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<br /> I" tf�;S� `' � .
<br /> ' at the option of Lendet, if m�rtgage i�suranc:r coverage (in the amount and �or the period tl�t Leud� r�uires) i •"�'`�-�'"° ; �
<br /> , • provided bs an insurer appro�'rai by Lrnder again becomes a�•ailablr and is obtaincd.Bonvaer shall pa}'the Fremiums �. .• v� •
<br /> , ` , , re4uired co maintain murtgaga insurance in effe�:t.or u�pra�•idc a loss rrse*�-r, until thr reguirement for rnortgage . . _
<br /> . insurancr cnds in acwrdancr tvith any t�ritten agrccmrnt bet«�crn Borto�er and Lender or applicable lan. . ,,.
<br /> 9. fnspectiun.Lendrr or iu agent may makr reasonablr rntries upon and inspa;uons of thr Pr�pert}•.Lrnder shxll � ��"���
<br /> --=�.'-�=:� givr B+�rro�er notirx at the amr af or prior to an inspeccion sper,ifying reasonable cause far the inspCCuon. _ _ _
<br /> • �'r'" ' !U.Condemnatioa.Thr procexJ.S of an}'award or claim for damages,direct or ranscquent�al,in eonnection w itl: � :
<br /> :., '��� any condrmnation or other taking of any parc of thc Propert}.or For com�eyancr in lieu uf condemnacion.are hernby ',:.,
<br /> - assigned and shall be paid to I.ender. ^•,: .:~. : . .
<br /> � _ � In the rvent of a total taking of the Ptaperty, the pra:exds shall be applied to the sums sCCUred bg tfiis SecuritS� • .•. . .
<br /> � � Ir�strument,�vhether or not then duc,n•ith any egcess paid to$onowrt.In the e�ent of a par►ial taking of the Property in ��`-'=``?��;-��- '
<br /> • - c�hich the fair market value of the Prapes-tp immc�iately before the taking is equat to or geatrr than the am4unt of the . -• '..
<br /> sums secured bp this Securiry Instrument immediatelg before the taking,untess Horro�rer and Leuder othetcvise agree .` �` "°�'''?"".
<br /> ; ' ; f,.
<br /> •• i in�vriting,the sums secuted by this Securitg Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the roceeds multi lied b� , � � ,'����:?:
<br /> � p P ,�4,.,;;:;�:v.
<br /> r the following fra�,-tion:(a)the total amount of the sums secured iramediately before the taking,divided bp{b)the fair �°�` � ��?`:�
<br /> � . market value af the Propertf immediately before the taking.�lny balance shall be paid to BorroNer.In the eveat of a
<br /> partial taking of the Propertq in wtuch the fair market value of the Property imme@iately before the taking is less thau ` _ ``,',°'..
<br /> '� � '- the amount of the sums secured immediatelp before the taking,uniess Sorrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing ( �� .:`` '"
<br /> � � or unless applicable law other�cise provides, the proceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Securitp t , - �=:• ��' _
<br /> .�._ , . ` � ,.�
<br /> Instrument wheth�rr or nat the sums ate then due. '• , � �r,`,.��.A
<br /> t
<br /> � • •� - If the Pcoperty is abandoned by Bornoever,or if,after notice by Lender to BorroNer that the condemnor offers w ,� .� _
<br /> • '� mai:rr an award or settle a claim for damages, BorrowPr fails to respond to I.ender wit}rin 30 days after the date the , ._ '�:`�_`�•::-
<br /> � r'_ nonce is given,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the pracesds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the _ �yi-._.�: ::.�.
<br /> .:�. Propertp or to the sums secured bp this Security Instrumrnt,whether or not then due. . : ''`''� " " .-
<br /> . � Unless Lendec and Horrower other�vise agree in writing,any application of praceeds to principal shall not eatead or . ' '��� ���~�
<br /> � , postpone the due date of the manthly papments referred m in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sach `" ,`_��'�_'�'i
<br /> ''� ' PaYments. • • � -
<br /> � • 11. Bonower Not Released: Forbearance Hy Lender Not a �'Yaiver. Extension of the time far payment or . .`.�y;; �;�`t
<br /> � •�`f-= : � i.�; modificatian of amortization of the sums secured b3� this Security Instrument gcanted by Lendet�to any successor in � � .-t,•. -, '•-:
<br /> • �,`;i t� interest of Ber:��c shall not operate to release the liability of rr original Borrower or Borrower s successors in . • `��."<=
<br /> .. r } •. � z.�:t�r.. ..�`�� r,�°•.•��:;,'.
<br />�- • , �':r ;. interesi.Lend..�s5a1, not ha rzgu'srcd ta c�mmesi^.e graceedin� __,..st any surr.�nr in interest or refuse to estend� :
<br /> � . [ime for paymsni or othernise modify amort'szation af the sams secured bp this Security Instrument bp rrson of any . ;, ,��,
<br /> . � � :�' d�srand made by the original Borrower or Borrower s successors in interest. :�,�forbearance by Leader�esercising . '.
<br /> ��,�s ght or recnedp shall aot be a waiver of or preclude the esercise of any right or remedy. , , �:t:��
<br /> � . �;}�,�. 12.Saccessors and Assigns Boand_ Ioint and Sevetal Liability; Co-signers.Tlte ca�:Enants a:�3 agreemeats � .• . - '.���!�`�
<br /> „ _.
<br /> - °�"`. .; of��:is Securitp Instrument shall bind and'cenefit the successors and assigas of Lender and Borrower. subject to the ",�.."j�;
<br /> . �::,,! ,;. pr.;E*_sions of paragrnph 17.Borrower s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower�vho co-signs �.z,
<br /> i � t:�:�Security Instrument but does not execute the L�r,�: {a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only;,�mortgage, �
<br /> ;,,.�� ` grant and convep that BorrcLrer's interest in the i�`-_percy under the terms of this Security Instrumen� (b) is not :=��
<br /> ' • �. :•�,�j t�� personallp obligated to pay the sums secured bq t�::s 5eeurity Instrument;and (c)agrees that Lender and any other , , .�;:�?�=
<br /> ; ��!� •'• Borrower m2�agree to estend,modify,forbear or make any ac�cr.-:��.,�dations with regard to the terms of this SeLVritq ...;�:-
<br /> ?� •';; InstrumenL or�ze Note without that Borrowec's consent. � _ ::•��
<br /> 13. Loaa Charges. Ii the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets masimum loan . �:
<br /> � . ' .�:.�` cn�rges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in � , � `
<br /> • . • :,oanection with the loan exceed tAe permitted limits, then: (a) anp such loan charge shall be reduced �g::�e amount ...� �'' �:'�;,
<br /> � � ' neces9ary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit: and (b) any sums already collectel3 fsom ��:rrower which ''�
<br /> 9 t 3 �:>ti:::>='
<br /> ::;,�. .� ...,;i::;:.
<br /> v. exceeded permitted limita will be refunded to Borrower. I.ender may cAoose to make t�s refund �g reducing the ,;�:;,.
<br /> � �: • principal o�ed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Boreower.If a retund reduces princiFz[.�.�e reduction � ."�`�
<br /> - ' w::[:be treated as a partial pr�ayment without anp prepayment charge undes the Note. � " � ... �:
<br /> � :'�r j,'�. . 14. Notices.Any noticc Yo Borrower provided for in this Security Instrurr.c�c sha11 be given by�.eu°:xi�rg it or by � . ; '��
<br /> � :-r:ailing it by first class maii unless applicab te law requires use o f anot her met ho d.T he no t ice s ha l l b r•��-t e d w t he
<br />- , �}��t , Property Addr��s or any other address Bonower designates by nat;:�to Lender.Any notice tu i.ender sKa:,�e given by � . . . � "
<br /> �� `•:,�.� f'srsc class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other ac-�.-ess Lender designates by:sotice tv �e7ower. An� . .
<br /> ' �ntice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borro�ver or Len�r�rhen given .. :
<br /> . ; � �. ��rovided in this paragraph. � ' ,
<br /> ' ' I5. Governiag La�v;5everability.This Se:t:�.n�Instrumentshall be governed by federal law a..�i�:hr latv of the .,;_;{_:
<br /> • � jurisdiction in which the Property is locar,r.d.In thC evrt►t that any provision or clause of this�ecurity Is�.rument or the '. • =<i�.;�
<br /> . .. 1;ote conflicts�vith applicable lativ,such conflict shall not afPect other provisions o�this Security Instrumentor the Nate ' ��'�t�'i�*-;`
<br />.:..; . '' which can be given effect Nithout the wnflicting provision.To this end the provisions of t�is Securitp lnstrument and � , '����`��
<br /> -�.� . • , th�Note are declared to be severable. •
<br /> :f.� � ;..�,.
<br /> �`` Forro 30T 9/ 0 . � ',;;��<"r`
<br /> �::�'. � • .. ;�t,
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<br /> Initiats: • '{}'!�t��'
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