. � `• "..n .... �. 1 ry�.
<br /> � . 18. B�Ow@f'� iilg�tt t0 R8it18t8t@. II Borrow� meets eertain condiUons, Borrower sha7 have the right to have � �,
<br /> entorcemertt ot Mb Security Instrument �isconUnued at any time prior to the earGer of. (a)5 days (or sucA other perEod as appQcabte
<br /> �` !aw may speeity tor�eins4atementy betore sale ot the Roperty pursuant to any power ot sate contained m this Security insbument: or , �
<br /> _• (b) enUy o1 a Judgment entardng this Security Instrument. Those condiUons am that Barrawer: (a) pays Lender all sums which then �
<br /> , � wouid be due under this Security lnstrument end the Note as U no ecceteration Aad occurred (b) cures any detauB of any other �
<br /> covenanf or agreemenLs: (cy pays aU expen�es incurred m entorang ihis Securiry hrstrummL 'mcR�ding. but not limited to. reasonabie � `
<br /> attomeys'tees;end(�takes such acUon as lende►may reasonably requtre to assure tAat tAe 6en ot this Secudty I�sWment,Lenders ' '
<br /> dghts in Ihe Property and BoRawer's obQgation to pay the sums secured by this Seariry Instrument shall continue u�changed. Upon ��� •
<br /> reinstatement hy 8arrower, this Securi�r Inshument and the ob6gations seaired Rerehy shaii remain tutly effective as H no acceleration � '� --�-,
<br />, , had accurred. However.this rigfit ta reinstate sha0 not apply in the case o!acceteration under paragraph 17. � t �
<br /> 19. Sate of t�7o4�; Change of L.oan ��rvtcer. Tne kote or a paraal inceres: in the Note (together with lhis Securiry �
<br /> tnsLumeat)may be sold one or more times w�haui pdor noUce to Borrower. A sate may resul tn a ehange in the entiry(Fmown as ihe ;; ...
<br /> 'Loan Servicer•)that collects rr�orrthty paymeats due under the Note and this Sewrt7y Instrumert4 1'here etso may be one or more � 4 .t:.:.-,:. ,,,�,`,4�
<br /> .� r:._.�f:....
<br />-• changes of the loan Servicc�unrelated to a sate of the Note. ff there ts a change ot the Loart Semcer.Bonower w8i be given written F ;i�_,:;��,;�:.;�c;>-
<br />-i notice oi the change tn accordance wNh paragrapfi 14 above arsd eppiicabte f�ri. 'Fhe notice w'sIE s�:�tt�e narae artd address o!the � E ':,i'•:;;j�`: ,� "
<br /> - , new loan Savtcer snd the address to which payments shoutd he made 7i+e rtakce w�7i atso can�ir.any other miormaUon�equired by � f
<br /> _ ; epplleabls law. � E ,':•. , �.. ",.,.�
<br /> - . . 2@ EI3Z2rdO1�3 Sli�s48tiCOS. Bortrnvc+�she0 rtot rBUSe ar p�nnt tge p�rce, use. dtsposal.storage. or retease of arry E. •` �.�:"F=�
<br />-'s Hamidous SuBsmnces on or irt the Praperry. Bertower shaU rtot do,nor aRuu arn/one e(se to do,anythtng atte�(ng the Propeny that , ��.-' - _�'
<br /> �,:<<_. �:i:
<br /> _;f is in viatnUoa o!arty Ettvlranmental Law. The preceding bvo sentertces sftall not apply !a t`�e Qresence, use, or storage on ihe ��-
<br /> Pe�pe[ty af smaD qttarAities ot Hazardous Substences that aca generalty reco�¢ed to be aG�,�xate to nortrtal�esidentiat a,s�and to ,•;'%F�' ..�-� �.:�
<br /> � �j main�rtance of the Property. ..
<br /> a' �a Barrmver shall Promptty gtve Lendsr written nuUce o1 any Q:v�tigation- cia:.:.�.�mand. �u.3 or o:her s€.t`.on bf any�rzmmental . � , -
<br /> � or regutatory ayency or pr[vate parry invofv(ng the Fraperty and�y Mazarde�as SaSstaice or ErtvironmenL�!Lew of which Borrower has �:�t`�.�•;
<br />_' , act�a)iosowtedge. !f Borrower Ieams, or is na�:r3 by enyr ga�.-�^mentel ct ra3�dstnry suihar;ty,thal eny rer:sral or otfier remed�ation �-, � __ °.< �•-
<br /> i ? oi mry Hazardous Substance eflectirtg the FTepe.y is neces�ary. Bortow� shall promp8y t3ice a0 r.ecessary remedral adions in t• •��.�'��•`� ��
<br />-,; ' a�nce with Envtronmental taw. ��F{ti��.� '•°<.;�•'
<br /> :r �-°;-� r�.;,{;s .:
<br /> An used tn ihis paragraph �. 'Harardous Su6sfances' are those substanees EeSr.zd ax to�de er hamrdous substances by '?�t,�;; �• ';
<br /> - Emlronm�mf Letr a�d the toQawing substences: gssoline,kwosene. other itar:ezebte or toxlc petro(eum prad�ssis,to�dc peslleides and ` •��'�' � �
<br /> �:.�i;
<br /> .ri 1 herhlddes,volatJe sofirents. matc�als contefning ashestos or to�maldehyd� assd cadioactIve mater(als. !�s used in thTs paragraph 20. • , • .. ..
<br /> • 'Env(roonmental Law' means teft�al Iaws and Iaws of the jurlsdiction wh�e i.�:� Property is located thai telate to health, safery or , �
<br /> 1w . ertvtranmertat protectlon. ' •
<br /> = hONdJNIFORM COVENADfiS. Borrower and Lender tuM�covenanl end agree as fa11,^.ws �•
<br />-���' 21. Acceleration; Remedtes. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleratton following ''•��=,=:�''
<br /> '-� BonowePs brea�ch of any covenaat or agreemsnt in thls Security Inst►umemf (ba�t rtot prior to " `��� ''"``_�'
<br /> '��� . acceteratlon under paragraph 17 unt�ss applicable law provides otherwise�. Yhe cm��ti:e shall spectfy:
<br /> �'� (a� the defaut� (b) ths sct€oro requi�ed to cur� tlie detault; (c) a dat�, nat tess tE�a:s 30 days Trom the �
<br /> c�a6a the notice is given iax Borrower, by whlcPo ihe dlelault must be cma�d; and (� that faiEcros,a to cure �`;�;i.;�:,:z'`�`.;,•
<br /> , � � QFria deisult on or beiacza �ie date sgecffted frn the nattce cnay resm� iro acce�ocaticn of the sums ��4' -� -
<br /> .�:',f �::, :.�tiF:�,`�,_�; �
<br /> secured 4ay this Secur6�p fnsWment and sale of the Paa�srly. The notice �all further inform � '��%.•_.
<br /> Bonower of the rlght 4o reinstate afte► acceteratton and lEu�right to bring a court aciion to assert the : .
<br /> -�,; non-existence of a default o� any othe� detense of Borrowee to accelera4lon and sale. If the defaa[t is �==�
<br /> " ' nat cured on or beform the date specifisd in the �otice, Lender at ita option may require Immediate : `,,;�.';:
<br /> ;�: ' � �rayment in tull of all sams secured by thls Security Instrument without turther demand and may i ��� � ��;b..,
<br />=•�:' � ` � invako the power of sal� and any ofher ramedies permittod by applicabfe law. Leactar shafl be , --�- -G fi�•'
<br /> � entitted 4m collect all ettpensea incurred in pursui�g the remedies provided in 4�is paragrap9� 21, � �r�.�.:.`.
<br /> _ � inaludirtg, but ttat litnited to, reasona�le attomeys'feea and costs o4 title evidence. . '��'
<br /> .;;: . .. tf the power of sate is f�votceal. Trustee sha0 record a notice of default in eash county in which �r:_,,k`} . }•�=� :•�,
<br /> '� ' '� an art o!the Pro e is located and shall mail co ies of auch notice in the manner rescrlbed b
<br /> �.�S'..:;:..'. Y P P �7l P P Y ��'�r.,,.:,> �-; _ .
<br /> applicabte Isw 4o Bonower aatd to the other �ersona prescri6ed by appltcable law. After the 4ime ar.i�+-�• � �
<br /> ?�����'� ,�'� •. roquired by ap�tllcabte law, Trustee shall giva �n�:l�llc nottco of sale to the persana a�d tn the manner ��':��,
<br /> ;-. .?.,`y;S,.'.. : � .
<br /> - :,••. .
<br /> :, ;�;-� prescrllsed l� �pllcable Iaw. Trus�:oe.without demand mm:�orroweP, shall seU the Prope►ty at publtc �.�;,,,, '
<br /> aaction to tho aighest bidder at the time and �a�aco and u,�rder the terms aleslgnated In the notice of �,.,s��� .
<br /> �:�;'..�`'�,:. sale 1n one or mose pa�"a an� In any oider'7'�s4ee determinea Trus4ee may past�one s�4e of aU r��,:-�t.i;•,••• ° .
<br /> :,f..�,,,,.. , ,
<br /> ��, ��� or any parcel o! the ��erty by pubfic anr�muncement a! the time and place o! any ,�vlousty ,_a;;;.i;. � ,
<br /> " '. scheduled sate. Lender Qr its designee may purchase the Property a4 any eale. ' �
<br /> ''` . Upon recelpt of paymen4 of the price 61d� Trus4oe shall deliver to 4he purchaser Trustee's deed �° "• . . .
<br /> +' conveying thQ Property. The recitats in the Yrustea•s deed shall be prima facte evielence of the tru4h ���
<br /> ,'. M the staterruoc�ta made thereln. Tra�stee shall apply the proceeds of the sate In fli�m tm La�ar!�g order. r-. �:,�
<br /> ,• ,;,;,.s;�.•,
<br />_ -�� (a�to t�ll costs and �xpensos of exercisiog the power ot salo, and 4he sale. laclu�irr�4f� �yment o? �:���
<br /> ` ��,••.�``-' �� 4�aa Trustee's iees actu2CCV incuned, not to exceed 10 4'o M the princtpal a:�a�4 efi the aote ;Y��;,l.sf
<br /> ::;�.�.'' � � at tha time o! the decl���n oi dafautt, and reasonable attomey's 4eea as per�eciti��! by law; (b) to all �� :•'
<br /> - -+ sums secur��i by this Security tnstrument; and (c� any excess to the pers��o or persons legalty t �
<br /> �;;'.� . ' entitted tm i0. . '�.� �
<br /> °':.¢�; ! 22. FIBCOmrey8tlC9. U9on payment of e0 sums secured by thls Security Inswm�:t,lender shatl requeat Trustee tv reconvey �s.:`'�•, •
<br /> '�'' � tfa�Pra e and ahaU surrender t?�is Sewd InslrumaM and at`e+otes evldencin debt ;.�i-r�d .� this Secu Instrument �a Trustee. !���" �
<br />'° i;rr, r. A nY tY 9 / �Y •
<br /> ';��;��.,� , . Tce�siee ahall reconvey the ProArrty'withoul wan�niy and wriMa;;t c^args to the�rsan a�-s:,:�s}egadty enllUed to iL Si:a: persan or i �
<br /> ' persona shaD pay any recordation costs. ;
<br /> ..,� ;'� ` ..
<br /> .��� � 23. SUA78tl�ute TrUS�e9. Lender, at iis oytion, �r Bom Ume to Ume remove Trusiee and appolnt e successor Wstee to ;�� '
<br /> arry Trustee appotnted hereunder by en instrument recorde3 6.� tho counry In whlch this Secudty InstrumeM is recorded. wlhout r"�'�
<br /> •' �� � conv ance o1 ihe Pro e
<br /> j ay p rty, successor Wstee s.hall succeed to all the tille, power end duUes conferted upon Trustee here(n and by
<br /> _ .� ePPflcabTe law. ,
<br /> 24. Requeat ior fllottcea Bortower coquesta that coples of the notices nl detauN end sate be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> � i wAlch Is ttia Properly Addre;s.
<br /> _ ' a8. Rldere to 4his S�urtty Instrumen� 11 one or mnre ddero are executed by Bortower and recorded together with
<br /> • ' Ihls Securiry trtsWment,1he cort�nants end egreemenis o1 each such dder shell be Inwrporeted Into end sha0 amend artd supplement
<br /> = ��.' ? the covenants an8 agreements of this 3ecurity fistrumart as H the dder(s)were e paA of thfs Secudty Instrument.
<br />,i� t
<br />.�; r
<br /> 4� �
<br /> _, .`
<br />--'- ' Form J028 9/90
<br /> i.
<br /> �;. ,;� F�o79.uvta(tJ�t Paqe 0 ot 5
<br /> ;,-:_'' ,
<br /> S.
<br /> .. ' ,�+ �
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<br />