L�. . � C,aA;i«.J:Y�i�=t� . ��\i�.�'1f�._
<br /> - . .._. - tr _"mP.` _ _ "__ '_' .
<br /> .?'^� . ' " . .
<br /> _ . ` . . - .. ._ F�„ � , .
<br /> .r _' . _ . ' . :�� .
<br /> . .. . . .... i . ; ' ..
<br /> ��� ���V�� i � . .. ,
<br /> i . 16.Bo:rower's Copy- Boirower shall bc given ane contaaned copy of the Notc and of tt►is Security lnstrnment • �
<br /> � ' w v �� .....�..P��n D..�•.W e�v��n�s�v{�it io � ..__"_.�_ _ .
<br /> � 17.Tf8�C�01 tIIe�rope�y ar a na�eittiai iuiCresi m nvr�vwcr. �.w.:.:o:y�......» ..r..y , ..
<br /> soW or nansfeaed(or if a benet'ICial int�resl in Horrocver is sold or aansfcrtcd and Borrowcr is aot a aawrat�son)without �
<br /> . :' Lcnder's prinr aritte�consent,L�eader may.at iis aPtion.recluirc immediatc payment in full af al!sums scxured by this Sesuriry ; • •
<br /> Iiuuvmeat However.this option shall not be exc�cised by l.cudcr d excrcisc�s prohibitca�y fedsra!law as of thc date of this �
<br /> ' • ` Se�aaity InsnvmenL I . . .
<br /> If Leader execeises this optron.Lender shall give Bo�wer no6ce of accelc,�ation.'Ihe natice shall pravide a period of not tess . . • •-
<br /> ' --.�° than 30 days imm the dat�the noace�s deliv�ed or mailed wit�in whid+8arsauxr mnst pay ait sams secured by Th�s Scceuity i ._ .-_ -.
<br /> . . ' Inmumeut If Bomuwer fa�7s to pay these sums prior w the expiratian of this period.Lcnder may iavoloe any remedies peimiued e .
<br /> � � by this Security Instrument without funhrl notice or de�nand on Bormwer. t' "
<br /> 18.Borrower's RIgDt to Rdnstate. � If Baimwer meets cc�tain oonditions. Borrowet shall have the rigdt w have .
<br />- + enfon�m�t of thi4 Seanity Itu�onuneat disconmiued at aaY t�me Prior m the cazticr of: fa) 5 days(or such other penod as _ .
<br /> a hi4 : . .. , .::.;•, ,
<br />� applirable 1aw maysp�fy far�m�i)before sale of the Proppty pursuani to aay power of sate contained in iAis Setuiity . .. ..':.".• ._ �
<br /> Instnmaeu�or N)entrY- of a judgmeat enforciag t�is Secutfry Insaumea�Thosc wnditions are that.Barrower.(a)PaYs Lender aU `�.;:"...;�;;t''�'` �. ;
<br />.� sums which th�wonld be dae an d e r t l u s Seauity I n s�m eant an d t h e No t e as if ao ascclera�iun had ocxnired;N)��9 ,
<br /> default of any otha covenanu or agreement�<c)PaYs a11 e�enses inaureA in enforcing this Sea�sity Iasuument incWding,6m . �
<br /> not I��ed tn.reasonable aunmeys'fees;and(t�takes sucd astion as l.eader may rea�onably reqnice to assare that the liea of this .
<br /> �- Seca�rity Instrumeu� I.eader's rights in the Property and Bomnwer's obligarion to pay the swns scx�ued by this Secauity � . . ,
<br /> /nstrument shaD conm►ue uachanged Upon�einstaseanent 6y Boirower. this Socunty Insvwaent and the obligitians secured : . - -
<br /> hereby shall r�ain fuIIy effeclive as if no accelaation dad aaurrxd.Howe�rer.tt+is right to reinstate st►all not apply in tlie case of ` . - ; -
<br /> accei�ation�mcrri h 17. .'�'
<br /> 19.Sat�a�t4ote; e ot Luan Serataer. 'I&e Note or a partial int�xt in tbe Na:e (togethea with this Sec�ity `� ;, .':'��:
<br /> - ' Inshvmemt)��e sold one or tuore�without prior notice to Bamawer.A salc may r�vlt in a chaage in the cnaty(imown � . , ��:�r_
<br /> - as the"i,u-aa�ec.-isea")that coll�ts monthlY PaYa►ents due under the I�[ote and this Secu�ity Inst�ument There also may be one or � � , � �'�:
<br /> moce clr�sges cf the Loan Servicer muelated to a sale of the Not�. U there is a ch�a�ge of the Loan Service�r,Borrower a�l be � . ,
<br /> �writ�s ae�e of the draW;e u�accardance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice aiU state ths nawe aad • -
<br /> - address of ttie�r I.oan��:er and the address w wtuch paymeats should be madiis.The natice will also conmin any other . . .
<br /> infoimaIIon�bY apPtiwble law. � .:,.;�
<br /> , 20.Ha�rd�s Snbstauces. Bosower shall aot cause or perrnit the presence, use. di4posal. storage, or retease of �y . ',. �'.,:�;.
<br /> - - Ha�ardons Su6s�►ces on or in the Piroperty.Bormwe+r shall not do.aor allow anyoAe eise w do,anyt6ing affecLng the ProPenj+ , ..,,..,�:x-:_'
<br /> ° � tdat is in violatinn of any Environnaental law.The pre�ing twa seatences sha11 aot app l y En the presence.use,or stosage an ihe • • . •
<br /> la'n
<br /> .� ' paoperty of small quanaues of Hardrdous Substances that are geaerally recognized w be appiopnate to nom�al residenrial uses ..,� .
<br /> : , • . and w mamteaa�uce of the Pra�ty. ,:
<br /> Bonowe��'1 promptiY g�ve Leader written norice of any investigaiion,claim.demand. tawsuit ar othw acaon by any �< •.-
<br /> °; gov�nmeat2l cL�Wawry agenc.7+�F��=P�Y involving the Property and any Ha�ardous Substance or Env'aonniental Law ' . <,�;��
<br /> ;E of wtucb Ba�+ar�8as a�al Imowledge.If Bormwer tearns,or is notified by any govemmeatal or regWawry aatdority,that any ,;::a��°��
<br /> .t.. removal or a�a cemediaaoa of any Ha�ous Sabstance affecang the Prapeny�s necessary.Borrow�shaU promptiy take all . . I,•�: ,�
<br /> "'�v necess�y e�ecie�ial actions i��xordance with Eavirorunental law. P� � : .,`:.>:�.:
<br /> If��• . As ased ia this p��20, "Haz�dous Su6stances" are thosc substances defiued�as wxic or hazardo�substanses by t; � : � ,
<br /> i
<br /> � � � � Environment�I Law and the foltowmg s�listances: gtuoline. kemsene, od�er flammabJc or to�cic peuolewa�producas. toaic `!r''i `. t`�F a'�r�
<br /> ;rv�'_ ! ��°
<br /> pestis�ides an,�harbicides.volat�e solve�cts.�atrxials containmg asbestos or foimmaldebyde.and radioacxive materiats.As used'm � .�.,�
<br /> ,? , • ;", this pata�.'a�D."Env'uonmental Iaw"ffi�s fedaal laws and laws of the jUrisdiqion whese the Propeaty is tacated that relate - , a �;:
<br /> . w health,sa=�tY ar e�avimamental pmtectioa. •f'` .
<br /> .,:,,;
<br /> /i ' _'.,;r=;.
<br /> _ NON-U1�FORM COVBNANTS.Borrowes and Lezsder further covenant and agree a4 foUows: ' . ';,:'y�.':`
<br /> �� ' Zl.Ace�'r�;atina;Remedt�.I.eade�sEaF]give no�ce to Borrower prtor to aocelerat�an i'oltowing Borrower's Dreacb of �'�� - ��1r�''r
<br /> � any covea�nt or agrePment In this �tq Insh�me�t (bot not pr�or to acc�teradon ander paragrepb 17 untess � � �; ��'��:�
<br /> � applicabi�e tasv�mvldes othe�rwise).'f'he n�tdce shall specify:(a)the dePaWt;(b)lhe adlon required to care t6e defaaEt;fe� �.. � ` `
<br />-'� '� a date,not�c�haa 30 aF�ys 6'mm the date the no¢�is given to Borrower,Dy wLtilc�We defaW!mast be aued;and(dp -
<br /> '����:�' i� W�at fa�e t.�wre tbe��nn or before the date ecitied in the natice ma result in acceleration ot 4he so�s se�c� � .
<br /> SD Y 't=�:: .�.. . �.::
<br /> .� by tlris SecQr�g Iflstrument and sate saB r•�e�raperly.Ttie notice shall tm4her inform Borrawer of the rtght to r+em�^� . . _� ...
<br /> '"' ��•'• after accel��n and the rigbt to��m ooart ac�iton to asept the non-ext�teace o!a defau[t or any other deferr,�aC .' ' � •:''�^��;s
<br /> � �' Borrawer 4c�areceteratton and sat�I�cit��efaWt ts not cured on or betore the date spect�ied"m the nottce,Lender,s¢�rs . `��j�%�
<br /> . .a 4 tb .
<br />.`;;: . �' apt�aa,may r�aire immediate paymeat in tu0 ot atl gvms secured by this 3eaortty Instrament withon4 fiut6er demaad "
<br />:'`., . �� mnd m�y invoke t6e pawer of sale and amq aWer re;aa�6es permitte�9 bg applirabie taw.Leader shall 6e wtitted to oollect . � , :".
<br /> • �� a11 expenses acurred in pwsning the rr.eaedies p��ed in th�paragrapb 21,inctading,6ut not limited to,reasona6ie .' ' �.,�I,,;�: .
<br /> � � attaraeys'�'e�aad casts of dtle evide�� - '�c�':^'�
<br /> :`; . IP the pu�s�of eale is invaked,Tu�+��sil r¢rnrd a nodoe of de�sutt in eacb county in whic6 aay part¢ff e�e ,::'';,::..
<br /> :�`:�; � i?roperty is Eocated and sLaO mai)wpiPS oP suct��a�in We manne�prescPibed by appltcaDle law to Borrower and tm the ' .
<br /> -•:} , ca"�er persons preswiGpd�y p�DUenble fativ.After tlhe time required Dy app9icable Iww�Trastee stra0 give pasblic aotace o! - . �
<br /> .�`� sate to the ersnns antl in�2 manae��+cessribed b a llea6fe law.Trnstee,withont demand on Borrower,shall se�s�e ' �, '
<br /> p 9 PP ��t;�� ..�•
<br /> ' � 7 Prop�riy at pnbllc auction to the hdy��t�6�dep at the Wne and pl�ce and unde�the terms designated in the notice u�srir �'��`<'�,
<br /> ',;. • .. °'; y� ���, , . .
<br /> f Form 8028 8�90 �'
<br /> � . .
<br /> ` ��BFl�N��9�,zt.o� vapo a m e �nu�ate: Y ,
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