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<br /> �J . • .. . ��N G4 ,.fi.t tY _ t �� .t. 4 .� .� �- AS.S r.P l ���( t� � •iL.'
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<br /> _ ���� � t''1�i _ ' .` . v "4,[. _ , .. . . . (/- � - a. . 1 ) . � S - y..�T _ .
<br /> ��.:�L� ��.. �--T�3� ` . . _ - ' lSc .. . • _ -��..�� _ - ��-< ;4�...'.
<br /> . . .. C . . .f .` � , t . � ' . � . , t� . . r ' - 4 (,ft�t
<br /> � � • �t .. 4• t' .•'Js • ' a � `. . ., ' _ � .��5 �+$.a
<br /> ' <. ' .�� q < . ` . c' _ . 2� ' t ` 4' . . ' - - Y. . . J_ f- OF
<br /> 'S J_ ?• .•{,.JJ yi(< � . . _ 4. . .f t.4 ' y __ � .�,� ��'
<br /> . :I- �i t� r � ,`.
<br /> • l� ,� �,�
<br /> ' � • �����'
<br /> . .`, = YOGETHER WITH all the impmvetaenta now or heceaRer erected oa the pmpert .ap�unenaaccs•and ��,. '�;�..' ,;::2.
<br /> a er
<br /> ��� : S�mes uaw or 6ereaRer a part of the pmperty. Ail zeptacemeats end addirioas sLsill aiso be cave�ed by tt�is 8ocuriry ;�;-.�.�?;; :s�',`.
<br /> instcumeox.All of the foregoing is zefened to in this Securiry Instntmeat as the'PropenY-• . ` � `�; .
<br /> ,:, $ORROWER CaVENANTS tttat Bormwer is lawfuily seised of the estate hereby coaveyed and has th�right to grant and � � �� `'
<br /> �'`'` `� , ooav the Pm and that the Pru erry is unenwmbered. ex t for eacumbraaces of record. Borrower wacraau and wi11 ` %:_; �•�
<br /> ..�s'.;: �_�..� eY P�Y P � f N. ,��;:._�r - ;�`
<br /> =s�:.--- = defend geaeraliy the title to the Pmpeny aga+�a1Z claims aad demands.sub�ea co any encumbraaces o reco � r; �,.
<br /> °;:,:'" :' THIS SECURiTY IN5TRl1MENT oombines tsnifo:m cov�tts for aattonal use and nou-uniform oovenants witL!'uaited �=`=. ��"
<br /> _ . -.4 nif �«.. ` . �
<br /> _ :�.�� , w�iations hy jurisdiction co constiwte a unifotm securitgr insaument ooverin real �� �'.` ;,..:
<br /> S ProP�Y• < <: �
<br /> " UMFORM COVENANTS.Eoirower and L.ender oovenattt aad agcee as foitaws: � '�• ''�
<br /> : - - - l. e�at ot e�d Lnteres�Pt�a3r�e.ot aad Late Charg�. Borrower shall Pm�PUY PaY whea du� the ;i;-;v?�'.. ;�:��..�:�
<br /> ',,,-._ '.- P�m Yrinc��at
<br /> - .�` - . priacipai of and interest on the debt evideaced by the Note and anl+Prepayment aa�Iate chuges due under the Nate. ;�.'��_:,= ..°�`�<`
<br /> ,, ,.; .' r... .,�
<br /> , __ 2.�nds for Taxps�nd Insareace.'Subjerx w applicabte!aw or to a writtea waiver by Lender, Bomn�ver sh�ll pay to f�t' : . ``. .
<br /> ,;c •[R 3,
<br /> - � _ l.ender on the day mo�6Iy paymeau ace due mmder the Note.una'1 the Note is paid'm full.a sum t'Fuads°)fnr:(a�yeaily taxes f;. ' n_,`•;•_-.
<br /> and assessmenu which may attaia prioriry over ct�is Security insaameat as a liea on the Pmperty;(b)Yearty Ieas�nId paymenu `� .S'
<br /> imc- Q0�fi�SQlBECC I�11113II1S. �� �
<br /> � , ;c , .:�.� or gm�d�ats on the Propeny,if�y;(c)Yeariy h�ard ar property►insurance p*Pmn ,(�Y�Y P � �,
<br /> ��,jpx��`� f if any;(e)Yeariy mortgage ias�uaace piemiums, if aay:and(fl�Y�PaYable by Bormvrer to Leader.in accoidance wirh � , ' � :�
<br /> ,� �:, .,� the pmvisions of paragra�h 8.in li�of the payment of mortgage insurance pm '�m�.These items are calted'Escrow Items.' �v•.; � ,,� *�_�f�-
<br /> � :�
<br /> : • ,, :. � l.ender may,at any t�me.oollecc�d hold Fuuds ia aa amnunt aot to eu�ed the maaimum amount a lender for a f e d e r a l ly f � _ fi;�3,--
<br /> . :r . � ..: . .,,� related mortgage ioazi may reqnue for Borrower's escc+aw accwmt uader[he federal Real Estate Seatemeat PiocRdures Act of ° ' :1:, �-:�'.
<br /> � �1� �� �.,;; .,�,.�., .
<br /> r�;,: ':- . 19T4 as amencted fmm time m time. 12 U.S.C. Settion 2601 et s ('RESPA'),unless aaothet law th3t appliea ta tIm F�mds ;' ,.::;�'�.�-"-���--
<br /> �,i: �:3 �. �i�� -.T ..
<br /> -..---.�,---,- = sets a�amoim� If so, Leader may, az any time, collect and hold Fwnds in an�aant not w exceed th�lesser amflunt. `�.`-..�:,,:,,•:." =� F
<br /> ,,. '<ti . � -T
<br /> '�� =.F:= l.ender m�y esamate the amounr of Funds due oa t6e basis af cnrrent data and reasonab2e es[imates of expenditores vf future �ti:: "���1:��,
<br /> ` � � .;: � Escrow items or o�a+Lse in aa:oidamce with applicaMe iaw. `;;s;,�; `�` _-
<br /> , , .� � The F�mds shali be held 'ui an iastiwaaa�ose d�osits aze insured by a federal ageucy, instramentality, or endry • � �' ,�=
<br /> - � -�•> (�ctading I,ender,if�der is sucL aa institririan)as in any Federal Home Loaa Bank.l�der s6all apply the Fnuds to pay the '�?�:.��-
<br /> en
<br /> ._ .«`_ ;�:.' r;";`.:V.�_
<br /> . �. ' . �i; ,rt �� Escrow Itecas.L�der may not ctiarge Bormwer far holding aud applying the F�mds,anauaUy anatyziug the escmtiv at�ount,or ':;;�i�:; rx._
<br /> `-'� t °.�'�' veri f y I ng t h�E scrow i t e m s,�m less E�d e r pays Boimwer in t e r e s t on t he Fun d g a n d a p g l i r d b 2 e l a a r g e r�I.c n d c a t a m a k e s u c h ;.'-.:_„+ �J
<br /> ,R.. . 'r... ,s �� , z`` f.�t`���'
<br /> - a c 1�a r ge.Howrver.E�der may�ire H o r m w e r t�p a y a o a e-t l m e c h a r g e f o r a n i a d�e u�d e a t r e a l e s t a t e t a x r e g o n i a g s e i v t ce c;.�.:.:�� �:
<br /> '° used by I.ender in oemettion with this loan, unle� applicable laar pmvides otherwise. Untess an a�aee�ueat is made or ';'�;.���-��"�_��`sa
<br />`r . , rz, -_.
<br /> ; "; -.:�` applica62e law�i�terest to be paid.I.eadez sHa31 uat t�e required to pay Bormwer any inte�est ox�aings on the Fuada. `:� --,�-,��
<br /> ;' �- - Bo:rower and Lender may agree in writing.flowevec,that iu�st sha]I 6e paid on the Funds.Leader s6aii g'►ve to EoimR+er, ::.�r?: , 4:.
<br /> '�;:, ,.,��, ,��:,.
<br /> y1 "': � ` � aithout charge. aa anau�l acoounting of t&e Funds,showia�,aadits and debits to the Fands and the pnrpose fos vrt�ich each ; :„�.:i��a�� ,,�..
<br /> ! , �_F��,�;'��,� ;�r`�� . debit to the Funds w�,�ade.The Fvnds are pledged as addi�r��ecutity for all sums sscumd by this Seauiry Iagut�meni. ''>;:','�"� � ��, :.
<br />` ,� If the Funds hdt3:t�r Lender exceed the amounts petmitted to be Pte�3.ts��qsplfcab2e taw.l endet shall accauat tv Bomower r P,, � --�. ,�_
<br /> Ft5 t`�.GS-t�l 11�.�.�. . F � - �__.
<br /> J ,.�s,,!; €�. for the eacess Fimds ia a000Maace witb the requuements of app�i�t�e Ta�n�1�ehe amount of tbe Fuada hel�by Lender az auy ,
<br /> � '"ry:.- , time is not snfScieut to pay the Fscrow items when due.I.endet�ay so rca�y iaosmwer ia writing,and,ia such cass Bomativer � �,��1.'�,
<br /> f�'��`-�r • shall to Lender the aatount n to make up the de Ham:wer shaU maYe up the deSct m no more than t ,����`�,�''
<br /> y ,� Pa3► ��Y ��• � • ° a'a�;����b�:��:'
<br /> ,.<; �; 1-•' twelve monthly payments,at Leader's sole discretion. `. ��r��.;;
<br /> �' �I � , U n eut ia full of all sumg�ecuned b this Sea�riry ►�canme„r Lender shall promptIy refu�ld to Bormwer an •;:� �r;:�
<br /> . . Po PaYm Y Y ,.:'r,�,.� ,_-_-
<br /> ,V; , ' Funds peld by Leader.If.under P�S�Ph 21,Lender shall acq�ire or aeU the Pcaperty.Lender.PTior to the acquisition or sale 'y_ '�';�.-;;.�:=-..�_:
<br /> i�'° ;� , of the Praperty.shall spply any Funds held by I.ender at t�e tir�ee of acquisitioa or sale as a c�+edit agatast the sums secured by `� ,� ,>,.-'"----�-�_.
<br /> �L i �,�"$S�l��t
<br />� �.5J�,3 _ _. � � - W�SCCATIL�I�CIlt. " '. d � _ .—
<br /> � ' Yl4 "T�
<br /> � ,;:;� � j�. 3.A�pEtcation ot Pl�ymcats.UNess applicab2e law pru;�ii�s atheradse,all payments received by lxader under�a�graphs ?, � ��
<br /> i ., ,/T .� 1 and 2 sHaU be apgti�d: first,w auY P�Ymeat cha�ges due under the M�sr�e:second,w amouats payable aader paragraph 2: r�> y� `� -_-
<br /> „�, , .
<br /> ` � , � ,: t L i r d,to iaterest duc;�fioartL,[o prin s I pal due;and last,to aa y late c L a r ges due tmder ths Note. . �,c ;� _
<br /> �� rf�i��+�f.�f��... �� 4.Chatgas:Id�. Boirower sLall pay aU taxes.assessments,ckarges,flnes and impositions attrtbutabte to ths Propeny► �6��'' , . _ =
<br /> ±t�;�i;;a��sY�i���<•r'• wl�icb may attaia prioitiy over t�4r,curity insmiment,and Ieasehold payments or ground s�nts, if�y. Boptonrer shall pay ,'�f^�k�,yr�,: ::-
<br /> ta a = n
<br /> f`��:,�3��3a 2�,'�'r''`� Wese o6ligatians in the manner�fided in paragraph 2,or if not pald in that manner.Borcovier shall p$}►thCm on ttme direaly f����?�,.�,,��F�';:_
<br /> f;y� ,, .�,,,, �, .. to the persoa owed gaymen�Born.�rer shall pra�tiy€iunish to I�nder all nodces of amounts co be paid undcr this paragrayh. �S��`yi4;; '' -` ,
<br /> '�.,�� � If Eoaawer malces these payments directly.Boncwer shall promptiy fumisb to Lender receipts evid�ncing the paymeats. �1 y�i, r
<br />�Tt,,,,',;;�;;:i,`. B o n o w e r s II a l l p r o m p t l y d i s c h a r g e a n y l i e n w h i c h b a s p s i o ri ry o v e r t h i s S o c u r I ty I n s t n�m e n t u n l e s s B o r r a w c r.(a)a g c e e s i n '+;ti�?4��,, . : .
<br /> � �tlJ�.:��'. . �f�7t�/'��
<br /> r,� ��f�:. , wrlting to the payment of the obligation secured Dy the lien ia a manner aoceptable to Lender;(b)contssts in good faith ths lien f{... ,,r
<br /> �� t�•';'. . by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal pror.cedinga which in thc Lender s opinion operate to prevent tha `� ��4��. ,
<br />���'' •
<br /> ��::�'..'. � , enfonement of the lusn;.or(c)secures from the f1aldsr of the�lien aa a ment satisfacto to Lender su5ordina the lien ta '' '1 �,i. . .
<br /> �.: ';� . ; 8� iY � ,�rs?��<<
<br /> .;��:.. .. .. tbLg Security Insm�s� Qf Lendet determines titat any►part of the Pmperty is subject to a licn which may attain prlo�Iry over :s��.,,,:s
<br /> �`t�;,,;` tbis Securiay Instnwner,t;Rxcder may give Borc�aer a norice identifying ttte f:zn.Borrower shall satisfy the lien oi talte one or ,�;;:.: � ..
<br /> �1%Y:i�
<br />'.:4°�.?;�t���';';:�,� � more of the astions set foNi aisove ivithin 10 days of the giving of notice. . {f'I�j,�;yi� . �
<br />,,��,?',,����4;�! , � +s':��'';., . .
<br /> �;; .��,}'.�:��` `'';-•' ' . . ,
<br /> iamt 3028 �1fl0 '�3'`�"
<br /> : �
<br /> $:;'� . �o RWE1 W2t2�.ot Pass s m s '^"'.n:�Ja.._.y�MS ' '�
<br /> . '�:.:'
<br /> :�;; , , .
<br /> '�•
<br /> '�'� ., t ' •
<br /> �r�„ , . """""_--..' _""""'.� . , . ,... • . . . .. ' .. , ." , , : ., . . ,t;� :, . ' .
<br /> . , . . . • , . ,� . .
<br /> ,�;a�. .. _ . . _ . . , . � • . __ • •. • . . ' . � •
<br /> �*�' . � . • . , , • • . . __ •
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<br />