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<br /> ,i. _ . .� S ' .c H . . � ,` _
<br /> -.-..�.—__,c', -�`` ,L• ,':`` ' ' � .. . F� a � . ,. .. , �� � ` .._ y. . - �e � . � .G:
<br /> :�:� �S� �}:�`.1�. �iY. - a. i - l. - ,t..„ - .t. . . . , . . . �.. " . . � .
<br /> � , i � ---— . . : . . .. [ � ��
<br /> :.F �7i�f.r .y ,L��_ _ 4 � - . t .. yG i 4 ,t ���_ U.
<br /> '-o- �'i(r'. .__..li�ft. `�' ..._."„`_._.� .�.,.._. `' -�-.__.._ - �. '__ �, _
<br /> s pt
<br /> `T• , �' ��� ������ ,- _ ` . �� .
<br /> . . �.E • • ' ' ' '
<br /> ��. �. �k betore the Ls ual w or r�han tAe amo�t of the sums secuted by IDis Sea►riry incuuateas . '
<br /> „ _ oS tLG��Y�{Y mlcin8 e4 $�� ,.
<br /> .:���.,,t�;'� '�..� an„�smti�etyr hafo�dte takin�.untess Borrouru and tender atheraise agree in�vtiang.tZiG bft[!L4 SeCtltCd�y t�L4 SCNtlt�r ZtISWmmt saaU . .
<br /> � EC tCdU00d bY�IC BlAttttAL Of(CE Q[OCCCdS[Rltlt��tij►t�C�O�IDWItIg ItBCdtOD:(8)ihC t018I 3�OIl�t Ot(l1C SYmS S��13��} ,
<br /> . � , 6e6an ct�e taain8.divided Dy(A) the fak martet vafue af the P�yenY immed�W9 before thz takmg.A�r Dalaace s�aU be paW ee ,".5.. �. " . .
<br /> � � � �a�ocer.M tht ev�a of a partial tatciag oT�he Prapeny m wIIicD We fair�narlcet vahte ot tl�e Property a�ediately befoR tDe aklnig ,:• ��,`.
<br /> �' • e�9�3s[tcin the ammmt of the sums seated immediafleSy 6efoie tAe taking.uniess Bor�ower and l.endet othernise agcee in aritinigot unless °�
<br /> . � .r•--^'; apQ,".i�S:1�w�@erwise pmv(des.the p:occeds s6a116e appUed to tRe sums secared by this Secnriry Iaswment whetIlar ot not tde sum� : �:.: -
<br /> ! „`--- ` ars�n dt�. - -
<br /> << '� if tke ptopeny is apaudoned by Borrower.er if,aftet notux by lxud�r ta Barcower that the coad�r offers to matoe an aw�rd :
<br /> OR
<br /> - • oa ssaD�a ctaim 5or dama$es.Boseuwer faiLs m r�pond oo Lender wifhin 30 days after the daoc tne aatice ic givea l�eade�'s au0orized ,. - .
<br /> � '° w oo�xt amd apply tfle pmceeds.az ita option.either m testorateun or repair of tbe Ptaperty �r to the smas secured by this S�cumy .
<br /> .:.:,.r.r-�., :r = ��, �E�ether or not then due. .
<br /> .._. ��:;;�;,::::.�` Unless Ieader aad Bo:m�rer utbemrise agree in crritmg.an3►aPPliration of pmoee�to principal shall aot enUeaA or postpone .
<br />`;���..' .-- - �ds�due af the mo�hly paymeats refertea to m patagraDhs 1 and 2 ar cbaage the ansmmt of sucb paymsnts. �::`:.A :.�::.--' �- .
<br /> . t• .
<br /> . 11. BorYa�esKot Re[eatsd:Furbearan�By Leader l�iot a Waiver.Emri_�+of the t�far PaYment or mod'ffiatinn of .: • +
<br /> '� amart�imo-n ef�e sums seaued by this Seauity Ins�umwt gEaated 6Y l.eader to any suecessorin nwecest of Borrower sfia]!uot opeca� .
<br /> � ;:n m tcbt�Q[e I�W ityof die ortg�al Bormwes os Ennower's sucses.wts m�.Leader sha0 not be teqused m oommeace proteediaSs ��!�.
<br /> -i �g�e anY s¢s�ur in in�e.st or refi�se to e�meud ti�for payuce�at ar od�erwise modity►amonimtinn of the sams ser�ueil by this SeaYriry .�_
<br />_ �t by cea.mn of aay danaud made Ay tfle origrt�a{Sonower ar Bormarer s su�essors in inte�est.My for6eataace Isy Leader in . .
<br /> ` ,; ��' tsere�'sng aay ri�itt ar�y shall uot 6�a waiver of or prectude the exec�ise of aay dght or cemedy: __
<br /> �_�1 r " lE.�rs and Ar�st�ns Bo�md;Jo€nt aad SeveYa9�abi6ty;Co�ners•'L�cove�at�.a�a�ats of this Seamty , t. _ -
<br />. . i Y
<br /> ;�" � ,�.• �t skati 6in�and b�eftt dre saccessors and essigns of L�der aad Bosmwer.subject m tae prov�sfausaf pacagraph l7.Bortowei a . '� . _
<br /> r `-.> - _%. . .
<br /> �. oo�etmats ac[��meats sDall be loint and severdl.Aay Bormwer who oo-sigas this S�►Iastrumr.ni Isut dees aut execute tLe Diose:
<br /> �N J (a)e�oo.signing�is S�ur�}r lamtuneiat onlg m twrtgage.Brant aad oomreYt�at Bomnwer's i�rest m this L�kupeny onder tLe terms ot _,
<br /> : „�``, t�Seeutitg Iost�'ataeni: (b)is not personaliy obtigaud to pay the sians�by tLis Seauiry Insa� and(c)a�[ees t�at Lender ' -
<br /> . , .r„.-
<br /> . ard a,r►y a�aer H�exrawer aoay agcee to exaatd.mndifY.forDe�r or a�aa�aocammodadons w6h regazcl m tLe tertas of Q�Seauity , ��
<br /> Irtnwm�at ar the Nate without rbat Hmeom�'s cronsea�. �';.
<br /> Y�X` I�. I,Q8tl�8i�C9. If fAC IO2II SELT�2A Dj/f�S4W11ty IOSL7t� �.4 S�JDCt t0 8 I3Li1 WD�CZI EC�S Iffd7�1m IUdD Cb3i$C.Ss� . . ' ` '�?�
<br /> s,l�=a
<br /> :`.'�i t'wu tsw u fmati[gm�rpreted so t6as d�e mnecest or other toau cLarges�alf�d or to be coltetoed in oon�caon aub the ia�exceed the . .:.�;�.s& ,
<br /> :. .f% pe�d t�.Uh�:(a)anY snsb toaa char�e�aU be�educed by die amrn�uE.necessazy ro redace ttre charge rn the permiGed luni�amt , +;
<br /> rn�
<br /> " � li' �Ig'WI�ZIP.[CfpII�[O BOi[OWB[ T.CDdCf md]I C1100SC W mif.�'1�° c r� '. •
<br /> , r,� ,}4 f�b.. (b)urY s�s air�at colleur.d fcom Borrower w�aicb exc�ded pe�mimed i '
<br /> � s�t tLis nf�by�'�ing the PrinciPal owed under Qie Isooe or 6y malc�g a�paymeat m Borrowec:If a r�ftmd cealuoes pr�cipal.lHe �� ..: ,_
<br /> `�S�}��%tr s.,- cx�et�am ws�l be treated as a 0�P�Y����L����8e aader��iee Nute. - �����
<br /> � � t�. A'4idees. I►ny nudse m Bormwes pmvided for�dr.�Se�it7►.�nsanment sbaA be given by d elivermg i t ar.ti 7 t m a�i u s it b s ,�" �---��'`�`
<br /> n
<br /> . ? , :,, fira cL�ssma7.uuTess applipble iaw requirea use of ano�et mafra¢.`Fke�usr�ce sLatl be direeoed w the Pcoperty Addreu or azry vtII4 ;, � ,`_
<br /> m: -
<br /> • a4�rrss Bor��{«esignates 6y nodce to Lender.Any aotice ta Essu3�'�al.Llsz given by first elass mat7 to I.endzr's addtess stated het�ia , ,�t
<br /> ';'�? er eny a�et a�iLSe�I.ender 6estgaates by aotire m Boirower.R�¢j:I1SAS:1T�ILi�Cd fOl!D fIIIS SCQ1Tl�in�_e-^-� sl�aU 6e deemed to 6a�e '�,'�
<br /> ,' �,` boea g4vea to Ecmower or Ixader ahen givea as pmvided'a��i'r�C-�.�a�h- � _ � �
<br /> `. , � , 1�. Govesning�aw;�everaDflttq. 'Pdia Sectuuy f�+�t shail Ee govemed 6ry federal iaw and�e 1aw afike j�� ' ��'� T-
<br /> - ��• ��'�� �;�. `,� tn v+micht�e Pmpercy is[ocatal.In the eveat t4at az►y pmvi_���sSaus�of this Security Iastrument or the Note confiisLVWiu�t aDFIi�1c "• - , vi.'
<br /> . ��, law.socb cct�Eiect sball not affect other pravtgioas of thia Secara��3�ut���r tha Note which cau be givea efFect wi�mc'i�tte coagi� .�;�-
<br /> j�i.W
<br /> • f�,:. ymvasoa.To 4us euA the pmvisIons of tbis Searicy Insuameat aad Bcr 1���:ane deetared w be sexeratil�• � �
<br /> �,� l�. Borrower'sCopy. Bormwer shaU 6e given aae conforat�o:�r of�e Note and of WLs�r 1�ttamau. . . -�:s�:;'
<br /> tt.,•;:
<br /> � t 19. 'i'reasTer o3 the Property os a Beaeffdm!T�est i�s Bos�aw�:U afi nr aay part af 4�e Rupeny ap�uzte�sz i�ic ,����,a+ `-
<br /> . �r ', issW9 ar trac�sfened(or iPa @eneficl3l interest in Bocrower�`atd or hansfec�ed aad Earnsxue�isaot a nadttal person}wui�t i+ea�s `r � �->-
<br /> . �r'.• �rrtPrtt � �:•. • la- �
<br /> .,�l;:._.; p��a�se�t.Lender may.at im optiun,requ�c�e immeGiate p�t io fi�D of ail sums secured by mia Se� 7�— ::.` Y... _
<br /> ;,. .• HA�ver.tbi3�tu�s�a11 aot 6e exercfsed hy Lender if ezercise is pro�by fedetal taw as of the date of 8�ts Sec�uity iasnw�aedt = -:; --:_
<br /> ,,•. , t9 ltmine Execctses Qds opdon.Lender shall give Borrower aot�e u�ascelerallon.The ao6ce ahall pmvide a periud of a�1:T�s . -
<br /> � ..: 6Saa�34 dsys�r@�e date the notice is delivered or rnaited�itltin cfiIrd�Ha�swer most Qay all suafs sewred by 1hls Seauicy Instn�e�2 . . "a�
<br /> � �f•Bamsur,�t�w pay these smns p�iot m the exp3ration aE�d�is period.LeAder may i�voke aay remedks permiued Ey this Security . , � ��k_..
<br /> ,:t•;�`'�} _...�..,
<br /> � . .,,.tr,•, Ir:,'u�ua �a�i Ntther natice or demaad on Borrower. , ,
<br /> ` .' : ��;. 1�:�ntn�wer'SRight W Itetustate. It Botroarer meets anaia arndituo�.IIa�er shall dave ahe right to have etiforccme�t '.. �'
<br /> � ,:,�:'. ' ' . .i(���, o'�t Sxuri���ent discoatinued at am�.aime prior to�e earlier of(a)5 days{ar�ti ather p�as appllcabls laa may spedf�� : .. ,
<br /> � • ''.:,�� f�c re�ratemesYy before sale of�e Ptoperty Pursuant w azry power of s�e caAm�n�f ta C:�Se�r��Sm�em; or(b)entry of� '• �"`�
<br /> �`t,%<�, , ��'3 ynd,�ern adoretng @�Secudty►Iastrumen�Those conditIon9 are that Borcoarer:(a)PaYs�T.�er all sums whicbthen wout0 be due�mder ' c4�_,. � '
<br /> �,�;�,, ..y, � .
<br /> '��•.�� .�"� tL� Ingamnent and fhe No�e as if no acceteradon had accuned:N)c�es any d�f"�Ca of any other oovenauts or�ments:(c) ��4e�ej;. .
<br /> �Y
<br />_ ,�� WIs aIl ex�atses incurred in enforclag this Securiry Insttument, inctnd'mg,but not Itmited to.reasonable attomsys'fees;aud(�{akes such ?;�``•.� t•:: •,
<br />- • '• . ;��, acciom as I.eadix cnay reasonabty require w essare that the lien of Wis Security inswmenb I.eaQ.er's rigt�m tIIe propeny and Borrowet'� , .
<br /> x
<br />- .`.... • `ti odfi�on tn,¢�Cp�the suins seaued�y�is Security Iaswment shall c;ondaus unchanged.Upun reiacrdtement by Bonower.tLb Secuticg '
<br /> _ • , + .
<br />_ _ . e
<br /> � li:� Rosm 9Q28 4/3�
<br /> "1, - 'f tPaBe 4 af&1 � �•.. ;,+r?;_
<br /> :,. �;5�� tpg.�c. 8vnawePa tuidats �P� ',:• . .
<br /> C.. .
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