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<br /> � . =�t TUGEI'HER ���fTH al{ the impro��r:rents nciu� ut herraftrr rrcti-tCd on the proprtty�, and all easements.
<br /> � ? appurtenan�rs,and it�tures now or heseatter a parc oP thr propett}'. :1U rrplacemenu and additions shall also fie coccrcd � � , ` �
<br /> , _ ; b}this Sec�rity�lnstrumrr�t.att of tho foregoing is rcfer•ed tu�n ehis 5rcu!tity Instrumrnt aa thr"1'roprrty." , <
<br /> ` BORRO���R(�orr:x�`�rs�nat e���i�� �S�a«i�us �risrd of thr r.statr herrA} cc:n�'r}c�i and hati thr r�gh[t�� �
<br /> � ` grant and com•ey� thr Proprny' and that the Proprre� is unrncumbrred, rxcept foc enrumbranr�;of rr.�rd. Borrot�er , "
<br /> � �varranu and nitl defend genrrally the title to the Property against all cla�ms and demands,sub�e�.-t ta any rnrumbranccs �' '�. , • • � ,
<br /> � of rexord. �
<br /> ', � � THIS SECL'RITI'!�S'f[tl"\IF.`'T combines uniform co�'mants for national��Y and nun'uniform coeenants��th ,. `
<br /> limited�•anations b�jurisdiction to ronstitutea uniform�urit}'instrumeRt co�•rring rral pa�prrq�.
<br /> _, _-� l'`1F02�!CO�'E.ti:�\TS.Botruncr and Lcnder co�•enunt and agrer as follons: _ _
<br /> ��• � l.l'as ment of Pnacipal and Interest;Prepay�ment and d.ate C6arges. Buno�ser shall promptly�pay�when duc - �- � --r�-- •
<br /> � ' 'i thr principal of and interest on the debt e�•idrncrd bJ�thr XotC and an}-prepay�mrnt and latr charges due under the\otc_ .
<br /> ' � � 2. Funda for Taies and Insurance. Subject w appli��ablc la�c or to a written�ai�et by l.ender. Borroner shall ( ' '; `
<br /> pa}to Lender on the day mnnthly pay ments aze due�nder thc�ote,unti!the\ate is paid in full,a sum�'Funds"1 for. �;
<br /> (a)searlr taxes and asessments nhich mAy attain priority��er this Securit}Instrumeat as a lian on the Prnperty:(b) .�:j;;
<br /> ycarip leasehold payments or gtound rents on tfte Property,i f anj•: (c) year ly hazat d ur property insurance p r e m i u m s: ...•. ,: , � r
<br /> {d)��arlF flood iosurance premiuma.if an�-;(e?«r1y mnrcgage insurane:e premiums,if any:and(f)anp sums payable ;:._,;.;'.�,-.;_•�;:';
<br /> t by Borrow-er to L,ender,in a�xordance nith the procisions of�aragraph 8.in tieu of the payment af mortgage insurance °�
<br /> • premiums.These items are called"Esc-rosv Items."Lender may.at aay time,colleet and hoid Funds in an amount not � `_�``��"� ' �'
<br />- " to eaceed the maximum amount a Inader for a federally relatr�d mortgage loan may tequire for Horrower's es�mw s_ �� ��.�� =-
<br /> _ � account under the fedecal Real Fstate Setttement Pcar,edurrs:�ct of 1974 as amettded from time to time, 12 L'.S.C. ` ' _ `,_•`'(' ��
<br /> Section 2601 et seq.I�RESPA").unless another lan that appliw to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,Lender may, ��
<br /> , � •:. . ,. .�� at an}time,collect and hold Funds in an ama►mt not to eace�d the tesser amount.Lender may estimate the amount of � •
<br /> ' +"� � • Funds due on the basis of c�rrcut data and reasonable estimase:s of es�nditures of future Fscron Items or otherwise in � `� �
<br /> • . - accordance with applicablc las�. �'�```;` :,'` �°
<br /> ' 7'!te Funds sh21i be 6eld in xn instituuon whose deposits ate insured by a federal agencF,instrutnentality,or entity � � '-'�
<br /> , �'......„. .��-_�:
<br /> . ' /�', (including I.ender,if Lender is such an instiurtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Sank.Lender shall appiq the Fuuds to ,; � • ---.,'-5-.
<br /> � '` �`��� the Escrow Items.Lender may nat charge Borrower for hol�ing and applying the Fun�ls,annuallp analyzing the • , <'�-
<br />. :j�E�:;, �; Par . . .� -_. • ..
<br /> r=,'.�<<.�; escran account,or verifying the Escrow items,unle�s Leeder pays Borrowec interest on the Funds and applicable!a� ,: . .
<br /> .,;,�,,,, �. ;,>:..
<br /> �:;i�`` • permits Lender to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrosver to pay a one�time charge for an ' � ,•::��i
<br /> � ���;;.
<br /> " : independent real estate tag repor4ng service used br I.eader in cannection svith this loan.unless applicable law provides -. :•.�:�,,.:<;�,s
<br />.._, t _ . otherwise.Unless an agreemeat is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to ', • :',;..,
<br /> , pap Bosrower any interest or earnings oa the Funds.Borroner and Lrnder may agree in nriting,however,that wterest . � ...: t;
<br /> '�'1� ' shall be paid on the Fuads.Lender shall give to Borron�er,n itAout chatge,an aunuat accounting of the Funds,showing ` ' ;. -1 _
<br /> , ;,.,,
<br /> - • .� ���;`" ecedits and debits w the Fun�s a n d t he purpose for w h ic p�h de bit to t he Fun d s c��;ma de.T he F u n d s a re p l e d g e d a s • ;:;,,_=. � :.
<br /> - "�;�ii�:'e.:. _
<br /> ' ' !:°��";'��-- � additional security for all sums sr��sred by this Security�In�r�mCnt. _ '.`.�""�,.:
<br /> i.'.".°,}fyy'v, . ;. , . n . . ' ,.t.
<br />-=; � �•�;�'� -• : U ihe Funds held bs Lend�exceed the amounts permitted to be held by appli�ble law,I.eader shall account to ;� �
<br />'�"-." '. Bonower for the escess Funds in accordance Hith the requirements of applicable lacv.If the amount of the Punds held , , ���E.,,'
<br /> sjs;,.;'''� by I.ender at any time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items wf�en due.I.ender rns►g so nati�y Borrower in writing, ��;t`_
<br /> s,:..; �,:, .:
<br /> ,..... ,� • . and,in suth case Borro�ver shall Qay to I.ender the amou*u nere�sary to make up the�eficiency.Borrower saal!make >,�,;� 5 �,�r�-_
<br /> ' r,es .���`. ,.
<br /> � :'��'-�'� �. ap the d�ciency in no more thari twelve monthly paymen�.at Lender s sole discr�inn. --.- • ..�.�•.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of a.l sums se�:ured by this Se�.�r_2y Instrument,T�nder shall promptlp refvnd to IionoWer . . . .� ' ?` ;:.i`
<br /> :� any Funds held bs I.ender. If, under paragraph 21. Lender shall ac��ire or sell the Property, Lender. prior to the � ;�.'�`-'
<br /> � acquisition or saln of the Property,shall appls any Funds held 6S l..�.�.r at the time of acquisition or sal�as a etedit - •�-'�:
<br /> � '� . against the sums secured bp this Securiry Instrument. . � ,' . �'''�
<br /> � ..;;.,;��;,'_.. 3. Application o4 Paym�ts. Unless applicable lac��sovides other�vise,all payments teceived by Lender under `�"�
<br />_ i.�.1�41. . T ' ..`��,�. ' . ' ��� �.
<br /> .;�1�� paragaphs 1 and 2 shall be a���: �rst,to any prepaym�t charges due undes the:�ote:secon d,to amounts paya b le t �'��..
<br /> . `� under paragraph 2;third,to int�-t due:fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. �-';�� � � �-..
<br /> � •�'` • 4. Charges; Lieas. Borro�er shall n�.�atl tases,assessments,charges,fines and impo:ix.a�s attributable to the ' '`�.; �� �t�'
<br /> " ''"� � Property Nhich may attain priority o�er°Ja:.�:urity Instrument,and leasehold payments��c�,round rents, if any. ; ��
<br /> : : ` :ri : .s--
<br /> f Bonower shaA pay these obli�ians in the manner procided in patagtaph 2,or i4 not pai3 ia�;i,zt manner, Borrower ,�{S},A �,��
<br /> r i�;t�l� ; ���� shaU pay them on time directil�:.a the person owed pa,ma�.t Bonower shall prompd�furnish to Lender all cotices oY .. , � �
<br /> '`°"'`� � amounts to bc paid under this r.r•xagcaph.lf Borrower m��these payments directly,Borrower shall promgtf�r"urnish """�� � � '4
<br /> ...,,.,:,►:� .�,�:.� .
<br /> _ ;.�'�,� . to l,ender receipts evidencing the paysnents. '' . �. •. .
<br /> ' ''�' Borrower shaU promptly discharge any lien which has priority oc-er r.his Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) . '�
<br /> ';, •��'.,,, � .: agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien i.�a manner aecepteble to Lender;(b)contests in ;'.. ..
<br /> "�;. � good faith the lien by,or deie�ds against enforcement of the lien in,:eg�l procea:.ings which in the Lender's opinion �', - ' •
<br /> '� ' operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c)seeures ftom the holder of t11e lien an agreement satisfactory to •'f.c?s�. •
<br /> ° • Leader svbordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lendet�etermines that any part ot the Property ia subject '"��'!`�
<br /> ' ,�,..,. . � ...
<br />=�� • to a lien whieh ms�attain priority over this Security Instrument,Ixnder may give Borroccer a notice identitying the � '�
<br /> lien. Borrower s�.3.! satisfy the lien or take ane ar more of the actians set forth above witFvn Ia da s of the v�n of �: i'�T
<br /> a � ti,.t Y &� P ,j;'`.'
<br /> ��� lIOLiC�E. r��: `.� rr'�����
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