4F.. F >�'-`'"-� - .. _ . � _ .�.� � 75; �`"_ ;` "' ,
<br /> �......1'���.a.. .i.� c -.�:�� f ;..,as '�+_ _
<br /> a ccx-r--t-• .. .��..._ _ v .,��}_.-- , _`�.�. ;.-� _� _ _ _ <. __ r _.._,
<br /> < :c -.�.. � �r - r
<br /> .:�.___e._._..�. . _ T �'" ' f t ` .- - , _,"° . ° ' ,
<br /> t -�-: ,z , " ' F �'.r �, �` `+g�.c`f." -
<br />. t.!�,'.` ryt. _ ' �us t y_ - Yn .. ` c��� ��'t` �� S' S`- c.. 'fc.' .�}".zx...`� A�.c
<br /> - J��� �` - :t. o`: - -__ r. - �: _ ..,a ��'- u.. - �^-� t
<br /> t-� �� . y `f'
<br /> �``� :.tJ�t . . ����M�VV� .
<br /> ',� ��� ; If 8orrower Qaya Fnads w l.ender,the Ftinds ahall be Aeid ta an institudoa ttte depasita at aceounts of wtdch are ia9ued . `
<br /> � � Leader if Lender�is�h an insti3ution). i�ea�er sball apply the �mds to ``:��'.•
<br /> � " `�'� or guara�ed by a federal ar�ate agency{includin,� •..
<br /> ° `.' -. - PaY said t�es.asses5meats,iacuaan+ea premiaut�and gro�d tents.Lender may aoe charge for so ttoMittg and appSytng the Faads. _ E`
<br /> �����s `.',.I�'`� azraIyiing sa�d socouat or verityiagand cumpilia�sald a�essments sa�6iUs.uniess Lender pay�Borro�rer inte�est on the F�n�s �•`=;:
<br /> � .. . and applicabie larv pt�mits Leadsr to make s�scd a cltu�.BumonTr and Leader may agree in wridag at the wae of aaecution ° ' :
<br /> � r�£ of this Deed of Tnut that interest on the Fuoda slsati ba pxid w Bo�rowet.and ualeu sucd agree�nt is made o:applicable tasi , 'r;
<br /> • ° �" . ,;
<br /> • requires�ias�cest to De Qaid.I�ader st�ttl not b:��i[ed to Qay Bosrower any in�rest ar e•uniags oa the t�udv. Lender ,
<br /> ' .� :. sLall givc to Bono�ver.without charge.aa artauet aaoa�ing of the FUndg sLAwitt�c[edits enrl dcMu w the F�nds and the
<br /> . �`.•�� ' t _`�
<br /> ��; , �- •«, Puspose for whIsb easD Qebit w the Fuads was mad�.'11�t�aQds ace pledged as additiunal securtry for the smas secured by this .
<br /> Qeed of Tcnst. "
<br /> �_>-�-. f.
<br /> -�.,�-'�..5--=-.: If the am.awn of the Fuad4 hetd by Laader.tog�slrtr with the fuwre motubly iastallment9 of Funds payab�e prior to ttie dne ..t
<br /> = daus of taxesc.asse�ne�3s.a�st�raace pcemHttas aad gsoa�rents,shal!exoeed the amnunt requiced tn pay said taxes,ass�nems.
<br /> �_:. tax •'
<br /> - - �� p�miums aad gcotmd �eats as tRey fall d�e.sc�h exeess s6all Ee.at Borrowes's aptFon, eith�r promptiy repaid to
<br /> . Bocmwea ar�redit�to Boirower on mandu� im�ceflmsaSti of Fuuds. It the amount of tLe Cvads ketd 6y I.eader sha}i not be .' °`�'�
<br /> . s�ft'cicisnt to pay taxes,asse.ssmems. ins�¢ee Pre�asams.�d�gauu� nMS as th�y faU due.BorYOwec sha11 pay w I.eader anY
<br /> t �
<br /> . ° . .. amoua; n�ry w a�a&e up the deffeidacy u►o�ar.muiti�ym�as I.wder way require. ..
<br /> 3
<br /> '. ' U n m fuIi of all�secuted 6y this I1�1�of Ttusc,Lender shail pmmptty rti�t m Borrotver any Fiinds heW =--`-�`•-
<br /> �° FaY�II!. Lendet,I.ender shari aFPIY• .
<br /> - by lender.If.artdtr paiagrapb I7 hereoE the Pro�xtp i��aiA o�the Property is otherwise acqulzed by ; :
<br /> agrap
<br /> uo ta�r tban immediateIy prior to die sak of the Pr�;ar ets acq�isitioa 6y Leud�.aup I�ads heid by Lcader at the time of r.:,n,`
<br /> �. . ' ' � applisativn as a credit against the sama sewred iry dut�Ro�:d af Trast. . ".f
<br /> . ;•�. ,:, .' `�{ 3. p�nn otYeymenm. Uulesx app{ica���a lt��v pti�lvides othecwise.aU gaymeats ceceis�bY Leadei under the NIote and •:'%
<br /> ;�.��.' ; ., ..' ,._:�: para g r a pIIs 1 and 2 heieof sball be appfvid by Isader Grst.�i paymeat of amauaffi payab2e to Le�r dy Hosower.under Qaragrapb
<br /> .� ����, 2 hereof,Hien m inteiesc payable on ih�Note.anfi•then�tp dt�principai afthe Note.
<br /> ,� �•' 4. Ft[or Mo�aad IIra2ds a�f�asS�C�ts;�ims. Bocrower shall pecform all o�Bormwer's abligatioas�r auy ,
<br /> - �r = P mor[gage.deed of unst or otLer seca�i�,r aSreeateat�ib ailIen ablch i�a.s a pzioriry over tlus�teed of Trast.�tuding Ea�aeaer's
<br /> '" ,.:,�5�•;�'.�: covenarus oa make payments whea ditse.Borrower sbr11 pcy or cause[o be paW all taxes.assessmeats, aad et3�er•charges.fine.s . .
<br /> _ �:`,��:'-': and iwposidoas amc'bma6te to Bte•!'t+opercY adidt mal��nttain a prioriry over this Qced of Tivst. and,tea�old payments or ':,`_'='-��:
<br /> -. . . �,< <, �u5 R�rd Iatvranse. Borrow�ec�siiall Ice�t�a iza}�novemews anw e�dsdng or hereafter e�ected on the Pcoperty u�sured ,.
<br /> .�.;i,��0�..;�:; ' ded cave e'aad sach othet bazards as Lender may require and in
<br />. ,•:,.i:j g�81�5[jpSg()y QI6.h8T8TdS�I1C11Ided`.�tlL'I�II[hC tClI11 i�1CtaA �d$ � . -
<br /> 6
<br /> •.;����,�:� sach am� aad for s�ttcA periads as l.ende�may cequit�• :,:. ����-:
<br /> s
<br /> ,:��.f,"f� . Tke ias�uauce catde�c pmvlding tAs insuraace sb�1131e shoaea Ly Bozrawer sabject w appmva!by Lender:pravIded,that such E::;.-,,',:.
<br /> � appmval shall not De n�onabh► wbitheW.All nutuanme policies and renewais theceof sbali be ia a�m acceptable to Lender f � �:,-
<br /> -- ; '�' .�.. . .�..' and sl�all iasIudx a staadard mo�ge�claase iu fpva�af�nd in a form acceptabie w Lendec.l.ender s1�aU have t6e right tn doZd (Z,.�:_,:,;:
<br /> ".� :�,:r�`'' ' the poTi�s and cene�rals thereof,smb�x to the cenns of smy mortgage.dee�oftirrost m other secarity agteemem with a tiea wLich �,,: ' �
<br /> ost
<br /> :'.�����'�. ,`�+ has priu�,wer this De�d of Tivat. ��`:
<br /> ! 8orrow�etcsbal�.�ve pmmpt n�ce m the iasurance carrier aad L+�.�q.euder may make proof of Ioss 4.;,,+:;;
<br /> t :�,1%�c,l' In t�L°evem of Wsg.
<br /> .. �':`1 � if not m�promptiy by Borrawttl '��''"
<br />:::��,;;��;;:.:;:, �� ,. ...
<br /> Try .:•a,,,,,, If th..Ptaperey is abandouad!61 Borrower.or.if8anrower fa�s to respond to Leader arithin 30 days fzmn the darc�ttce is , < < ,�:
<br /> F �'' ��� • mailed�5'�.end�to Bocrower thht;th� iasurance cairtrr�offei.s to seNe a claim for inwraace beaefus,Lender is a�hor'e� to • �
<br /> �;�;:J����� ` -
<br /> --•:. �, ..•,.e�....°.; ,
<br />-_= coUecc t�i�pply�he�aace ptaaeeds.at Icader s�,�Fsisr�to Kstoradon or iepair of the Propercy or m the sams�r.vred ._,,�.
<br />_- . : :-� 6y this Deed of Ttust� �' . ��,'�''
<br />-- . 6. Pte�avat[on aad N�ntuLeanuce•ot�opzaty.;�saf�.,;�ondomWa�Pianned Ut�tt A�ve2opment9. Borrower shall ':t.:;;;�'
<br />= • � �eep the property in good repair�and sball nnt c�mmrt waue aY permit imq�atimeat or deterioration of tde Properry aud sha11 .�-�,+=�>
<br />- . -- - compty�eith the pmvisioas of aay�duae if this Deed of Tnut is en a ieasehatd.If this Deed of Tmst is on a uait in a coffinm3�n • ;.:�L,,.
<br /> � ... �.
<br /> . . or a plan�ned unit developmem. 8uaroaver.shull gerfarm all of Barrower's obligadoaa under the declaration or covenaat►creadaig . <;•`�:::�:;:�.,,�
<br />'� or goveening the condominiam or�p)uaned uait deveiapment, tIIe by-laws and regulaaons of the condominium or pla�ed nait ,_,�
<br /> ' ` devetopmem.and waidtueat doa�aata `� ' =
<br /> ' �;°=,; 7. Pe+u2eNioa o4 Lender's Secu��.tB Bvr�+rri�faits w perPor�n die cave�mts aad agreements cout�laed in this Deed of "
<br />'�,:,. :: :,�..' . � 'IYa�t,or ifaay actioa or praceedIng�ia com�„�3�wbish materialty affects Leadet's interest la t6e Pcageu�r.then Leader.at . ',��:..�' .-:
<br />= I.ea�ee's op8on�aDoa nodce ro Borron�t►�aY make sucb app�ssances.disburst sucA sums.inslading reasouabte atoomcy's fees. .-
<br /> � � <, ancea
<br /> ' „ �`�M1V� ".�. aad tu`�su,cb acdon as is necessary w proo¢ct�Lender's inumest if Lender required mortgage ias�rancc as a wndi6oa aff'r�idaig =
<br /> , -; '� ^�' :.+� the lat�:secured by this Deed of Tiust.Borrower s6a11 pay dte prem�ums requlred w malntain sacb iasurance ta effect uatii sucb
<br />�r , . �. ,.; . tim:as the require�t far such ins�uaace te�ia�us in ascardaace with Boimarer's aad Lender's written agceemeat or applicalile
<br /> , , law.
<br /> - . • Any amvunu �stiursed by 18ader pursuant to this OaragraDh 7,witb iaterest thereon. at the Note rate.sLall b�oaae. -
<br /> � ` ' � addition�t indebiednesa oY Barcowea secured by ttds Deed oYTn�.st.Untess Boirower aad Leader agree to other terms of pay�znt,
<br /> • � . such amomuu sha11 b�payabie upon notice from Lender w Borcowet reguesting paymeat tbereaf. Noth3ng conraiaeA in t4is
<br />- , ...' . paragroyb:7 shall tequire Leader to iacar aay e�ase or take a�r acdon hereunder. •
<br />-= .. '� g. ta��ec�itm. I.eader may make or ca�tse tn be made reasoaable entrles upoa and iaspections of tLe Praperty.provided
<br /> - � ' tLat Leuder giva Sosrorner nodce pri�or w aay euc�iaspecdon specifying reasonable cause therefor related w Iender's interest
<br /> ��.: �•' in�e Fmper►Y•
<br /> 9. �"condemnattam. Tho prea�edv of any award or claim.&�r daznages. direct or wasequendal, ia cozmecoion aritb aay .
<br />_ . ;_( condemaation or other tatdng of che Property.or puc thereof.ae for wnveyaace in lien ot condemnatioa. are hereby assigrted
<br />;`�� • . :� and shall he paid co Lender.subject to the te� of aay moRgage,deed of tra5t or other securiry agreement with a Ilen ahieh
<br />- . ,ti Uas prioriry ovet tY1s A:e�of'Frust. .
<br /> - � � :;[ 10. Borro�serPiat Re��sed;�arbearanee By Lender Nat a Waiver. Eaten�tan of the rime for paymeat or modificadoa of •
<br /> - � • :��I amortizaSoa of the sums secarad:by this Deed of Tn�st granted by Ixnder to aoy su�or in iattetes� of Bonower shall aoi �
<br /> - � • �- operate to reiease.ln an}r manncr. the liabiliry of the or�ginal8ortower aad Bortoaer's successors in inierest. Lender s6a11 aot
<br /> _ . " '�; be required to commence ptaceedings against svcb successor or reli�se to extend dme for pay�eni vr othernrise moditj� �
<br /> � `�`�" amortization of the bvms secuted by this Deed of 7Yust by reason of any demaad made by the original Sor�awer and Borrower's --~
<br /> � ,^.i successors in interes�Anp forbearance by Leadet in exercising any right or remedy hereuades.or otherwi�e afforded tsy ayplicable .
<br /> �. laa,sha(1 aot be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any such right or remedy. � ..
<br />� { .-
<br /> + ': , . .
<br /> :• '.: ,_ ' � +; .
<br /> � - -- . gI�S$A -SewnS I�lortgage-ilSO-!'N"•"'*""•"!•!flS�$LS fl".S�°..3J'��P3�3F
<br /> .` . � (page 2 of 4) CPa1 .
<br /> . IA4.tne. Bortower':lnitials � .
<br /> � a�._,.._,--�^-- -.�--r-•— n T^-?:-- ,t � i �� � n - -- -�..
<br /> .
<br /> -. . .. . ._ . _..•. . . . �, . . { •._.� .. . . __ .,, .. , 1 i
<br />