. . ..ac�.�__.�_� , .... . . . . � �(. .` ..'`��:.•j:
<br /> k �
<br /> ' ' • 7.Prots�tion ot LendePs 6�iglits M 4h0 �ro�orty. � Bortawer ►a1s to p�tarm tne covenants ertd agreeme►,es � ` ; •
<br /> eontatnad In ihts Seeurfty►instrument.or there Is a tegal proeeed'mg that mc�y si l d nHlcenN►aHeet Lender's dghts In the ProPercy tsucA ea � , :
<br /> a Proceeding(n Canlwptcy,probate,for condemneUan cr fodefture or to�tarce iaws or regutatlonsl.then Lender may do nnd pay tor ,
<br /> whatever i5 necessery to proted the value of the Pmperty end f.�det's Mghts in ihe Property. Lender s acUans may inc(ude peying ; , ,,
<br /> any sums secuted by a lien whteh he9 pdodty over lhis Seatrlry I+�sWment,epPearU�9 b�coun. Ps�ying reasoasble attnmey's fees and � -- -- -.-' _
<br /> � _ • ente�iCeg on the Praperty b�make repatrs. Although Lender may take aNan under this paraqraph 7.Lender does not have w do 30. (�
<br /> � Ar►y amaunta disbutaed dy Lender under this paragraph 7 shn�become adtLtional deDi o1 Bnacwer secured by thfs Secunty f ,
<br /> . � Insuumeni Uniess Bortower ar�A Ler►der agree to oiher tem+s o1 paymen� these amaunts sha�l treer tnterest hom the date of t ,
<br /> � disbursemenl at the Note rate snd shall be paya�Ie with mterest.Wao nvdce kom i.�nuar tv IIx.asr:...;..".:""'�;�1"•�'°"�- � r- • .. --
<br /> � . • 8.Mo�4gag� tnsusanee. If Lender required mortgage tnsurance as a cond+Uon o! maklrtg the Ioan secured by tfi(ss� � : . <
<br /> �Y ��� � e insurance in ettect 11. for any �wson. lhs
<br /> � Seartry Instrumen� Borrower shall the i�ed to maUitetn tde mortgag � >
<br /> mnrtgage insurance coveraqe requhed by Lender 4�pses or ceases to be in elfed.Bortower shaD pay the premiums required to obtain � ,
<br /> cov�age substantiaIIy equivaterR to the mo�tgage Insurence prEVlousy In efted, ai e cost substantialty equlvalent to the cost t� ,
<br /> - - - Borrower oi the mortgage insurance prevEausly t�s �led. kom en ellernate mortgage insurer approved by lender. it su6stantiaitY� �. _ ..
<br />- equivafert mortgage tnsurer+ce cave�a8e is not avaHabie. Borrower sha0 pay to Lender each morth a sum equal to onefinrelfth ot lh � . .
<br /> ; e
<br /> _ � yeady moRgage tnsurattce premium befig paid by Bortower when the insurance eoverage lapsed ar ceased to be tn efted. Lender w
<br /> - ::.5 accept. use end retein these payme�ts as e toss reserve (n Deu o1 mortgage (nsutAnoa. Loss reserve payments may no �onger b
<br /> vtded b �
<br />__° :,�i.�i requhod.at the option.o1:i.�nder,R mmtgags Insurance cove�age(tn the emourd und tar the:pertod tAai Lender requires) P*e a .
<br /> , ���' !': en insur� approved by l.�dar agaln bacomas e►a�7ab{e and is obtain�l. 8orrower sh�ll pay the premiums requtred to mafnmin �
<br />_-•- ; ,-.- •`: '. y < mottgaga Insutanca itr aftect. or to prwide a lass rer[xve. urrta the raquUemeM tm mottgege lrtsutsnce ends in accordance with eny
<br />_ . ` . � written agreement b�w�Borrower and Lender or�ticabfe ta�v. - -
<br />= 9. (n3�odllflt. Lender or fts agent may malte�asoneMg onliiss upon mtd inspectlons of the Pt'opeRy. Lender shalt give
<br /> - ' ' Borsow�natice at the time of or pdor to an inspectiort spedtylrtg�tnaESOnabte eause for the inspeciion. •
<br /> � �"5 4Q.Gandemnattor�. Tha proceeds ot any awartt rn ct8lm for Qamages. direct or consequantis�. ln connedlon wiih any .'�•�.,�.
<br /> � . � j conr��stuteti�or other tatdng of eny paA o/the Property.or tor comeyrance in Ge�+of cond�nation.era hateby assi9ned and shaU be . .o;
<br /> � .
<br /> � paid to f.�sdcr. � :
<br /> � fn the eveni oi a totaf tetdng ot the Property.the proceeds shaD he appQed to the sums secured hy Ihis Sewrity instrument,
<br /> "1 � whetha ar aot then due. wRh any exeess paid to Borrow� In the ev�t ot a parflai tatmig of the Pro}�tY{�S whlch the tair madcet ., .
<br /> r,. { vatue af dre, �s�paty Unmediatety 6e[are the taking is equal ta ar�eater than the amount o1 the sums �ecnsed by thfs 8ec�rity r#. `
<br /> � '.r:,;..;i,;;.: . � IasOum�t ivaaediately before the fakfcr� untess Bomawer and l�sde otfi¢rwtse agree in�viiUrtg:ihe st�►ms Eecured by thla SECUrity xsf,; �<.
<br /> _ .?i,;r":;:,., . . -:r�..�_ ��.
<br /> _.c,•,<< , f fnsfiunet shalt be reduced by the �naunt af the proceeds sreit?i�Ged by the foUowing iraciton: (r� the tn1�i emount of the sums .,F.,,,.
<br /> ° . .'` ` ` secured'us:med�at�yl(seiore the talcirrtg, �slded hy (@) tfse fatr madcet ra[ue at the Prapaty hross�r�i�f be'.aer�ihe taking. My balance -
<br /> ta t ,' , r::
<br />�'�, '_. i shaU Ce paid to Hartawer. In the event at e pmiiaJ.tr�.i:-�g ai the Rope+ty in whict� the tak rr...�oatue a'the Property immediateiy •..,.,°.,.
<br /> - , , .:.a beta�the taWng is tess than the amount af the�secureci im:nedtatety beta�the t�ld:�� uri:�s �ortow�and Lend�otherwtse ��.
<br /> , agt�e Ut �fiUng or vnless appAca6la Iaw atherwise gsa►ides. the pcaceeds sh�€ he s�p5at tu,the sums sec�red by thls $$curiiy ,, i°�+;y.,
<br /> ���;.�' ,. � Instrum�t whether cr not the sums are lhen d�te. . . f;.''�;: -
<br /> - ,� . :
<br />,F; li the Property�a�andoneA by 8orrower.or if,dter notice tryr i.et�to @mtar��that the condemnor oH�s to make an award or �- � � �
<br />-- ` � settle a dafrt►tor d�,�s.Borrow�tails to cespotat to Lertder within 30 days a".r�Lhe date the nodce ts�-ies_Lender(s euthodzed ;"_ :, :,
<br /> . � . ; ; to coAect and aPaN+rrc groceeds.at its opUon.eid►e►to restoratlon or repaU a`.ll*e Propery or to the sum��aired by this SeariQ► • ,.• ,..':::i•.:';
<br /> _, . .� .•. �� . :•',
<br /> Ins6umenl,whelher ar r..at then due. :,'�•,,#,a:j�,., ,..:_
<br />.�` • ��"�''' • � Unless Lend�and Borrower ath�wise agree in wrtting, arry elsp'Jcatton ot roceeds to p�e�shali rtot extend er postpone tfie
<br /> '� . _1 P , ,,�ati��...:i�,.-
<br /> ;J due date ot the mot�thiy payments r"-"zrted to in para�aphs 1 and��or chenge the amouni ot s�uda Ca��:.�Ss- - <_,.,
<br /> - t1.Bor��woa��at Releasec4: Forbearance By Lsnder Not a Watver. r�stT c� +� tsme for payment or �;_%::f;�•.
<br /> modiflcaHon of mrtcr.L�lfun of ihe sums secured by this Seeurity InsUument granted by Lende►t�a'p s.:xzssa{�*-�nterest oi Bortowe� � ""f°'
<br />�•�,� sh�l act c�a`J3 to r�iease the lieb�ity ot the odginal 8orrowe►or Borrawc�s sua�essors In�� L�rS�r srraA no!be requ(red to _.-._----`!;1�,
<br /> comm�tx�r���ee�irtgs agalnst any successor in interest or retuse to eutend time tor payr.ie�.or a'.'r��,?s2�s97Jy amortizetion ol ihe . .i
<br /> ':'; sumc �ar�d bY this Security Inshument 6y reason of any demand made by the arigi►rxt 6sraw.�ar Barrowers successors tn •�
<br /> -._ � _:; interest Asry torbea.z�ee by LenQer M exerclsing any dght or remedy sha�not be a wahrer af cs r�'.:..�de ihe exercise nt any rtgitt or �`''-
<br />_ .i: . remedY' ''' ., .
<br /> - • • 12 Succesa�s and Asstgns 8ound; Join4 and Seve►al Lta�il3ty; C�-$�gra3ra. The cavenants and
<br /> "' '• ayeements oi this Security InsWment sha11 bind and benefit the successors and assigns tf '.nder end Ei�wer. subjed to the . , i
<br />. - • pravtsions af psragraDh 17. 8o�a�v�r's covenants end a�eements sAaU be joint and severai.Qa��SoROwer who co-si�s this Security .; :; :
<br /> Instrument but does not exacuis rhe Note: (a) Is co-si�Ing itcis Secudty (nshument ont� cc moRgage. gant, snd canvey thal ;; ,�;;s�.• '•��'•,.
<br /> ' � � .,; Boaower's i�terest�'U.ve Properly nnder!he terars ot this Secur(ty(nstrumenl; (b)is no1 personalty obRgateS i3 psy the sums seatred ;'�,��j'�� �4�• .,
<br />:�:� � •� by this Securriy Instrument; aed (� a88s�Ees Lhzt t�nder and eny oiher Borrower may ayee to mctend. r.+odity,torbear ar make any � �� 'f� .'
<br /> .���. accammodaUons wtlh regard to terr.+s ot this Seaetty tnstrumeni or ihe Note without that Borraw�s conser�;. � = .
<br /> �� 9's'�LOaf1 ChePgee.,it the h�an seared by this Security InsUument Is subject ta a t��which seis maximum loan eharges. ��:`��•�'�`�� �
<br /> . -��'Et� �,
<br /> . end d'h�taw is tinapy interyreted so that the interest or other'�aan charges co�ected or eo �ae cclleded in connectlon wFth the loan
<br /> . h
<br /> excesd tbe pertnitted limits.then: (a)any such Ic�+ charges sS:eR De reduced by the amaunt �Kr.essaryr ta red�lce the charge to the , •
<br />��'�.� pertNtted Qmi�and(b�any sums already coUected 9�am Bo�rower which exceeded permftted�mits wAI be retanQed to Borrower. Lender
<br /> :ai may choose to make this retund Dy redudng tha pdnGpel owed under the Note or by maktng a drect Faymert ta BoROwer. If a .
<br /> � refurtd reduces prindpal,the reduction wiD be Veated as a pastial�:�payment without any prepaymenl cha►ge undeir the Note.
<br /> ::�,�� 14. NOtiC98. My notice to Bonower provided for in this Secudry Instrument shaD 6e givsrt by deliver(ng it or by rtra':ng il by : �
<br /> � fQUt �dess mail untess appUcablo Iaw requires use of anolher melhod. The noUce sha11 be ditectad to the Ftagerty Address or any
<br /> :�`�� otficv eddress 8artawer dos}nn�tes by noUce ro L2nde►. Any nalfae to Lender shefl be ghron by�rst class mai;to Lender's address
<br />'�`�:A':
<br />-=�i��+,. sieted heretn or arry o.hor addrass t,ender des}gn�tes by nollrs to Bomawa►. A�tg notlae p�ovtded for in this Secutity 1nsUument sha11
<br /> �'`' � be daemed to havo been ghron to 8ortawar or lender when�vm�•asprorlded imthis paragrepb.
<br /> tli:, • ,.�
<br /> :�_.,r t�� �avoming Law: 8evan3biiity. Tbis Se�wr(ty 1nss�ument shell be govcmed by federat faw and the f�» 01 the
<br />_ -�� � p�rl�i;fion tn whl�h lhe Property i�tocated. fn the event that any provision or cleuse of this Securiry Instrument o►the N�".er can�icts
<br /> "'t'� wPlh•appticabfe law. snch confdct shaD not aHeat other provisions ol ihis Secudty tnsUument or the Note whiah oan be ghren eHect
<br />-'';i�. . witfioul the conPJCti��provtston. To this end the proYia}ons ot this Secudry InsUument and the Note are dec:ared to be severabte.
<br /> � . ; 18. BOirower'9 COpy. Bortower shaD be g�'ven ono confamed wpy ot the Note and ot this Security InsWmenL
<br /> ��' ' . � 17.Transter of th�Property or a Beneflctal tnterost in Borrawer. N alt or eny part oi the �roPerty or any .
<br /> ' ; tntetest in ft is sold or Vansterted (or H a benefldal interest In Bortower is sold or transt¢rted and Borrower Is not e natural person)
<br /> "��• wflhoul lender's pdor written eonsen�Lender may,at its opUon, requUe immediata payment In tuil of all sums seeured by ihis Secunry j '
<br /> ��� � � Instrument Nowever.thls option sha0 not be exerdsed by Lender il exerclse is prohibited by federal law as o1 the date of this Security
<br /> ,
<br /> ' t�strumen�
<br /> - 1 If Lende�exercises this opUon, Lend�ahatl give Bortower noUce o!acceteraUon.The notice sheli provlde a periad o1 not Iess than
<br /> - j 30 days from the date the noUce is dellveted o► mafted wRhtn vmicA the Borrower must pay aQ sums secured Dy this Security �
<br /> ' •� Ins6umenl. H Bwrower tails ta pay these sums prior to the exphaUon o1 lhis pedod, Lender may imroke eny remedies Dermitted by this
<br /> �' � Seeudty tnstrument withoul further noUee or demand on Borcower. co�m ao2a s�o '
<br /> �
<br /> :•'` F1019.LM0(4I`�6) Paqe 3 of S
<br /> . �
<br /> - . . . � .
<br /> . 't .
<br /> � ,
<br /> i. .
<br /> '� � .. • _��
<br /> y:4. �t -
<br />. .6. ' _ . . _ _ . .,. _ .. . , _ .. _. . _ . .. ,. , � .,_. , � . ., ,.. ,..._. .. .. . _ ..a.'i.... _ �' .� __4'��.'{,�"i-��.'•i`i�-_
<br />