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<br />_ . .r'�� " � ' Jf .�F(�� .< _- _ : • _ _� ' y �...` r-..k�'-� 4 - t�`,
<br /> y,�/ 2 'l- �� t.a.,:...
<br /> . (. .: -�,Y,..,,i .w-. L - , '_. _ � -t. �
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<br /> 'S�;i( t ;
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<br /> . , t .i .
<br /> _.�.. _L� .` � �� �Q�a� �V�aa• �t. 'c ` F,
<br /> . �.All futvre advances from Senefisiar5► m Trastor or oiver futu:e obli ons of Tn tor w Beneficiary w�der anY � s•" .. �
<br /> , pmmissory note.oannacc.�uarantY•or athe�evidence of debt by Tnutor ia favaT of BeneSciatyt ex�ated . . :
<br /> ' � y after t t s i s S e c u i i t Y I n s�t w h�h e r o r��T�I n i�t i ss��c a U�. If mo:e thaa oae
<br />� �.. , F` �DD 81$US i�S �l[t�.��s . Ri� &ECllIE.' 8u �l1Tt� , .,a.
<br /> . � 4 advaaces a a d f n t u r e a bli ns t i�a t az e�w o a i n c 3 u�d b y a n y o n e o r mo:e 7'n�star,or�y one or raore Trustor f:( :
<br /> � ' aad others.All� and oth�funue obligatians are sew�bp this Se�aitY iast�meat even thou g b a l l , ,
<br /> , _ . or part aray aat yet be adv�ced.All fimre advances aad oth�fuuue obli�atians ace s�ared as if made on the date . .
<br /> ' � �f W t s S e c u r i t y I n s u�t c e u t.Nothin g in this S e a u i ty Inshument sl�ll canstttuEe a wmmfiva�t to malte addidisaai ot
<br /> < �, futc�ae Ioans or advances in any amount.Any sncL wmmitment must i�e ag�eed w i a a s�p az a t e w ri t i n g•
<br /> -:-�'"'::��-_ _ _ G All oblIganions T n�s t l i a b'��'t i e s�f B o r�o��v e r d r a f i s c e}a t i n 8 a n Y d�s i t account nut p�it��T�and ' --__.
<br /> - b�t aot l��ed to, � '
<br /> D.A�ad�nal sums afiranced sudexp�s i4auted by Beneficiaty►for iasuring. or othecwis$pmtaxi�sng -
<br /> ` . . at�er �s�s advaaced and exp�seq inwrnd by��the te�s of ti�s �
<br /> � � the Propetty and its valae and�y , . ..
<br /> . - S�y�
<br /> 'Ihis Secnriry Ia�n�w�1 uot sec�tte any oth�er d�ht if BeaeficiarY fa�s tn giee aaY r�4�aotice of the right of , _
<br /> te�cess�n- ' ': .
<br /> . � '�,''° S. PAYMErYi'S.Trastor ag�es that aIl payments under the Secaired D�i w�l be paid when due and in aa:oidance with the ,' .
<br /> _�F� .
<br /> tenas of the Se�ued Debt and this Secunty Instnm�t- ..�-
<br /> ;t_.: �,fr
<br /> �` �� ` 6 WO►RRAI�ITY O�1�T9.E.Tmstor wusants that Trastor is a�r w�71 be lawfiilly seized af the e�aie caave�ed isW�
<br /> ::r;;;'sy�-�`��" <; �and flas the right W irievocablY grant,conveq.and sell the Ptopeny w Tmstee,in tsuss.w�h Pa •.` �
<br /> is�bered,excc�Pt for enc�bianoes of reco:d-
<br /> Y; �r;`���s`` ; sal�Ttu.gOor 2Iso wa�tLat ihe PmFen9' eR < .,.t ,
<br /> � "' �
<br /> '� Wish1 w other mn �g deefl of uust,sec�itY a�ce��or other li�
<br /> � k.� 7. P�lIOR S���• �or encurm an the��e+ae,P�'9 Trastor agzees: `.
<br /> 'Y �� •,rh,- ," .:.; dflcx�t tHtii crea�ed a piior sec�ity
<br /> - _ •,�„ �:'�:.�. � I+I.To mage all papme�s wh�due an�w pa'fiotm ur�omp2Y with all oovenaats. _.�.::`
<br /> � �'• + ��`-;��.. � B.To pmmp�tly deliver w Benefici�►aa3►nottoes ti�.�"Pcaswr receives�hol� �der aay aate��agtee�at ;,.'�;: •'y.
<br /> ':��".'• � C.NoY w a11ow any modificatiaa o:�non of,m�r to requ�stcwnsent. .:,`}` ".
<br /> �"� sacured by the 1�documeat witflo ci�.Y=s Ps�or wnuen ^ rE�a i
<br /> , � . . '�,(. S. CE�I�AGAINST TITLE.Trustor ws1l all taxs� asa� 1i�,��p�p���'°��� ' • ,��,a ;
<br /> �,� �pesty wltea due. Bene�'c�azY may �� .��,
<br /> _, _ ��-�s:;�.. other S�� !az �a 'ihastoi an71 defead title w �.` �r :.:
<br /> �:�r��** ,,�S ��
<br />`� i�4, 4�'��: �r ���OF LL IIvYCCS�L SII��O�IIISS'�''dae aad the receipts evId�cing T p�Y��,j,�i eg� to as.sign W . i;s�� �� �,`'�;;"`
<br /> ^� ,,�-� an ctaiu�s that wonld impair the liea of this SecusicY r ;;%� r� f .
<br />_ , ;�t..i�.,.�,`��_;;�� ����� g�ficiary,any tigi�is,ctaims or def�ses Tzuswr may have againsc pames wh�sqpPZY�s° ?�: �• ;,•<°
<br /> sn- �,,��u .' O!1[4'�iLl I1131II�'lII O�TOVC�P.,"�Cfy„'S�• "'s �f 'ri'�
<br /> -� . `f-� at its u ,de�lace thE�tire b�u��e 5ec�ed Debt to� _�`� �
<br /> , -,, �:;r 9. DIIH�O:����OB ENCUMBRAR'6�E-��Y, �the cteadoa of, liex.,�T•'�. --.-..- usnsfet or .:
<br /> ; - t��rm�-�dae and�ayab2�upor;��on cy or cont�zcc federal law(1Z�.F.R,�33).as�ble.Tt�is ;..� �,�ir,t'' :."
<br /> . ., ,:::� s�i��f�[�.�i.periY.'I'�s r,�t�s su1s;�+ct:o t'1e z�s�h3►
<br /> , .'•� ,� ��s s�iun wittc�Pmperry aad shall,a��,i��f�Ct u�il the Secared Debt is paid ia fiill c�S�carltq : � N,� -_ :
<br /> r T�st�=��eleased. ' }- � •
<br /> .-�,a.,
<br /> : F _ ;: � ,f� r�i���.:
<br /> � � `• 10.Ppt�Y�Y CONDITYON.l�LTERA�IOPiS A1VD 1NSPEGTION.Tiustor w�lt�the P�apertq in guod condittaa�.� :. r�+�'*
<br /> � • , an� make atl airs that are reasona6�ly �sazy- 7Yus�or shall not cammit or allaw aaY waste. �pai��, os -, -
<br /> ,�iy�•iii
<br /> 5 detcrioration of�Property Trustor w�i koep the Propeny free of noxlatu weeds aad grasses.Tmstor a�that the t,..�,•a�,;,;
<br /> � � ' nature of the occapaacS►and ase w�i not substaatiallY cl�ange wIthunt Beuefr�y s prior arrittea canse�.Trostos w�l not y,�;f j�.
<br /> : . permit aay c�ange ia aay ltcease,resMc6ve covenant or easement without Beneficiary's prior wriaen coaseat.Tcustor w�l �,�-'"
<br /> j BeneSciaiy of all demaads, prooeedinga.cla�s,aad aarons against'I'tustar,aad of aay loss or damage to t�e �,i+t. �
<br /> . ao�ry ���'t ......
<br /> ' _ f F . ���yy ' 3L BCII�1C 'S tion.�the Property at aay r�rsca�ble dme foz theparppae �r '' '°1`:^•
<br /> B?�6fi OT BCIIC�C18IY 8a�plt8 IDaYs �r �f �
<br /> ,;'�p of inspecdng the PreDart�►. Beneficlary sball give. , no@az 9t the time�f or befora sn o��s�lQB'a �". -
<br /> ' reasonsblepurpose far t� oa Aay�nsga��caa of the Properiy sh2lII Lt,°.�icely for$eae�ciary"a.. t� ,•„ .
<br /> ���, �c,,��
<br /> °. , " .'r� 'Frustor wilI tn ao way ceIy�on�eflclaty s�nspe�au}. '. _
<br /> � + � ����r`�`1l'r'ar.�'qr.
<br /> .• ��t��1!��Stp�.
<br /> . ,:: :,�p, -ti:.. !i.AUTHOIdYrY TO P E R F O R M.I f'£c v�t er f a i l s w p e t f o:m a n y r fi u Y o r a n y o f t h e o o v e n s u r t s.s a n t a f a e d i n t b i s S�a e l t�, . `��'4<<�,�,��u�r
<br /> . .'K lnsaa�at,BeaeficiarY�aY wittsu��tu;e. p e r f o s m o r c a��s e t h e m w b e T i r m c�ap p o i n t s B e n e fi c t a r y.es .r,' f - -
<br /> � �. attm �n fact w si Tcnstos's na�t�or pay auy azuauat necessar9 for pertc�ir*..�ace�.Eeoe�ai�y s ri$ht.to oms foz �d� 1,�� .
<br /> - .. -���; 'f=asto�i sba11 not cr��oblip�t�op w perform�ar.�Ben��ciary's fffitare t�a pc�ssm wilt not preclade� 3S�8TY�B�I' '" r:�fsFF�}+�r;•'�
<br /> e�e n�s m g a�+o f B e a d 5�7+'s a t h e r r I g 6 t s u n d e r t i r s P.a w o r t L i s S e c¢r i ty is���ent.If a a y oonstructioa�a�:t�e P e v�e t t}r .�;7�,��,b,t tr -
<br /> � , . t A :14�� is d�naed or not�eried on ia a r�asonab2e m�ccr.Beaefrc��aiay s�t a�steps ne�essary w pra t e c�B e�e f�a t y,s . i; t.t�,�, .,.,..
<br /> � � '� secariry ir�tu�st ia the I'ropercy+,inclwdi:r�°,comPlaloa of the ca•�..�a�: .:%�,,...... : �.
<br /> � .,� .ti:..::�;
<br /> -S; . . Fr•.,.��:.t..:•�;;;
<br /> • � � lZ. ASSiGN�t�i'i'OF LEASES A1VID RENI'S Tsastor irrevasablg gr�, oonveys aad seUs w Ttust$e. in wst for t� r�.,.::;?'�":'.
<br /> �;,�` , , ^` benefit of Beaeficiary,2s aQditlonal se�utity all the ri�hb tide and intetes3 in�a3 w any and all exisdng os.futnre Iea�, t-:,;..;;;��.'{,�.
<br /> - . �::rt';' .. '' mY aa rtioa oY the iacl�tdict$ -�, .:
<br /> . ;: sub2eas�.an�l aay ot�er Frriuen or verbal agreemeuta ior the use and oocupaacg Y po PC'oq�►7++ �,�.':„'.';:.
<br /> _ . � . any extensions reaewats.modi8catinns or sabstimflons of sucb a�ts(al��ferreQ tn as"Leases";►��tents.iasaw ,,.�;,,;,,r,.,,3::�
<br /> . . aad pso£�*s(al� refersed to as "Rems'). Tnutor wiU pmmptiy mvide B�eficia�r wia�tru�aab oam��:aapies of alD� .
<br />.r�`'" ' eaisnng and�utaee i.eases.'6usmr s�y collect.raoeive.ea�oY�ase the Rcats so ong as Tie3t�is aca im defautn u�,dst :t ' r,�::,:�
<br /> ; � ��, the te�s oF thie Se�ity ias�u�. , ,; r�
<br /> ' ,� �;.'.:•:;;.. .
<br /> _ ;.,,`�:, .,:y, Trustur aclmowledges tgat tLis assi�t is pecf�npoa the recording of ebis Deed of?tnst aad t�at Benefclary is ,�,��� .t
<br /> -•y,..� entitled w notifjr any of Ttnstot's teoanta to make Qaycaent of Itents due or ro beoo� fice to Bene&dary. Howevet, �� ,�� ` ; .
<br /> �"•' ��'�� genofieiary agt+aes that ontSr on default wlli Beneficiary notify Tirastor aad Tn�swr's tenants and make demand t�at a13 , ��� �tiR.,i:
<br /> . a: . �ia�y
<br /> � � • futwt�t�nta be aid dtra��ly to Beaefrciary;Qn re�eiving notice of defautt,Tnistor will eadmrse aad deliver to Beaeti -'�-f�.:,.�::,.
<br />_ �. • � anY paYmenL o��enta ia Tniswr's possess�oa and will receive any Rente in tnist for Beaeficiary aad vrilt not oom� Fg 2 . .
<br /> the R�ts wlth a� other fnads. Aay amnunts aollected wUl 6eappti�ed as p�ovided ln tbia 5EtvrIiy Inswmr�t. Tnu�toe
<br /> .. . . wanaats U�attea i t�� l�y m�t�he�teims�of�th�erLe ses�and�ayplica�b2e 1 ateaant law.'Ttt�tor also a�ees to ma�ntain aa3 _, ;
<br /> - . re4uite an3+ mP ,
<br /> � . :. j 13. LEASEHOLAS: CO;�iD�NN�NNNM�• PLAAIIVED IINTP DEVEdAP'MENTS. Tnistor agre�s to oompIy aith the ' � .
<br /> lUM
<br />-_ . . pmv�sions of aay lease if chis Seauity'Instnunent is on a leasehold.It tRe Pnperty inclades a unit in a condominium or a
<br /> . . plaaneQ uait dwelapment.Ttustor wlll perfotm a11 of Tmstm's duties�der 1he covenaats.by-laws.a:reguladons of the ..
<br /> � . � aandominium or planned unit devetopmeal.
<br />:�: . � � Ipage o/a1 •� •
<br /> ' . . • m�esas�+�ssma�.��.s:.tia,auiu naoaa9�•zsau cormaeoTeE+z��ns �
<br /> � _
<br /> ,,= -
<br /> } .. , : i � , � , . .
<br /> : '
<br /> , _
<br />