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<br /> � .. Order No.: ,:.
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<br /> - _-- .- -- • -- - THLS DEID Q�TRUST is made t�tis Sib daY of Mey,�.. .•.�';°.;`�:'4:
<br /> _ a�ng the Tiusmr, C�SDOp�p MEL4i�1�TATAII.BS�:.�14L��E �..�°: �:•
<br /> 1TA
<br /> (haein "Borrower°). ;�,:
<br /> _' � � - :;; (hertin "��nstee').aad the BeueHciary. :et�:
<br /> • `�`'s: � a�o�crration orga�eized aad � _,
<br /> , , .>` . s. + S's�1�P£AI�ORi'GAGEOORP. ,
<br /> �::;;�• � �
<br /> - :. -� ��x#'ssbag ander tbe laws of SOUigi CAHOLIIVA, •.5�...
<br /> �;�.�,.: . : .. �
<br /> . .,���•';+-•ry x��add�ess is 50 DATASI'(iEA1�9P1.AZA SIJrf�201,�&�295ff� � . . „.:'
<br /> :� er¢in •Leuder'). :` _,.
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<br /> _. :' BORROWER, .in con�idsratioa of the ind�lr.�reib,recited�and the aust herein creatiad.imY�b�Y���'�YS . : . _
<br /> ` v wuL ower of sale,the follnwiag desctlb��i�P�Y located in the Ca�r of�Dt►J�. ,.
<br /> , ;:r m Ttostee on nrost, p �., -`-
<br /> - . Sta�of Nebraska: •.�
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<br /> _ • � '?�;� CItANDL9L•�1�'4lD:�l��{A68tiU3 � �:=-,:.,
<br />. . � (heteip,"Fmperty Adttcess�: . �. �'*,�•�-
<br /> � � ' s; • `' sav�naw or tn�seafton asected oa sh:pcaPerty,and all easem�s..cigi►ts.aPPurtenanoes, f�'`�""�!*!-
<br /> < <� 'g'pi',�THR��w�ali tI�e i�. atl of whicb stial� .
<br /> R�
<br /> . . ' a�i:nr�t�(snbiea however�r�r��z��ptttotities �sn�t�ein tv L�►der to collect and app:'f�sw:lZ��)to etltcs with said ` � .y _
<br /> �-•.: ..,: ;...S;•`- �� • t�:d�ta be aad remain a}�iTC+oi ti��mperry cavcred�by�d1is Deed of Trnsr,aad a,L2 03 t1�ie fa�U� S. 8 =---.__.;
<br /> , � � �Festy (or the leasehotd estate ifthis Der�af'lYust iton,a lbasvtial� are hereiaafter referr�al t��ES.rhe "Fcape�tq'; .-----=---
<br /> -. i6=:,-„�:��;.,
<br /> " TO SECLTRE to Lender the repayme�af the indebiednoss BvIdenced bY Borrower's uot�ds�d I.VT�y 8,13�67 �.r:��.:;:.�„-
<br /> : . h ;, ...-,+rs�_-
<br /> � ',•:.'' ' '.* � uni extensions atW nnewaLs thereaf(heteia �t+6�te")�ia dro p�ia�ipal�sum of U.S.$16.754.65. r:J F�.—
<br /> ,_, ��--
<br /> .�� . �i�ia i�teresc thereon, Pmvtding for monthSy +ststeSlm�nts�af�AnnaiPal�and interest. mth the bal�ce afrAe iadebte�ss. ifnoi ,,;:,���
<br /> �v ' = :� ssarner paid,due aad payable on 1Visy 13,1Al2: ;'`�`',_'-
<br /> r,� • tT�paYmeat of all otHer sums.with Interest th2reon� ach�r'.�d�ia�accordance herewIth w prottet tlt�securiry of this Deed o9' ...,-_�;:<_..
<br /> � . . ' :,� Ttus� and the ge�foimance of the covenants at�agm.em�tus of�Horrower dereia oontained . _ _-�
<br />� , i aad wmey the :
<br /> �' ` " $mrowec cuuaaaats that Bo�wer is lac�b'seised of�ttls euato he�ebY conveyed aad Las t�,a ti�¢w 8�ant �s �
<br /> plro�e t t y r,aad Qt�t�te Propert}►isu�nauabeseds'e�catpt for ea�unbrau�os of record Borrower wY�that Bonower warr-a�s 'U� �
<br /> ��•.. ; �r � , . ��vill defend generaUy the dtle w the Pcoperty ag�ias3�al Uo 1tnms a n d d e m a a d s.s u b j e a w e o c u�c b r z n r e s o f r e c ord. _7;_
<br /> .. :1 S ,
<br /> �' ; �• ` 'f.: � UNIFORM COVENAI�'IS. Borrower and.la�r�am�enaut�and agcee hfe�i�il due c�e yrincipal and maec�c i�r�te4mess � -
<br /> '� .., I. �eat of Prtncigaf ana Intem�. 84Tro�ver• sheU�ptomA�Y PaY -
<br /> �• . :',' ' � • -
<br /> ,i,�. .: � ''�.' . , eviEenced by tDe Norr aa0 fate charges a4 provided in the rbso.. - -
<br /> �_ ..� �,.� • � ;�,� � Z. Fuads tor Tagcv ead Iasmraace- Svbject ta applicablv law or a wriaen waiver by Lender.Boeco�.�er shall pay to Lemder ..
<br /> , o e�t k e da y mon�ty P aYments of prinaip a l a n d inrer e s t a m p t J'a b l�u n d a r t h a Note.nntil the Abt,e is paid in fnU.a sam Nerein .
<br /> �'•.�,'' t `.. .,��,`� ,gunds•)e q o a l to ono�melith of the yearty taxes and�assessmmm6 (inclu d iag con d o m inium s n d p l a n a�d u n i i C,�r e t o p m e n 4 --_
<br /> �.=; :�.� . .. assessments. if anY)which may suaia prtority over this II�ttd+of�'i1t�s4 and gcauad reats on the P rcrperry,i faz►Y.P a s o n s-t w e l ft h
<br /> . . af year�ypreminm ias�allments for hazard iasuraace.Ptus onC•��11th�of yeariyPremiucn�""�s for mortgage ins�rancc. if ..
<br />•�:' �„� • aatiy�al!as reazonably esdmated inidalty and from[ime to�dmc by.Lendar on the basis of assesseoer�ts and tiilts aud reasanable .
<br /> • a
<br /> esdmates thereof.Bonoaer shall not be obl9gated w mako such�payments of Funds tv Lender to ttbo excent that Borrowet toakeS
<br /> � d`�!/. • ' . .
<br /> � 'rt'`(`,;v r` .' ,t� s�ssh paymears ro the holder of a priar mortgage or d:e4 of mut�if such holder is an iasatntioa�l t.��er. . .
<br /> ,: "�r"'>.
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