q�racs insurance.'If�is insutaace shall 6e mainisined in the amounu and for the periods tdat I.ender � ` � .
<br />---- -- --- . .? requires.The inswancc�ea pmvid�g tt�ins�uance shaIl be chosen by Bonower subject w i.ender's appmval wdich shall nat �:_ ._ " .
<br /> � �tnmacnnahly w�. If;BoYrower fails to maiatain wverage desal'6ed above,Icndea may, ai Leader's optinn.obtam � .,-,--
<br /> � � co�erage to pmtc�t Le�''s rigi►ts in the Pmperty in aa:oidance with parag[apt�7.
<br /> paragca
<br /> ! All insuiance poL'oaes aaJ.reaewals sf�all be acceptable w Lender and st�all indude a standard maltgage clanse.Lender shail � , • .
<br /> � --.-- d�+e tl�e rigM w huEd tls�dr:�es and renewaLs.If L�der requires.Banower sdall prompUy give to Lender all seceipts of paid t::; - - -�. . ._..
<br /> . . . � premiums and tenewal��.�es.In the event of lo�s,Horrower shaU give prompt aotice m the msurance carrier and lender.I.euder
<br />. . � rnay ma�e pioof of loss�f aaE ma�e pmmpdy by Brnron+er. �. _ =_`;:. _
<br /> � � Unless Len�aiad Boimwe,r othawise agaee in wruing,msmance prooeeds shall be applied rn mstoiatioa or repair of the �' �:;;;,r�:' • .
<br />-- , ? p�oP¢aty►dasrraged-if tia��rornation or repaff'ss ecanomir,alt�r feas'ble aad Lender's se�ncity is not Icssene�..1f the restaratinn or ;<<,�:�>>;�''_''>��;��;s;.;
<br /> , c.,-.. :�,��:
<br />_ � i���r..+1.. .fe��ar L.ender'S SE"n'�iCl..'}I W011��.7E ICSSL'71Cd,tI3£IArnranrE•�s�be �at�:.� �yY�1,:,z.;,;f,���:.�t;.
<br /> : � y�: �t��s�s � :��•
<br /> ::��. =` � � �� .+(�„g� 5,�y"�Tt;ch^..'�v:1^.1' i'i�ICf�I�4S�T�..tT� �L`u-G�4IIE, F1'�I ?w]� C'nt,'ESS�7326�FdD�a„Y'-•'.^'Bt?,'L �B'G'ii7WPS 2°�a''��J,15 PIIy. �j{`f�.'i�S
<br /> rrr . . •,, �,:`+y .,.
<br /> �t ` � Pm�t.g,as dc�r,r:��rs�c-r�i�.iD days a nu�'.s��F��r chat�e irs�aace cam��e Qas offered w seute a ciaim,dtea
<br /> --���,'•••"; ;:�`• ' I.e�dQr may coltecs t�frsruance gioceeds.Lender may rsse rhe gmceeds a�r°�gau�ar restone th6 PropertY or to pay sums sscured �••.*.�,`.:
<br /> � �'f � ' by t6is Seauity Ins�whe,iher or not diea due.lhe 34�day gaiod wU begin ahen the notice is given. •
<br /> . . ' Unless Lander aal Bcamwer otherwise agree in writing,aay applicafion of procecds to principal shall aot e�ctend or pos�one
<br /> ' . � `1 the due date of th,e m�autbll�'P�yments refened to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or ci�.wge the amount of the paymentv.If unQer patagraph :
<br /> . ! 2I the Propeny is mcquite►1•by L�der.Bormcv�'s right m any insurancc policies and procecds resultu►g from damagc to the ,
<br /> _ .. .� �P�Y P�to the scquisition shall pa�.v w Lend�o�the exteat of the sums sec�ued by this Secu:ity insvumc�nt immediatcty � ,
<br />- prior ro the acquisiti�. .
<br /> 6.O�apsasey.Prn�se:v�tioa,MatAtenance and t'rote�lloa�o�t6c Prope�tyt Bonmver'A Loau Appllcatlaat Leasehoids. �� � . -t- -
<br /> � Botrawcr shaU occupy,a4ia91ish,and us�e the Property�c Borrower's principal resider►ce within si�ty days efter tf�e exrcntion of • �
<br /> . J � ' •
<br /> � Ueia Securiry inswrsr.ast eAd sAaU continue to accupy the Propecty a9 Borrowea's principal residence for at teast one yrar after tha .
<br /> • duta of occupaa�cy, unl�ss l.cnder mhenvise agrees in writing. which consent shaU not be unm,�sonabiy withbeld. or unless • � � '•�;�
<br /> " .. pctcnua�iqq cirrums�as�ces ra�ist which nrc beyond Boitawer's conuol.Bacrowec shall not desoroy.dauu�go or impafr the Propaty. . '. �'�.^-'�
<br /> . aliow the Pmpcny ta dtcecioratc.ar commit wastc on the Praperty. Boirower shsill bc in dc[ault if any forfetwne asuon or - - ,';;
<br />::.:, proceeding,wh�er c���l as criminal�is begun that in Lcnd�r's gaad faiU�judgment oould result a forfetwre of the Ptopaty or � , . .
<br /> otheawise mateiialZy anA�ir�ttie tieu c�earcd by this Secariry Instcumeat or Lender's securiry intaesc Barmwer may cee such a ' ":
<br /> def�uft aad re.� as prnvided in paragrapb 18.by caosiug the atxion os ptoceeding w be disrnissed witL a rut�g that,i� <: `.�
<br /> . Leader's goad faitb dxtera�iaation.proctuQes fmfeitiue of ihe Borrower's inte�est in the I'ropetty or other matErial impaumeat of . , '':"t.�
<br /> �' . . the lien creared by this 5ecssrity Iastnunent or Lendca's sepuity interest Bonowar shall also be in defaWt if Bomawer,during the -
<br /> ' toan atrpHcation process.�ave mateiially faLse or inacca�ate�fonnation or statements w I.e�dea(or faited to pnovide 1.eaQer aith . ;';.`��:
<br /> '- ' , any mateaial info�ms�si�)�in connecaon arith ihe Ioaa evideuced Fsy th8 Nota, iacluding,6ut not iuuiud ta, �eam�aas �.;:;�_��:.
<br />�=-1 . ... c�uc.eraing Barro�ver's acc�pancy of the Prapeity as a prnicipal residence.If this Secarity Insuumeat is oo a tease�otd.Banower _ �:_ • ' '
<br /> .% s6a11 comply wi¢b all tt.�pmvisions of the lease.ff Botrowet acqaires fee tide to tlte Avpeaty,the leasehntd and the fee titte sbaU �,,=�°-`
<br /> . .; _.. . , , .
<br /> not merge unless L.�t a�rees oa the�aeager m writ�g. , .. ., .'.
<br /> ��steetian��eod�'s�q�'im in t�e�raperty. If Borrower fails w perform the covenants and agreraneats cantained'm r�.�ri;. ��"
<br /> ��t � this�r.uity Insuu�mr tE��s a 1e8a1 P�aceeding that may sigrrifcandy affect I.�der's rights in the ProPenY tisacb as a �!i' '�"`'-
<br /> �.t s�:
<br /> P�8 II►�'.cY.protia�.for condemffz�on or farfeiaae or ro eaf�aee hws or regulations),then L�dea may do and pay . ;:�1:f;•:
<br /> ''�' for ahatcver i��+to�rotect the value of the Property and Leader's�ts in tbe Ptoperty.L�adra's actions may inciude '
<br /> ? paying any sar�secmred by� Ti�which has prtority over this Sec�� �suumenl.appear�ng u�camt.Pa7►ing reasonable ,;.:,: ;:;`
<br /> � auameys'foes asrst�.�g on t��e Propeaty w make repaIIS.Although I.eadea may taice 2ction under thiv paragraph 7.Lettdet `�.,_��:. - •;� .
<br /> . . i�.J�::: .R'�..
<br /> .t� ` �l.,�i• •��1.
<br /> . :',; daes not have w�r�. '.--�;, :�:•
<br /> -,:�:j. . '_ _-: My amavoa�s d�sed by I.ender under this para�aph 7 shall become xddiaonal debt of Borrower secured by thig Seciuiry �• - .----_.
<br /> ;�. - Instrument U�"es4�a�mwed and Lender agree w other tem�s of paym�chesc amounts shall bear interest from the dais of . . :
<br /> ':•: . �, d��-h„��„t as tt,g Nar',�tate�shall be payabte.wIth interes6 upon notice from Lender to Bormwer requesdng paymenL � :,.:;; •.
<br /> � , L�.13�lortg�geIa�artwc¢. II[Lrmder required mongage insuranoe ag a condition of making the loan secured by this Security .'^::?;,,� .
<br /> � � Ins�t, Borrow�ea shall pay r�premioms required w maintaui t6e mortgage insurance in effect If,for any ceason, the �'`�;!:`'': � . •,
<br /> > c�'E';; :�1=�,i�:`• -'r::
<br /> :°t: _ ;±•sn,� �.,?"tj ..
<br /> . t ,; mortgage insuraace wverage rer�.:.ed by I,c�d�lapses or ceas�es w be in effca,Horrower shall pay�e premiiuns scquired tn ..: ,';,; ',•��';.;:_
<br /> • , i;;a r, obtair►coverage substantialty e��ivzient oo�cs rnoitgage insivanoe previau.^�.�f+in effeq.at a cost safa�ntially equivaleau w the : '. a.;.• . . .
<br /> :`' i cost w Bosovrrr of the marr�;3s:i'�ce previousty in effert,fmm an aitemase mar�ge insurer agproved by Lendea.If '�:;�;;,�,;•
<br /> T � � •. �..! substantialIy equivatent most�a�a i�vrance coverage is not available,Boirower shall pay cn Lenda eacd month a sum equal to .
<br />_•,F�f ,�:-, one-twelftb of tt.e yeatly mnrtgage insuiance piemium being paid by Bomower when tha insutance wvpage lapsed or ceased w � - �
<br /> . be in etfect.Le�sdar ari11 aocept, nse and m,tain these Dayments ag a toss ra�ave in lien of mongage insurance.Loss reserve
<br /> :''�3 . Fo�m 8028 8/90
<br /> • ��8R(N�(92�9!•Qs Pape 9 ot 8 ind�ats:
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