. �fii;.. .F,vS , - , . . ` ....._ ..._� . -�- .�_s�tC1:.;>: .�- ' r _..
<br /> c_,.
<br /> _,_._�-_.�,�..g _ �. ., .,r ' , r .:-�' _,S . .
<br /> _ � . .r. c'._ 'C . f t < [ .c ' V;}, � L�y'}'"� ��
<br /> q t S: '. F : .,t _ .. C . .,t J=` � .r� -�, �5 S_�Y .t "c^
<br /> . .[- . . . ^,y C, . L. .•.� . •.` C. j.Y � �J S 1)il." _ . l. ..
<br /> .. ' � � ;: ��i� .. . << ,: . � . f � ? . . .
<br /> . . '- .� � �7✓ .t : � i� _ . . � ' [ K . �.' ..i_-�+_�.� _ 'kr:�.
<br /> . __ - �- ' -'� + _ _ 'C. _ - - - --L�.�— _. _. �_ _ . -_t�._ _ - .L._ .�_L'i _.:, _
<br /> � - � . . . ' .--w__ .. . - ,"L.C Y -?` c_—� 'i` f 'C..i, -
<br /> �-''� � . . . . ` . ' .. ' � � , h� u � 1�.�� r l'� (' .. C' .
<br /> . . � �{.7� , ' t e < .
<br />. ' . :'u � . ''f'>�i1.. • . . . . . 7,, �'d`°' I- .
<br /> ,j . .
<br /> , . - :�`.'.':�� .. .
<br /> . . - ' ' • ����O�`�V Y - f ' ,��•��':
<br /> . , "', � Ia4nr$nce. Bomnwer shall kcep the imprnvements now e�tisting or hereafter ereae� oa the , .,:�
<br /> - 5. flarard ar Fcoper�Y . .
<br /> :. � �P�Y��against lass by firc.ha�ards inctuded withiw the term'ra�tea+teA wverage'and a�r other ha7atds.including ,`,
<br /> flaods or 800ding.for which Lender sequires ims�.'[his insursnce shall be maintaincd in the amoants and for the periods ' ,�.,y-:
<br /> . . that Le�tder iequi�es.The insurance ca�sier providing the i�uanse sba11 be cflosen by Borrower subjea to L.ender's approval :
<br /> .<<>;J�:
<br /> at Lender's
<br /> r ahich shaU not be unreasonably witW�etd. If Bormwer fa�s to maintain coverage descdbed above.Ixuder may. � .' •
<br /> _ .!:•--t option.obtain covcrage to pmtea Leader's rights in the Propeny in accordance aritb paragraph 7. e clause_ I.ender - _
<br /> _-,:.:�1'=,�' pJj �nsurance policies aud ieaewals shatl be�b2c to Leuder and shaU indude a staadard mortgag . - v .
<br /> ' .f.,:-:��' shall have the right to hold the policies aad renewals.If I�euder re�lui�es�Bo:rower shall pmmptlY 8ive to Lender all receipts of :;, :
<br /> - ;+' aid p•�•,mro4 aad renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrawer shall give Pmm�t notice to the insurancc canier and I.eader. ,
<br /> `i�;,� Lender may matce pmof of toss if not made pmmpdY 1�S►��°a'�.
<br /> s
<br /> .._ .- - ,,:., m writing,msaraaoe Pmceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the . ;°
<br /> - - Unless I�ender and 8orrower othe�wise agcce�
<br /> � ed,if the restoration or r�air is eaonomically feasible and Lsnder's se�.vtitp is aot Iesseaed.if the[estoration or `: =,: •
<br /> ;�.? � '�no�t�aomicallY feas�te or Ieader's semritY wauld be lessened.�he iasurance psoceeds shall be applied w che s�ms �.��
<br /> Ie de � � +
<br /> -,,�;F s�by this Secvrity Inswme�nt,wh�6er or not then due, with aal+exoess P�d to Bom6wa. !f Bo�m�vee abaud�s "`., , `�,.
<br /> � within 30 a notiee fmm Ixnder that[he insuranoe cazrier has offeced to senl�a ciaim.t�
<br /> �`'' pmpettyr,or does not answer d�ys
<br /> � '�;"�- Lender maN oollect the insurance pruceeds. I�der maY use the pmceeds to repair or restoie t�e Pmpeny ar to pay s�ms .i :
<br /> '°" wh�her or not then due.The 3U-day P�iod w�71 begin when d�e notioe is given. � s
<br /> — secured by this Sec�airy Instrameat. ai sttall uot ext�aa ,;�:_
<br />_ ir f,� Unless LEader and Borrower othernise agcee in writing, anY applic�ation of pmceeds to p�ciF s,.�.
<br /> ���"; hs 1 and 2 or change tLe amouat of the payments. If _ ,
<br /> ;s ', iefeaed to in pa�agraP � x ,'
<br /> , postpone the due date of the monthly paymeats ucies and p��sniting from _-_
<br /> � �''� under paragnph 21 the Progerty is acquiied bY I.eader>.B�armwer's right to any insvranoe Pu� this SewritY Inst�um�t � ,,
<br /> --- - '%� ' dama m PmPeitS►Prior to the acqaisitioa sha11 pass t o L e n d e r to che e�ent of the sums seaued by ,".�_ .'°"�.
<br /> -- ` >�t $e � s �`�L
<br /> �' �, immediately prIor to the ac,qaisidon. � ltcatioa;I.essehoids. .,
<br /> ���' ., pres�vation.119aLnt�anoe and Peo2edton of We P�+Barrow�'s UL*sn� , .:�„�,-..-
<br /> �' '•} ;' 6-Oo�Pa��9' �ce within sixtY daYs after ttee execution of
<br /> ' '�` ` Borrower sbait oexupy,establish,aad use the Property as Bosower's principat ,-�-.,
<br /> .� ,;`.,.:• al residence for az teast one year after :t
<br />- <. '�+�,`.��> this Security Insaameat aad shall wntinne to ocWpy the Pmperty as Bormwe�s princip
<br /> `.',`'" the date of axvpancY,uatess Len d e r otheiwise'a ffi c+e e s ia�g.wtudi co�ent shall not be urmeasonably witLhetd.or unless � �+�:
<br /> �. ,�,;,..f or air the ���� ��, ; .:
<br /> e�uemtaating circumstan°es exist wluch are beyond Boitower's canuol. Bormwer shall not destroY. damaSe i�p �,,
<br /> ,• ` uemt Bamower shaU be in defaWt if a�►for6eimre _ .,
<br /> �t� . . . to deteriorate,or oommit waste on tae Propecty. .� ,
<br /> �;�....::�;:- �OPerty►•altaw the Ptoperty oould resalt�afo:feitiue . _r`:
<br /> is b that in Leader's gaod faith judgment �ttte ,��: •:
<br /> ��"f'� a�ion os procxeding,whether civil or eziminal, eg�a �c►rcower may
<br /> j, ' . �perty or othezavise materially imPair the lien create�i i�Y this Serurity Insmim�nt or Lender's securitg�- � ��j^,
<br /> ��� p a t a�H 1 8, causin g the actian or pmce�ding to be di�ssed arith a mling :�- z f
<br /> as vi d e d in b Y ap�ty or other m�'sal �,:� =-tr�+�Y,
<br /> ' :F';,.5` core;nch a i�auls go�od�fu't�h�decerm+naria,L.prectudes forfeinue of the Borrower's inte�es[in che Pr _��� r� _°__
<br /> • ;` .! that. ��meat or Leader's secutity intecest-B�.�ec ahaU�also be in defaait if
<br /> �r ',.. .� airment of the lien c.mated b3+th�s Sr�rity �' _
<br /> �I,�;s ' ` -i Hosmwer,d u r i n g t h e t o a a�l i c az i o n Pmcess,S a v e mat�ia�Y fatse or inaavr�e iuf�rmation ar,statetn�eats to l�ender tor failed :{YF�t°; {p_
<br /> ,.,',..`•. . ,.y;� p er wit� material informarion)Ia conner�ion with th$loan evn�xd bY the�Nate,iac t u Q i ng,b ut no t I i m i t e d . ��;.,,
<br /> ��;". ': .,, to rovide L�d az►Y �sidence.If�ttiis Se�rity Inst�ent is on a --"�::'�—
<br /> ' to.�P�ntations oonceming Bormwet's accupaacy of the PropertY as a Princi�: fes title to the Pmgerty, the �.
<br /> ,:'"t I e a s e hold, Borrovrer shall comply with all the pruvisions of the lease. If Bomawer acquires '�.v.u:,_. .
<br /> �-
<br /> � .*�:
<br /> to ehe er in writing. contaiaed ia �
<br /> leasehold and the fee titte shall not merge unless Leader agrees �S rm the oovenants and agreements -.
<br /> ', �: ` ' • 7.Prat¢dton of Leude�a Rights in the Pnoper�T.If Borrower fails to perfa � ��;,�
<br /> , � this Securiry Insuument,or there is a legal pm�,���Y significantly r�`�R Lender's rigbts tn the�PtnPertY tsucb as a _
<br /> �,; -
<br /> / � � �,�r; proceedin8 in banlauptcy.Pi'obate,for r,ondemn��crr forfeiture or to enfo��•s os regulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> ;�f,°�,�" to tt►e vatue cf the Propercy and t,eader'�ci;hts in che Pmpercy. Lender's acdons may = ; �'
<br /> � �o:��'��l t pay for whatever Is ne�sa�7+ �� InstmmCAL. gPP�S in Com[. PsLY�B ` �-''t - -
<br /> ,n..;`.-. i n c ln d e P a y i n g a n Y s u m s s e c v r e d t�p s.�li�a whicb tas priority aver tlus Sa�.ritY . _-..
<br /> ", �.Lender take action un der t b i s p a r a g�a p h <
<br /> �''t�`: r;.�::.� �:'r rea�oaabl8 attomeys'fces a�enter�rn the P�o�ect:J to make reFaus.AIt� �Y 'y.�`';::;��r;,-�-�.
<br /> .�^kr_.� ,� ��.. _
<br /> ; � ,.;. 7,L e n der does no t h a v e a s d v s o. �'�>'"' S� #^`�%
<br /> _ � � ; Au}r aznnunts disbu�sed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becamre additlonal dcbt of Borrawer s�ur e d b y t h i s - �_--
<br /> --: .,•`'�,.. ..r, ; ' ;'S Sec�n'itY Inaunmen�Unless Barrower ana Lender agree to other tem�o f pay-aient,these amnunts shail bear interest from the —
<br /> cm
<br />- � . date of disbutsement at the Note rate and sball 6e payable, arith interesb �n norice from Lender ta Bormwer requesting .:_,
<br /> a' :;;'.,;� "r Daymenit• - .
<br /> � .' . ��:,�; S.Mortgage Ya+^urance.If Lxndec requited m+�8e insurance as a oa�an of making il►e toaa sec�ed by this Securiry .
<br /> ' '� � • " � � Inswment, Bosower shall pay the premiwns��to maintain the me��s insuraace in effect. L�;, fiaff a�►reason,the �:;:,�1 - ,
<br /> � .,:; _
<br /> insurance coverage requi�3 6Y Lender lapses or ceases co be in effa�,Boaower sbaU pay the pr.a�iums mquir�d to '"
<br /> ��,. mortgage valent to the : ,�;F�9�.
<br /> - � :�i,;,y'.:� .•,
<br /> � .,,.,,,..., obtain coverage substantfally equivaic�x to the mongage iasurance previously in effect.at a cost substantiallY equi ' ����� .
<br /> ' ;< I.. oost to Borrower of the moagage insurance previonsly in effect. from an altetnate mongage insurer approved by Lender. If , •. � �S {�ti.l
<br /> ' ' ' ;. substantiallY et�ivalenc marcgage insurance cover��'ss not availabiel�mrmsle*shat!�pay to Leuder each�+-.rsb�a sum equal to ?l�v-: ,{,,'�hr��;
<br /> �' ;:��t �nrt e insurance Pre�R..�be9ag paid Dg�mrocr�r•whan ch�wsurance coveragc�.�.psod or cea�l to ,
<br /> . one-tvvelfth of ihe yeaziy P,�g � . .
<br />��:T. , .�
<br /> ,;��;. be in effea.l.ender w�l aecept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in liei� of�mortgage insur�ce. Loss reseivc .,.;`r,,
<br /> . .,� Farm 30� 919D _. '
<br /> ,,}.` ,' r, ,'{y:.'.
<br />.�- � :... '.. �-BRI�CrJ c����.o� �9 m e wnw:���!.� .
<br /> . :� .
<br /> _ ' ' -�1 �S".'
<br />_ _ .%"
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