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<br /> ` � 5. Hazard or Property' Insuraace. Bona�rer shall k�p the impro�'ements no�existing or hCreaftet erected on •
<br /> ` ` the Yroperty insured against loss by fire.hazards included nithin the term"extended wverage' and aay�other hazards. ;�- , . .
<br /> , including flouds or flooding,for~chieh Lender requires insurance.This insurance shaU be maintained in the amounts �
<br /> , k . and for the periods that L.ender requims_The insurance catrirc pro�tiding the insusance sha11 be ehosen by Barrocser � ; - ,. ,
<br /> subject to Lender s appro�a l nr hic h s h a l l no t be u n r e a s o n a b l y�w i t h h e l d i f B o r e o t s e r f a i l s t o m a i ntain coti•era ge describrd �
<br /> � '` abo�•e.Lender may, at Lender s option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propert}'in accordance �cith
<br /> ' =-` �� pa�&�ph 7. �
<br /> ° � �11 insurance poli�ties and renenals shall be acccptable to Lender aud�1 include a standard mortgage�`e o � ..
<br /> � lxnder shall hace the right to ha4d the poiicies and renewats. If Lender uires. Borrower shall promptly� gi ' _ .
<br /> - �der al}fece�.pts of paid premiums and renerval notices.In the etent of loss.Bonowcr shall gi<<C prompt notice to the �� , .
<br /> � insurance catrier and Lender.Lender may�make proof of lass if not made promptly by Bonotver. �
<br /> L'nless Lender and$orrower otherwise agree in writing.i[}surance pracrxds shall be applied to restoration or repair , ; .
<br /> _ of the Properc}-damaged,if the restoration or repair is econornicall}�feasihle and Lender s secutity is n.ot irssened. If the . _ . .
<br /> � restoration or repair is not cx:onomicall}'feasible or I.Cadcr's securit} �ould be lessened.the insuranex proceeds shall be
<br /> - �- applied to t�e sums secured by this Securit�Instrument,wh�ther or not then due,with any excess paid to Borroa er.If .
<br /> Borrower abandons the Propert3',or does not apswer within 30 day�s a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier t�s : ' -
<br /> � offered to settle a claim.then Leudec may collect the insorance proceeds. lxnder may use tAe proceeds to repa..r. , �,`
<br /> , " rescore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Se�urit}[nstrume�'•�. �.�?ether ar not then due_The 3�day pericz3 nil1 +- -. --��` ;` ;^ ._
<br /> ' � begin when t�e notice is given. •�r��of ��S� �� F shaJl not estend or - . � �
<br /> , . Unless Lender and Borrowet otherwise agree in Mriting,anf ap�e��...�• p P �-- �•.,t:,.,
<br /> ' . �. poscpone the due date of the��.TtJi1Y papments referred to iu��agra�:�I and 2 or�aczge the amount of the papments. ,.. i
<br /> ' If under paragraPh 21 the��'��tf is acquired bp Lead�-. ix�nowec's right to an� insurance policies and ptoceeds . `-''�`, .
<br /> g t rior to the a uisition st�l� to Lender to the estent of the sums secured by �`' ""�'' .�
<br /> - •.�� resulting from da�r.:�:.a ts��7oper�Y P �I � . ��.�.'..
<br /> � this Securitq Instne��z immediatelp prior to the acquisition. - �� - --
<br /> � �� . '," 6.Qccupancy,�'resercation.:�laintenance and Protection c�.�".l�.e Property;Borrower's Loan Applicatioa; � .
<br /> Leaseholds. $orrower sha11 accuPY�establish,and use th�Propertp as Borrower's pnncipal residence witlun sixty daYs y : ,,.'J
<br />' ' � after the esecution of this Security Instrument and shall contmue to occupy the Pmperty as Bonower's�i:�cipal �Y.j .��,s
<br /> residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherivise agrees ia writing,which co�z sha11 • - -..f�-,�
<br /> _ . , not be unreasonablp withheld,or unless estenuating circumstances exist which are beqond Borro�ver's wntrol.�$�rro�rer _ ,. ;:;;
<br /> • shall not destroy.damage or impair the Properts,allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the 9TropeRy • •.,
<br /> - �„, Borro�vet shall be in default if any fo r feirure actian or pro c e e d i n g,w h e t h e r c i v i l o r c r i m i a a l,i s b e g u n t b a t i a�.ender's '.�` `.���,•.:;?
<br /> •��,1�' � .; good€�ith judgment could r�.»:z in forfeiture of the Pre+^.�-ty or otherwise materiat;F imPair the lien crea:�d:�?this � ".
<br /> .:���;�` - Securit, Instrument or Len�er� securit, interest. Bo�v�� map cure sach a a���^`t and reinstate, as�;s'�d in ; !�+.��f,� "_ ;
<br /> - . k�<�;:; � ._
<br /> , ,
<br /> ..� P�B�Ph 18, by causing t�e ���ian or proceeding Ea 'i� dismissed �vith a ni.iflg that, in Lendes's „r:�� #aith : a/�E�Y�,'�' ',1,.
<br /> � determination,precludes forFeiture of the Borrower s interw`.in the P�erty or other material impairment� ::�liea
<br /> ;�rt,s,, ..� created by this Securitp Instrurn:°nnt or Lender's securits is,�tesc.Borra�er shaU also be in default if Bortawer,duting '
<br /> •����'. ' the loan application process. �re materially false or ir_:�:�urate infarmation or statements to Ixnder (or°�� ed�to _ : •�•:r�.�
<br /> . ��•�
<br /> ;7:s;,. :
<br /> -ti.,;.� . provide Lender with any material iniormation)in cor���.-::�n with the toan evide:.,x�d by the Note, inciudi:,�.but not - ..
<br /> limited to.representations concerning Borrower's ou.-c.,^e;�.:p of the Property as a principal residence. If t�=.��cUrit9 '�';��*°:�
<br /> Y` • Instrument is on a leasehold,$orrower shall comply ni�a�all the provisions of the lease.If Bonowet acquires fee title to -��� �.-;•
<br /> ..,,,.,_
<br /> the Property.the leasehold and the fee title shaxl not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in�riting• � : ,. .. , -
<br /> � 7. Pratection of Lender's Rig6ts in tl�r Property.Ii BoaoNer fa�ls to perPorm the covenanu and agreemeats � •.,,���;;;�,;:
<br /> �roceedin that ma si cantl a f fect Lendes's r; t�m the �, • _•
<br /> , �;:• ' wntained in this Security Instrument,or thece is a legai _. g Y � Y � � � - •-
<br /> ' � - Propertp (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, pro�a*.:, for candemnation or forfeiture or to enforce lawa or ;•;�,��i; ���.;.
<br /> '� � regulations),then Lender may do and pay for Nhatever is nece.ssary to protect the value of the Property sud Le�nder's ".:{�y7�� . . ,
<br /> . � � rights in the Property. I.ender's actions may include paying any suias secured by a lien which has pnority over this �;�,._::,.,.,:�.'�•'-
<br /> ' . Security Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorneys:�s snd entering on the Psoperty to maka repairs. , Y„_
<br /> �� � Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7,Lender does r��t have to do so. ,.. '�
<br /> 1:':�,i�, . ,r,� ' ;��" �.
<br /> . .y�.,;., ; Any amounts disbursed 6y Lender under this pasagraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �Y;�,� ••-..•••
<br /> .��T: Securiry Instrument.Unless Borrocver and Lender agree*.�other terms of payment,these araouats shall bear interest �:,�::�:'� . '•.:•_
<br /> :f_,.�.
<br /> � . : _:€ from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall i�e payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Bonowes .`>;•:�'.'� �:•�'.�' "
<br /> . ��...� requestinS P�Yment. : .�. '. , '
<br /> • ! 8. Moa�tgage Insurance.If Lender re�,•.:i^ed mortgage insurance as a condition of making��r:loan secured bp this
<br /> .t Security Iastrument,Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to maintain the r._�r��tgage insurance in effect.If.for any . ':�<<<:.�. .
<br /> � � � re�asuo.the mortgage insurance coverage requ�red by Lender lapses or ceases:.0 �;�in effect.Borrower shall pap the `t�1�;;, . : .
<br /> . . _'� 1.�Y.
<br /> �'', premi�ms required to obtain coverage substantially equit alent to the mortgage i:T:Jrance previously in effect,at a cost
<br /> __�� substantially ev,�a�-31ent to the cost to Horrower of the mortgage i�Qutance previously in effect. from an alternate .
<br /> .. f,.• � ' � mortg,�ge �.^.:�l:�x approved by Lendet. If substantialiy equi�'alen�" r:s•�rtgage insorance coverage is not available, ,
<br /> •�. ,', �. Bon��c,�st,a(I pag to Lender each month a sum equal to e�e-tc�s��*_t�r�f the yearly mortgage insurance premium being
<br /> �,r;,,, .
<br /> t��� :"•:;��•: - paid ty. IIorrower when tha�nsurance wverage lapsed o�-�ed to be in effect.L�rder will accept,use and tetain tAese �
<br /> �+'�� �'��'�+'��'�� paysr.:n;s as a lass reserve in lieu of mortgage ir.su:�r_ce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, .
<br /> , r�;•.,.�
<br />-;a;; : ,..,;��. ,::,,,
<br />-,� . . . , . •
<br /> -;:r'•� .
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