' _ 4n r . d
<br /> •�.�j+`_J�:,y • . � . �:C"1..�.-.:;.:1:�.i� S .c.:�.T3'.�:
<br /> _ � .� — _2..-, - — Y — --� - - � !- r--
<br /> < Ac.�� , . � �_ - �._.�` `yh E t.
<br /> ' ` ' " � 't �. ' ' - :.t' _ t_-.i f_,i3_ �.Z�F � :.'3,s. S. .. '.
<br /> .�f � . ` � � - � '�` ` ' � �_i;` ,.�.._..�.t•, w..-_--._ ..,�.__�...a-..� _ -�.1__ _.,.... _ �'S j'._.
<br /> ��' � s.' .1,..,. .. — , ' h
<br /> y ` ���_ l �.3.. �� ����V�o��/�• -I—t�_-`'o :
<br /> . <� '�
<br /> � , ' • �...��.��p Ba�d:J�ia4 andSeverall�ability.Co-signers. T6e coveaants and agreemems herein contained :�••
<br />- ' � l���lYilil+a+u�� � .��b '. � ,
<br /> ' shall bind.and the dghts b�eAndu sball inure to.the respective snccessors aad assigas of Leader aad Borrower.sub� t to t�e �; � ';-
<br /> � °- � pmvisionv of garagraph 16 lceieof.All caveaants and agreemeatc oi Barroarer shail be jomt and several.My Botrower who co- . ` �`: '�,t,'',,
<br /> ._ signs this Oxd of Trust.but daes not exesuua [he Note. (a) is co-sig�uug this D�d of 7'mst oaty tu grant and coavey ti�at . .�,-
<br /> I�aDleon the Naoe or . '�=�
<br /> � Botmwer's tnterest ia the Propecty►m Tnutee�nder�he terms of this Ueed of Tnut.(b}is not personallyr � . .
<br /> tLat Lender and a�r other Borcowa IIereunder maY a��°eatend.modify.forbear.
<br /> uader this Dad of Trust.and(a)agrees . �
<br /> ns with regard to the tetms of this Beed of Tn�st or the Nou.arithnut that Barrower's consent ..� • '
<br /> . or matce anY other accommodatiu ... .. . .
<br /> . . and wiittout reteasiAg tbat Borrower or modifying this Deed of Tmu as to that Borroares's interest in the Pcupen3►• , ,
<br /> ' � uader appiicable!aa w he giveo in another manner,(a)as►Y�ce w Bosrower .
<br /> , lE. N o t ice. E a c e Pt for a n y notice reqnind sucb noticc by ce�ed ma�a d d re s s e d co B orrower . .
<br />- ' ' , • .. provid�d for in this Deed of Triut shatl be given by delivering it or by ma�li�86 notice to Lender as pmvided herein.and lD)u►Y `' �
<br /> _ at the Pcaperty Address or at sncb other address as Borrower may desigua Y .•,�.• ..
<br /> � , , . nowx to lender sdall be given by certified maii to l.endec's addcess stated herein or m such other address as l.ender may _ V
<br /> .. .y�:. designate by aatice to HoROwer as provided Dereia My nodce pmvided for in tLis Deed of Ttnst shall be deemed to�ave heeu , •
<br /> t. � ` " givr,n to Horroarer or Le t u t e r w h e n Sn'�ia the manTter designated derein. ;���:.' . �
<br /> � g.8�Severa�II[ty. 7�e state and Iocal Iaws apQlicabie w ttus Deed of Tcast shall De the lavus o f t h e
<br /> .t` !3. Gavemfa� oin swteuce sl�atl aot limit the applicalsitity of federal law to tLis Deed ;
<br /> _ _ _ lurisdiction in atuch the PcopercY is lacated.The foreg 8 .
<br /> •' ,� : ' o f T c a s t.I n t h e e v c a t t b a t a n y p m v i�on or clause of this Beed of Tnut or the Note coflflists with appGcable i�w.sach conflict . ;;" �-,
<br /> , �, . � shall noi affect other pmvisions of this Deed of Tcust or the Note afiish can b e giveu e ff e c t w i t h o u i t h e c o n A i c ri n g p r o v i s�n.
<br /> � • . `' • .- and to this end ths provisions of tLis Deed of Tinst aad the Note are decLared to 6e severaUIe.As�sed Gerein.��.���- "`..S� :_
<br /> .�� licabie!am or l�mr�ed irerein- ,� :.' �'_,
<br /> . . . _' • �-atmrueys'fees'iuclade all swus to the extrnt uot proh�biud bY aPP of the Nots amd.of this Deed of TYUSt at dre ume of ' ` ' ' -
<br /> 10. Barrawc�sCopy. Borcower shall be furaish�d a conformed capY � b�
<br /> '4 ;f�t
<br /> — � eaewtion or after cecoidatiou heceof. hatue retra�f�itatwn, ,.._._
<br /> . ' 15. RebabilI�toa lQan AB�eem e�. B o r r o w e r �a l l fi il fi l l a l l o f B o:r ower's obli g a ti ons uader any , ,
<br /> . '`:.� imProvemeab reP�•or othsr[oan agceemeut vv6,icA Bocrower eu[e�s intn wittt lxader.Lender,at L�der's opdon,maY teqair� ; � �- ;
<br /> Ie w I.eader,an assiF,ntnent of aay cfg��ciaims or defe�ses vrhich , ., � , . .
<br /> .'.�'�� ; Borrower w e�tt�and dEliver to Lender,ia a C�acceptab s • , ;N. .
<br /> . Bonower may 6ave agamst Parties w�°suPPh►���'�or scrvices in connecaon aritb impmve�made w t6e Pcoperiy , . �_. ::
<br /> '-:`� ` art of the Pcoperty ur a�r interesc in it's . _
<br /> � -1 16. 'P�aaster of t�e Property or a B e a e f f c i s l I n�e r�s t T a H o p r o w e e. tf aU or a a y p ��� withont ` �� .
<br /> � ..}`.,� sald or aa�sfe�red (os if a be�ficial inurest in Borrower is sold or t�ansferred and Bornower is noi a uatural p �=_
<br /> ' Lender's prior written consent,I.ender maY.at its optIon.require i m m e d i a t e PaYm e u t i n full of aU sums secured by tbis}�cd�f
<br /> ,. : ��,: . `. z'�''�
<br /> . '�.��, Tmst. Ho�vever,this opaon shall unt be exercised hy l.eader if exercise is prolu'bioed by federal bw as of the date of this D�sd c : �,�--_
<br /> - • • of T�ust. ��.r�..
<br /> _ . . If Leader exercisesthis opaon. leuder shall give Borcower notice of acceleration 3ha nota�x shaU pmvide a period of�ot. ' •^��-��`�.
<br /> ` . ', ' less than 3U days fram the date the uodce is delivered or mailed within wldcd Horrower must pay all suma secu�ed by this D°.�°c! (
<br /> .f• ' `�' rior m the iration of this period.Lender may invaWe a�remediQS Permiued t:''':;:_:�,�.__.-_
<br /> ° � � ' of Tnuw If Borrower tails to gay tbese svms p �P } � - -
<br /> 'e.' � ` . � - -� _:-
<br /> :t by dns Deed af Tmst wIthout funher aoace ca demaa0 on Borrower. �• --
<br /> �, ._ � ..�,:. . �.
<br /> . ' . NON-UN60RM COVENANTS. Ba�auwa and Leader further cavenant avd agree as foUaws: �,�y„�.QL -___.
<br /> . ' 19. AtceU�.ra3iot�i Re� �Pt as pmv�decl In para�rap�flt5�xseol,u�a i�svrrawer's breac6 of eny aoveaant ur: - . ---_
<br /> L`R N'vr-,�^
<br /> '.'.�'i , �,,�•t F;,
<br /> ` ��. ' ...,� sgreeme.nt ot�i�t�.l�ed oi7�.fucim�iug Borrowers�tA Qa9.�i�.t�Qad oY 10 catendar da9s after they rut. . �'��'' =.-_,-
<br />:;,,;•. . ;: : ' r:�.�j dae.aGY ��'ed 6y tbi9 De�d of�,l�der psior to a�n sh�ll BZve uotEsc to Barrower a9 prov[ded fa�.. � K��-f
<br /> �'� ° _ ---
<br />,�,; ,;`;;� ParagBpb IZ�euefl?s�[n�(1)the bxeact+.(Z) the setton r�t4��e sucb bseac6:(�)s date.aot less thaa ZO ds�ys �._.�.
<br /> ,��; . . .. ",.-�--
<br /> � � trom the date tIle uotire�s maite�w Borrower.Dq whic6 sac6 breasFs mur�t be cured:and(�that[c�e to care sach brc�ch� .:
<br /> "!:' �,.�.,.. `., ::,.,y oa or 6efore the date a��ie8 in the nottce amy r�vlt In acceteratioa oi the s�uns secmed Dy t0ts Oce0 otTrast and�Ie�i, . ;��__-_-_�� �,.
<br /> y ; . •- . •.:��i,: �h¢proDeat9.lhe noitce s�ad7 fbsWer iniQrm Borrowerof the dght W retn�ate af�tterscoelernttou oacl the cfght w brIam a court , " .� y
<br /> a ti ac •s
<br /> ;�� � acdoa to assert the aon�steace of a defaP�os an7 othxr defeas�e ot Borrower to acceleratimn�sale.Itthx breacb is rto4. ..��
<br /> ,;- ;�. ;.`•;(, ' cmred on or betarethe date s�ified in t�nc�ce.�.ender,at lxnder'sa�ztion.mey decis�ro aD oY�s�s seeur�d 6y iLls Dpxd �'" " --
<br /> .�,�'f vuf�hout tiuther demand auda�Y�vofse thE pomeroY saie an�en4►othar eeme�ias � :� _
<br /> c '.;s:4:; o�'1'a�c s t t o 6 e�Y 8ae amd g aJ2l�re u ��p i n s a t n g E P t a. - ::
<br /> �, 1: u . �i,8s�itJ � _
<br /> � ��uKk�y . . permttted 2►5►aPpltsa4[e fasv:.�3er s�4 Ebe euti4ted cu cofled all as�rm�b t e co s t s an d e x p e a s�.s
<br /> 's;f ' semedtes ProQlded in Utis�c�s9h lT.�atsU�,6¢C maII Ihnite3 d�,eeasoswbie otdflratt}'s'teev. c,
<br /> �'' �• . Uthe powe�2�saie is t�vaA�d,1Y�+�c+c�acd�r�aattce off rfre�aa[t ia eacb county ia wbtch th�Pcopert9ar s�me�uct ����!!V -
<br /> -� z�;��,,. ...:;., ,..,
<br /> ribedby appllca�te iaw to Bosnowerand w tke oi6cr• : _�,Y,t;¢;
<br /> ��`, . ..�:; thee+eo!is Iacat¢d uQ�shat!mat!coPies at'mt�c�i eia¢d�ce i�t�ae msnaer 1}�r.ss � ;.. :,,,..^._-,
<br /> :, : . ± :} . �_.-
<br /> , .:. . • p e r s o a s p r�b Y Y B P p�enDle law. �r the Iapse ot sac6 tItms a�s anay 6e requised by gppf�ttbTe 18w,1Y�stee slauA'8fit'' ___
<br /> �•`, . puLiis natiee of sate w the persoas and in th$manaer psescsIDe�ixy pap U r a b le l aw. T r e u i e e,w i t L i o t t t d e m a n e o n�o t a r o�T r .
<br /> :� w o
<br /> �� .. . : �::�� 4ed in tha aatiae• • .
<br /> ��,•. . , sball seif the Progertynt public auctlon to We 6l�hcst btd�erat tl�e time and Q1uce aad under the ter�os desigaa
<br /> ;:�� � of saIe tn one or�ore parcels s�ad tn sadb order as Tn�3ee maY determtns• T�Ee+�y P��P°��e o!a11 or aay�usua!�
<br /> ., � .
<br /> ' oithe PtopertY DY p�tic aimouncement��9�timie und piace of am,�GreviousEp sc�ed'uf�d sute. �.cnder or Lender's dc�Aur� •
<br /> �' .. .�, amy purcbase the Property at aay saT.� .��`
<br /> ����,' ; Upoa recelDt°Y payment oteIIe D���T��shaD deIIvice b tJ2e parchaser'IY¢�aee's deecLm�meytnIIttie Ft�pra4Yflald. •� :, -•
<br />:.,,;• . ;
<br /> . 7he.ctcituls in the Trastec's deed s6aD be psima facie evidence ot We trutb ottke stateaiQOta made thereln.7lrustee s�11 oBP�S'� ;:,'�
<br /> � .` to all seasoffible cests and ox�eas�a o!t!►e sale,Inclnding,bat no!lilpitctd� (•��s�;,�''
<br /> �,� .'r;. � the prac�eeds otthe ssle(n�foftowi�g orden(a) '�`�r�'
<br /> �� . . ' + incarred ot nut ct�ore tbun praeaat �,�,�'�,';y?l�• � •
<br />' ���: . . tp�Trastee s fea sctuatLy , . .
<br /> � . � %DoftaegrosssateQcfc�a�easonaDteattoineys'fees�adou�softttleevtdence.({�ltnallsmnssecuicdb7't8� '�� `
<br /> � D�d of TnK�ac�d tc)the eaces�.it Aay,eo the pe�son or persons t¢ga1►y eutltted thereto.
<br /> r�:�: ' 18. Borrawer'sRi�ht to Reinatate. Nomithstandiag LeadePa asceterarian of the sums secured by thia Deed of Trust.�duo
<br /> � ' • � - to Botrower's breacs,Honower ebail dave the right to have any proceedings begua by Leader to eaforce this Deed of 11�ust �
<br /> %�r; _
<br /> �'••; .
<br /> ' ' discontinued at airy dme Pdor w the eartt�r to occw of(i)the fitW day before the sale ot the ProPenY Putsua°t t°Us:Dprver i:;�,•,.,
<br />°a�; � . • of sate conta�aed in thfs Deed of Tnut or(ii)entry af a judgmeat enforcing this Deed oP Tnue if:(a) Borrower pays LeoCer alt ,.`
<br /> •�: ' ' sums wlucb wauId be then dus vnder this Oeed af Trusc and tha Noto ha�no acceleraHon accuned; (bl8onower ci:ras a11
<br /> �.':` � � breaches of any other coveaants ot agreements of Bonower contained in this Oeed of Tnrst: (c) Aormwet pays al!reasonabSe
<br /> • � expensea incu:red by Lender aad Tnistee in enforcing the covenants and ngreements of Bonower con�aina� in lhls Deed of Tnut . . .
<br /> �;L;,• •. ,- an�in enforcing Lendec's and 7'custee's remedies a9 provided in paragraph i7 hereot,inc�udiag.but not limited to.reasn�ble
<br /> �" . • attomeys'[ees:aad(d)Borcower takes sucb action ag l.ender may reasonably requice to assure that tho lien of tPiia Deed of Trust,
<br /> �;,•. .:. L e n d er's interest in the Praperty and Bonower's obligadon to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Tcus1 sha1� coatin�e
<br /> �' • unimpai:ed. UQon sucb payment and cure by Borrowet. this Deed of Trust an d t he a b ligadong s e c u r e d h e r e l ry s h a�! r e m a i n l n
<br /> fLil force and effect aa iTno accetetadon had occurced.
<br />�� .. .
<br /> ��x .
<br /> ------ {�(�f► •Second Mortgage -i�so-FNLS/01tMlt�P�C iT��'i3r 354 BiSiaii`�ST —
<br />_ •.' , ''_ (page 3 of 4) ,
<br /> Bortower's Inwais ���� �
<br /> '� � , IDS.Inc. ---
<br /> • ' ' • _-�..:.��'�_��.'�-.
<br /> .
<br /> ,.. .
<br /> : •
<br /> ..�..:._.,_—.,.�_ - . �.�. „ �.� .. a, . �_. ._,
<br />