�J- `.i`�.y�.� .. . . . .. . . �:1�. '
<br /> �� :.«r • , .-__._ _ _ . —___
<br /> - • . . '`:_� . , _ . . ' ,- . � .'. .
<br /> . . • . .i. ' - �.����• . .. � '.. ._ _ ��
<br /> ' • , . \ � ��` :.i. � ` . . - ^�� ` _ . ta •
<br /> � , . . . . . . - . , �
<br /> .. ,�`�,' . - • • - .. � � � ._ `!-.l ♦ _ • , . `. ' ��. . .. _ •
<br />.. ` . ' ._ ` , . ` . . ` ` . � .. ♦ . ., • ` < . - . ,• . ,� ' ' r , , �.• ,
<br /> . . . . . ` , . , , � . . . s
<br /> . , .. � . . . . . � . . � g�'-� i�3'7�5 ` . . :� � ; ; __��-.
<br /> � 16.Borro�cer's Cop}.Aorron ee shat!be gi�'en onc conformed do?1'of the\ote and of this Secttrit}I�mrnt. : ' " ,�
<br /> ' ' � �7.Traasfer of the Propert}- or a Benehciat Interest in Btisrosver. If all or auy part of the Pro ur any f �
<br /> interese in it is sold or transfecred(or if a beneficial interesc in Borroner is sold or uansferred a�►d Bonoc�er�s nat a f
<br /> ;•.` `.� • natural person}uithout Leceder's pnor nritten�nsea�Lrnder may,at its option,requirC immediate paymCnt in fult o4 �. .
<br /> � all sums sexured by this Security lastrument. Noneti•er, this option shall not br exen.-iscd bp Ixnder if exercisr �s �
<br /> ; prahibited by fedecal law as of the date of this Sa:urity�Instrua►ent ; i
<br /> If I,cnder esercises this option,L.Cnder shall gi�'r Borro�er noticr of acceleration.Thr notice shall apro ums s�:ure� t �
<br /> ' � ? of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is deli�-ered or maioed o the CY�1uCdt O of th'ss p d�LeadcK'ma�i nt•okr -. - - `- ---
<br /> � by this Su:urit3 lnstrument•If Borrower fails to gay these sums Pri P �
<br /> �y remedies pecm�ited by this Seeurity Insuum�nt without f urther noticc or dcmand on Borron er. k ,,
<br /> 18.Bonosfer s R�ght to Reinstate. If Borraner meete cenain�ronditions.Bor'ron�c S1�ai1 ha�'C thc right co ha��e
<br /> - . enforcement of this Securityflnstrufm�diment)bef rre sale af thc Properc3 Purs�nt t'°any poner of sale contain�in � . � , ,
<br /> �� as applicable law may spec�Y entorcin this Secunrf Instrument.`Ihose conditians arr that , .
<br /> ' � this Se�untp Instrument,or (b) entry of a judgment g . .
<br />__ $orco�ver. lal pals Lender all sums�vhich then�vould he due under tiris Security Instrument and the lote as if no . . � . c �
<br /> ' acx�leratian had occuned:(b)cures any default of anc other covenants or agreements:(e)pays all expeoses incurced in � ,
<br /> _. . . �� , -
<br /> * '`•• .'• enforcing this ScY:urity Insuument,including,but nvc iimited to,t'easonable attomeys fees•and(�);ta1�h Pro actioand ', .
<br /> � ' � � �xndcr may reasonably require to assure that the licn of this Security Instrument,Lender's r►Sh P�s � �.',��'
<br /> �'?-�� B orron er's obti g ation to pay the sums sec:ured b}•this Security Instrument shall continue unchaaged.Upon reinstatement :.Y.
<br /> ;.`r`��;;} _ _ _ . ` _�i�'
<br /> . . t.. �y Borrower.th�s Security�Inst t to�re'►nstateshall not a pl�n t h e case of accelera�t i n undereff�u�,vaeph ITno acceleration �� , i,, ':.
<br /> , `��� v,ad occurred.Honever.this righ P j' ':�'��..; . `
<br /> ' 19.Sale of\Iote;Change of Loan Servicer.The Note or a parcial interest in the?�ote(together�sith tlus Security . .
<br /> � � ' Instrument)may be sold one or more t�mes withouc oriarm��du Bunder h Note and this Security I��ment The e ; ' . � 'C, •
<br /> . . t (k nown as t h e"L o a n S e r v i c e r"I that co(I�,-FS m�►nt�aal5 P Y . . , .
<br /> also may be oae or more changes o4 the f:�an San'ic�t u�u'elated to a sale o f t he Note.ht 1 bove a n d appli ble i a�
<br /> - � � •
<br /> S e r v i c e r.B o r r a w e r will be g iven written��rice�f the change in accordance with paragra p
<br /> , The nouce will state the name and address of the rr�Loan Senricer an d t he a d d r e s s t o w h i c h p a y m e n t s s hould be:n�e-
<br />''� � � 1'he nouce will also cantain any other informatioa°�uired by applicable law. or release of �`��• . '� ''
<br /> � 20. Hazardons Substances.Borrocver shall not cause orpermit the pt�seace.use.disposal,storag�. , 2<4`:.,` _ . ..._. ;`,
<br /> - anp Hazasdous Substances on or in the Property.Borroaer shall not do,noc alloce anyone else to do,anYth�nS affecting , .: • µt';
<br /> - � - the Propert9 that is in violation of ofY�allf�uant ties of H�aza do�Substances hat�are gen�l�Yp r�OS��� be }� . � ���•� 'j
<br />,� use. or storage on the Propert} 4 �.
<br /> �, •< ; � ..,.
<br /> r approptiate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property- " ;
<br /> Honocrer shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatian,claim.demand,lawstnt or vther accion bp K • � x, "
<br />' t. � �y governmental or re g u l atory agencr or private party involving the Properip and any Nazardo a�S�uni�ta�n�of r y�.: ,� ,
<br /> �nviroamental Law of which Borrower has actttal knowledge.If Borconrer learns•or is noti fi e d by any g eIl
<br /> . �'�'•s� :egulatory auzharitY. that any rema��'. or other recnediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting ti`�Property is . . . , . ;
<br /> ;,, ; -,�'"�
<br /> � .".;'`� a�saryuse�d i�h s ga�Pmrnptt��`�z�dous�Su�bst nc.es a e those substances def�ned as t�oxi ormhazardo�subsrr�t:a -�` '� ..,..;
<br /> As P � �•..: . , ; . ,_ . ;:: .r�.,,�i
<br /> ` ts�Environmental Iaw�zrA.rlv=t�i�o�':ng subscancrs:gasnline,kerosene.other flammab(e or tosic petrv.�evm pradLti-cs. ,,;.f;,
<br /> �..... ' : i��..,
<br />� � ��c y�ci�ia�s ana n�::+ie�. �olatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, aad radioactive ,.��;. �. ,, `..,,��_:
<br /> • . .:`i�, •� ls.As used in this paragraPh�."Environmental I.aw"means federal laws and la�vs of the jurisdicuon�vhece the ������ : °,, <<-
<br /> r::r;, matena `�y'r
<br /> ' ��:;�� Property is lacated that telate to health.�afety or environmental protection. ,� >�,,� .:ti�
<br /> r '�� ` NOIJ-LTiIFORI�!COVENANTS.�arrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows
<br /> • � 21. Acceleration: Remedies. �,�eader shall give notice to Borrower prior to accelesation tollowing „.�''F;�w`,:,:.:TY
<br /> �orro�er s breaeh of any covenant ar agreemeat in this Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleration ;:�,: �;��;�--
<br /> : ; ;� �ander paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides atherwise).The notice shalt specify:(a)the defaolt;(b)the • ; • �F;.
<br /> action required to cure the detault; (c)a:dste. not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to
<br /> � �'�'�'�'��� Honowet.by which tLe default muat be cared;aad (d�that iailure to cure the de#ault on or beiore the date ! � ' ` a,
<br /> �� .�:,;,;:. �ty F
<br /> _ • •:�,�;�',,;t::j spec i fi e��c o 1 h,l,tie notice shall turther 'inform Bontower tsthe right tot etinstate a f ter acce l e ra t o n a n d�Iis -
<br /> the Property. . � ��
<br />_-r�':,;.. � � right to bring a court action to assert the non�xistence of a deiault or any other defense of Borrower to : .:.1L';',i
<br /> acceteration and sale.U the deisult Is not cured on or before the date specitied in the notio�.3.ender,at its
<br />. •� option. may reyuue immediate payment in tull of atl sums secured bq tLis Security Ins�trrsmeat �vithout , :
<br /> � ••`.��::'� � further demand and may invoJce the power of sale and any other remedies germitted by applicable law. .
<br /> `'�?;�`' Lender shall be entitled to collect all eapenses incurted in pursuing the remedies ptovide$in t6is paragraph . .
<br /> 21.including,but not limited to.reasoaabte attoraeys fees and costs of title evideace. ,
<br /> •1� U the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shaU record a notice of deiault in each county in whi�hebyepaw to •
<br /> ' the Properiy is located and shail mail copies o�such notice in the manner prescribed by app 1 .
<br /> ��' Borrower and to the other patsons prescr�bed by applicabie la�c. Atter thetime required by applicable taw. •
<br /> Trustea shall give public notice ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by ap�licable latv.Trustee, ..` ; .
<br />_,:.•,� without demand on Barrower,shall sell the Property�at public suction to the highest bidder at the time and „
<br />_�;.2 place and onder the tetms designated in the notice ot sale �n one or more parcels and in any order Ttustee
<br />�;;;r, determines.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> -,;1:f time and place of any prevtousiy scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purehase the Property at any �. .
<br /> ;• j sale.
<br /> :.�:;; �
<br /> s;;ei ` 1 Form 304a 9_ _/�0 . . .
<br /> -• � � _ , . .
<br /> �i'+ ' v�n•5 e�e initisla�
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