� . .. ..�. �..�. ,::.(. " _ c. Y',���-.-k';
<br /> `� --- . - - � —! _ , ._. _ -�_ _ --�"-,, _�b�t �_-
<br /> �� � '.L . ..._ _ . _ . - .. _ 4 ' �. t - �` Nt.
<br /> . .1�.�"-1 . . _ r;4i. C' 4.� ..� i' _ �. .
<br /> . . . tt 4` ���. t. '`t. . ._i. .... ' T _+� _ 4 t
<br /> . _x _ .� S. . �t L!` r J �_
<br /> y' .}�. �_ .. t. ( �� � A � � :C - . �N/.' - •� _
<br />' � � � � .�y � ti. ' . ..,6 � �� a� 't r. . l � �t ,
<br /> . �.
<br /> r.' _ t"` -- __ __it '_ _ •,c .�• � _ � ' : -. :J•_ r'f'�-t ,s _
<br /> . " - . — —' ' _' S__ _. ' _ s:��..�:." �.Y_�..�s�_ -.v' - _ -
<br /> '.?�-S J v����Vi7� .'f 1 + 'h, i
<br />. � •q,�� . <� �z, -
<br /> . ,:hyf ' � • .
<br /> ..r, �.. .-sq_:;7-'.,{i:,
<br /> :"r�;;�` � ' paymenta may no tonger be required,at the optioa of Ixnder.if mortgage insurance coverage(in the amow�t and for the period `:'<.. :::..:.:...
<br /> . ,.��.,
<br /> ��•� that Lender tequizes)Protridgd by an insucer appmv�by L�tder again beoomes available an8 is o8tained. Bosrorrrer sha11 pay �f;�ti •;..: `�:�.'�'•
<br /> -`;r�.'• � �e p�piums requind w maintaim m�rtgage iasvrance in effect.or to provide a Iass seseive.tmU7 the requice�ent for mortga$e , :�.�. , �;
<br /> ..+ :� ;:�,=
<br /> �.:'jF,`. �,; insuranoe ends ia axordanae with aaY written a�rreement between Botrower and Lender or appticabte law. ;- _,;�,.;,:;:-,�_.
<br /> � '�rk;r` 9.Insy��at�.lxnder os its ag�tt may make reasanable envies upon and iaspeaxions of the Pmperty.Le�Wer ahait give �, .-,..,�}.{:.:�:��....
<br /> ' �'�'� ` �orrower aocic�as the time of or pr�ar to an insgection spocifSring ceasonabte cause for the inspecaoa. .�`'.,:.,y'�;; .. ,�
<br /> ,c•�...:`.: .. .:
<br /> �,>��.. :• 10.Co�cdeffiaatian.The proceeds of any aaacd or claim for daanages.direcc or consequeatiai. ia oonne�ion with any ; �.:,,�:,�,:;.;; ..
<br /> �.�,-�,°�'i condemnatioa or other taking of any part of�Pmperty,or for conveyance in lieu of oondemnation,are heseby assigued and .1 . .
<br /> , . .,,�,t�..�; sLall be paid to lender. :,,r , '�.r� �
<br /> � �� In the evefu of a totat tahing of the Pmperty.the pmceeda shail be applied to the spms secured by this Security lnstn�ment, � .' ;;.;�
<br /> _ ::'.�'':�' whether iRr eot then due,arith aay excess paid to Borroaer. In the event of a paitial taking of the Propen}+in which the fair � '. ,, ,,.
<br /> _ :�;�`:.r mar�valae af the ltraperty immediately befate the talaag is equal to or greater thaa the amount of the sums sewred Iry this `,:..°'n,.`::.'..:.`.''`s,
<br /> __ .-t.:� . • �/-l�...-...,'.' ri-a.� . :_.
<br /> . gecurity Insunmwtt immediatetY beforc the raldag,untess Boimwer and I.ender otherwise agrce in wridng,the sums secured by . �
<br /> � '';�„���� tliis Security Insuument suall be teduced Dy the amoont of the presoeeds multipli�by the foltowing fra�on: (a) the total i_;};.. ,:: - _ -
<br /> ':r�' amflzmt of t�snms secured immediazety before the taking, divided by(b)dte fair market value of the Pmperty+i�1Y "
<br /> ' {� �. befote the ta�ug. Aay balance shall be paid to Bormwer. In the event of a partial taking of the Froperty in which the fair ;� `�" .
<br /> . r,.. •
<br /> � ..t,r.-::�� market value of the Pmperty immediatety before the taking is less thaa the amount of the sums s�immediat m�ds sball + -
<br /> � :i, .'..� taking,unl�s Bo�arer and Leader otherarrise agree in writmg or�mle.ss applicabte law otherwise pmvides, p
<br /> S �
<br /> :�'.•f` be applied to the sums secuied by this S�auiry tasaumsm whether or not the sums ace then due. �•.......- -
<br /> . . 1�;� � ` Ifi the P�vpesy is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after noticx by Lender to Bosmwer Wat the oondemaor offeis to make au ; , , ,, }:_
<br /> � ,r.F,.�_.
<br /> awacd or�ale a ctaim for damages.Borrower faiLs w mspond to Lender within 30 days aRer[he date the notice is givea, i -
<br /> :,';`,i-:;; .° Leader is anthoii�d to callect aad apply the pmcReds,at its opdon,eitker to reswration or repair of the Ptoperty or to she sums :r,' '
<br /> .-�. :'. seaued by tIIis Securiry bostrnmeat,whether or not the�dne- �" _ _
<br />_ .. �t: . :.� Unless L�euder and Bosrower otlteiwise ag�ee ia writing. aary aPPUcation of pmceeds to priacipal s6all not ext�d or �� -�,
<br />` �'�� postpane the dne date o f t h e aao m h ly Qayments ze fe r r e d t o i a p a r a g r a p h s i a n d 2 o r c k a n g e t fl e a m o u at of such p a Y��• s.:r_ . : "
<br />,'. , ' ;-��� . .,: ; �.. :
<br /> �orb�areace Y.endes No4 a ilVreiver.Sxtension of the time for payment or modifu�tian ;;;;;. � � �•:i:
<br /> ::,-,; 11.Borrower Na!Reteased: BY ; ����-.
<br /> -.... :',i'.:..;..._ of amorttzation of the swns secucecl b3r this Seauiry Iasuumeat granted by Leader w aay successor in interest of Bonowet shaU ;:•�,.-,:•- ;,€��
<br /> ' rt za � -
<br /> _ `...;i,<�... .:�= �operate w release the liab�iry of the original Borrawer or Soimwer's successars in inter�.Lendec s�1�not be�m `.:�,:` _..-`'.� �..�
<br /> �,•; �
<br /> �. , -t r-
<br /> _ -'-�:�3�-��°.� commsnce proceedings against a�►Y successor in i�erest or rcfiue to extend time for payment or othecwise madify aarortization �.;:=:._:.;_._ ;_Y:�-.
<br /> -- .:., � r.•,,.. , �,..
<br /> • �i of the sums secaied th�s SecaritY Inst�ment bY masoa of aay demand made by the original Boirower or Borcower s , , , , �
<br /> � ' ���r� suca�ais in inte�est.At►y fo�by Leader in exerdsing any sight or remedy sh�Ii:rn�c be a araiver of or pccclude the ��' '�'"'�
<br /> ra
<br /> remedq � �•�;,.,,�,,,�',`:
<br /> ;r. • exet�cisea�f a�r rig,ffi or ; ' �� -
<br /> ,� ' ' '� lZ. Suoce�o�s a�Assigtrs�and:Joint aad 3everal Y.iability; C�siP,ners. 1'he covenaats and agceements of thie { �;��ik� �•.
<br /> 7 � S e a v r l ty I n s m i m e n i s t r�b i n d a a d b e n e 5 t t 6 e s u o c e s s o r s a n d a s s i g n s of Lender and Borrower. suh}ect to the provisions of f f � ��-.r
<br /> . (l,'F<< � P��PL 17. Borrower's caven��a and agreemznts shall be joint and seveni. Any Bocrower who co•signs fhis Securlty �� ;:€F.'�.:;_
<br /> �. ,'`,:.::. �_� ' instn�but daes aot execute th�Note:(3) IS 00-S1gGlIIg,tI1L4 SCC11Tltj/in ,meat only to mortgage,grant and oonv thet x U •�..
<br /> � , :'
<br /> t: . E - 2 fi:���l��.
<br /> „•�.; :' Bmmwer's intezest in the Property under the te�ms of this Sewrity lnsaument;(b)is unt peisonally obligated to pay the sums ,,�j�,s
<br /> ,�',� ,. , '� s�uned by t&is Securiry insuumeat;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Boaower may agtee to eatend,m�slifY,fo�bear or .� ,.,,",i-...;�;-
<br /> •`?' � make any accommodarions with regand to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Boirower's wnsent. � �
<br /> ; :';1;I_ _ , , • - � ` .. .�C�:.
<br /> 13.Laan CLaigc4.If the loan secured by thfis Se�urity insaument is subject to a law which sets maaimnm toan�c�arges, , w� „
<br /> '� �' and thxt law is fmally interprete3�that the interesc or other loan charges coltaxed or to be coltected in connectian,with the ` ""'°``��''��=
<br /> � ,•.,� , e ,, ,,..y�J,'a�fir
<br /> �'� "`'` loan eF.�eed the ermitted limits,�a:(a)an such loan c,harQe snall be mduced by the a�ount neoessary w r�duoe tfla c,La�ge ,...,��•,�:�::.:.:_-
<br /> 1,>'e::<.:' p Y O '�.�p�Afi
<br /> � ,:�:f.:: -,. : . to�permiued limit:and(b)�sam4 almady oolleaed from Bocrower which exceede�L�mitted limits will bo refimd@d[o �` , ;_ a>_,._
<br /> . :,,; . � Bc�rawer. l.ender mag c�oose to make this :efuad by reducing the prin�:gal owed ti..,^�the Note Qr by making a dI�t , T �
<br /> � . gaJ,�E.to Borrower. If a � reduces princi al. the reducaon err�L � ueated a�a paztial �e{�ymeut without��any � _--,. .
<br /> `l; P . i
<br /> 'j�' ' P�F��S��mder the Naue-� � �� ' ;.
<br /> mder
<br /> ,. ;��s:fs Yr3►NQtices.Aay natice to�wer provided for in tbis Sre�-,�uity�-.�tm.u�t sbaillre�ven by dcliverlag it ot+hy mailing t � ._ �
<br /> � ;,.�: .. � it D y fust class mail unless appli�ie law requires use of another�..�s.`.cli.'�3rr aotice sha:i be direcxed to the Propeny Addres� ;'"
<br /> � � . or amy other address Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. Any+ s�:�ao L e n der s h a ll be given b y f u s t c l a s s m a i l t o i�-,.. ,,.". _ _:__
<br />•.� �il;:_ . �. . �
<br /> ,� �.':,'`:t, . � 1.e4der's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates Dy �c�x to Borrower. Any notice pmvided foc in�this . i',`'` � :, . ,_
<br /> � ;,;�t�i��.�_; .. ; � Secaui�y Insuument ahall be d�co have been given to Bo�-�er or Leader when givea as pmvided in tt�is para�apU:� ;I:;�".;�:t�P.;. .
<br /> ;?;,����f�'; .'.. P5��overnin� Law; S�v�3ltty. T6is Security Insan�ent shall be goveme�l � federal law and the laar of the 1 �, ,�;���„ ,
<br /> �... , jurisdiaion ia wDich the Property �s located. In the event thac any provis�on or clause oF 3tia Serurity Insaament or tho Nate , . ,��;
<br /> � : . � , canflicts wlth app13�"�law.such conflict shal]not affect other pmvisioas a�chis Security Instrument or the Note which can 6e :�.,��°; �:,.;' .
<br /> i', , ' .
<br /> � . • given effect wittto�c�canflicdng Drovision. To ti�is end the provisions of r-is Security Iast�ument and the Note are decleced ,����;r;� .�_. .
<br /> ,:
<br /> :��` . . to be se�erable. ;':�`�-` "
<br /> }-���. !�`��`.� � ' tCF.Barrotives's Copq.Eom�'r sha31 be given one confa�ased copy of the Note and Q£th9s Security Inspument. "' •`''`'� . • .
<br /> t''a�;'.,�., Fann 8028 8J90 ';- :`��,;: ,.,
<br /> Su i
<br /> i
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