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<br /> • '
<br /> --' x...� - — . � - - _ - - -_;
<br /> S ( , ,3 . < C'_� ..t:_ ..} t 5 � �.c`:
<br /> is i. ' _ ' ' . ' -- .. ' _-_`�2" •\` . . , rt.. '': k -
<br />� - � [�r ' -- -- e; � - _ _ ... . `i -' . :�rr � :..,�. ,��.`,. ..cK.
<br /> � ' � t ,� �c- ,,. `�v: _ _:. . _ _ . � � c ` � -a"_ e .'r ' . �
<br /> �`` _ � •�, . _ �j`' , .F;if ;r=` . .� . - <° .a °b. � -
<br /> , z_. , -• . � _ 4 . : . _ _. . . . r�_.- .
<br /> _ � - c 'Z � ��'(. ,.- •,�5,:r t -5�.� ;.zM1�'i' - G'lf — -- r� .__..� :: _ ' 1i !$'� .
<br /> -..(_ _: . . .
<br /> �L �Y ' �. . � @/I�����CJ /�. -' t`4r` ,
<br /> �r";:.
<br />�, . . � �; . . _.<` .
<br /> ` withheW+II Batm�ver fails ta maiamin coruage descn'bed ahore.l.eader may..at Lender's option,obtain voverage m prorea i.eader's , �� . .• 'f=-
<br /> �� cigh�fn the Property in acco�+d�rtce aiih��7. '�`� . . ti,�
<br /> , � Ault insurance policies and reonvals shall�-.aaceptable w Laider ura!€ltall Instude a standacd mostgage clauu.Leaier shall have ��i 2, �� '
<br /> , • ` thr rigAt m hotd ttia pnliciesand reatenJs.tf i.ender ret�uires.Bonoaer shal!P��PVY @ive to I.ender a[!reaipts of paid pnmiums and �,/ ,
<br /> , [eaeaa!nutfCes.in d1e event of luss,Bomnv�w sbaU give prompt ootix to du i»surance carrier and Lendu.Leader may make proof of `o . . �<
<br /> . ' . toss if nw tmtdc QmmpOy Ay Borrower. • ' • - .
<br /> . . . . Gt�toss Lender and Borrower aihenvise agree in writing.insurance pcaceeds sdaU 6e applied w ceswrauon or cepair of the '` � ,
<br /> - •� _ P[ope:ty�mnged. if Qte rest�ration or rtp�ir is etonomicaUy feas3te aad Lxader's securiry is nat tesseaod.If the�estoratioa ar repair " ,
<br />_ _ ��-? is nnt�mtmnicatly fease'h[e or Ie�u's s�writy would be Iessened,d�e ianuanex ptaceed4 shall 6e agplied m the swas secuted by this - `��:;_._ - .
<br />. _ Secut€ty Insunmen� whether ur�dseo due.avith sily excess paid to Borm�vu.Tf Borrower a6aadaas tbe Property.or doa net aa+wer -
<br /> withih 3Qdaysa nmfce fmm I.ender Uut tfiz inaurance carrter has offered ta seais a ctaic�.thea Leader rtray collecttAe im�urauce pmceeds. ' 'r;-"�r
<br /> . Tiandur:muy use dte prace�s m repair ar rawre the Property or to pay sum�sCcu:ed by this Secariry Insu�.�+±�n� arhether or uoc[hen ; � r ,°
<br /> .r �: • . duw.Tha 3Q-day perlad wiUQegin afiea tbo noiize is given. ° .
<br /> Untess I�ader and Horrourer o7�btrwise a in arri .� .�
<br /> 8� �S•�Y aPPUratian of pmseeds m principal s6aD aot ex�nd or pnstpone � • _; .
<br />- - H�e dtee date of the momhiy paye�sau relemd to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 ot du�rtge the aotouat of the paymeats.ff auder paragcaph 21
<br /> •, the Praperty isacquired by I�dsr.Barroncr's dght oo an}r tn�uraace policlesand proceeds resulting fmm damage tn die YroPenY P� .
<br /> _ • to the acquisidun sdall pass to Le�adtr to the e�ent of[he�secuned by thls Security Iasuuutent immediate[y prior m tIIe acqui4irioa. - ,.,=1����,:
<br />. ' . G. Occu�u�y��°I�evnUo�d►�aintnnrnrs�&ndPtoledW�oft�ePlmges[g;IIos�owes'sLo8�lApp}Isst��l�aseh�Ids. ��.<<<sf�'�;�,;� ',`,i'E.,
<br /> Bmmrver shallQCCUpy.establLs6.a�use tDs Property as Botrower'spsindpal resiiteace aritt�sixtydaysafter the execoaon oftAis Seauicy � .;:•y�;:`�,,,'''
<br /> : . Iaauament and shull wntinue to oca�py tLe Pta�tty as Botrower's prmdpal re�deace for at[eau oaa year after the dane of occApaney. ,, ',. •;, .'�,,_%''�•'.
<br /> Y • . . aattas Lender aiheiwtsc agre�in writing.wl�icb�nsent shall not be uareasanably wit�hetd.ar unless ex�m�g cuwms�es existwhid � ��._`:�;�:��;�.�'.
<br /> 1 � ate deyand Bor�ower's ca�ol.Barcower shaU nas des�roY.dama8e or�ir th�p►tiPertY.aIIow the Broperty m deteriaea�,or commit :. r< -�;; }��;.
<br /> ' wasee an We Pmperry. 8onawer shaU hs in default if aay forfeicure ac�on or}amceediag.whe�er civilor erimmal,is 6egua d�at oo �:,� �S�4 � ��� .:
<br /> , � �•: •,s L e nder's gaod faitb judgment coutd�}t in forteitwe of the Proparty or aihertv�se materiatIy�pas t�e tiea creaoed by tLls Sec�ity �r.'�k��,�'�;' ��r�i �':
<br /> ec ny �
<br /> �`,. `:, - �� tnsana�em ort�adePs seiauityiaoer�st.Bonovver may cme such a defaah and re�.as Fmvided¢�paragrapb 18.6y caasing the ac@on :,�Fy{���' n'.:�;•r�". S'`
<br /> .._,,' .�? ur pmcexding to 6e disroissed a�h a niling tbat.in Lxnder's gaod fai4�de�naitradnn. Prectades forfciteue of dte 8ormwePs ins�test in f�'(;`�+,'�pff�` ;�
<br /> _ •::;f-� tha Prapeny arorher mater�al tmp3ismeat atthe lien c�eaud 6ythis S�riiyr Insuameot or I.eader's secmiry inoetest.Barrower sballatso .;�!�',`��1�� �� �, ��r�-•
<br /> ,�� 6,f��'�''�_-
<br /> , be ia defhWt if8orrmver,durmg tto�lo�n Spplisatinn piocess.gave materially false or a�ac«uate iaformation or sraLaments to Leader(or ��`� ' srk�� '�.
<br /> , @u7ai w provide Lender wuL azry maitrinl intom�asion) in oonnealon with the luAa evidencxd by the Nate.inctudiag.6ut not lnaited to. 'S �r t� f �-�:
<br /> .f... �pnes�oas concem�g Borrower's oo�aacy of We Pro e as a rta al:�esiQeace.If this '.� • .
<br /> P nY P �A SearuY rasaument tc oa a Ieatehotd. -� 'f, �,,",;`.f: - �;..
<br />�' . � Harmiver shaA compty witb aU the provlslona of the Iease.If Botrowet aoquires fee titte to the RopeRy.the tea�hold and the fee HiIs `���..;�;� a`:
<br /> . r1�a11 nnt merge�lesa I�ader ag�ees[o tAe as�tger in writing. • i•
<br /> , ��,� ,:
<br /> - ' • 7. Antedtoa of Lendea's Rtgtiq W tbe Ptoprsty.If Borrower faUs.w perform the covenan�s and ag�aeats containad 'w :` � ;,�., s ;�,�'
<br />��� : ' , this Iasuument. or theie is a p mg :;`�1 ",�.,"�.# •,�;
<br /> 3ncu�ig► leSa1 PmccedLig that er�-y signifsantiy affetx lxnder's rights in tLe I'roperty(sacta aa�a mceed' 1
<br /> mcee i
<br /> ��°�'..` •:•, in 6a�uptey,pmUate. for canQ�tian or forfeidtte or to ador¢e laars os reguIat3ons).then Leader may do a¢d�lEsa w1�a0evec is �'.� ?r` `
<br /> ,�.t. :. . ; "'•; n to mt�et�6e vaIue of�e aad I.ender's n ts in the � ���ti Y r a��'!,-,:•
<br /> �Y P �nY �8� �roperiY.Lender's aaions may�dude Payi�,�ag'�nms secared .:� r�y+,
<br /> � , •.,rif ;%:;{ by a Itan wlucLhss priority over thLs Saurity Itunument. aPPearing in court.PaY1nB reasonabte attomeys'f��e�eri�g au the Pmyeny .;:�r;4`�,A,fi����� ;�
<br /> ;,r• '�• to muke tepaiis.Ahhoagb I.eader may talce estian under this paragraph 7.Lender does aot have w d��� �;;,,��`�r�f4a���Y�
<br /> . �;��.�". �• { �Y�f����r r�
<br /> -;:-�:� . ��J►amoua� disbw�d by Lea3�r�uder this paragrapb 7 s6a11 beeorae addiaoua!debt of So�rower s�a�by this S�a�
<br /> -. � �� i �"i :" :�;:;�:.:• ���.:�
<br />, � ; -_ .. � ;- Inau�uaent.Unless Bormares�9lxader agcee W odrer urats of paymem.these amotmts shaD 6ear iaoemst from the Qat�af disb�usemeut "",.'��,`•..i,_.4.:• �.
<br /> u
<br /> �zt�v. .. ;r;�. at me Note rate t�nd s6ull 6e psgable.wi�lnte�.�n nobce from Lender w Bortower�8 PaY�� , �� . .-�. y-,
<br /> am
<br /> ' •:,�i ' 8. Mort�e Ius�rnnse. IP Lender requir�mortgage iativreirce as a condidon of making tke i�oan sceared 5y thfs S� , �"
<br /> r. • r.: :, '°�°
<br />_�" ..,t�,$ tasttumem. 8oimurer shall pay tDe premiurna mquired to mainrein Qie mortgaga ins�uaace ict effect.ff f�z arry ceason,t'�e�iLCt r 4+� .
<br /> r ' •�'�:;•�;
<br /> , � ::';'�, inmrance covetage ceq�rired b}J Lertder Mpses or ceases w be in effect.Borrower sLall pay the p•P�±!n•m= rpquired to.ct,+�-,,..�s eovesr�te.: �� . ,..,,., �'. .
<br /> � .
<br /> .:�t subsmntially equivatem m�mrra�age iasurance pneviouJg ro effect.at a cost su6staadally equivale�to the cose vs'�i:rr,ywer of tfie •.� ..
<br /> „4�` '::• m v rt g a g a i n s u r a a c e p�e v t n u�i s r ff e a.f t o m a n a l c e m a t e m��r�a g e i n s u r e r a p p ro v e d b y I.e n d e r.I f s u b s r a n ri a l f y e q�r x l e n t r rt o rt g a g e �' ,�t' ��'� �---
<br /> m
<br /> � .::r..,; imsucnnca coverage ianot a �Barrovr�r adaD pay w I,e��eacb month a smn equal w one-twelftL ot�e yeartymortg,age fiosueanee ��d��'�. . '`�`__• �--:-;=.
<br /> . 'a �,.,:i Premtum betag paid by Bormwer when tba iaav�ace covetage IapseA or�4 to 6e In efTect.LeaQer�ill accept,use aad retab 0ese ., �°" _
<br /> ;�,� :� �, P8Yments as a toss raerve m ti�of mottg�e tusuance.Lass reserve psy�may ao tonger Ae ce�itod,at�e optioa of Lender.if . ,
<br /> ''t,��{ mort�ago iasurance coverage(ce t�amoum r.�d for the pe�ia�d Q�at Leuder cequires)F�¢�i�d by an 6�.:auer agpmved dy iender again ���,';. � .�, � `�.r
<br /> ` � b�omes ava7able and is obffi�¢d. Borrotiver sl�all pay the pceaniums rcquimd to main�ia m+ortgage Insurauce in effect,or w pmvtde a �•-a : , `"
<br /> +� . . , loss resenre,undl the require�eat for martgage iasvrance enda in aocordaa�e wi�a�ry wre2�n agreement 6etween Banower and Leader �'��� � -�-,-
<br /> = .. or appllcabla law. '• ��• ' : - . .
<br /> . ::: 'n-_
<br />-" , , 9. IasFectton. l.ender or its agan may make reasonable entrzes upon and inspectfons e9 tiFe Raperty. I.ender shaU give � . .. ,
<br />•�' ,•. .. .
<br /> 3 ' . Boirouror nuttce at tho dme of or prior m an inspectl�n sp�irying reasoaabte cause for the fispaxioa. •; .: ::
<br />- � : :. 10. Cundemaafdon. Th�e prooeeds of any award or ciaim for damages, dlrea or coasequendal. ia co�mecHon with a�y , . .
<br /> . condomnat�on or other mking of any pan of Q�e Prog�ny.or for conveyance in lfeu of coaQemnarion, are hereby assigned attd shall be •
<br /> . '•�i t ptid•W Leudw. .• � .
<br /> %� >,�' In tho�+ent of a tordl ta�Ing o!thc Propeny.the p:arecds shall be applied m the sums s�by this Ser�riry Insaument, �>i �,. .
<br /> ' �; � � whether or not thcn due.wltb any eacess�W ts Borrower.In the event of a partial taking of tl�e pro�in ahich the fair market valtte ' ; .�{,�Si,,.`::;}
<br /> ,
<br />-,'-,:;,, : ' ,;`�i_��. •
<br /> �:�,� �, • ..
<br />�q�;�'. ' E0�3028 9/40 �����i���' • �
<br /> (page 3 0!6) � •
<br /> ,�,-�:�: � ��.�. ��8� Cp� � .
<br /> � � • • •- �,rl� ;,,. ,,,, .. -, . . . . . . . . '
<br /> �_ - � • ' , � • r r- _ �'(::'� • � . . • � � .. . .
<br /> } '. � _ ' ,i•+��;i .. {'�i `. � ,. • . ' . � _ . . .�' .. . . � t t`j,•
<br /> _ . . ' , . , , . . �` • . ,!I�� `'�'i:1•� � - : . .� . .. .. . • . �.
<br /> • . .. . .. ... . . . .. . . � . . . � �� ' ' �
<br /> �, . . � � � � . ' � .. - � � �� .
<br />. . _ • ' . . ' . . . . . . . ' . ' � • _ ' . . � �
<br /> f — . . .. ' '�r..w'�T"'1' _.'^".��'�^'��!u�w�f+4�.'n�l . . . � ♦ ..' -. '. .. . . .. .. _ /�.�.�.�� . . r )Li'_.�T���4� ? t .�{�l.
<br />