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<br />- '� c`:ti :t•: ` l{� px t -} , �<� . � x �- � - ' - rE`
<br />..t, '.y�.{�f� .�tr, -�._ C/1l�'� �F��` . �t�'�lL [ _ .-r . �s -f• � .''' , v. ]•— 'r�F .t�.4 _
<br /> � ;Mn_ _...�-�. i4r�.r;�,,�': '�� �.�.�' �1 .. _ t E, - . � _� i�.
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<br /> 5 �.' � yk_ (f'-'
<br /> `(l. a.lt. �f•c .!S(- .. ..� ' �� . �.f _�'M�. ."
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<br /> ���:�:�:. . ::. .
<br /> , �,.,
<br /> ' ` 5. �ItK��f�ur Propect} insuraace. Horraccrr shall keep thr improvements aotv ensting or hereafter erected on �.• ".'-:.:_:'
<br /> '�` ` � . ttu:�'tc�wr.ty�i�iYSt�red &� T ���• ,.. .
<br /> . . � a �nst luss b Cee,hazards inrluded�vithin the term'extended co�ecage"and any othet t�zards. .'`;;,::,
<br /> ' ' l �, inrtur�i�fltrat�s ar flooding.for nhich t.ender reyuit+es insuraT►ce.This insurance shall be maiatained in tho ainounzs f ° t
<br /> �>. <'�:`:`�`���.
<br /> . •� an�i for tPus�'iads tltat i.en$er reyuires.Thr insursn�-e�rrier pro�•iding the insurdnce shall be chosen bp BorronCr `r�r.
<br /> �,i
<br /> • sublect tt�!€.ei3'd�i s appro�a!n�hich shall tt+�t i+r unrra�tably�a ithheld if Homnrer fails to maintain e:oti•etage described
<br /> " '.��;�.:"�:� ab,on•�,I.Cr�y ma}.at[.ender's dption.ot+tain co�•erage to prat.�ct I-cnder s rights in the Praperty�in accordance with ': ,
<br /> 5 - .��.e�tt�i' �� !�• L
<br /> � �'' :151 ur,�ses�tx palicies and rertenals sha11 br arurPtable to Lxndar and shall includr a scandard martgage ct�u�e.
<br /> - l.e:v3er. sLt&i�h3t•e the right tn hold thr policies and renrnals. If Lender reyuires. BnrronCr shait pmmpti� gi' �
<br /> ' Le±b�ec a�l fix�ipts of paid ptemiums and rrnenat nuti��s.ln the e�•ent of loss,Bosrot�rs shaf I gi�•e psompt noti�:c tn the .4;;,: . . "�
<br /> ` t
<br />-f:.` ., insurak«.�rcxisri�r and l.en der.l x n der may m a ke pra o t o f l o s s i f not made prom p tl 5 bf Borrocvec. ,� .
<br /> • � � L:htts�l.eader and Botroner othernise agret in csriting,insurance praceeds shall be applied to restaration or rrpair :;:
<br /> � !f:;'. .
<br /> �'�� � ; 04 th�C'tnp�sftg dama8ed,if thc crstoration or repair is ex:onomi�lly feasiblc and l.endec's securits is not l�sened.IP the
<br /> � rescprn4iei�tvr repair is not eronomica}ly feasibleor Lxndet s security aould be lessened�e�8n�P����be t :,
<br /> ��' a�►R�ird ta tha surns stxured by this Serurit}Instrument.«hether or not then due,hith anp eycess paid to Bomo+vee.If , ,,;
<br /> .. J Ht►amv;ex:aban dons t he Propert5.or does n o t a n s a r r n i t h i n 3 0 d a y s a n o t i c r f r o m L e n d�x t h a t t h e insurance carri�s has � ?�,=�;4
<br /> '�,>„i`:'�F-
<br /> � ' offeeed u+settle a claim, then Lrnder may �ollext the insurance proceeds. I.ender may c�se the prooeeds to re�+ic ar •�.:,�,h,�_
<br /> , � - resctae ctuo PropeMy or to pay sums sec❑red bs this Serurity Inswment,crt�ether or not then due.The 30'day period N�U �}v,�`::_
<br /> ��� ti,_
<br /> -j begn w�r:n tha aatice is gi�en. ,�h,r��;*� •
<br /> .� Ur�ess],ender and Horroner othercvise agree in n riting.any application of praceeds w principal shall not ex�end as z,�,f"=:.
<br /> ,:{ P�P�ys the due date of the montdily palme[its refemed to in paraBraPhs 1 and 2 or change the amoant of tlte payments. ��ti�f��b;��;:
<br /> :� If ur�ea:Pai'agaPh 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrocver's dght to aap i�urance policies and psoceeds '-
<br />- . . _ `� regatritq�from damage to the Prapertp psior m the ac�isitiop shall�to Lender to the eatent of the sums secured bp x�'�{��,r„
<br /> .. . .':'t�': ,.ui Instrument imtnediately pnor to tde acquis�uoA. �'�5'�"'
<br /> thisS�rc� ty ' A jic�tnon• �'�:l�'t"���'�
<br /> r`� (�,�CCUpancy.Preservation.?�lsinte�aace and Protectioa of the Propertp;Borrorres s Loaa pp . i ��,�.
<br /> ,• � �.ea.�olds.Borro�er shal!accu r.estsblish,and ase the Property as Borro�ver's principal residemx within siaty daYs #�'0(t,`,'`1�;:
<br /> P
<br />' '. (;., �� a�ter ttne e�cution oi this Se�vrit� lnstrument and shall coatinue to occupp the Propn'tp as Bomo�ve�a PrinciP� '1�r f����;�
<br />- �'� ' resie�as;e fas at least one year after the date of accupanc},unless Leader other�vise agrees in wntiag,�hich coQSeat st►all I��'�y;��
<br /> .. . . Z.... - y�.:iYl&�NY�
<br /> �,.���� am�brr.;mreasonably withheld.nr unles4 extenuating cire�crostances esist�vhich are beponcl BorroNCr's controLBomacvec �,:
<br /> - shafi ct�t destroF.dan►age or imFait the Property.allon the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on thePtopetty. ��.t,,
<br />`- � Y� Btmt,(�;er shall be in default if any forfeiture action or ptaoeeding,ahethet civil ot criminal.is begua tdat ia.L.eader's ,�_t:•,:i
<br /> . �"" goc�d.P,aith judgenent cauld result in forfeiture of the Property or othescvise materially impair the lien created by ttcis �. �.
<br /> `� Secus��y Instrument or Lendecs seee�rity interest. Borronc�a' may cure such a dafault and rainstate. as pravided in �:,
<br /> �>;; faith ' ,_---�,
<br />-_ . � :,;; �srag�aph 18, by causing the action ar proceeding to be dismissed NitA a rvling that, in L.ender s.good
<br /> ,- ' . ,�' �., d��s�snation.precludes forfeiture of the BarroNer s interest in the Property or other material impairmen.e of the li g �7,���•
<br /> �'i':
<br /> � _,,� cceae�by this Securitp Instsument or Lender s security intere�.Borrotcer sh�11 alsa be in default if Bono�rer.durin } ,
<br />_- - �_-:� ' thv 1�an application process.8ave materially false or inaccurate infurmation or statements ta L.ender (ar failed m { �,���t,
<br /> __ __ . the Note incld , bui not �;;;:;:;-� ^
<br /> ;`_� , Esraviite LendFr cv�th any material informatioa)in connectinn�vith the toan evideaced by . �S p}�,;.�>�._
<br />= I�itfit�i to.representations coacernin�$orrocver s occupancy of the Property as a principal rrsidence.If�this Securitq --
<br />� Its�kttpment is on a teasehold,Borro�ver shall comply with all the pro�isions of the lease.If Bosrower acq►�res fe�dtle to �
<br /> ��i tt�,f�to erc9.the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender ageees to the merger in wciting.�. • �
<br /> P .
<br /> � � �: Protection oi Lendet's Rights in the Property.if Bosroaer fi>;1s ta perform the corenants aad agreements �ry
<br /> , .�';. �,'ain�in this Security Instrument.or there is a tegal proceeding that inup signi�cantly aflect Lendec's rights in the _
<br /> �•�ty (such as a pracceding ;a bankruptcy, probate, tor condemn�u.vn or forfeitura or to enforce laws or -_
<br /> .'r:i�;; �� "� c�uia�oas),then Leader ma�do and pay for Hl�tever is necessary to protect the value of the PruperiY atnd Lender's -
<br /> � . . � i nghts in the Propertq.Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has ptimity over this :
<br /> ' Security y�strument,appearing in court.paying reasonable attarneys'fees and entesing ou the Ptopert�,`to make repasrs. .:,� � -a
<br /> �'-:`t.'� ASth��,b Leaci�'.nay take action under this paragraPh 7.Leader dnes not have to do so. __
<br /> �' ` Ai�p amounts disbursed bp.'.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Barrower securead bY t6is . � �-
<br /> �'{`' �� �C U r i t��L�stflatttent.Un1eSS Borrocver aad Lender agree to other terms o4 payment.these a�ounts shall bear intarest • �' f..�:
<br /> .,:,.�,;��� ..
<br /> - ., '�,' Pr�om�.th������sbursement at the hote rate and s h a l l h e paya b le.wit h in t e�t,upon n o t i c�f ro m I�n d e r t o B o t r o�e r
<br />�f:. .., . , '';�; ,t requi�t�nE PsYmcni• .
<br /> �, � Y ::; {,� 8„?IAortgp�.�Insutance.If Lender cLy�ired mortgage insuranr.e�as a condition oi making the laan secured by thia
<br /> _ ;�;, .:: , Securiq°.�nstrua�s�eat,Borraa�fcr shall pay�e premiums required tc�maiz�tain the mastgage insurance in effect.If,for aay ° ,
<br /> '�++� '':;� # reason;the morc;age in..�utan�:e coverage required by l.ender tapses or ceases to be in efPect.Bosro�ver shal1 pay the , �
<br /> ��j., ��z+�'!.:..
<br /> ,.,�j, ` :`•, i premitmns required to obtain�:ovetage substantially equivalrnt to the mortgage insurance previouslY''in effect,at a cost
<br /> ':': , i substantiaqy equi�alent to the wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previausiy in effei.�t, Prom an �ltetnate ;: �l�'�:�
<br /> -__ � � mortgag� +t�us�er approved by Lender. lf substantially.equivalent mortgage insurancn coverage is not available, • �
<br /> - � '• � !' ! Borrowec•shall pas��to Lender eacb month e sum equal to ane-t�+�elfth of the yearly mongagci insurence premium being .
<br /> � . � ? paid by BarroMet tvhen the insurance coc�e lapsed or ceased to bC in effect.Ixnder�vi11 ascept,use end retain these� _ .
<br /> m i .. • � ; .; payments as a 1Qss reserve in lieu of mnrt�;age msurance. l.oss resene payments may no longer be requircd,
<br /> � . . �
<br />- .�;r i .
<br /> - . ��t,,. r ' icrm 30?A 0� ... .
<br /> - " ' • �6I�J��s�o2FU� v.s.�o�o (nitiat�
<br /> _ - .
<br /> . . ... • � ' .; ; .
<br /> -• . . . ' .. . . ..: • . • .. . � , .
<br /> � •.... .� ..: .
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