�.,'?&`�.,:..."�' � , - •� ��y�- . .ri�vri�
<br /> .
<br /> _ '• _
<br /> .�z,..._ � ^ .. � . - ' _
<br /> _, - . . i ' ` � . ^ .- .- - _---•
<br />. :c _ - . , . . - . . . - ---.- � , . � . - . ..
<br /> � ` • . , �:. • - . - . . - .. � � . � . . ._•�•-�•- : ., , .
<br /> -- • . . � _ . . . -- - - - . . . __ . . . . � . . � _. _._.__.._..------------- — - ---
<br /> . ---.. . ._ ._- :.�__ . .. -'Fs - s,--...: : .--. .. . . � _ - ` � -- . -. . . .. .
<br />,�- � ' ' ' i - _ . .. . .
<br /> . • ' � 'POGEf�iER WiTH a11 the iaa�rovemeais now or haeafter erecxed on the prapecty.and��easem�, cRS,aad '- .
<br /> . . � � fut�r.ow ar Qereafter a part of th.pmperty.All replacements�d ad�tions shali al�be oovcaed by tlus Securiry Iasuumen� ..
<br /> � � AII of tke foregoing is refamd tfl in thiv Sec�aity Instnunent as the"Pcopa�ty." ;
<br /> . _ < . _ •+..oa�weo �nvFNat�r�:c rhas Ae,�,+wP.��ta�fs�t;seised of the esrate hereby conveyed an�!!�ttu:righi to vr�i and , _ _ ---._
<br /> . . .....,.......-- -- � :
<br />,_�., ` • cnavey t6e Fmperty and tkat the Pm�cy is uneaaunbered,ea�cept for ena�mbiances of record.Bormwrer warrPnts and will ..
<br /> defcnd gen�aIIy the tinlale W the Fm�esty aga'sast aU ciaims aud deraands.svbject tn any enaimbrances of�eoord. r . ,
<br /> ' e
<br /> � .1 'f1�QS SECURiTY INSIRUN�NT crnnbines uniform covenaats for national eue and non-unifom►covenanu with lunit� . • .
<br />= variarions by jiurisdictinn tfl ooiutiwr�a imiform security msaument oov�ing real property. ,::�i.a'��:
<br /> ,4 .—. -- UPIIPC}FtM COYENAN'!'S.Boist�wc�aad Le,udes covepaat and agtee as foIIows: ---�- -�z::'.''�
<br /> � . . 1.flayment o1 Pritcrig�!�ud Internst:PrepaYmeat and Late Charges. Bomower s6all pmmptlY PaY wdea dne the . ;:•;�,�
<br /> ` � � Friacipal of and int�rest on the debt evideuced by the Nate and anY P�Y�t and late charges due under thc Nnte. '�;:;`:�``
<br /> ,•:::�
<br /> .��t:�,.
<br /> ' �.Ftmds foT T&iaes t�n�Insaraaoe. Su6ject w applicable law or w a wriu�n waivea by I.euder,Bonower shall pay to
<br />'�.t . ' �.* I.ender on the day moatblY PaYments are dae uader the Notc.uaul tfle Note is paid in full,a sum("Fuiaids�for:(a)Y�N� �' � .: - .- -.i
<br /> and a����+ts wdich may aitam priority over this Security Iastrument as a liea on t8e Property:(b)Yeazly lease6nld payments . .
<br /> �j '.�. .` ,. or ground tetttc oa the Pm�erty,if anY•��?Y�Y haz�d or ptoputy u�sutance ptemnrm�(d?YearIy t2aad ms�tance piemiums,�f .
<br /> '� . f• .' ` �Y(e)Y�Y��P��if any:and(�u►Y sums PaYa6�e by Bomnwer tfl i,erider.in accardaace with the ° `
<br /> �i` .; ''. `. . �rovisiuns of p��agrapb 8, in 1ie�05 the paymeat of mortgage insutaace pretaivms.These itEms are cxl�ed °Esc�ow Items." , �:,
<br /> ;� � , I�d�may.at any time.co�lect antl hotd Funds in an ama�mt not oo e�cc�ed tbe maxim��aount a lender for a fede�aIIy rel�d �'`:>,'�`;
<br /> ;;;;,�;� ' mo�age Wau may requffe for Bomowa's c�crow acwunt�mder the federal Real Fstate SettIemeni�c+oced�es Act of 1974 zs ; -,.;...,..�,`'
<br />-=7� •. � , a�aded from tvme tv time,12 U.S.C.Se�xian 2601 et seq. ("RESPA'�,unless another law that app zes W the Funds sets a lesse� E `.;;i;"•�,
<br /> - � aacouat If sa I.eader may,ai any tim�colled and hold Funds m an amo�t acut oQ exceed the lessa amouat.Leader may '� ��•'�_;.:�.�.__';,
<br />'tf : �f estimaGe tbe amou�t of Funds due on the basis of carrznt daia and reawnable esdmat�s of expeudiwces of fuuue 1Fsccow Itsms� ' , ,�,
<br /> t � :;;.; otketwise m accordaace with appliwble law. . .- 1 s' ;: -
<br /> ..,, . �.;i 'ihe Funds shall be held in an�tien whose depos's3s�e insmred by a f�deral agency,insuuutentality,ar�utY{ia�:'�.g __, :
<br /> i . .. ��z; Ix�der.if I.ender is suc6 an iustitaaonj or in any Fede�al Hopne Loan Bantc.Les�dea shaU apply the Fimds w pay 3�Escr�as � .. ,.
<br /> _,; . ;.4 x , i>.,:. ;'
<br /> : . '..,� Itsu�s.l..eader taay not c1�ge Bosro�rer for holding and�aplying t he Fim d s,ann u a l l Y a n a lYr�►g t he esaow a c o o�,ffi v�-y a n g • ,"
<br /> ±�'' tiie Fsccoav Items,anless l.eader pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appHcab2e law pemuts l.ender w ma2ce sn�a charge. ,`•t;�-,:�.
<br /> �. ' . . .� ' � ., 3
<br /> However,l.ender may requiie Borr�wer w pay a one-mne charge for an in depen dent r e a l es�te t a s r e p o r a ng s z n icx used b y �:?
<br /> 'f�r
<br /> ���'�-J
<br /> ; . '.;� Lendc�m conner.tion arith this toan,unless applicabte taw pmvides othawise.Unless an agrcemeab is made or appt�Ie 1�aw z �:`
<br /> •.:r�:, requites inteiest t�be paid,l.ender shall not be requIIed to pay Bomuwer aay inte�est or eamings on t he Fmi d s.B o n oa�a�t i , ��.":�,:
<br /> . l.e,�der may agree m writmg,h owever,t l�a a t in t c r e s t s h a ll be d oA i h e F n n d s.L e n d e r s h a l l g i v e t n B o r m w e r, �,`.{rr,
<br /> • • t � wi�out cbas�,an � ' �`; ':
<br /> f�",` ,, � aanQat accotm�ng of the F�vds,showing credits and debits to the Fnnds and the yrm�e for which each debit t�a�Punds was �, ;,;.
<br />:;�f•.r.�.:��; ' ,;: � � .
<br /> ,�,�,�, .�.°.,. czade.'Ihe F�rmds are pledged as additianal security far ail s�s secured by tLis Se�?��-tmment
<br />-;,,� : ' %�„ti� If t�e Fwads hetd by Lender exceed the amounu pertnitted w be he"�Ety appli�i��faw.Lenda shall account n Barmwe�� � „ },. ��,.�
<br /> :' i . ,`�:;:��_ ,.
<br /> ..;�t.. the exoess�'wsds�accordance with the requimanents of applicab2e l��_�c�e amount of the Funds held by Lender at agy d�rn is r, ;:� :��.:
<br />_'•� • `�' �
<br />:-..ii: . . :� ..� .. . . .�;y,��
<br /> Qaa�fficie�i w Fal+the Fsarow Items wfien due.Lender m�y so not�y�wer in writing,and,in�uch case Baemwes shall pay ': .;f.;Y
<br /> -,�Y. .i �� • . r_ >,.:
<br /> . �:,�
<br /> .•�. . :-� t�[�Wer tt�e amount neoessary to mialce ap the deficie�ry.Borrowa shall make� tbe defcie,acy in no�e tLan tweive ... . . .,�:-
<br /> `t' , ::�..st
<br /> .� �IY PaYmenQS,at I�euder's sole discre6on. , . :��::
<br /> �'•:'% . UDon DaYmeat in full of aIl sums secured by this Searrity Insw�e�!,L.ender�promptlY tefsmd w BmYawea any Funds ...:.
<br /> .;P . ,;;:�?^, f�e2d by LenQer.If.wider paragra�h 21,Lend�shall acquire or seU tk:.Tr'ropeny,Lender,Priar:a rL.�.acquisition or sale of the . ,�.:;_�
<br /> , �• . ,
<br /> � , • !�;��'. pt�,_�ty.shall a�Iy any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquis�ion or saIe as a credit a�nr.�"t the sums secured 6y this . '�F,_,y-
<br /> rl� `� • . ' Socmity Ias�me�t � '' � -
<br /> '' ' 3 Applisatt�a oi Pa�s. Unless applicable faw provides otherwise.all ga«ts received by Leatder�°.r pangcaphs , �
<br />-:;�� � . � �ai 2 s�alt t�e applied:f�rst.to anY tQ�Yment charges due under�e Note;second.tfl amo�mts payable u��xr paragraph 2;
<br /> _ t�,to i.rtter��dr.�founh,w princip�l d,'mr ar.d last,w any late char�es due under the Not�. . . ;���.,
<br />;�y,,, � � ..'�� 4.C�rgCS;Liens. Batrower sha:l p�:�1 taxes,a�.se,ssmenu.dr�Bes.fines and imposiuons attn'butable to the Propeny � � •
<br />_-_�; <,� �vhicb may anau�yriariry oies this Security Instrume�e.�lease�old paymea�ts or ground rents.if any.Borra�shaB pay these . . .:;<.�..'4.
<br /> �_`': `� i utrn�ons in the manner px�vided'u�parap,�aph 2,or��ot�aid in that manned.Borrower shaU pay them o�Bme direaly to the
<br />.=-;�:,_ � pe�soa oweA DaymenL Borrower st�aU�mpQy fumish to Lacd�all norices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.If . .
<br /> ._�; . Borroaer raattes these payments direcxly,Boaower skall promptly fiunish to Lender rece ts evidaur�.g�ae ayments. � •
<br /> ... .. iP D � :�;.�r, . .
<br /> � �;;;r..;..
<br />-- � Boreower shaU promptly discharge any lien which has priority over tf�is Security Instrument an2ess Borrower:(a)agrees in • ,. r�:-�t•..
<br /> ,.'�,i':. .,_ , : :'r{,'!� .
<br />`.-,.; wr�g w tIle payment of the ob6gaaon secured by the�en in a manner acceptab2e w Lender,(b)contests in gaad faitb ths fien �r'%�;t;;`:::;,•'`•
<br /> D• or defends enforcement of the lien in, i mceedin which in the I.ender's o inion o erate to revent the P.`�''!•
<br />':' °; ' l. �'� � P � P P P �;4;,:.>•.: .
<br /> - ' enforcement of the lien;ar(c)seaaes from the hotdea of the tien an agreement satisfacwry to Lender sn6ordinating the licn to - • ��
<br /> ��`I� ''�� this Secuti�►Lts�nent If Lender detamines that any part of the Pt�agerty is subject to a liea�which may aitain prioriry over�� � .. •.
<br />;,�•;�
<br />_ }�•�• ' ' SeraQiry lnstiu�en�1,ender may give Bonowcr a notice idenufyi�eg c�e lien.Boaower shall satisfy the lien or take ane a:e�r:c� �� ..
<br /> t�`,,��,<<.� � ' of tite actions set forth abary�e within 10 days of thc givm.g Qf no8ce. i:; �
<br /> I'-orm 3028 9/90
<br /> ,s• y°
<br />—'��:: d1sp�
<br />__ .�' � . �-8R(N�182t2�.0� vepa2of6 mma�s: �(�, � � .
<br /> .,:-;t�°7 . . • 'v �.. . . ��.4:,i�.�.1 .
<br /> •� .T _--. . . . .. <—• . �....�� __ __-...�..� .��_ .._ .� /r ., .
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<br /> '•:'i, . _ ' . . . � . .
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