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.. . ;, . <br /> .. ,. <br /> .. <br /> $�`t=`-;,�'s . ;ry.�� . ..:�- r '�t���` � . t � ` <br /> — . _ ��: —_-----�-�;� ; — F - � �z�e < - �. <br /> , "q�'t" � _ 2:_. ' 'c x `t. . - f t ����t{ . <br /> - � ?.- - _- - c�{ - c.� � .c �� _ � -('FF.' 4' - <br /> - :i . �LL � i �T. . _ �<,.� `� � C .r ` . - ' � � :'!^r'fr <br /> � t�Y �/^ -L� .f 4 'y. 4` .. .i . ( __- � . ` � ' +. _ `'Y t'c( • � D ��_ ! <br /> /. _ _ � ' . •.� . . .- . . - � J . \� . . ' Z'.. , . `` ` '^'' �:, _;� <br /> - t� . ... ` , : ' . .__ . . _- _ �'` . - ��. . . � `. . - . _ _ �r ' <br />... .. `�.. Y __.. _ _ � i. - - ....�.,..�.�.�...�a Ja' . .Y' <br /> .� 1` <br /> } ` � <br /> ` � Yt• ~ • • ��4 �V�VV� �� =..'C"�..F. , <br /> , . � � Insonuneat aad thr osfigatiaas sewred hereAY fWt7+ ffect��sas if�accete�ation had occucred.However. `,•`� , - <br /> shatl�emain e mis right to reins� .�� ' <br /> . .:_f � saaU Qot apply in the case ot aoce[eraaon under Para�raPh 17. � :�.. .�, �. <br /> 19 Sa[e of Note;C�aage of Ieoau Servicer.'iTie PJate or g��c�i i�mst m the Nou•(together wub tbis Seatrity lnsorumtnt) .. T , <br /> . ,. � ` may ha soid one or awte times wit�out prior naiice w Borrower.A saf�cnty iesutc iaa cAange m the eatity(icaown as the'i.uan Senrioer7 _ "_'-��`:••,. <br />- ...- _' that w1le�s monthtY PaY��due under the Kote and tdis Securzry Znsteument. 7'6ae atso may be oae or mose�anges af t�Inan -��::;;r <br /> � Servicer unretate� ro a sale of tRe 1�Io�.If the�e is a cdange of the Lazn,Se�vicer,Bartuaru m'll be given cvrimen notiee of the chauge in <br /> `' ` ' '�-�'' auardance wid�paragrapS� 14 a6ove aad applica6le Taw.'1'de aotice w31�tt�a the name aad address of the Qew Loan Servioer aad the <br /> . � F� h <br /> �_.___ _ add[ess to wtuc6 pay�teacs ahouId Ae made.TAe notice w�71 also coascnt,aa�.other infQimaaoa reqe�ed by appla:aDle law. - - — — <br /> ,—. 1A. Haznrdons Sab�amses. Borrower s6ai1 aot ca�ue or p;tadt the preseaoe. use,disposal,stnrage, or rclease of anyr <br /> Ha�ar�douc�u6smaa�on or in ths Ptoperty.Barmvrer shalt uat do.ant�tuw asryone etse to do.a�hing affec4mg the Pmperty tLat is <br />`. � •_ � �;� in violation of anyr Envimumwta) Law.T6e preoeding taro sentences sh�ll•ttat•aPP1Y o�the prese�e.u�.or srorage on the Pmpetty of '. <br />-_ ,. : smaii quanrinies af Hazardous Su�sta�oes that aze geuerally ceoogaaed m�6a�agpmPriat� to aom�al resFdenrial ases and oa main�eaance _... : <br /> z` • . of dte Roperty. - <br /> .f - - - . Borrawer shaD P�mPVY S�ve Lender wriuen noisce of.anp im'rtf��an,claim,demand. lacvsoit or other aaion by a�r ��� <br /> � _ govemmentat or reBula�y►ageneY or pmrate Qarty urvoNfng tbe Prop�v��and utt�t Aa�rdous Sabstanoe or Fminomneatal Law of which - ;;:. . - <br /> ' � '��;" Bormwer has aca�al Qnowtedge.If Bor�ower Iea:ns,or is aobtied by aap govsnlia�tal or�egnlaWry authnrity.thtit auy r�mval or other ,°••:,:r;, : <br /> , ` remediaaoo of aay Hazardous SuEs�oe affeetiag the Property is ttarxs�y.fimoaer shall pmmpdy rake all aecessary re�dial.aaioas •`.;;':�':. t � <br /> '� :� in aa�ordaace rvith F�vauamenlal Iaw. `'�'� - <br /> - rr::::. � <br /> . • A4¢scd ia this patagiagh ?A.'�Iazard�us Sabs�aaces' am t6oru sssbtraaces defined as tnxic or 6ar�rdatts �nees b ' -u�r;,> <br /> y `_ :F,.:.. <br /> � . Environmental law and flte foltow�g su6s�ces:gawlme.ketoseue,ot6er Qusunable dr toxic peuolwm pmdacts.toxtc pe�fdes and '�•`. '' ��•'%";°;_ <br /> • .. , [setbio6des.voladTe s�IveAS.maLeriaLs wmainfing as6esms or fom�3deb�do:a�d radiaaaive ma�ciaLa. Ag u�d in t6is paagsaph Z0, ''.r;�=• =;:: <br /> � , •y,. 'Eavirnnmental'raeaag federal faws and taws o!t�e jwisdittiaa ar.hcra,die Hrapetty is tocaud that� to�healtt� safery ar `;�, -: <br /> . � eavuonmentaf pmt�xion. . <br />-- � ' - • NONWNffORM COVENAN7S. Bnrromxr aad lsad�,r far�hcr m��t aIId agcee as foIIows: . .�i;�` -- <br /> . ��" ' 21- Aoce�e�on;itemedies. IRader shall gtve notIcs w$nrm�r�rInr to seceteratton foIIa�vfa��osrower's 6reseh . 'f:.� ._."'-. <br /> . . of aqo wveaant or a� . •. �°,, . <br /> _ . r: �reemeat in Ws S�y Ia�tr+�tbat not pr7arb��accelesatIan aader ''r :: `; . <br /> . p�ug�gFa 17�appltcabte :f:. ,;_�:�-,—_,- <br /> . .' •..<:� E3w pmvtdes otttet�vLSe)•�I$C R0�SLOD 8�.(8)tLt fZ248RI�IIt�-QaW$�t10II!4�W CII��f�C�(CI II�s QOZ ICS4 :�.:.; :;:�r�.rror::==-. <br /> .:'.�: t�an 3ti d�ys tro�the date the rwtioz tv given to w�lch tRa dafauItmust he cmred;aa�(�b�at fr+iiaceia�c�e the �`.°`�.��`y- ,"" <br /> :.:.}. . '��'� <br /> _ _. ;; d�fa�t on os 62to:e tIIe date�¢d in t�¢naHee msy c�saic 6n nc�]e�oa ortPce sums se�t�gii�fs�ft�s�umeat :, ��_� <br /> . y and s�ie oltIIe Ptuperty.'f�e nottce sLaII tt�tr infor�Bormarerm4tltn,d$pt w seinsmte ofter�ao m�l the r�tt to ... t <br /> • � s'. --- <br />._ , ,: 9 bstag a comrt acttun to a�eit the ao�of a defanit or ar�otiter:dofe�e ot Borrpwrr W�RTc�t��Ie.If We <br />__ . '. . . .• •� aPefaaIt ts aot eaeed an or befose thx date specified in t6e-aotIet�I�ader{ai�ts o a.'.;'',_� <br /> . . f o�4 n11 soims�ed 6y tMs P�W�N*�i����t in Potl •:;ai.:–., _=_:. <br /> •r Se�t��t s9ttl�aut ftuti�r.r dt:mtwod and m�y tr��thQ�wes v�_sa_trm�at��atEe� <br /> . � � '� �t ae�li�permfttedbyapplicabteta�v.LeedershaTlbe�tvmII�ttaII�expeas�sta�redtnpm�s�Eherec�gsovi�*ed '� -=-- <br /> . , ,':. :`: Ln tLLs paeagraP521.tasludiags @ent neY[im#�to.e+easanabie attqt�a7a'fees an�rnsts of t[tie evtdt�: � :�'� :,�,'� <br /> , ••� � � Ifthe pawerofsa[e fs fnvoked.Tr��aD serorda urttIoc otd�Witn essD couatyin whic6 any par[uf8�Aroy�etiy •---�' <br /> � � •, , istflcatedandsLaOmaflwpiesatsac6n�4isei�atLsmu�ugrp�beftb�jopplf�iDYq��vtoBosrawerea�totheutf�r�affis •- �r¢ ,. <br /> a ` <br /> , �,,;� ,•. D�edbyappltcablsiaw AfterthQtimerequTredbYaPPlkmbloB�iwo�ttu8ees��.g�vepublican3i+ceoft�esatetot�ep�rma9 �. �`�,�h �%�i� <br /> ,,i ;.?` '; _ t�dtnthemaaa�rprescrlbedbysppftca6�eluv�.l�tutee,wlthoatdCmondonBosr�a^�,:r,sbuDsdltheFtog�ertyatQubffiesucBon `' ,.,.� <br />� �. • '. , • to the tatghesa bfdder at the tiffie and p1�ce aad ander t�e term�r dati�nuted in the aaHce of�te in oae or Qeore par�Is ead • �':"'-"= <br />:�.'� . . � .. . in aay order 7�astee determtaes.Trastee m¢g pastgaae s�[e of uIt�sr atry,parcet olthe 8ropetty 1by pabUc onaa�oe�e�at � � �: <br /> s[ <br /> .., ` • the ftme sud ot .� •"� '��. <br /> . P� �3+W'���?achedaYed saEx.Lender or i�n de�aee msy pmth3se 4ite Drngert9 at aoy av2e. �`°.< <br />_�,�` .,.' , � � UponreoetptoYQaptnentofth¢prleeDiG.TrasLae�D deBvereoihepurcda9er7tr¢s4ee'sdecdco�eytngthel'raperty. .. � .. :: <br />_ � °�:.�� �'Ine cedtals in t�e Tirastee's deed s6a11 Le prima fade evfd�xmitQo teatbrolthe�w�±o*!�made tLecein.TeasZee s�ii a .. .-� <br /> L <br /> . , the�sooeEds of tbe�te ta the�oIIavring orders(a)W r�fl aa�and aaBoa�s of eserdstng the power of satx,aad t6e sate, � __ <br /> � � ��i ���Pa9m�ot the Tearsiee's[ces actaaQy�d.not•co�aed__eb of tEoe gaindpal suta�t at4he � .°=,� ;.'�, � <br /> ••°;: , Nate at the ttme aB the dectaratia�of defaaL�anA reasflaable aubra�ys'f�ES as�ermitted 6y Iaw;tR�w sU s�s seenrEd Dgr �`� . <br /> seen: a , <br /> �.�,.. ' '�� t[dy 5ocmdty Imste�en�aad(c)aoy esoess to tha persan or pc�rsann trg�DY cnttue�¢o t�. �� � };�'?_ <br /> . '.;s�:'•,;:� • '' 22.• Reconveyance. Upa�yaymeat of all sums secared�y thi�Setotiry-tatt��at. Lea�t•ah�il reqaest Tcasoee tn t.� a����' -� =` <br /> .•: :�;.;°�;`�i:t;`'�. •;.�. ,t.. � <br />_ ,�;,;,. . . , receavey the Progerty aad �halt c�cenAer this Security Ias�umcnt and all�aooes evidenciog de�seiuired by dils Secxuiry . <br /> -�'' ��':"',:>z,�'` , ' Insmiment w Ts�u�e.Tmstee sB�U recomey the Propeny adthoul waYraatt��anA svtthont charge w t��rsoa os yersons IegaUy . - <br /> ; �.,� <br /> '� ' • �. eratitled w et St�t;arsoas a6aU paY an!►rewr�.rion costs. aa . <br />_'�: '.. � .'..� • ?3. Sc�te Tr�. I.eader,at ir�, � ' .. <br /> , r y+7 on.m�y f rom umo W d m o nemove 7 Yustee and appoint a suscessor t�usree <br /> �. •� w a�"i'mstee appoiated tiereander. Without coaveyamt�af thc PtopESr�r, the successor trustee shall sucreed w a11�e dda. �- �, . <br /> -- . �` Qm�a aad dudes coaferred uQon Trust�e hereia and by appGcablo taev. <br /> '�;• � _ ..- ?A. l�eqaest for Nattc�. Bonower requests thac copfes of tHo mmo�of defautt an0 sata be sent co Boaower's address • <br /> _- � wbicb is the Pcoperty Address. � <br />_.;}:. . � <br />_��. •�;li`: .',� � •'';�;:�;`; : <br /> ,7Lr :�:{• t . `:+:�l,li�•,� _. <br />-�J.' .:�;:�'.:1rf, ..y�+i�': ' <br /> �.!�,`�� Fctm3UYi 9l9I1 .7 <br /> i ��', . (DS.[:e. �WSeSc/6) .\��.._ . <br /> , . Bortavier's IniHaLs � � � . � . <br /> - ,.' ; '.�. ,.. ... .. <br /> - ; . ' , ' . � . �, .. �-^-a-�-r�-r^:v. ._ , - � <br /> _ . . ' . , .. , : . . . - : ; S�. ' " <br /> . � � - . . _ . . . . ` • - . . . � _ . .. . � � - . �. . � p .. .. . .. . <br /> . .,� • !_ . . . ' . . . ' � . _' . . . . '. <br /> � - .. . ' . ' . . '_ . o ..- � : . . . . - _ <br />• 'L..' . . . � '_ . . _ . . . ' - � - , . . <br /> . • � , � • ' � •, ��'�^�"` ` � � . • •' , 1 ' �.1� ` .,��i� � '•��� <br /> . ..... . . _._. . _. . . �. �.a _ .. .. .. .. ... .. . . .. . . .. .. _ .. ... . �. .... - . . ... . _ 'i'��.i. . -... .._... <br />