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<br />.. 1 ...._. ` _ __' C
<br /> . � . , - e .. . ` : .. �� � . . . . ` . , . , . "��'_�.� .. �Y j j`.
<br />. . � . . ._ . . . � . . �t" . - � - .
<br />� . - , . � � . - �. . .. ` -�---___--._-.
<br /> � � . . - - . . � . . .---- --..—.. _c:.—� ..
<br />.. _. _ . ... . . . , . . . . . _ . . " ' :•\'' . .. ......_..._.i„�`—__ - ....' : 4� `
<br /> � • . '
<br />' ' ' ' • ��� ���fi� t,
<br /> - � f . 5.Ha7ard or Pro�Insuranc� Ba�mwer shaD&eq►die improvcmc,ius now existing or heicafter erect�i on the uty �
<br /> . � insured�st loss by fire. hazaads inctuded within the terta "exteadcd coverage"and any o�her ha�ards,inct�dmg ilo�t or ` ' �
<br /> _ ' Qoodioag.for whish Le,nder requires insurance.This insurance shall be maintaitted in the amouats and for the pesrads tLa!Lea���a
<br /> s
<br /> - --_ -. �e9uires.'Ihe iusuranoe carrier pmviding the insurdnce shaU be��!w n.�».w�,;;�,.••a,.••,�+,�•••..a...�;..w.�...u.�.... _
<br /> ...,.,,....... ....._......_......... '
<br /> < ;� be un�os�abty withhetd if Borrower faits to maiatain aoverage descnbed above. Lend�r may, at L�enQet's optios�. aLYSin �.� '
<br />-' ' � coverage w protect L.euder's rigAcs in the Ptop�rty in aocordance h�i3b paragraph 7. ; �,�.
<br /> �� ' � � A11 insurance policies and�rnewaLs shall be acxptable to L�tder and shall inctude a sraudard mortgage ctanse.L,eru4�si�U � . �
<br /> ?i , have die right to hoId the goticies and renewais. If Leaider requires.Bormwer shall prompily give to Lender ail reoeipls�psid �< ` � �
<br />--- ,- - - premiums and renewal nouces.Tn the eveat of loss,Borrower shall gi+re promps iwiice to the iativmnce carsiee�d t.ea�er.L�er �
<br /> ia '-- - -= ==-
<br /> .. '- may make proof of loss if not made pmmplty by Borrowe,r. . �
<br /> :� �' .
<br /> �' . Uniess Leader and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,iusurance proceeds sdall 6e a�splied tn rectoraiion or repau a�€•fhe
<br /> ' ' ProPaty+damaged,if the restoration ar is economicaU f�bie aad Le�der s � � � �.
<br /> � micalty feas'ble or I.atde.r's securi aoutd ite l�ed�tt�e 'm�r�nce �aat lessened.If ttte�.or
<br /> ic noi eoono I.a tY prooerds sdall be apptied to the s�nc �__� �
<br />:�'�-- `°i sec�m�d by this SecuritY Instrumeat,wheth�or aot then due, wub any esce.ss paid m Bormwer. If Barrow�abeFador� the ---'�'`::
<br /> � � � Prape�ty,or does aot aaswe,r witLin 30 days a aatice fmm Leader t4at the�uansc caaier 4as offaed to se�t2e a cJaim.tfi� ` , `
<br /> '.{�, • l,end�may+oollect the iu�svrance proeeedc I.ertder may nse the ptoceeds w repau or resmre the Propeaty or w pay sums se�red _
<br /> �y . bY dus Seauity Instrument,whethe,r ar not thsn due.'ihe 30-day�eriod wi71 beg"m whea We notice is giveo. �
<br /> ,i; Unless I.ender and Barrower o8cewise agee in wcitinS,anY�PPlic�rion of proceeds[o p�rinapal shatl uoc extend os pa�one � . - ,
<br />;.� : �.. the due date of the uwnWly paym�referred to�paragragLs 1 aud 2 ar r�e the amount of the payments.If uader p�ph ` .� . .
<br /> �; , . • 21 the Propelcy is acqu'ved by Laad�Bmmw�'s right tn any insu�oe�ati�es aud pmceeds zes�iltisng f�o�t damage ta the
<br /> Ar . Prn�ertY Prior po the acquisition sball paTS tn Ieader tn the ea�t of the sums sepued by this Sequity Ins�meuL isnmed�sly �. ° .
<br /> �: �• prior ta tke acquivuon. } , ��
<br /> ' ,i 6.�CCrpaucy,Preservatioa,Mamt4enaaase and Pro!¢qion of the�ropaty; BorroweY's Loan ApQlicadao;Le�n14c. `
<br />:";; -� Bomower sha11 oce�y.establisb,and use ttie Fta�rty as Borrawer's E __•-'-``- `
<br /> ,. a t e prmcipai residencx with�sixty days after Ehe e�cecutnan of
<br /> ;r� th'ss Secauity Insumaeait and shall continne t,n a�ps�y the P�roperty ac B�owea's princ�pa!re�deace far st(east one yeaz after ffie
<br />''' . . date of oocupancy, ��ss Lender otherwise `
<br /> agrees in wriring, which conseut shall noi 6e m�sonably arithheid, or�mtes� '` • '.•;
<br /> •f�;' . '�• exteunatmg ara�mstaaces exist which are beyoad Borrower's con�ol.Bmmwer st�aaU not destroy,damage or impair tt�e Pto�a�rry, �'�;:` `:�'J.�
<br />-��:,. . . a l t o w t h e Ptopeny t 4 det�iorate. or oommit waste on dte Frupeny. Bmrower sha11 he in defaWt if auy fo�rfeitcue acte�m or -.. �.. :.;�;.
<br /> £' � P��g.wheth�cF,a'1 or criminal,is begum�in Leudds good faith judgment could result in fmf�of the Proparty or _
<br /> .{';: � offieiaise materiaIIy ita�sir ttte liea created by�r,cs 5�rity Insawneat or L.etder's sepuity mterest S�rer may cure sts�b a � -
<br /> _ r default and�te,as pmvided in parag�a�h ��,by ca�� 'tta the aaron or procePding to be dismiss�!urith a nilriB th�,in �`��-,`�
<br />__:� . :� . Le�det's gond faith detennination,�ludes fa�eicse of tlre]�acrower's int�est m the Pc�ty or other mat�rial�t af — - '
<br /> � the fien created b y this S e c�u i t y Insa¢�ent or I.�c�i's s e c u r i t y i n t e re s t.B o r r o w e r s h a l l a l s o 6�m d e f a u l't i f B o m o w e r,d i u i ng i he ..�:.t�-J;'
<br /> . '� � •4 toan application pmcess,gave marerially faLse c�i��muate infom�ation or statements to Lender(or fa.�ed u�jnovide Lead:a with ., �' '•' "`+�;
<br /> � ;� any maierial infonnation) in connec6on w�LCe.�,:�a evidenced by the Note, inctading, but nol L�r,�r,gs3 to,r�ta:ions :��,j ,.�;�•
<br /> • ,.:',. .�r'<j, . concem�g Bomawer's accupawcy of�e Pca� as a ai residencc.If this Securi ` � �:•�'-.
<br /> . .:�, t � P��P ry Lsstrument is oa a leasehoW,Bm7awer
<br /> <� �'';,:'�, ,a shall comply arith aU the provision���fease.If Bo:rower acquires fee titie to the Prope�.tEie leasehotd and the fee tide s;rail � `;:�:,
<br /> ;� ;t:: •.. . not merge�mless Le�tder ag�ees tn cCa�m�ger in writmg. ;,. , ~���'
<br /> :` J
<br /> ; • ?.Protecttoa of I.ender's Rig��ba 3he Pro�srty. 1f Bocrower fa�s w perform ths coveaants ar.d;;g-��ts conta��in .
<br /> °`�; �� � this Security Instrument,or there is a 1e8a1 Dru�c-�aruiS��Y �8�`��'9 al�ect I.ender's rig�ts��ProFerhr(smch�s a . � .'; ;
<br /> � � , P�nB�ban2wP�Y,P���,f�r cond�na�or forfeiaire or to eafon�;aws or reg��ns},�TMea L�dcr may do and �`', ..
<br /> ,:< for w6aicv�is ne�essary to protec¢�e valae of the pro ' ;;,`, -
<br />_ � Pertg as,�C.ender s rights in the Pau�a�y.I.�d�'s asaions a�}isx.tuQe .,,,ls•: , ' .
<br /> • payiag�y sums secured b a tie� which has :.,;'`,.+'�`j`' `�` ,.:
<br /> Y priority ov�dd�s Secauiry InsiNment,�g ia�n, PaW�B reagonable ;,,.•.. r .,;
<br /> s
<br />`�_;;i . ". ' attomeys' fees and ea�tering on the Pmpeaty t�ms�,;f�e iepaus.Aithough Lended may ta2se ac6on und�c'ti��aiagraph 7,Le�rede� ' •' _ -
<br /> -- '� does not have to do so. :�ti�;'`:
<br /> ; � �' My amonnts disbiused by I.acder under�is�ap6 7 shall 6ecome addieional debt of Bomnwer sc�ued by tbis Security .�, `�.
<br /> r • �..;� ��� Instrumcnt Unless Borrower and F.�d�agrce m other tetms of paymen6 these amrnmts shall be�ar intriest from the dae�s of � • � �-
<br /> -�;' :�. . disbursement at the Note rare and sh�l3 be
<br /> ��i�.. . ,. • •��� �' FaYable,with inte,resa.c�ron notice from Lender to Bomnwer requestu�g DaYment . , , ,
<br /> 8.Mottgege Iasarauce. if Lendea required�:er�,�i�-�,�,,,ce ac a wndition of making the loan secumd by tl�s Sex�rity ���'
<br /> tt g
<br /> -..•, ,� , Instraraent� Boirower sball pay the premiums c,�,��d c� ^�^��n the . ' �
<br /> . . . mortgage insurance ooverage requnred b Lender - °II'�ge insurar►ce u� effect fF. for any reason, the .,
<br /> `' y lapses or o�s..� w be in ef?'�t,Bomnwra sha11 pay the�c�aniueas sequired w
<br />`•:..�:�'. . obrain coveaage substantially equivalent to the mortgage msux�.m�previously in effect,at a cost substandaity eqni�at,�to the . ,
<br /> _ i cost tn Borrower of tne mortgage ins�rance previously in eti3x. from an attemats murt�ge insurea apgmyeci by L�der. It , �
<br /> '- - � sabstautially equivatene mort�age insurance coverage is not available,Boirower shall pay to Lender each�anrte a sura equal w �
<br /> � .,'� on�twellth of�he yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance covera,�e(agsed or ceased tn .� .
<br /> _ ��i . be in effec�. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage�r^,nce. Loss reseave � � '
<br /> _ . ',.�;
<br /> -:, `� Form 3a2II 9I90 �-;'`;-;,- .
<br /> .:• � �-BRtNb7csx�z�.o� ae oao�e ' � �
<br /> �+rz,�. O � �nniaro: ,
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