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. <.. . . _ . <br /> . , <br /> -..�a � --� . -,. ... - .rt�. ' ` i 1: <br /> �. f� . � . - • v . .` . '� - � r . <br /> 4 . -. _ . '•` �L:. .' _ Jt . � � '�Kb � t�1�i `�jc: <br /> _ s'�.L >" . . ', . . . ... �`_ � , ,. ; : ��t< <br />� � . � � � -. . - , '`. � 4. .,..L_�!_._., ._„ _�...o._ ,__.�. . .. ..._.�,..�c.�_.._.rZ Ja'1''"'�`'''r- � �r <br /> . � �.......,_,...��Lc._.t.�:.�=..i.�».._____•—_. _�,...._��.. .---- — - _—_.___. _ . . r. ^ � . <br /> , i � � s , <br /> _ _ _ � :.l �i=� ` ,p't.f'., . <br /> {�.: , . ,l: <br /> ! <br /> . � ,t�` � ,}': . <br />. . � � . . ��� ���d� i, �} <br /> . ..s`._..:.;.. <br /> �0�� � i•�: � <br />. . 10. DEPAULT.TtvstQr will hoan�Itif aay�s�y obllgated on the Sec�vred IIebs fails w make paytnent w�en due.T�tustor w=:� �,;�,;°:, <br /> � . w�l be in defauIt if�a.b�esch occ�s ffid�Fe�d - of this Secoriry Iasuwnem os�y othe�r docvment eaeaued ti�t the �, ��,�,'� . <br /> . . Putpose of c�eatiat�secu:inS��g�tyi�the��Debt.A good faich 1�hy Se�ciatY ihat BeneHciat�:at suy _ '.:��'�;,.. <br /> Be <br /> 3ian$is iatecttte wi re8�iert w�arry�pe�a orentity obligated on the Sei.viced Debt ax that the pra�poct of aaY P�t or ,:'�: <br /> thE vatue of the Pc�Cy�'img2lr�s�all also+aaASdmte an eveut of defanit. �: ,`�.-: <br /> �.��. � <br /> . �, p..., <br /> IS. It�DILS Ol�i DEFAULT.Ia some instaaces. fede�al and state law wUl requue Beueficiary w�v�ovide Tn�stor with p� ; .,:, .,, <br /> •'• � nsrioe of the right w ciue or other notioa and may estahlish time sc3�edu1:� fos foreciosure asdaas. Subject w ches+a �:'�� �` <br /> ' ' Itmitations. if any. BeneHsiary may acxelerate the Secured Debt and fo�3ose this Sesaulry iastru�eat in a ms:nner _ �s <br /> e u <br /> - "" ` providEd by taw if Truswr is in defan�t. - ' <br /> . AL ths option of B�e ' all or an. art of the a�d fees and chaagcs.aflaurad int�est aad p� '` - � y <br /> s11sU.� ,� � <br /> itw�ediateiy dae and p �e. after�mS notice i� enr quired bq 1aw, upam the o�r�e of a d m�lt•ur•an�tIm� � '.,.': <br /> � r <br /> �,�Ia a�dition.�eueficiary sball be entit2ed W aU the raaedies pmv,itt�d by lacr,th�tecm�of the Secsued 1�� •�... •,�` <br /> . � i1�S$EqQity InSh�eIId AIIy�18TEd dOq1�S�1riChSd'III$ PO �10PE2�j�'. fi•� ��r <br /> �V1�IOIIL�ID118t1UILly I� WC[�O SC�11i0 E2� �i:;'y:�'`"- <br /> �` Trustes s6all m ad�ditioa toa�►other pe�itted reme8y. at th� of the Bensfici8ay.,aciv�tise �. . r����:' <br /> If thEiC i3 a def�lt, + � <br /> atttl s�l t0e Propestq as a w l i o 2 e or in se,p a r a t e p a r c�s a t p n b l i c a i u x i o n w t L r l�q g�s s i b�f a r c a s h a n d a a m'�9,a U s n l u t e � �. � <br /> t�e <br /> ` - titte fiee aud c�ear of all right,attz�d�taesc of Tmstor at sach ti�a�d p.�ce as Tn�atee designates.75nutee shaU give - �;s °;g, <br /> . mntise of sale including t he t i m e. t�s a n d p lar.e o f s a l e a a d a d e s c r i p t l o n o f t h e p i o p e c t y t o b�s o l d a s r e q u i r e d b Y t�e ..l, ; <br /> applicable law in effe�x at the wne of the pmposed sale. -'=� :` <br /> : ,y U�o n sate of the prope:ty and w the exte�t notp�ahibited bq law.Tn�stee s1�1 make amd deliver a de�dito the Pmpesty ���r .'� <br /> , �st � <br /> sald which oonveys absolute titte to the pnrrbaser, aad after fnst PayinB a11 fees. cl�arges aad a�sss..shall ay to f�y{ : <br /> ' � �� � B�aeficiary all moaeys advaaced for r�paus, taxes. insD ce. liens. ass� �P���� � . � <br /> ; ," '', -i thereon, and the and inte�sc oa t$e Secured , PaYiaS t�e s�i�+ if aa]►. w Tcagwr. $ess�c,iaty,maY ' �i : <br /> =, ' ��<, pnrcbass th�ptop�ty�e iecitals in auy dee�af onnveyauce sball be piima fFSxe evIde6ce of th�e f2cxs sE3.fmdi thesew. ;.- Y; .'. <br /> �r,/.��. , ;.ur.. ..< -r s �r ° <br /> lY � ve,:- >� �t <br /> 0►U IE'�HdiCS 3Ie di3UIICt,CI�.�C�ld 11oL exCluSiv6.3llt�tlie Bed�cnry is C'�L111Cd OD 811 tCID��dO�8l 1l1N OT s�;`N;I, < <br />_- , z: Pguity �her or not �ivrth.'The acoeptauoe 1sy Heaefic�ary of any.sam ia payment or ai+pasyym�on the ,, `';�`j"N.�'' s <br /> Qt ���`S�P.:: <br /> • Qg�IfC 2IC f118d S�ll�ri01�ORIS[ttIIIB S t�=�>: r <br /> , `�� S�ed Debt aftear the a�lance'ss �x or is aeceleraned or aRer foiec2 I��m� att�'s �s a,,;,t.�'i��;,;?,};:< <br /> `'( waiver of Bene�ic3a�y►'s right w ie4nire com�lete c�e of aay exis�ng defa�� 89�execdsing�yrresa�dy <br /> dgfault,B�ciary does not watve Ben�c�ary's right to later oonsider the ev�►t ad�nli if it ao�taaes ar 6sgp�s ag�ain. f , <: k ;�a;;'�., <br /> t . �-€ 16. E�F3FS; ADVANC�S ON COVENAN�S; ATIORNLYS' FE�; CmLi.�Q0101 G(�4Td'9. Bxaept w�ca ,; K„ �,� � f�a*%�`: <br /> . pro hibiu�d by law.Trostor a�ees wpay all�of BenefrcIary's expenses i!Tmgt,or bseaei�s aaq eov�t!in•this��iT9 �� <br /> - •`,� ��, Iust�ame�.Troswr w�l aiso pay oa demand au►3►amo�t a��sxtrred by_��eft�asY fos i�ring. in�ing,.prese�r�.�t , '�{ s : <br /> � �" ` '� miherwise prot�Ute PcogertY and Benefsciaty's security�These es ws11 i�mi�esi�fmm tb�d�a�tite , r{., <br /> herwis h . <br /> _� � .� paymeat�paad�a fnll at the 1ugfiest i��ce��in effect�v�ovided aa�ttxtms of the Seaued�IDe�t.'1Vustos� , . <br /> � ' A , �� ° topay all costs�exp�iacarced by II��y,�,�,��t�n�lu�edp�ra y�,,f�ee�.�w�ct•S o�.� `; � ,:�" '�'=. <br /> ' remedi�undes this Secarity 'ILis , <br /> • ' �; oa� Ie�l eape�ses. 'Ihis Sa�i� �nsuument shall r��effecY a�sil�n1c�:. 'IIYast��agrees to pay tar�a�g , <br /> , � <br /> ' r�onrd�tcon msts af such telea�.. ' tr� �� <br /> .'� � ' o-' � . - _ <br /> 1 '�� . ' _ -:: <br /> �_. .. _._. 1?. EN�IRO1�S11R�1�TAI. I.AW&APiD��US SIJB.S'd'ANCE�. As ased•ia th39 sect��.(t);Hav�ta�i Iaw ,, ir�n�t_ <br /> -. meaas,aithout limitation,the Compreheaqive Envim�ental Respoase,Co�ensation aasl�Ltab3lit�r Act(CffitCLA,42 �.� ,.,�{ ??:� <br /> �:� � U.S.C. 9601�seq. , and all other f�l.state and tocal laws,reguladons,.ord'noances.,come�nideis,aatom�y 8e�a1 '� . „;. <br /> � !s o��ar intelpt�1 e leaess conceming the public health,safecl►,walfare.emvi�o�s;oQ�a hiaaardozas substastoa:au�(2) {'� . ,�,+�,Y,�r', <br /> �'' H�aidws Snbstsnre means any wxic, �adioactive os ha�ardons mazeiial, waste, po�!��or�oor�minant �r2ds3� ba.s ;�. ,��s�-_ <br />_'�',��"�� . ; cbara�telistics wDich :eader the substance dang�cous or pota�tfaUy dangaous to tli��piu�ic �alth. saf�p. w�Ifcare or � ,� �;N_ <br /> ,^' �DYIfO�CDl 1�1C tLY.ffi 3IIC111QES• WIth011t IlID1ta110Ds 8II_j/SI1�S��d�III�'a8 'h3T�¢�44Li IG3f�SIs° �tO�C SriDStEIICBS.� i: ,�1`�_-. <br /> fLY �2 <br /> ' � °L3�'�O1L4 Wa5[C�(Ja'�7L922fQ0U9 SUb3taIICE�UIIdCf 2Djl EaV1IO�II1L'D law. ' <br /> I. •�i,p1eR <br /> ( �}' f�_, <br /> � <br /> �> � ,.�_r '�'IOSWJ LEp 'I�L9.W:i41�'Y�Q�,,�tLBt: I . _ yy,,,� � <br /> '��':r: A.Except as psev'�sly di�iu.v�d aad acknow2edged in wridng to Beneficiary�:,an Hmzatd�us S+iba�use is ar aill be �� � <br /> • � , ;; Ioc�, stos+�i ar n°Fe�ai'uu or ia the Pmpe�ty. 'Ii�is resMct�on does rnat�a��p:w.s�ll'9u�tities of,��duus � ,�,F5 _- <br /> :`:�:'. . �S�:° Substaaces t�at are geaecs?T.�:eoo��d to be pto riate for the anrma!�tso a�sd�^'_ �.�^..��of th�o Ptop�i� � ': y,.,,.. <br /> '.�-�;' B.Except a�s previously disclosed aa�acknowledged ia writin�w Beaefirxa�TrusLO��mad every.teaa�hava been.are. .�� ,�.; <br /> . . and sbaU mmain in full cnmpUance with anyapplicab2e Bavironmental Lav�:. �5r;;n�" . <br />_�` � � C.Ttustor shall immediately aotify Beneficiary if a nelease or threateaefl�r�t�t+se of�a�Ha�rd�S�bstaate ooaus on, : :. .• .::,n <br />';;: � . uader or about thep�y or there is a violafloa of aay Envuonm�iLaw�.�coacerniug t�Prop�ty. Ia sa��aa �:��;. ;�j;;:�:.,�.� <br /> u der <br /> � event,Tsustor shall take t neoessary rem�dial action in accordance altTit�*.'Bn,�i�tonmeaial LaPr. . �r t%`�.:;: <br /> .'. D.TmSwr shall iuimediately aoiiffy Beneficiary in writiag as suon as Tmst�Dm�h'aa reaso�io b�lieve thec�a is aap pes��ing : ,.. <br />'.- f�; or�ed iavesdgation, clyaim. or prnceediag relating to the m2@esa os:tLxea�oed retase of aay H�ardous ,. �.. ':� �r� , <br /> ' Substance or tbe violatfon of any Enviroamentai Law. <br />__;: . :• . <br /> ��., . 18. CO:�D�MNA7iTOo1.Tn�swr w�l give�enefi�iazy+Pmmps aotice o�f aay�etoct3t�O os�tEze�seaed a,cdon.�r pnvate ar�. plic . , � <br />:;:Y enaw�,io e or take any v�.�11 of the Progerty tluongA oonde�nat�oa�,eavrenb db�n,osa�y otfi�c mrans.�ustar ` ,',',; <br />- aut�.arir� aeficiary to int�t�e in Tmstor's mame in a�y of the above d3sen'de6�ax��oa�clal�.7Yuswr es:i�as w .',�: � <br /> - Be¢eEr�zry the pm�ce,eds of a��a�vard or ct�x'�ar damages coIInected wit'��a cowddomta8on a1 ot�es ta&ing of aII ar a�r . .`, <br />.�"�_.:� part af t8e �aro�t. �sch pra�eeds svalY t� a�nsideied payments and�v�i�!161e epqrli_d•es psoviQod 4n�thi� Secmtiry ` ..:`' <br /> alY +. <br /> - Insaumaent.This asRi�wnent af proceeds is sul�ject to the tem�s of any paiar•n�rtgage�,d¢ed ot uust,seauIty agreemeat or , <br /> -- ot$er liea daatmar�. . ���; <br />-:�1`' '�, .�� �; • ': 19. �ISIJ�ArTCE.Trtistor shail ke�{a Pcaperty insured agaiast(flc�s hy fire. flood�tba[t�2c��!�er ha�edt aIIei tisks�nab3y . � ::: <br /> s <br /> !'i4i: ".::.;,'�;. ' associated witL the Pcoperty due to its type aad location.'ibis ialvrauce shall be r�i�al•in�tL4 a�ot�nts and for the <br /> ... � perlads tbat Benefzciary The �ce cazrier providing the insu�teo s�ll be chAC;ea�y 7Ynstai subject w , . . <br /> � `,. : :� B�eficiary's aypraval. w�shall aot be uareasonab�y withheld. If 7tuswr�f�t to m�in',.atn mrr oovera$e d�;cdbed � <br /> -�-,+�. •'�•,r;�:;.�,`�; above.Beneficiary may,at Beneficiary's optioa,obtain oovemge to prutecx Beaeflcdaty's rig�:s in tb,r Properiy zsoordtng �� • , . <br /> �`.::;;�? to the tetms of th�s Security Iasuamuent. �. <br /> , . .., i f . <br />;:�:,.:. ., ,,� '...; All insurance policies aad renewala shall bea�p table to Benefirriaary and stall iceLv�3b a stsudard'mostg,age+cl�ae°and, . <br /> `•' ";t where applicable. "loss payee clavse." Trustor shall immediately noti�y Beaefl�y of cascel�ation or•ter�nattot�of the ` <br />,4i�,.� ... � - , ia�urance. Beneficiary shaU have the right w hold the poflc�es aad reaewais. Yf B�neficiaty tequitt�..'iiuvtor sh2ll . . <br /> � :� �. . immedi�tely ve to Benefidary all receipts of pr�miums aad �enevual notia�s. Upon loss. T1v3wr shall give ' <br /> �i �a�d r ■ <br /> `� . ' -'.�` 9mmediate not�ce to the�ce cairier aad Beneficiary.Beneficlary may make praoY of loss if not a�dt i�ieJy by . .. . <br />�;:� `'� . Tnistor. <br />.,,,::. ; . ,.,.� ,�� . <br /> ��:: ., . . <br /> ., ._ . . <br /> -.. ,` � � . 01994 Bant�a Svstcmf.Ina.51.Clwy MN It-g06397-23s71 Fo+m fiE-pT-Nf 12fl3198 � <br /> �: . <br /> . /J C <br /> . . � _. $:ti �.-_�..- '- �— �-.----.. <br /> -..,, —...—:-", � �.� . _ . . <br /> • a ' <br />. ����� . . i • � . <br /> l � <br /> ' i <br />