,_ , . . . .i .�,�.rl ' , yr ��..4`
<br /> .� .i9;'::• � _ �. -
<br /> . . `:_ . � �' . _ ,c. _rV,'��,._�.�_:..::��� .' �:E. G ��� _ .` – ,� t.t,��
<br /> - . •�` - — r--: –�� c. .
<br /> �t _��� 5 _ ��'' _ �� a_ �
<br /> :r �,. �i: . .. .� r c �� .
<br /> f .-,..r!'' ., � �,; .�- E _ . SS .
<br /> �} • �t u� -f ' �'S"��a� ..L.�.`L�ti...��..,.__...,.. _ 'L � 4y� C[ �
<br /> � '{r--� -�-. �.....i .
<br />-.�-'-.�r'_ ' . . ' ` s .
<br /> '! `' � " V
<br /> - 7, .. ,.r `�` c°' .
<br />, � '���``� ` ° . gY� SvY��s �ti',`i .
<br /> - UnIess o�hemnse agr�!ia writi�ag,a1t���+A++�pmoeeda svaU be app�fed w tto:rfscaration or�epair of the erty or to ` , ... �
<br /> .`. . . the Sec�ed Deb oe a aU p�p . �
<br /> t, whether or noi dten dtie. at Eeeaeficiary's opti�a. Any apalit�teaa of gmce�ds to p�adlpal sha11 aot f�`•
<br /> aeS
<br /> � • ext�ad or pos�tpnne the due daie of the sc�eduIed nor the�t;of ffity pays�t.Any e�roes,q wlli be paid � , ``
<br /> � - W the Graaior.tf thep��y a� 1� racxeds�aFtIa ,
<br /> r: � . . fpom damage w the Property be�fine�e'�acq�u�pa�T��ri tom ttia e�o r1"t�he Seau d�e b t i�ediatel� . � . .
<br /> before the��;a,,�m, Y
<br /> - v�_
<br />. , � . ` ,. 20. F�LB089 FOR TAR�APID 1N�OBANCE.Untess athe�wise p�vIded 'm�:sepaaate��.Trastor wN ant 1r� � t .
<br /> _ _ zequired w pay to Beaeficiary f�ds for ta�and ias�*A+1�ut escrow. . .
<br /> ���= Zl.FINANCIAI.REFDRTS AND ADDITIONAL DaC[JN�. Ttustor�Il�� rovide to g�ciary upcm�1u�t,aaY . � :
<br /> •-;; Snan�aal stau�t or info�aiton Bwefici�y maY de��as�a�h►IIec� 1�ns�ac:agc�s to sign.deLver,and fiie ( ��
<br /> ' a d d i ti o n a l d o a�n t s o r�o n s t h a t E�eB�m a�r o o�s i d e r n��t 0 P�r f q�t.c o n t�m te,a n d presenre G r a a t o r� ���' �z:
<br /> - Obli ns tiAdei this Iast�ent and QC
<br /> .. �.�`' g�O Se�it�► s i�en slatas on me 2�pe�tq�: �
<br /> •...,�.� � ;
<br /> . , . 2Z.aOINT AND II�IinDIIAL LIABILIT9lt C � •SU�H��ASC4IGN3 BOIJPiD.Ail d�ie�uadei -4T -
<br /> . this Sec�ity Insavment aze joint and iadividaal.If Tiusws sigos�is Se�ity.Iusnuu�at ls�t does aoi sign an e�videaoe of .
<br /> - debt, TnuWr does soo�y to TmsGOr's�ute�st in tii� ut�se�e�gs;ym�t of the Seac�ed Debi anfl �: • F-�
<br /> ,, T�astor daES not agc�e W Tie��s�i�y lisb2e on the Seca�D�i:7f Ins�t secures a g�ranty� ' .-.a�,, . . .�.. '
<br /> . ';;: BmeficFazy anA Ttnstor,Tmstor to waive aaq that tqay prevp������a'a�y fmm br�Sing aaY a�tiun ar cL� ; '.`.����
<br /> . . 5� against Trustor or aay �ty � nnder the o6��&ese �ts m3y inciude.� nni h�ted Lo, aup � �. :
<br /> . r : a�tFdeficieu�y or one-act�aa' Tativs..'IYvstor agcees thf3 and �titis Inmam�t ivay exteaa, 4 ���-
<br /> ` ��Y���Y��in the t�s of d�is��Insomm�i ox aaS•� of debi�nthont Tiastur's oonseat. . �
<br /> ` Sarv a c�ange a+iU uot m2ease Trosfor fmsn the ter�afmis S�ui2y astu � �
<br /> �`'� Insun�tent sLat1 biad aad be�tefit the suscessors an�ass3gns Insaa�lt.�Ite duties aad b�efas of this ���:�::
<br /> !` of�a�r aad Bet�Hciai. •''4,�'.
<br /> •+� �' . : 231 APPLICA�I.L�LAW SEdE�ABILITX;II1�'�'ERP$�'�'H�Qre1I.This S ' .• '� '��
<br /> '`, , �.' ,N�Sdiqian in which� �Insaum�t ia govemed bq tt�F�vf tF� . . .
<br /> �acq Lv IocaDad,ex�o�t to tta�exteatnthecwise�quued�hr�the laws of the jar�d�ua wIiele � •;�
<br /> -h---.�.-- ;;'. � or ���D}t o�ial S�p �comglete a�ui fulty int,�rated,'!E'iis S�auity Insttt�enE�y'��ct 6i� :,��-,,
<br /> �y seMian m rnis Sea� t,�ts,or aap aS�c�ed ar
<br /> the Se�aued II�@iai cantlicts wuh applIpble law w�l not be�Be�iv���tta�law expressly ai tmPliedlY pe�mits t� " �`z
<br /> va�iazions . a�. a�r ��r � '�_
<br /> ���eted- w7!no section of this tnsttumeat c�ot be ernfo�red accord'mg w its�,thpf • ���
<br /> , ;�� section w�l be sev a� affiec:t tl�e eoforc�atiility o�the n�of this Security I�sWment.Wk�ver nsed,� .��r �:`.; .
<br /> �':..:��:.
<br /> � �.�..� the sIngular shsll i�ncttude t�pltual and tIie plmal the singalar.The capraa�ss apo l�tngs of tt�e s�tiovs o�t�s Securtty► � �. �.r..,--.:
<br /> nc ,'v��?;'
<br /> . . ��- - .- =,;a �are for annv�ce onty and are nat W be us�d tio�ar de6n�tba te�s of t�ia Seault�t�.
<br /> . � T'ime is of the esseace in tbis Securiry Iast�u�
<br />. .. Y. . .�t ' _�.�t-
<br /> , . .. , ..._` :�'. 1iQ.��$flR�U�.B�Q2�IC�.SL BCIICftc�ary'9 O�IOD,ID3jf�pL+D�II.S�IO�C I�IQ64?T[OSLfe 8��O�II[8 ;,.�„ A �c -
<br />-;r ; , . �or t�ustee withont any ather fom�lity thaa the desieoatioa in writfa�.'I��s�ae�sort�,�wIt�a�rt oanveyance of �^ ��"�
<br /> p�eity, shall succQed w ail the titie. power mmd duties cnnfened upea Txst_�b;tLis'Secarity Ia�t and .;�F �fY
<br /> �:v, . sed
<br /> �fph'cable�. - , ;��,b' .
<br /> � � gS'AtOTICE.Unl�ss otheradse reguired bg�.z�y ra��shali+be v�� deliverin it ar b mar�s�' . - .. � '`i� i�, ` , � �,
<br /> to the aP,p�ugr�ate Party's addrtss on pa�i flf t�is:��ity� � os ta aay oWer addr�des�i��tin�g.' . �" f�'pA
<br /> r.f .; ��,;:: ,,
<br /> _ N o ti c e w o a�u n s t o r w il l b e d e e m e d t o 6 e n o t i ce w s:l n v s o o rn. � ',:y�'� �:;;
<br /> � , : �. � :.c�.�-�._
<br /> • ���a�n8wthePm�pertY-the ext�at prolu'bitcd by law, Tn�smr w�ives aU appsa�s�t aad hom�stead ex�a rigi�ts 1'� 1 .�i
<br /> . ..\ �.
<br /> . ,:�,,.,,. , �.,
<br /> ,_. � 27.�O�THEYt TE�tMS.If checked,the following are applicab2e tn thia S�utity/nson�eau • :'.i�:•
<br /> �.' �:.,_'�;-
<br /> . • ❑Idne of Cnedi��he Secnre�Debt IacIndes a navolvin$linc of credit pmviston.Although t�e Secured Debt may be � ic'�'-==
<br /> . • , .� . reduced to a zero batance,tbis Srcvrity Insuument a+ifl;t�n in effect ua3�m,3eased. -•'�`�``-'
<br /> �� O Constinution I.oan.'Ihis Security Ias�ment sec�es aa obli�tion incmred fos the consauctton of au � ' `"` `"'�
<br /> �_ ,�: � onthePtoperty. ' �4oveaneat k��„ti� -',._.-.
<br /> : . Q I�Tixt�reI�iin�.Tnistor � c�ary. t� � S �% �
<br /> 4 - .:� „ grants Besefi a szsari Intec+e�t iu all�oods th�a Granwr owns now or L�e�:e�fi� �- --
<br /> a��+^'�
<br /> � , ; . ' aad�..ane or�vitl,.become S.i�xc�s reIaied �e tLe�Propats.y: 7lris SECwlty insWment sutfces as g'�aciRb; �,' ,�� ,
<br /> ���', �. : � � srar�and aay c�ihon,pho�s ar otLLm�cepmdacxioA a�y be fited of�aoo�d fm p�uposes of A��of the - .. ,;�'���.��,r�.
<br /> 4f�� ' . Utdform Co�iaL�vde. pi�p , I� �. , .ti ,r°
<br /> �
<br /> �f�,�< ,� . �� '�;� � . ❑�Rideis.7he aove�amts and agree�ents of easbt a�u`�e ridcre ch�ck�ad beluvr a�inoo�ed'mto aad s�p-,.�ement aad' �� • i' - :�
<br /> . <, � amend ttiee cerms of tbis Seauity Inst�ner.�.�Q[.^�dc att'�lacable0 Other
<br />� , .,
<br /> � `.:,: .,�.- r; • ❑Condominium Rlder ❑Pia�i Uais.II���,�pmtat �;- ,
<br /> ,. ❑AdditfonW�er�s. ....................._._........................... .r.;�..,:•. ,
<br />� �r�yy5�`�,�(, ,. � , . er s , '��h,� . .
<br /> -� py�iE:• . , - . �t�.{,li.'j,� .
<br /> 4i�`'���f, . .�' . _ ���h� 'k . -
<br /> r1 ::y+i�°,,.,, �( .
<br /> - . .�>ti
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<br /> � ! r ' �
<br /> " • i ' ���t���;l�t3 ..
<br />_' . '.�I . SIQ1Vl�,TUltF�:By sIgning bcicrv�,Tn�stor sgrees to�he tem�s aad wvenants contained iu tLls Scxurity Instmmect and in any �•�"i�'��t����''•:.. . .
<br />-- . . �ta�ta.Tmswr aLso acImowied receI i of a co of thi.s Se�vti lnstn�ment on t�e date stated on •���ti�;t '
<br /> - P� P PY tY Dage 1. • -
<br /> .;.. •• ' ' ,.
<br /> ' • �. . �.. .......... �5'��7 �K.��xr�. .r�►t..�. �}.�.. ..�-lQ.:�9! �. � '
<br /> (SI • .L��1T Tn�C�i8I2.. ... (�) (51@nanim)D(8�Tl�L�RTBe��At� •.... �D�e�.� �
<br />,.., . .
<br />':, �� ACI�I�WLL�DG1t�P!':
<br />,.:. ' SfATE OF�I��...
<br /> _ . . . ., . .
<br /> .. �. ..............................COUNTY OF�I�............................................}ss. _
<br /> .. � �i0"°Da 'Il�is instn��t was ackaowtedged before me Uils......��1... ..day af..........�...���"1.......................
<br />__ �� ;_ :_ . . . Ibuyy�.�t�R�T.�.�l.l�k�l,.l�?,�i... .......... ....... �} .................. . . ;. . • � :. -
<br /> -. � N01A1�'St�adti�.� • ,.JJ�
<br /> ' J05tP�eR6abRmtrdtrn► ......... . . ..�� . ����D.!�!l:.. ............. .
<br /> � � ����Lt�iGA �iNm�r�ue� ��
<br /> e�ssa emucre svsmm�.i . a w ave uaa�so /fpage 4 of4) � ' • . • � .
<br /> , ...
<br /> �_-- _. .. ._�_•. . .
<br /> '8!'.'.�r�= �o . _ ..._ _. .
<br /> v�•�.'v, ,:�.. —-- . .
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