�` . E . . . :�i.��z.:
<br /> ,� . . . , . .< <
<br /> .. : , . , ... .�� .� .... . ,_
<br /> ' � � , , , . � �.� � �. .
<br /> . . . . . ._ . • . . . . _ . . . � . . , � .
<br /> :_ .
<br /> � 9�°�0�°��� ' . �
<br /> payment4 may no longEr 6e requued.at the option of I.e,nder.if mostgage insurancc wverage(in thc amount and for the puiad , ' �
<br /> that l.ender re�ui�es)provided by an insurer approved by lender again becomes available and is nbtamed.Borrower sball pay the ,
<br /> premium�z requ;nai co maiueain aeoi�age ��vc in cnia:i,ur u►pn,ri�ic a ioss reserve,until the reqwremeut ior mortgage . -----_----
<br /> insvzmtce ends in axar�dance wnh any written agreemeat betwee,�Bonower and lxmder or appticabte law. . . .
<br /> 9.Ingpec�ion. I.eAder or us age�►t may make reawnable en�ies upoa and�.specaoc�of the Property.Leuder shall give , �_ '
<br /> . Borrower ao6ce at the time of or pr'sor tn an inspecdon specifying zeasonabte c�use for the insQection. ! , .
<br /> 10 Cond�natIon. The proceeds of�y awatd or claim for damages,direct or oonsequential, en connection with any !
<br /> . -` > c;onde�nnarion or other taking of any part oi the Pcoperty.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnarinn,aie hec�by assigned and : -. : .
<br /> shall 6e paid to I.ender. E .
<br /> ' In the eveat of a total tat�►g of the Rnpmty,the procceds shall be applied w We sums seceaed by this Security Instrumeat, � �
<br /> . whether ot noi then dae,a+itb any eacass paid w Botrower.In the eve,nt af a paatial ta)ring of the Propeny in which the fau mazkei �5 . .
<br /> value of the Property itnmeetiately before the�g is r�qaal w or grrater than the amount of the sums sec�ued by this Security �. . . - .
<br /> � Instrument imme�iatrdy 6efore tlte tatring,un2ess Borrawer and Lendea ethe►wise agree um writmg,the sams sec�ued by this f .
<br /> t� Security Inst�ument s6aII be reduced by the amaunt of the pr+oceeds mnitipEied by the fol2owing fiaction:(a)the wtal amount of � ' _
<br /> � the swns secared urunediatety hefore the taking,divided bY N)the fair mazket value of the F�ty immediately 6efore� s �. .::�.;,:'_•
<br /> ...,l..s"'"".._..
<br /> � ta1�g.My balance shall he paid ro Borrower.In the event of a partiai taking of the Praperiy m��M��-�fas market value of the i .;. �_:
<br /> �P�Y �Y b�e the takmg is Iess than the amount of the svms saaued imme�.:y before the takmg> untess ,: .� �;;;, �:`;�_': :
<br /> Borrower and Lendea otherw�se agree�writing or u n l e s s app W�b t e l a w a t herwise pm v i d�,t f�r�.^�ce e d s s 6 a I 1 be app li e d w t he �:;;.'t.:�;��;:f;�:;E:'.--=^
<br /> sums sec�ued by this Sec�uity In�umeut whether or not Ihe sums are then due. ";�,�E`:«`;s:���'k�:�•`
<br /> If the Propaty is a6a�tdoned by Boaower,or if,after nntice by Lended w Bormwer c^,�-�a o�ndemnor offeis to make an ��,�;;7,�'�;'�```:'`•`:?�;; .
<br /> ,,,,.;�. .
<br /> awaz+d or set�e a claim for es,Borrower fa7s to nd tn L.ender within 30 da s after t�e�the notice is given,Leader '�`�'�t �
<br /> dama8 � Y �y;�, ••,�: .'. ,�`;-;y_.
<br /> is authorized to coltect and apply t�e proceeds,at its opdon,either w reswration or r�air of the Property or oo rhe sroms s� , . .. : _ .
<br /> .; by this Sec�rity Ins�ume�nt,whether or not theA due. �:i':
<br /> :� Unless Lender aad Hmrower otherarise agree in writinS.anY aPPlicztion of proaac�t�p�rincipal shall not extea�d or postpone r : ,,':.•,:�=
<br /> the due dare of the montWy paymeaus referied to iu paragraphs 1 and 2 or c�ange[he�fl�t ef sAOa payments. �.";�;;�;,•,-•::<.
<br /> agra n . ,,
<br /> •. 11.Bormwer Nat Re[ea.sed;Forbearance By LQnder Nat a Wafver. Exten�a of t�„e o�,.:for payment or modific�a ,.�:��-�'�:
<br /> � �� of amo�atioA of tha swr�s secured by tLis Seciuity Inm�ment granted by Le;ader a��n.� s.�ar m intea�est of Borrower shall ;j;,_.:_•. • �° ::
<br /> "'F e;::�:,:`';� '�' '
<br /> � aoi ope�ate to retease the liab�ity of the original Borrower ar Burmwa's sucxe..�s��:er�Lender shall not be required w �.'-"s�:;':•.,.�_
<br /> � �,r,..?..::-.�.:. ,:;,�., ..;�
<br /> commence praceeda�gs agawst any successor in mt�est or refnse to extend time Ea�p�3�erE cx,iaerwise madify amortiration of ., , '
<br /> athe sums set�ed by tlus Secauity Ins�eai by�eason of aay demacd made by t�e er'�21��we�r or Bonower's successors � . ' ." '.',;f;,F;'�: `::-_.
<br /> y� . � m mtaest Aay forbearance by I.euder y c�cising any right or remedy shall nni 6e a wanca ca:�cs preclude the acea�ise of any � • - .'.;',-:j.�:,•'.
<br /> _ � right or cemedy. t � � '
<br /> 1L Saccessais and�s Bouad;Jomt and Sesraaf Liab�ity;Co�signers '�e cover�r.r:s and ag�ents of this ��, �
<br /> � Secttrity 1nsframeut sh�II T�and b�efit the sv�as and assigns of I.ettder and Borrower, subject w dv:provisions ef ! ,� �.::��;`
<br /> � p�ag�aph 17. Bonoa�'s covenants and agree�aenis shall be joint and several. Any Borro�ver who co-signs this Secrr�iig � _;;''f';;:.?y
<br /> Instrunaent bat does aot eaec�te the Noi� (a) is co-signing this Seairity Instrument only ro mortgage,grant and convey ti;� � � ��-,•-�++:�°;.
<br /> Buirower's inte�rst in the Prope,rty under the terms of this Seauity Instrumeng(b)is not personaIly oblipsed to pay the sumc � , . i.,��`.''?
<br />-- secured by this Sec,o.riry ias�runen�and(c)agrecs that Leuder and any othea Borrawer may agnee to extea�d,modify,forbear or .,.,i;:
<br /> make any accummodationc�regard to the tenns of this Security Inswment or the Note without that Boaower's consenl. . � ' ���:;.�'
<br /> 13.Loao C6argea If tbe loan secure�by this Security Instrument is subject to a 1aw which sets ma�cimum loan cbarges, �;: .i=. .�_.;:.; `
<br /> and that law is fma]ly intelpreted so tkat the interest or other loan charges couected or tn be collected in connection with the toan � ,�:,::•�'°:
<br /> : � ..,.
<br /> ' ; �'�� �.. exceed the p�mittc�d 1'units,then:(a)any such toan ct�arge shall be reduced by the amoant nc;cesssaryy to reduoe the charge to the . :-..��.i,�`;,:.;-._ .
<br /> . ' permiUcd 1imi�and(b)mry s�ms aheady collected from Bor�ower which exceeded�miued limit4 will be tefunded m Bormwe� ,.:, `.,`,�:' .:..
<br /> E.endea may c600se oo make this refimd by reducing the pmuipal owed iucdc�ti't�Norc or by making a dinect payment w
<br /> Boaawer.If a refund reduces principal, the redaction will be ueated ac a p�scr�:rrepayment without anY Vre�ayment char�e r�;;� ;..:?:�;'�.s::...•y'
<br /> :,F audeathe�un:. �'. .: . ��_,.,:,.,.
<br /> � 14.Natic�. M notice w Bonower vided for in this Securi Insuumeat�all 6e ven b deliveain it or b mailin it �r'��.�:�•.��' :"•:
<br /> Y D� t5+ 8, Y S� Y 8� i:��-�.
<br /> 6y fust class ma7 unle��'.icable 1aw requires nse of another meihod.'Ihe aotire shall be directed w We Properry Address or t;:... �,, .` ,
<br /> � ��.,:,
<br />= a�y othea address Barm:.,�designates by nodce w Lender.My no6ce w L,cnder shaU be given by fust class mail w Lender s ;�.,:�
<br /> . . .: .:.::::.: address smted here�ar aag c�er address I.a�der designates by notice to Borrower.Any no8ce provided for in this Sec�aity ;. , �. .
<br /> , .•;• .
<br /> - �„''� Insaument sLall be deemed w have bear given to Bormwer or Lendea when given as provided in�paragraph. �; . .
<br /> �:.-,,; �' 15.Covereaing Law;Severabflity. This Security Instrument shaU be goveane� by fed�al law and the law of the
<br />",> • � jurisdiction in which the Praperty is located. ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or ihe Note ..
<br />� ;� conflicts arith appfisable L�ar,such wntlict shall not affect other provisions of thi���urity Instrument or the Notc ahich can be j; � � .
<br /> , � given effect without the canflictinng provision.To t}iis end the pravisians of this�e.uity Instrument and the Note are declared tn 4 .
<br /> • � be severable. . . '
<br /> ��
<br /> .' ,,�_ .• ; i . . ,
<br /> .} . � Form 3028 9l90 �s. � ,.
<br /> ..';� ' ��8R(N�f92�21.ot Papo4o16 tnmats: � .
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