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- :�r,'. <br /> .. <br /> . .... . � <br /> =-:,�- � . . , —-- - <br /> .-fz . . _ , <br /> _ .. - --:;{:,. � . � . -_-_ <br /> .,��i'.;,-. }.:. . � . . �. - - . - ' , � . . �. . ._ . . . - -�. <br /> a . _-�- ����. ,,,,c� . . . . :.i;, <br /> �;s:. . � ,i . r" ' -. <br /> - � Borrow�'s escrow account unda the tederai Reai Esiata SetU�nent Procedures Act af 1974 ss emended irom Ume to Ume. 72 U.S.G. t� -. .-- - <br /> ' �;{ � 260t et seq. ('RESPA').unless another law lhat ayRBes to the Funds sets a Iesser amo•rnl N so.Lender may,at any time.ccdect end F , • ° <br /> , i hold Funds ln en amourtt not to exceed lhe tesser amaunl tender maY estimate tha amouM o!tunds due on the basis ot curtent data F . ;,o,°_. . <br /> - ! nnd reasona5te esfirnates ot expenditures of t�ture Esuow�tc�ns or olh�wlse In aceordance with appUaabte taw. I� ` . _ <br /> The iunds 8Aa11 be hdd in en InsUtuUon whos� dePosita ete (�sured by a federal agency. lnstrumentaGlY. or entily (indumng � � . <br /> ii ' ° Lender. il Lender is auah an instituUan) or in anyr Federal Home Loan Benk. Lei►der sha0 apPty the Funds to Pay�e ��w Items. � <br />':i� ���&moy not ehnrge Bartuwer tor halding and epptytng the Funda annuaUy analyting the escrow accouni.a►veriiyln9 the Esaow <br /> .; - • R�ns.untess i.en�ia pays 8orrw.ea�ntti;�::,r.L~.:..°c..-sw�::��!`�_�w nam�iln 1 andar ta tnake suth a Cdarrtie. However. Lend� -__-- - `. <br /> � ' may require�artowet to pay a ane-tlme cAarge tor en independent real estats t�r�orting serv(ce used by Lender in connec�ion with� � <br /> �; thfis toan.untess appacabie taw provides otheRnrtsa Untess en agreemenl is made or appGcabte taw re�NUes iM�st to be paid. Lender t <br /> i . shall not De �equired to pay Bortower any Interes!ot eam{ngs on the Fuads. Borcower and Lender may a9ree in writin9• howeve►•that `� Fi � , <br /> �5 fiterest shaU be pa[d on t he Fun d s. Len der s h a U g l v e ro B o r ro w e r. w(thout c h a r ge. an annual accounUng of the Funds, shmxin9 Q ! � <br /> -��, .- ,r,. � aed�s and de6(ts to ffia funds snd tha purpose tor whfch each d�!W ihe Funds wes made. The Funds ere piedged as adddianal� �_. - - - <br /> ,x:: � seeut(ry tor efl sums seeured by this Seeurity tnshument � <br /> _�i II the Funds hetd by LendeP exceed the amouMs pamitted to 6e hdd by app cca6le Iaw. Lender sha0 aaount to Bortawer for ihe� <br /> J_ mccQSS Funds in accardance with the requtrenents of app6rabte Iaw. U the emauat of ihe Funds hetd by Lend�at any time is nat � , <br /> su�dent to pay lha Escrow Items whe�due.Lender may so nat�y Boaower in wr7in9.a�4�su��e Barrawer shsD pay to lender � _ <br />''��� . the am�unt necessary to make up the defidency. BoROwer sha11 make up the defu3ency in no more than tw�ve monthty 4. _ <br /> �:, Lendeta sote disaetlon. �� :: <br /> y.; � r �i <br />'�'-: Upon payment in fuU of afi sums secured by this Security Instrumed.Lender shali prompt�l�etund to Borta►v�any Funds held by ,� , <br /> ;: � � t{ __ _ <br /> lettder. il.uttder paregraph 21. Lender sha0 acqutre or sell the Property.lender.prior to ihe acquisidon ar sale ot the Prope►ty.shall • '!�Y;:.,:µ�-_ <br />°:,�" • ��� l . .:,,� <br /> ��-�.:: ,, . <br /> appty any Funds hetd by Lender at lhe tune ot acqufsitian or saJe as a uedil agafist the sums se�aued by thfs Sec�uiry tnstrumeat {..�,,�1. ` <br /> . 3.AppllCStton of Payi�te11t8. Unless appfxeble(aw provides othetwis�aU paymerrts recelved by Lend�under paragraphs �.,.;�.��,• .::° <br /> �.',. .,_ , <br /> �,•:�f • 1 and 2 shalf be app4+zd:itrsf,to enY PrePgY►n����5��e ur+der the Not� seoand to emounts payable und�paregraph 2:thUd �f�''���',.:,,:�-.! <br /> .;;;�:f�;..�•. <br /> ��r to Int�est du� principal due;anA last,to any iate cfiarges due und�the Note ,.�}., . <br /> �rs 4.C11aXg6� Uett8. Bortawer sha0 pay a0 taxes. assessments. eharges. fines end impositlons attrbutabie to lhe Property ' • <br /> _-•�i . � whtoh may atta6►pdariry over this Seatlty InsUvment, and Ieasehold paym�ts or graurtd rerrts. a any. Borrowrl shaU pay ihese `- �s: <br />•�� ohdgations tn the manner provided in para�aph 2,or H not patd b�that manne►.Borrower shaA pay them on thne�recUy to the person _ ' : _ '__ <br /> .�.' . , o�ved paym�t Bortower sheU promptty tumish to Len�a0 nattces ot amou�ts to be peid under this pa�agraph. if Barmw�makes . <br /> �'- these payments dvecUy.Bortower shafl promptty Nmish to lender receipts evldendng the paymeirts. �� ' <br /> ;; • <br /> - � . Bwrower shaU promptly dischar9e any�en whtch has priority aver thfs Searih►(asLumertt unless BorrmNer: (a)egrees in wriUng to � -, <br /> _S . -,._ -.. <br /> ._��.; • ,:'� the peym�i of the obQgaBon secured Dy the Ilen in a mffimv aeceptabte M 4ender;(b)contests tn gnod fa�lh the Qen by.or detaids , �'..�..�.. <br /> � 'j against en}orcemari ot the Q�in.tegal proceed"ings which in the Lenders opinfon operate to prevent the entor�ement of the Qen:w(c) y .;,?y;. <br /> �`,i :.�r seaues trom the hotder ot the 6en an a�eem�t satisfactory to Lend�subor�naUng tNe Qen to this Securily tnstrumer�t. H Lender . , _ <br /> _ , � , <br /> � '; � daiamines that enY Part of the Rroperty Is su�;�S t�a Qen which may attatn pdodry ove►thts S�auity tnstnunent Lender may give . t <br /> �•�•� - . Bortower e notice ide�ifyAng the Uen. 8ortower sbep-saUsty the Q�or teke one a more of the actions set�yt►.s above wRh1n 10 days .i` : <br /> ;j at the ghrfng o1 noUce. `;i; <br /> � � . ' . 5.Haze�d or Property Insuranc�. eorrow� shan keep the trt�rovemer,ts now extsting u► hem�t� ereete� on ene �:. .�'' <br /> .° . Proyerty t�sured agatnst loss by fire. hamMs Inciuded withfi the tertn'extended coverage'end any other hamTds.inclu�Er+g 43�ods or , � !;N <br /> ���;`": iloodfrtg.tor whleb Lender requires insurance. This Uuurance shaD be maintehied in the amounts end tor U'ee periads Ifiat Lender . •'�`.- <br /> �`;y ' requires. The Insuranee certiec provfding the insurance sheD be chosen by Bortower subject to Lender's appraval wh3ch s�a�not be - , . ,'.`" <br /> :'s:. <br /> unreasonabfy wllhh�d. II 8omowet faIIs to maintaU� eo�erage desaibed above,Lender may,at Lenders opiton.obiain cac�mge to ; ., . ��+,+�. <br /> • , proted Lender's dghts in the PmpeAy in accordanrs with paragrapb 7. , , :. .;:� <br /> M insurance pofldes end�+ewafs shaD be aeceptable to LenQer and shaD indude a startdard mongage efausa. Lender shall have •�•`.,r,: <br /> '^ ihe dgM to hoid the poiicies and renewais. N lender requires, 8ormwer sha0 prompUy give to Lender eIl�cm'c�ts oi paid Dremlums ` 'r: '��,� '�` . <br /> ' . ;r <br /> artd tenewa!noUces. tn the event ot tosa,Borrower shaD give pror�t noUce to the tnsurance carrter and C�6er. Le�der may make ":.� <br /> Y��' prooi o11o�s N not made prorr�tty by Bortower. • <br /> i= � ... � � . - <br /> FY;: . Uniesa Lender and 8ortower oihe�wise s�ee in wr(Ung.Msure�ce proceeds shali be app('ia�ti�cestoratlon or repair of Yne Prop�ly <br />;; ;;. • .���"� dmnaged,H the�toratlon or c�c ns econom3�[t�teas�bfe e:.d F end�'s securily is not le�a�red 8 the restoraUon or r�-�ir is not . ;_,�•: <br /> _�,.:;.; • ..;:,.�. economlcaIIy feas�:a cnr L��s�cnrity wa�td Ce tessened, the Insuranee proceeds sha0�z appQed to the aums secured by thts • , '�. : <br /> '��••• . . .�f�� Sed�rity(nstrument,wt�ether a7 e�zhen d�e. +�* �►Y��� P�d to Bortowet. B Borrower ebandona the Propetty, or does nat ' <br /> ;.;„. • • .t answer wfthin 30 days a neti-�a Ua� Lende►that the insurance can1� hes oftered to settte a elaim. then Lender may coRect the : , <br /> fn�utance proceeds. Lender �� acse the praceeda to tepafr or cestore the Praperry c� '�o Pay sums secured by t1;s Searity <br /> ' ',� � Instrument,whethet or not ther��h� The 30-day period wHl begtn when the notloe ls given. � • . ` <br />�i:.,,;,. . �. • <br /> Untess Lender mx+�Borrower othe�vuise agree[n wdttr�g.anY epplicaUon of proceeds to p�r-.7�at sha+J rm:e�Rend or pos�pone the ., . <br /> `l;';' _ .:; • . <br /> 'f; :.� �� due date of the mortfity payments re(erted to i�^u r,•�- a�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the pay�'ts It under perapaph 21 <br /> , ; the Property is acquhed by Lender.BoROwer's r.^'„r.Y to eny insurance poAcies and proceeds res.t".'s+g irom�ege to the Propgrly prtor , <br /> •�•,�� W lhe acqulsiUon shaD pass to t.eader to the extenl of the sums secured by ttds S2��:�v tnstrument immediatety �pria* to the _ <br /> :�,� �; . . acquts(tlan. <br />�,�.°:'�'s � � 8. Oesup�cy, Preservatton, FIfl�icn8enance and Proteetion of tt�e Propeety; 8orrower s Loan . . <br />'�r�:�'� � � Appfleallon; t�a�OhOld9. 8o�cower shaE a+xspy,estabOsh,end use tho Froperty as Borrower's pdndpal tesidence wlihin sbcty , <br /> ���.,.'� ` days after the¢xecutlon ot this Security Instrument and sha➢conUnue to occu�r�t1-e Properry as Borrower's princtpat rosidenee tor at .. <br /> '��:•� � �I tes� one year after tAe date et ccsvpancy. untess Lender otherwlse a�ees in w�ng. wh.tah cansent shall not be�uea=_onaDSY • . . <br /> :.'..:.�_ • rr",.�(teSd.or unless extenuaUng Ccz+u+zstattces adsl wAlcb ate beyond Bo►rower's cantrot. Bo�sa�uer shalt not d2stroy.da�rrrrr,�a+impalr g ..,:,�;, <br /> �?;`;� the Properiy.ellow the Property to Ca2erlorate,or commN waste an the Property. Bortower sh,aU be In deta►i(t H any torfelMs ectlon o► 5 . <br /> �;� f� .:;�::�:;� . <br /> ':I� ' .. , p��mng�whether cSvll or crimi� be�n LhaY in Lender's good telth Judgrteni coutd resuN in todelture o7 ti".s Property or otherwirte <br />�,���: � , mateAally tmpatr the �en created by this 8ecurity tnatrument or Lender's sec�niry Interest. Bortanrer mey cure auch a delauD end : <br /> �*=����" � � d ln ara b t8.b causing the actlon or proceeding to 6e dismissed wifn a nifing that, tn lender's good faith �. ..'.' <br /> ,.:.� reL� provl ed P �R Y ; <br /> �:;,;;♦; -,` determinatlon, predudes torfefture of the Bortower's Interest in the Properiy or other matedal Impalrtnent o1 the Uen aeated by thls i . . <br />'��,ti,, , ; Secur(ty tnstrum�t or lender e secudty lnteresL Borrower shaA atso be tn defautt H Borrower, durtrtg the foen eppOceUon process, � <br /> .�'�, . � � gave materlaly tatse or ineccurate lntortna8on or stat�nents to Lender (or tatted to provlde Lender with en/ materfal intortnaUon) in i <br /> �-•"_ • . conneetton wlth the toan erldenced by the IVoto, not 6mlted to. �epresenlallons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the ; .. , <br /> S� :�.. <br /> •��,:• � . Properiy as e pdndpal resldence. H thts Secudty tnstrument Is on e leasehold, Bortower sha0 comply with a0 the provlslons of lhe ( <br /> 'i�" . Iease. II Bortower acquUes fee UUe to the PropeRy.the leasehotd and the tea hlte shall not merge untess the Leader egrees to the f ' <br /> `"` mergz►In�nrtiting. vo�m 3o2e 9AO • • <br /> � � .. <br /> — �. ,:. casa7ots � . <br /> f1029.6lAO W9G) , . . <br /> _ � <br /> i • , . <br /> � • � <br /> � . � <br /> � 1 . __" � ' " ' . . - . <br /> � i <br /> { . . . ' . ' ' _ .._ ___.. . .-. - -. . 5 . <br /> L.�i'` . , . ' , � . • ; . . •. ... ... , .---r�-r_--�.-tin,��.�b.,' .����.rw i iru�7i'__xl'y' Z..z+..�'F�'�..a°?_ <br />